"That woman won't do anything to you, but it doesn't mean that I won't do it to you. If it weren't for you, the senior wouldn't be able to escape from this prison. He would be locked up in it forever."

"You are the biggest trouble. I am not that ridiculous Lip. I will dissolve and devour you in an instant. After merging your authority, I will devour that woman too. I Will control Mooncell——!”

"Senior, he will only be my thing——!"

"I am the one who loves him the most——!"

She was like a queen, not giving the other party any chance to respond. She declared, with a contemptuous smile, and stamped on the ground.

The whole person jumped up like a missile. Under the sunlight, the sharp-edged feet reflected dazzling silver light, and shot towards the red wall like a missile.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

In just a few seconds, what was once known as Mooncell's strongest defense began to crack, and the wall that Shirou Emiya had tried his best to break in began to tremble.

"There is no time left. Use all the computing power in the mansion, bet everything, and teleport Emiya and the others back. This wall will not be able to withstand much time at all. If we are all destroyed here, If the opponent is killed, then there is no way to stop BB——!"

Andersen looked at the crimson wall, which was like glass and started to shatter like spider webs like a stone tile floor hit by a heavy object, and immediately yelled at the white-haired Sakura.

Now is not the time to hesitate, let alone the time to save the computing power in the mansion. Even if it is burned entirely, Emiya Shirou and others must be teleported back, not to survive.

But the two people existing here are the only ones who can help Emiya Shirou go to the Wall of Heart. If both of them are killed by each other, then there will be no way to break the Wall of Happiness.

"I see!"

White-haired Sakura's eyes became extremely determined at this moment, and the entire mansion began to roar like steam running at high speed. This was a sign of overloaded computing power.

It's not that the white-haired Sakura can't lift the other party's restrictions on calls and transmissions, but that they don't have that much time to slowly unravel these things. Now they need to teleport Emiya Shirou back as quickly as possible.

"Lock the target and start the teleportation——!!!!!!"

As Matou Sakura's heart began to beat rapidly, her entire face turned extremely red, and two cherry blossom-shaped light beams suddenly appeared in front of them.


At this moment, with the sound of breaking, the crimson wall began to dissolve as if it had been corroded, and the blue figure streaked across the sky like a meteor, falling straight towards the white-haired Sakura.

"Go to hell!!!!"

The girl let out an extremely arrogant laugh.

Chapter 730 Anger [Fifth update]


Amidst the fierce sound of breaking through the air, the girl turned into a silver meteor and pierced the air, shooting straight towards Matou Sakura's position.

At this time, Tongying suddenly lost her strength due to the overloaded operation, and was unable to dodge the sudden attack.

Even if she was not overloaded with calculations, as an ordinary high-level AI, she would have no way or the ability to dodge such a rapid blow.

He could only resign himself to his fate and wait for his body to be penetrated.

As for Emiya Shirou and Jeanne who were teleported, they had no idea what was happening in the mansion at this time. The moment they teleported back, the girl whose feet turned into sharp blades had already stabbed towards the white-haired Sakura. go.

There was no time for Shirou Emiya to react. Coupled with the terrifying speed, at such a distance, Shirou Emiya had no ability to rescue Sakura from her feet.

[Is this the end? 】

White-haired Sakura was crying in her heart. She wanted to continue to accompany her senior. Although they hadn't seen each other for a long time, her heart was filled with the feeling that she was familiar with him. She might understand, but she might not understand.

But it was superfluous to think about it now, because this was the last time she saw Emiya Shirou.


The next moment, the sound of piercing resounded throughout the living room, and bright red blood suddenly spattered in all directions, with blood foam sprinkling to the sky.


Emiya Shirou, who had just been teleported here, stared straight ahead, unable to believe the scene before his eyes.

"Uh-! Ah-!"

A painful wail came from the girl's body. It was the pain that penetrated her body, and it was the helplessness of the life that was about to pass away.

"No, Miss Sesshōin, why——!!!"

At the moment when the sharp blade was about to penetrate Matou Sakura, the woman named Sesshōin Kiara pushed it away without hesitation. Her body was penetrated by the blue-haired girl, and she was nailed to the wall. Blood kept pouring from the corners of her mouth.

"Tsk——! This kind of bug is really annoying!"

Sesshōin Kiara's lips were twisted in pain, and the girl standing in front of her looked at her painful face and voice with an expression of extreme contempt and excitement, as if she was enjoying, enjoying the pain of others. process.

“Let her go—!!!!!!!!”

The roar that rolled like thunder surged towards the girl who pierced Seshoin Kiara.

Veins popped out from Shirou Emiya's forehead, and anger, as if it had become substance, suppressed the entire space tightly.

Everyone could see that the muscles on Shirou Emiya's face were trembling in anger, his eyes burst out with a sharp look like fire, and magic power surged in his body like crazy.

The extreme killing intent was firmly locked on the girl at this moment.

Countless sword sounds rang out from the outside of the mansion, and the bright sunlight was blocked in just an instant.

"What is that!!!!"

Standing outside the mansion, the gothic pink-haired girl who had not yet entered looked at the barren land with countless swords and arrows in shock.

The swords and arrows like a tsunami surged from all directions, with an unstoppable momentum and a power to devour everything. In just a blink of an eye, the entire mansion was surrounded.

"Such an expression, such a hideous look, such anger, senior, these are emotions I have never seen before. Let me understand you better. I will become your true understander, your only understander!!!"

The girl seemed to be completely unconcealed by the ocean of swords that could sweep away everything. She made a declaration to Shirou Emiya from a high position, with love in her eyes, without any cover.

The girl loved Shirou Emiya, deeply loved Shirou Emiya, so she wanted to imprison him, so she wanted to turn him into her own property, so she would ruthlessly dissolve all obstacles that would prevent her from turning Shirou Emiya into her own property.

She knew everything about Shirou Emiya, and she also hoped that Shirou Emiya could understand everything about herself. She wanted to merge with Shirou Emiya and make him a life that could not live without her.

That was a clear hostility towards Shirou Emiya, completely from the good intentions in her heart, without any disguised killing intent, and a dense love that seemed to dissolve the other party.

How arrogant that was, so arrogant that she didn't care about the other person's feelings, didn't care about everything about the other person, poured everything into it, didn't care whether the other person accepted such love, and didn't care about how the other person felt about her.

This was her love, her arrogant love.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The terrifying sea of ​​swords rushed madly into the mansion, crossing the space, and wherever it passed, the atmosphere fluctuated violently and trembled. They were afraid and terrified.

The sky was tearing apart.

The earth was wailing.

The mansion was shattered.

Under this sea of ​​swords that condensed into a substantial anger, everything would be annihilated.

The girl who pierced through the chest of Seshoin Kiara didn't sit and wait for death, but directly kicked Seshoin Kiara in front of her with a side kick, and fled out of the mansion at a very fast speed.

However, the sea of ​​swords that had surrounded the entire mansion didn't give her any chance at all, and enveloped it in a pincer attack.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

Like a meat grinder, countless steel collisions sounded in the atmosphere, followed by a low and loud explosion echoing in the sky.

The sudden ignition of the flames and the terrifying waves of fire, at the moment they were lifted up in all directions, were once again submerged by the ruthless and endless sea of ​​swords.

The entire sky suddenly turned into an extremely high-temperature furnace, burning everything around at high temperatures, even causing the atmosphere to distort.

Emiya Shirou stared at the flames above that were like the sun, which normal people could not look at directly. His eyes reflected a scorching red color and his face was cold.

Jeanne, who was half-kneeling beside him, had already seen that something was wrong with Emiya Shirou, but she did not have the strength to warn him, let alone stop him.

She could only watch Shirou Emiya, who was already blinded by anger and whose eyes were only burning with blazing fire, and prayed in her heart.

The situation on the scene was changing constantly, and Shirou Emiya shifted all his focus to the girl, completely forgetting, or rather not knowing at all, that the pink-haired girl sitting on the shoulder of the crimson monster was an enemy.

"Here comes the Exploding Neck Dragon!"

Accompanied by her somewhat cute words, the crimson monster crushed the ground and appeared in front of Shirou Emiya in an instant, then waved his extremely rough fist and punched without hesitation.


Shirou Emiya, who had been filled with anger, completely lost his composure and did not expect to be hit like this. He was hit by a punch without any defense and flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

The sea of ​​swords that continued to gather towards the sky also lost control at this moment and fell like a rainstorm.

Chapter 731 Roar, my anger [Update 6]

"Sakura, Miss Sakura——"

A weak voice came from Matou Sakura's side. It was the voice of Sesshōin whose body was gradually dissolving and whose consciousness was beginning to blur.

"Miss Sesshōin, I'm sorry. It's all because of me————"

Sakura, who also looked a little weak due to the overload, also leaned towards Sesshōin Kiara at this moment, with a look in her eyes that should not be shown by an AI, sadness and regret.

If I had been more determined at that time, if I had chosen to use the mansion and all my computing power to teleport the senior back immediately, Miss Sesshōin would not have had to sacrifice her life.

"You don't have to blame yourself, Miss Sakura. All of this is of my own free will. I can't turn a blind eye to seeing the people around me suffer."

With a smile like a saint, Sesshōin Kiara comforted the white-haired Sakura. More than half of her body had dissolved, and the entire lower body had turned into a liquid-like substance. Her life had entered a countdown.

"I have never thought that AI can have self-feelings, and Miss Sakura, you are the first one I see, and perhaps the last one I see. I really want to continue to get along with you and explore why you have this Such intense emotions.”

Feeling one of his hands beginning to dissolve, Sesshōin Kiara couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh and looked at Matou Sakura with an expression of extreme regret.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"

White-haired Sakura didn't know what to say at this moment. She was the one who was saved, and she was also the one who had to bear the sin of other people's lives.

"No need to apologize. I was thinking about whether I could do something in the end, but with my ability, I can only do this."

"This is the last word, Miss Sakura. This is the secret ritual of my mantra, Tachikawa Eiten-ryu, Ten Thousand Colors. Please give it to Emiya-san for me."

"Please don't give up, please stop BB, for the peace of the world and the future of [humanity]."

As Sesshōin Kiara's last words fell, golden pink light flew out from her remaining arm and fell steadily into the hands of Matou Sakura, who also fell to the ground and struggled to move.

What was recorded in it was the [Man-Colored Yuzhi] that Sesshōin Kiara planned to give to Emiya Shirou.

Then, the entire body suddenly turned into water and was completely dissolved.

"This woman was thinking about her dirty purpose until the very end!"

On the side, looking at Sesshōin Kiara who had completely turned into water and been dissolved, Andersen criticized her mercilessly, as if he didn't care about her life or death at all. It should be said that his behavior was like Two feet were stepped on the dead bodies of others.

But now Matou Sakura has nothing to refute Andersen's words. After all, Andersen has such a character, and his body begins to turn into golden starlight and gradually dissipate in the sky.

As a Caster, Andersen cannot act alone. Losing his Master means that he will also disappear here.

"As expected of my lover, almost no servant can withstand such an attack."

A voice of contempt and disdain came faintly from the violent fireball.

Only a blue-black figure could be seen shooting out from it, stamping heavily on the ground, raising his head slightly, looking down at the people present.

The fireball fell heavily to the ground and began to burn everything around it.

"How is it possible-!!!"

Matou Sakura, who fell to the ground, couldn't help but exclaimed. What did she see? The girl who killed Sesshōin Kiara was unscathed under such a terrifying attack, and even her clothes were not damaged. .

You must know that this is not a simple outpouring of Noble Phantasms, but the collapse of illusions caused by thousands of Noble Phantasms, and even condensed and concentrated by the swords that are constantly flying.

Its power is even several times higher than the mere fantasy collapse of thousands of Noble Phantasms. According to Mooncell's records, the twelve lives of Hercules, who has twelve trials as a madman, will fall from it.

But she managed to survive without any damage. This was an impossible thing, but it happened just like that.

"Are you surprised? Are you confused? Are you afraid?"

Seeing the other party's surprised expression, the girl couldn't help but let out an extremely excited laugh.

"I am invincible now, not because of my strength, but because of the powers that have been combined with me and the additional permissions I have seized. I have set my defense to be invincible. No attack can hurt me!"

She didn't care at all if what she had done was known to the other party, and what would happen if the other party knew it. Even if Matou Sakura added the calculations of the old school building, it was impossible to eliminate the invincibility in herself through authority.

The only one who can eliminate this invincible characteristic in himself is the woman who created him - BB.

After all, she has the greatest authority in the entire Mooncell, and her own authority is not worth mentioning in front of BB.


White-haired Sakura tightly held the [Wanshiyouzhi] given to her by Sesshōin in her hand, despair bursting out from the bottom of her heart.

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