The whole surroundings were suddenly filled with a deadly silence.

The students in the student council did not say a word. The first victim had already appeared, and it might even be the only victim.

When they heard that a life had passed away, no one did not mourn.

Even though the Holy Grail War they had originally participated in was a fight with their lives at stake.

Few people present were really the kind of magicians who regarded the lives of others as nothing.

Leo had a deeper understanding of this after learning from Shirou Emiya how precious life was.

"Hey, Emiya, don't blame yourself too much. There are many things that are unavoidable for you. Under the siege of those servants, we are very grateful to see that you are still safe and sound."

Although Leo did not know what happened to Shirou Emiya, it could be said to be force majeure. Almost no one could survive under the siege of so many servants. He had done his best.

Moreover, Leo knew that neither Shirou Emiya nor the students would stop moving forward just because there was danger ahead. No one could predict everything.

If the other party set a trap for you, how could they let you know? Would they never go there again just because there was a trap ahead?


Before they could continue to communicate, the white-haired Sakura shouted to Shirou Emiya very nervously.

He heard the shout and immediately looked back. Jeanne's body had begun to emit starlight, and there were signs of disappearance.

Jeanne did not choose to turn into a spirit to save magic power consumption, not because she wanted to leave here.

It was because her revelation had been keeping her alert to the surroundings. Although she had little magic power left and her body was extremely weak, it did not mean that she had completely lost her combat power.

Jeanne could still do things like throwing flags and sacrificing her life to block the knife.

"No, Sakura, you transmit Jeanne's data to the old school building!!!"

When Rin Tohsaka saw Jeanne about to disappear, her expression tightened again, and she immediately called for Sakura to transmit the data.

They didn't know Jeanne's specific situation at the moment. If they knew, they might be able to solve the problem of Jeanne's immediate disappearance.

After all, Jeanne's soul core was not shattered at this time, and there was still a chance to pull her back.


Sakura Matou did not hesitate at all. While using her authority to maintain the stability of Jeanne's form, she transmitted the detection of Jeanne's current physical condition.

Chapter 736 Treatment Plan

"Why are all the Servant's circuits destroyed? The situation is more serious than I thought-"

At the moment she saw Jeanne's current state, Rin Tohsaka was shocked. The fact that she was able to maintain her existence and not disappear could only be said to be that Jeanne really had a deep understanding of the Servant's attitude.


Emiya Shirou didn't know what to say. After all, his professional knowledge as a magician was really pitiful. In fact, he didn't understand what the circuit Rin Tohsaka was talking about. Could it be the magic circuit of the Servant?

However, before Emiya Shirou could react, Rin Tohsaka spoke again.

"Forget it, now is not the time to understand the reason."

"Sakura, we will transmit the treatment measures to you later, and you will be responsible for it at that time. It should be okay, right-"

Tohsaka Rin said with a somewhat uncertain tone.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! What do you mean by should? Can you be more accurate!"

In the student union, Matou Shinji immediately confronted Rin Tohsaka when he heard her uncertain tone.

"Ha! How can there be a 100% certainty about this kind of thing? I just said that I made the best solution based on their current situation!"

Tohsaka Rin was not to be outdone. To be honest, being able to think of how to treat in such a short time is enough to show the strength of her magician talent.

"Miss Rin is right. I have also seen the treatment measures she gave. Basically, they are roughly the same as what I thought of. At most, they only need to change the details."

On the other side, she has brown-yellow skin and light purple curly hair tied in a ponytail. She wears glasses and has a bun on her forehead. The woman, wearing a black school uniform of an old school building, spoke to Shinji Matou with a tone that sounded emotionless.

She was Lu Bu's original master, Rani VIII.

This kind of important matter will certainly not be decided by Rin Tohsaka alone. The treatment plan she thought of will naturally be submitted to the students for review.

It's not that they don't believe in Rin Tohsaka's ability, but everyone present is a talented person. Everyone thinks in a different direction, and they can also find some places that Rin Tohsaka didn't think of.

"Qi! Let's just agree with this treatment plan!"

Shinji Matou didn't continue to fight back, but took a look at the information plan given on the screen in front of him. Although they were communicating and arguing with each other, their hands did not stop moving.

He also saw the draft drawn up by Rin Tousaka, but he did not make any changes to the draft like Rani VIII and Leo did.

Instead, like Ginako, he used his skills to maintain a stable communication with Sakura to prevent anyone from interrupting the connection they had finally established.

It was not that he did not want to participate, but that he had very little knowledge about magicians.

Becoming a magician, his own computer formulas were almost all figured out step by step. For someone who has learned the knowledge of orthodox magicians, the knowledge is very scarce.

Not to mention Gina, the situation is basically the same as Matou Shinji, who at least has some knowledge of magic.

She has no knowledge of magic at all, just to be able to play more fun games, so that she can "respiritize" her mind, body and soul like those magicians.

"In fact, most of the places do not need to be changed, but some minor things are not perfected. Miss Tosaka's magic talent is really terrifying. When I saw the problem with Miss Jeanne, I didn't think of any solution at all."

Leo, who stopped the operation in his hands, couldn't help but exclaimed. This was not his compliment, but he really didn't think of how to deal with Jeanne's current physical condition at the first time.

Only Tosaka Rin could react so quickly and formulate a strategy.

Maybe when she broke the Gawain protection, Tosaka Rin thought of the countermeasures so quickly.

Turn off the lights, this is not something that ordinary people can think of. After all, it was a Holy Grail War where everyone fought for themselves, and there was almost no cooperation between two people.

Including Shirou Emiya, they were all thinking about how to defeat the enemy head-on. Only Rin Toosaka created an advantage for Shirou Emiya from another angle at that time.

"I know!"

Sakura saw the treatment plan passed on and nodded heavily immediately. They could be said to be saving people from fire and water.

"We will go offline first. If you need any help, please contact us." Leo also nodded in response to Sakura Matou.

"We will do our best to move down to support you. Please hold on!" Rin Toosaka also spoke.

"Understood!" Shirou Emiya nodded as if he understood.

Then the contact was cut off.

"Senior, let's go to the bedroom first--"

White-haired Sakura called softly, Shirou Emiya and Jeanne supported each other and walked towards the bedroom that had not been destroyed.

Fortunately, the battle mainly took place outside the mansion, and Shirou Emiya's bedroom in the living room was far away. Fortunately, the mansion itself was large enough, and as a base that could provide a lot of computing power for Matou Sakura, it had a certain degree of defense.

Otherwise, facing the sea of ​​fire around, it would have been reduced to ruins long ago.

Coming to the bedroom, Shirou Emiya helped Jeanne to the bed, and he also sat weakly beside her.

"Miss Jeanne, are you willing?"

At this moment, the white-haired Sakura suddenly spoke to Jeanne.

"If Miss Jeanne doesn't want to, I and the students will not force it."

"Yes, yes, yes, now there is no choice, right?"

Hearing Sakura's words, Jeanne's face suddenly turned slightly red, and from time to time she glanced in the direction of Shirou Emiya.


Shirou Emiya looked at the two people with a confused look on his face, not knowing what they were talking about.


Hearing Jeanne's answer, Sakura exhaled a breath, not knowing whether it was because she was relieved or because of other emotions.

"Senior, please take off your clothes——"

Emiya Shirou took off his clothes very honestly, revealing his delicate muscles and the purple-black cracks that filled his entire body as if they were broken.

If the previous golden light shining through those cracks made people feel a sense of warmth around Emiya Shirou, these black things that looked like lines made Emiya Shirou feel a sense of weirdness at this time.

But there was no sense of disobedience at all, as if both the gold and the purple-black were very suitable for Emiya Shirou.

Chapter 737 Emiya Shirou said he didn't understand

"The treatment is divided into two parts. The first part is to replenish magic, and the second part is to transplant your magic circuit to Miss Jeanne——"

After Sakura sorted it out, this was the general plan provided by Toosaka Rin. In fact, it should be said that it was a safer plan given by the student council after discussion.

Rin Tohsaka only provided the transplant of magic circuits, but no magic replenishment.

In fact, Jeanne should not have been hurt so seriously, just like the fight between Siegfried and Long, Li Shuwen's punch happened to hit Jeanne's weakest defense.

That is the connection between Jeanne and Shirou Emiya.

After leaving that Holy Grail War, the connection between Shirou Emiya and Jeanne was gradually weakening. It was only by relying on her constant pursuit and constant approach to Shirou Emiya's position that the weak connection between the two was barely maintained.

Although she finally caught up now and the contract was reconnected, it was not as tight as it was at the beginning, which is why Jeanne's entire attributes were all downgraded by one level.

Because the contract was not as tight as it was at the beginning, Shirou Emiya did not provide Jeanne with much magic power each time, basically to maintain her present world. In most cases, Jeanne used her own magic power to fight.

Joan of Arc had to consume a large amount of her own magic power in every battle, plus she had been using the Noble Phantasm all the time. Without the magic provided by her Master and the magic provided by the Holy Grail, she simply did not have that much magic power to use.

So when Li Shuwen destroyed her circuit, Jeanne's own magic power was basically exhausted, so she was completely restrained and unable to fight.

After all, destroying the servant's circuit also destroys the master's magic supply to the servant.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, although the magic supply is destroyed, the contract is still there, and the servant still has residual magic in his body, and can even move for a considerable period of time, and will not be so weak that it will disappear immediately.

As for why Toosaka Rin only proposed transplanting magic circuits at the beginning, but not replenishing magic.

That is because transplanting magic circuits itself has a strengthening effect on the connection between the master and the servant, and it can return to normal without replenishing magic to continue to strengthen the connection.

Rani VIII did not have any objections, but only explained the details of transplanting magic circuits in detail, and also wrote down some measures for common problems.

After thinking about it, Leo added the replenishment of magic.

Because Jeanne is now in a state of magic exhaustion, she needs more magic to maintain her existence than transplanting a magic circuit to re-establish the connection.

Moreover, transplanting magic circuits takes a certain amount of time and has a certain degree of impact on both parties' bodies. If magic circuits are transplanted directly, there will be great risks.

It is not the risk of both parties, but Jeanne.

The first is that she may not be able to hold on until the magic circuit is transplanted. The second is that because of the impact on the body during the transplantation of the magic circuit, there may be irreversible problems halfway through the transplantation.

After thinking about it, Leo added the plan of replenishing magic for safety.

Others did not have any opinions. After all, the situation was extremely serious, so the higher the success rate, the better.


Hearing Sakura's words, Jeanne's face became redder and lowered her head.

Sakura was also ready to leave the bedroom at this time and come in after the magic replenishment was completed.

"Um, what is magic replenishment? How to operate it?"

Seeing that Sakura was about to leave immediately, Shirou Emiya immediately called him out.


Sakura looked at Shirou Emiya with a simple face, with disbelief written all over her face.

"Don't you know?"

Jeanne also tilted her head in surprise and looked at Shirou Emiya.

Shirou Emiya shook his head with great certainty.

In Romania, those magicians would not teach Shirou Emiya anything about magic replenishment.

In Fuyuki City, Rin Tousaka even skipped the magic replenishment and taught Shirou Emiya some other basic knowledge of magic.

Moreover, Shirou Emiya actually had very little knowledge of magicians, and only had a general understanding of the current situation of the magic world.

Rin Tousaka had been learning magic knowledge since she was a child and had not yet finished it. How could Shirou Emiya learn all the magic knowledge that others had learned for decades in such a short time?

Every time he went back to study crazily, his own studies were still below the passing line, not to mention the unfamiliar magic knowledge that he had never been exposed to before.

If a major can be mastered in less than a month, then there is no need to open professional courses in college.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou's knowledge of magic is still as scarce as the desert, even not as good as the 8-year-old Matou Shinji in this world. He only knows a little more than Ginako, who has no knowledge of magic at all.

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