"It's over-"

Looking at Lu Bu in front of him with a look of violence on his body, Emiya Shirou spoke softly.


Lu Bu Fengxian seemed to have heard Shirou Emiya's words at this moment, and let out a sharp roar, and the magic power all over his body suddenly mobilized.

On the thick arm holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, veins popped out, pressing down on Joan of Arc's flag, causing the tip of Fang Tian's painted halberd to keep leaning towards Joan of Arc's neck.


Joan of Arc, who was being suppressed by Lu Bu, saw jet black lines covering Lu Bu's body in an instant, just as the Fangtian Painted Halberd in her hand was about to pierce her neck.

Lu Bu's entire body turned into golden light and dissipated in the air.

They didn't even have any head-on conflict with Lu Bu, but he died like this. Joan of Arc didn't even understand what happened.

"He's been poisoned—!"

As if sensing Jeanne's confusion, Emiya Shirou stretched out his hand to help her up, and then explained aloud.

At this moment, Joan of Arc followed the guidance of the revelation and looked towards the ground not far away where the thick fog had dispersed.

The entire ground was soaked in pitch black liquid, filled with an extremely dangerous aura.

Joan of Arc could feel that even if she had A-level magic power, she might only be able to withstand it for a few minutes.

Although this kind of poison is not as good as the poison created by Semiramis, it still reaches an extremely terrifying level.

At least Joan never thought that Shirou Emiya actually had such a poisonous weapon.

You have to know how long it took for Lu Bu to bear the poison and launch the attack. It was only three or four seconds. It is even said that if he were not half-mechanical and half-flesh, the time of death would be further shortened.

If there is no anti-magic power, it can almost be said to be a one-hit kill.

Atalanta was able to be rescued by Semiramis because she possessed D-level magic power, which slightly slowed down the time and sent it back in time with the addition of a command spell.

Otherwise, it would only take about thirty seconds for Atalanta to be taken away by this poison.

丨【Kill with one hit·Murasame】

It almost possesses the ability to kill opponents, but Emiya Shirou rarely uses it.

It is almost only used in desperate situations, and even in desperate situations.

Because it is almost fatal and possesses a poison that even Shirou Emiya cannot break.

The reason why he didn't use it was because Shirou Emiya didn't have the determination to kill others.

Many times Emiya Shirou would choose a more honorable way of fighting.

Decide the outcome with your opponent head-on through your own hard power.

Even when fighting Esdeath, Emiya Shirou did not choose to use Murasame.

But at this time, Emiya Shirou's mentality began to change, and he would use this weapon that he would rarely use.

"Is that so? I always feel like I haven't done anything to help—"

Jeanne looked at Shirou Emiya who explained aloud, put away her somewhat surprised expression, and began to sigh.

From discovering Lu Bu to defeating him, it only took a very short time.

It didn't even consume much magic power.

At this moment, Joan of Arc suddenly fell deeply into self-doubt.

"Originally, I said that I would become the spear in your hand, Shirou, but in fact, it seems that nothing has happened—"

Drake, Cu Chulainn, Lip, the pink-haired girl, Vlad III, and Lu Bu Fengxian were all defeated by Shirou Emiya, and were all solved by Shirou Emiya himself.

It was as if she had no role to play.

Most of the time, Jeanne seemed to be paying attention to the situation around Emiya Shirou, rather than fighting head-on with those servants.

This caused Jeanne, who had sworn to become the spear in Shirou Emiya's hand, to fall into deep self-doubt, whether she was a Servant or Shirou Emiya was a Servant.

Emiya Shirou's growth rate was too fast. From the Holy Grail War to now, it was only one year. In one year, Jeanne felt that she was no longer a match for Emiya Shirou.

To put it bluntly, Emiya Shirou spent a year to surpass the servants who had experienced a lifetime and had various singing and other bonuses.

Although Emiya Shirou already had the preliminary ability to fight servants at that time, it was still surprising.

"If it weren't for you, I might have died in the hands of that Assassin again. What's more, I have no way to fight against them alone now. If it weren't for you, I would have been in deep danger and lost my life."

"You are not the spear in my hand. I am an extremely sharp sword. But no matter how sharp the sword is, it will wear out and break during battles. You are the shield that can protect me. "

Without Jeanne's appearance, Emiya Shirou would have fallen into a more dangerous situation.

At that time, Shirou Emiya had no way to defend himself against Drake's [Phantasm Collapse]. The BUFF given by Andersen had disappeared, and he could not use his Noble Phantasm to defend himself.

If there were no Jeanne to share Lip's Noble Phantasm, then Emiya Shirou would have to rely on his broken body, or even risk his own life to liberate the [Pseudo: Small World Surrounding the Sky] to resist, and he would still be in a state of limbo between life and death.

Facing Li Shuwen's assassination, without Joan of Arc, Emiya Shirou would have died in Li Shuwen's hands again without exception. Avalon's magic power had been almost exhausted, and there would be no chance for him to wake up again.

Without Jeanne, in Dracula's Castle, Shirou Emiya could only fight head-on with Vlad, who had obtained various bonuses and even had immortality, in order to rescue those NPCs.

Instead of choosing to directly destroy Dracula's Castle, take Vlad III away in one blow.

It can be said that without Jeanne's strong shield, Emiya Shirou would have to pay an unimaginable price to deal with the enemy, and he would most likely die midway because of the unscrupulous use of his own power.

This time, there was no Avalon hanging on Shirou Emiya's life. Every step he took might be heading towards death.

Although for Emiya Shirou, even if there is no Avalon, he will do what he should do without hesitation, even if the final outcome is that he will be shattered to pieces.

Chapter 754: I fell and asked my senior to help me

Li Shuwen, regarded as the most troublesome servant by Emiya Shirou and the most troublesome servant by Joan of Arc, was annihilated without exception under the bombing of [Fake Spiral Sword (CaladbolgⅡ)].

Facing the sudden attack of the sword, even if Li Shuwen reacted, he could not leave the explosion range of the [Pseudo Spiral Sword (CaladbolgⅡ)].

Fighting with his fists, he couldn't resist it head-on. Even if the tiger climbed up the mountain and had the power to destroy the Noble Phantasm, Li Shuwen couldn't resist such an explosion with his fists.

He does not have a half-mecha body like Lu Bu Fengxian, nor does he have an immortal body like Vlad III.

The reason Lu Bu Fengxian was able to take a blow from [Pseudo Spiral Sword (CaladbolgⅡ)] without losing it was because he had extremely terrifying durability that reached A+ level.

Li Shuwen's durability was only C level, and he had no resistance to magic power. Facing the sword arrow that flew towards him in less than a few seconds from a distance of 100 meters, he disappeared in the thick firelight without any resistance.

Three powerful servants were all eliminated by Emiya Shirou in just a few hours.

If anything, it was the [Shameless King] who gave Emiya Shirou the capital to make a sneak attack.

The masking level of the ghost-haunted aura should be lower than that of the Faceless King, and Shirou Emiya could tell the difference between the two.

Assuming that the opponent is Esdeath, Emiya Shirou is wearing a demon to carry out a sneak attack. The moment the murderous intention is revealed, Esdeath will be aware of it and counterattack.

If he were a faceless king, he would not be noticed by Esdeath until the moment he took action.

Although Emiya Shirou projected and forged many Noble Phantasms, in fact most of them only existed in the Unlimited Sword System. According to his records, unless he encountered special circumstances, he rarely used them. Take it out and use it.

Even when he was haunted by evil spirits, Emiya Shirou did not use it to the extreme. Most of the time, he used it as an armor that could strengthen himself and provide defense.

Functions such as flying, invisibility, and the like were rarely used by Emiya Shirou.

If they use the ability to fly, Li Shuwen, Vlad III, and Lu Bu Fengxian can basically just stare at Shirou Emiya in the sky.

Because none of them have the ability to fight in the air, they can only rely on their powerful strength as servants to jump up and attack Emiya Shirou in the air.

But if he does this, he will become a living target for Shirou Emiya. It is not that he has no easier way to suppress the opponent, but Shirou Emiya often subconsciously chooses the most difficult way to solve the problem head-on.

But now, Emiya Shirou's thoughts are gradually approaching Muming.

Emiya Shirou's battles tend to be more responsive, making corresponding confrontation methods based on the opponent's strength, making corresponding strategies, using corresponding Noble Phantasms, and going all out to collide with the opponent head-on.

This is the fighting style favored by those similar to Cu Chulainn.

It is also the most effective way to improve one's combat skills and enhance one's combat experience.

But at the same time, fighting is also the most difficult, because it allows the opponent to fully exert all his power. Every time Emiya Shirou encounters an enemy, he almost uses up all the power he can use before defeating.

Wu Ming's fighting style tends to be more restrained, trying to find ways to prevent the opponent from fully displaying his strength. It is even said that if the opponent wants to release the Noble Phantasm, Wu Ming will try his best to interrupt the opponent's movements and try to stop the opponent before the Noble Phantasm is released. Get rid of the opponent.

When faced with the assistance of various noble phantoms, Wu Ming will try every means to suppress the opponent, because he understands his own shortcomings and his own advantages, and will rarely choose a head-on battle.

In fact, his own panel does not support him fighting those servants with all his strength.

He has no fighting glory, and he doesn't want to see the opponent's full strength. Wouldn't it be nice to win more easily?

Emiya Shirou, Jeanne, and Sakura were talking and analyzing the information, and almost soon they arrived in front of a palace.

"Behind this palace is the wall of Lilith's heart."

Sakura, who was standing behind Emiya Shirou, closed her eyes, moved her surroundings to follow her, moved behind the palace, and spoke slowly.

"It seems that this palace is Lilith's residence -" Joan of Arc, who was standing aside, looked at the extremely majestic palace in front of her and moved forward with great vigilance.

"Have you felt Lilith's aura?"

"It's precisely because I didn't feel it that I was so vigilant."

They have all walked all the way here, but they have not seen Lilith from the beginning to the end, which can be said to be quite abnormal.

It was even said that the process of dealing with the three servants was a little too smooth.

There were almost no obstacles encountered, and each of the followers did not even interact with each other. They walked alone and were defeated one by one by them.

"Do you feel abnormal?"

A playful voice that was exactly the same as Sakura but slightly different came from behind Emiya Shirou.

"What did you find-"

At the moment when Emiya Shirou turned around while speaking, a finger touched Emiya Shirou's lips.

"Senior's vigilance needs to be strengthened!"

Following these words, the girl named BB appeared in front of Shirou Emiya, put one hand against Shirou Emiya's lips, and showed a smile full of charm, like a little devil.

The white-haired Sakura was tightly clamped under her arm, unable to move.


The moment he saw this figure appear, Emiya Shirou immediately stepped back. Joan of Arc, who was standing at the front of the palace, also quickly reacted, holding the flag in her hand and waving it at BB.


Facing Jeanne's attack, BB showed no panic on her face. Just like a girl dancing, BB took a slight step back, turned her body, and dodged the attack very easily.

And he threw the white-haired Sakura he grabbed directly in the direction of Emiya Shirou.


"Sakura, are you okay?"

Immediately catching the white-haired Sakura who was thrown over, Emiya Shirou hurriedly asked. Things happened so fast that even Jeanne's revelation didn't react to BB's approach.


Seemingly seeing Emiya Shirou's concern for Sakura, he let out a completely unpretentious cry towards BB who dodged away, and then fell to the ground.

"Well! I fell down, and only when my senior hugged me could I stand up——!"

As he said this, tears of pain flowed from the corners of BB's eyes, as if he had really fallen.

The sudden situation made Joan, who was preparing to continue the attack, not know what to do for a moment. She held the tip of the flag tightly and pointed it at the BB. She was always vigilant and did not stab it at the first time.

Chapter 755 Please let me rely on you for a while

With such a dramatic development, let alone Jeanne, Shirou Emiya was confused at this time.

He couldn't keep up with BB's brain circuit at all, his whole CPU was burning, and he couldn't figure out what BB wanted to do.

Emiya Shirou decided to ignore BB for the time being. In short, he felt that BB would not hurt him now.

Probably, he still needs to be vigilant, and it is impossible for him to just believe in the existence of such a person who is the culprit of all crimes.

"I'm fine-"

White-haired Sakura shook her head. Although BB grabbed her very hard, she did not use a lot of force and did not hurt herself.

She seems to be unable to hurt herself, or unwilling to hurt herself.

The moment she came into contact with BB, Shiro-haired Sakura felt something strange.

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