"Then give me the last blow————!"

"But if I do this, not even the goddess of luck will favor me, hahahahaha!!!!"

With a wild laugh that seemed to have conquered everything, Drake controlled the golden rudder and aimed at the direction of Emiya Shirou below and fiercely charged away.


"Illusion collapse——!"

The entire crimson sailboat turned into a crimson color at this moment.

Chapter 715 The Last Servant


Along with a roar, the entire ground shattered.

The terrifying impact that cannot be described in words exploded at this moment, setting off scorching waves of fire that swept away in all directions.


Under the force of this terrifying impact, the barren ground suddenly burst, throwing up countless rubble and smoke.

It was just a short moment, and the terrifying explosion swallowed up everything around it in an instant.

"Crack, click, click!"

The walls surrounding the mansion not far away, which had certain defensive capabilities, made an unbearable cracking sound as the shock wave swept across it. There were cracks and cracks like holes.

It only took a moment before it turned into rubble.

This may be the greatest blessing Goddess Luck has given Drake.

The golden brilliance also dimmed at this moment. Just such a self-destructive collision reached the upper limit of what Joan of Arc's Noble Phantasm can withstand.

But I'm also glad that what Drake cares about is not winning, but enjoying that momentary pleasure.

Otherwise, with Drake's luck of "usually forcing victory at critical moments" and his terrifying ability to turn all impossible things into achievable, Emiya Shirou and the others would most likely be defeated by this.

Because at this moment, the support provided by Andersen's Noble Phantasm has ended.

Although logically speaking, it should be because Emiya Shirou consumed a large amount of magic power in such a short period of time.

But from another perspective, maybe it was Drake's luck that "usually forced victory at critical moments" that caused Andersen's Noble Phantasm to last so short on Shirou Emiya.

However, Emiya Shirou's mission has been completed. Although the final result is somewhat different, nothing can go according to plan 100%. Being able to reach this level is considered a success in their hearts.

"Next, it's up to you, Rul—Lancer!"

Emiya Shirou looked at Jeanne beside him and spoke with determination.

At the moment when the words fell, a figure with huge claws appeared from the sky, aiming at Jeanne's position and swung its claws down.


Amidst the explosion of air, Jeanne trampled the ground, grabbed Shirou Emiya with one hand, and turned into an afterimage, retreating violently behind her.


With the vibration of a strong wind, the ground instantly shattered under the attack of these huge claws.

"I'm sorry, Mother has already scolded me and issued a death order. I, I don't want to take action against the senior -!"

Standing in front of Emiya Shirou and Jeanne who had stabilized their bodies, Lip looked over with an extremely apologetic expression, and his hands were also in an attacking posture at this moment.

This battle was inevitable, but Emiya Shirou himself planned to use this battle to break the door to the next level.

If it hadn't been for the sudden arrival of the two reinforcements, they would have already attacked Lip in this maze last night.

Under the authority of White-haired Sakura, they now basically have a full view of the map. Unless they have the ability to mask or become invisible, their traces will be controlled by them.

For Emiya Shirou, since something can be solved immediately, it will not be postponed until the next day. Unlike the author, who has to wait until the end every time to start coding, which is really abominable.

"Miss Sesshōin, Miss Matou, please seize the opportunity next time!"

Joan of Arc was quietly communicating with the two people around her. In this battle, everyone was an extremely important part of the plan. A major problem in any link would lead to the failure of the final plan.

"Hmph! What's there to say about a simple and crude plan——"

Andersen scorned the plan made that night, because there was no strategy at all, not even covert action.

The whole plan tells Andersen one word, reckless.

Is there any strategy involved in fighting Cu Chulainn and Drake? Even if someone was ambushing them nearby, Andersen said that this was a strategic plan.

But not at all.

Cu Chulainn and Drake were completely defeated by Emiya Shirou, who used his Noble Phantasm to temporarily regain his strength.

Perhaps Emiya Shirou had various strategies when fighting, but that was his fighting style. The rest of the people basically stood aside and stared, waiting for Emiya Shirou to make a move.

Andersen shook his head when he looked at such a plan. It was not even as good as the outline he had listed when writing the story. The comfort made him feel uncomfortable.

This thing is also called a battle plan.

However, he had nothing better to solve the battle they were going to face next, so he did not completely veto it.

But he still expressed his criticism of such a plan without any nutrition.

"Alas! As long as it succeeds, no matter how bad the plan is-!"

Sesshōin Kiara covered her mouth and looked at Andersen with a smile.

The truth is indeed this. No matter whether the cat is black or white, the one that catches mice is a good cat, but Andersen really couldn't see it.

And just when Andersen was arguing with Sesshōin, Joan of Arc was already covered in evil spirits and galloped towards Lip.


A whirlwind rose from the ground, and Joan of Arc, holding the fleur-de-lis flag in her hand, waved forward at an astonishing speed.


Under the loud clashing sound, the claws filled with turbulent force collided heavily with the flag that Joan of Arc waved away, stirring up a terrible strong wind and shattering the earth under his feet.

Joan of Arc was even more shaken by this powerful force and her arms were numb. Even though she was the target of the attack, she couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Can you just stand there quietly, so that the pain will be less, and I can spend less energy -!"

With a pleading voice, Lip spoke to Jeanne in front of her. Although her tone was extremely weak, Jeanne sounded completely mocking.

But fortunately, after Joan of Arc learned about the other party's peculiar physique, she was able to control her extra emotions to a certain extent.

But as time goes by, the desire to attack the opponent will become more intense, and she must resolve the battle as quickly as possible.


In the roar of the strong wind, sharp claws capable of destroying everything tore apart the space, shrouding the front like a violent storm.


Amidst the crackling sound of the air, the fleur-de-lis flag in Jeanne's hand turned into lightning. While resisting the claw attacks, she used agility higher than hers to dodge, and was always careful not to be caught by her claw arms.

With such a grip, she would have no way to resist it under normal circumstances. She would be easily compressed into a cube like those items and die immediately.

Of course, this is not a normal situation. At least the feather-like pure white cloak that exudes a holy atmosphere on Joan of Arc is enough to reveal that it is unusual.

Chapter 716: Entering the Heart

Tricky, but only tricky.

Although Lip possesses destructive power that is enough to destroy all horrors, his combat skills and combat experience are far inferior to those of those servants who have experienced hundreds of battles.

Her attacks can even be described as monotonous, with nothing to praise except for the power that shakes the world.

It is even said that when a Servant or Master is the opponent, they immediately sense the danger and escape from Lip's sight → the cumbersome Lip cannot catch up, and they will be in this dilemma.

This is a cumbersome speed that even if the opponent is a Master, it cannot catch up. It can be said that the panel with C agility that Shirou Emiya saw was just a decoration.

Wuming's agility is also C. Even if he is only chasing at close range, a magician using enhanced magic cannot escape.

Not to mention that Lip can't even catch up with a magician who doesn't use enhanced magic.

If the only thing that matches her C agility is————


At this moment, with a crisp sound of fighting, Joan of Arc was once again carrying the flag, and her whole body was knocked away by Lip's terrifying force.

Although on offense, Lip's attacks are almost ineffective, on defense, it can be said that it is watertight.

Even when faced with Jeanne's attack, which was as fierce as a violent storm, Lip kept waving his somewhat cumbersome claw arms to resist them all.

Perhaps this is also related to Lip's own characteristics. She is not someone who will take the initiative to attack.

He even said that because of his "masochistic constitution", most of the time he was laughed at and bullied by others.

Until finally, when those who laughed at him and bullied him were about to hurt him, Lip would wave his claw arms in order to protect himself.

"Please, don't hurt me. It's safe here. I just want the senior to stay here forever. If the senior can stay here forever, he can be happy——"

With these words, Lip's eyes became cold, and his fist swung straight towards Jeanne's face with a terrifying wind.

It seemed like just an ordinary punch, but the surrounding space even began to crack.

At the same time, at the moment when Jeanne and Lip were entangled,

"It's true. My technique itself is used for medical treatment. I have never used it on a person who is doing strenuous exercise. I can't guarantee that there will be any problems."

"But this is the only way we can face the servants who will attack randomly at any time, so since the senior has such a determination, I will support him."

"Miss Sesshōin, activate the technique. I will do my best to assist you!"

"Ms. Matou's love for Mr. Emiya is really passionate——"

Sesshōin Kiara looked at Matou Sakura whose eyes were full of determination, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise slightly.

"Please don't ridicule me like this. Isn't the most important thing now to solve the current dilemma?"

Hearing what Sesshōin said, Matou Sakura lowered her forehead somewhat at a loss, and then stole a glance at Shirou Emiya who was trying to recover in a hurry.

"Let's start, Mr. Emiya, please close your eyes, calm down, and never be swallowed by her heart——"

With such a reminder, Sesshōin Kiara slowly spread her hands, sat cross-legged, and a rose-like mark appeared behind her.

Pink magic power appeared on her body, and holy light sprinkled from her body. Under the blessing of magic power, Sesshōin Kiara slowly floated in the air with a smile.

In her eyes, there was no prejudice against the world, as if everything was equal in her eyes. If there was any word to describe her posture at this moment, it would be——Bodhisattva.

"The completion of the ritual - 100%, the resonance of the ritual - 100%, the target of the ritual has been selected -!"

Beside her, Matou Sakura also stretched out her hand to her forehead, constantly guiding the ritual released by Sesshōin Kiara, and constantly detecting the release of the ritual.

This is a dangerous attempt, and even a gamble.

Emiya Shirou felt that his consciousness became blank.

The voice of Sesshōin Kiara chanting in the air echoed in his ears.

The whole body seemed to be wrapped in warmth, and even thinking became relaxed.

A feeling of endlessly sinking into one's own body arose spontaneously.

A voice full of malice kept pouring out of the body.

Without Emiya Shirou's will to suppress it, those evils were like wild horses that could not be tied with reins, running around wildly.

Emiya Shirou, Jeanne, Matou Sakura, Sesshōin Kiara, the four of them were equipped with the Five Mind-stopping Contemplations with different performances.

It goes without saying that Seshouin Kiara's technique is the most complete, not only covering all the parts of the other three, but also has some other abilities that others have no way of knowing.

Matou Sakura is the next closest version to Seshouin Kiara, and also has the ability to let Emiya Shirou directly enter the hearts of others.

In addition to the high computing power of AI, its application has surpassed Seshouin Kiara, the founder, to a certain extent.

Emiya Shirou is the third, and his main attack is to find the gap in other people's hearts, directly take away the power of SG, and the ability to go to other people's hearts.

Then Seshouin Kiara also did some tricks in it, making some of her abilities better than White Hair Sakura.

As for Jeanne, it is enough to let her follow Emiya Shirou to the heart, and she also has the contract and the command seal for induction, so basically she doesn't need too many abilities.

In addition, Seshouin Kiara is still a little afraid of Jeanne, and her Five Minds of Calming is the simplest, and she has not done any tricks.

"What's going on, my heart--!"

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