This is the best sleep, the best sleep, and Shirou Emiya's spirit has become full again.

He can even feel that the purple-black substances in his body, which are like a quagmire, seem to have calmed down, not as turbulent as before, constantly impacting his spirit and his will.

He did not immediately look for the location of Sakura and Jeanne, because the entire mansion is not very big now. The moment he woke up, Shirou Emiya already knew where Jeanne and Sakura were.

"Projection Start (Trace on)"

As Shirou Emiya's voice fell, a heavy, dark, malicious, and disturbing red knight sword appeared in his hand.

[Caliburn Morgan]

The dark holy sword appeared in his hand, showing its darkness that was enough to devour the opponent.

"I seem to be able to use them-"

Looking at the dark holy sword in his hand, Shirou Emiya murmured.

To be honest, the evil in Shirou Emiya's body was violent and difficult to use. He could only use it initially, or activate it in a large scale after his emotions were extremely suitable for evil.

And when activating it, his will would be impacted like a tsunami. It was because of the extremely severe pain all over his body that Shirou Emiya could barely maintain his will.

You should know that the evil information placed on the back of the moon is not simply [Human Evil] but [Human History Evil].

Mooncell was placed on the moon long before the emergence of humans. It records all the information from the birth of humans to the present, and also stores all the evil from the birth of humans to the present.

The entire back of the moon is a sea of ​​evil, and the evil in Shirou Emiya's body is just a drop in the bucket.

"My body doesn't seem to be so painful anymore--"

At the moment when the weapon was projected, Shirou Emiya also felt an unprecedented sense of relief from his body.

Although the pain still accompanies him, it is far less severe than before, which is indeed a lot easier for Shirou Emiya.

His appearance is still the same as when he fought against Lilith, with lifeless white hair and cracks stained with black. He looks like a ceramic that has been broken and reassembled.

Shirou Emiya can feel that these [evil] are healing him in a completely different way from Avalon.

To be precise, Avalon's way is called healing, and these [evil] ways are just simple filling.

Avalon slowly repairs these gaps through repair methods until the body is completely glued together, forming a whole as if there is no wound.

[Evil] directly fills those gaps. It does not heal those wounds, but simply fills them so that the wounds will not continue to expand, and forcibly pulls them together.

In simple terms, if an arm is broken, Avalon will directly let you grow a new arm at the broken arm position and restore it to its original state.

[Evil] will fill itself in the broken arm position to form a substance that can function as an arm, making it the same as when it has an arm.

"Did BB do it?"

In this state, Shirou Emiya couldn't think of anyone else who could do it except BB. If Sakura could reconcile the evil in his body, she would have used her authority to reconcile it long ago.

Also under Shirou Emiya's murmur, the wooden door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

Outside the door, Jeanne and Sakura walked in together, and immediately saw Shirou Emiya, who got up from the bed and looked much more energetic.

"It seems that BB didn't deceive us--"

Joan looked at Shirou Emiya, whose physical condition was obviously much better, and breathed a sigh of relief, then walked over quickly.

"Jeanne, Sakura." Shirou Emiya called softly.

"Senior, I'm glad you're okay!"

Sakura also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and her heart was relieved.

"How long have I slept?"

"Not more, not less, just one day--"

Sakura said, pointing to the clock next to Shirou Emiya.

It happened to be the time when he was unconscious.

"You are not injured, are you?"

"BB, she didn't attack us, on the contrary, she helped us."

Sakura didn't know what to say, but that was the fact.

"What did she say afterwards?"

"After adjusting the [evil] in your body, Shirou, BB informed us that she would soon arrive at Mooncell, and the next time we met, we would be enemies."

Jeanne walked slowly to Shirou Emiya's side and told him the situation at that time.

"She also removed Lilith's invincibility."

Sakura added on the side.

"Is that so?"

"The servants at the old school building are not very good.

"The old school building may not be able to provide support--"

Sakura's eyes seemed a little depressed at this moment. It was indeed good news that they had solved the three servants, but the situation at the old school building was not optimistic.

"What happened?"

"When we raided the 18th floor, Lilith was not there, but we raided Kishinami Hakuno and others who were exploring deeper."

"According to Leo and the others' analysis, at that time Lilith probably thought that you, senior, had the ability to break through her invincible defense, and other servants in the Infinite Sword System could not suppress you absolutely."

"So Lilith temporarily gave up the choice to control us immediately, and turned her target to Hakuno Kishiba and Archer who were constantly rushing towards our position."

"Her idea should be to block the support, so that she would have more time to prepare to capture us."

"So when we raided and fought with Vlad III, Lu Bu Fengxian, and Li Shuwen, Lilith was clashing with Archer."

"At the time of the battle, Archer In order for Hakuno Kishiba to leave, he used the Infinite Swordsmanship to slow down Lilith's pace. "

"But because of Lilith's invincibility, Archer's attacks could not cause any harm to her, and she was even infected with the virus that could dissolve everything."

"If BB hadn't arrived at the end and removed Lilith's invincibility, and Lilith decided to retreat, Archer might have been dissolved by Lilith."

"The current situation is that although Lilith did not succeed in dissolving Archer, he still has no fighting ability now. As time goes by, he will be devoured sooner or later. The student council is trying to solve the virus in his body. "

Chapter 758 Coincidence

This is really bad news, very bad news.

If the student council does not find a way to solve the virus, they will lose the only servant who can explore the maze.

It is difficult to break through the defense of the maze guards with the power of the master alone.

The maze guards created are not targeted at magicians, but servants.

Even the weakest maze guard has the combat power of a servant, which is not something that ordinary magicians can deal with.

Not to mention the maze masters guarding each floor.

However, the title of "Maze Master" was given by Leo, but everyone did not have too many opinions. It was just a title, not to mention that "Maze Master" is also very suitable for the title of those monsters.

The things faced by the student council are different from those faced by Shirou Emiya, to be precise, there are huge differences.

Shirou Emiya needs to conquer the girl's heart and find a way to open the door that blocks them from advancing to the next floor through the girl's heart.

So they not only need to face the disasters that come from all directions, but also need to analyze the weaknesses of her mind in the process of fighting with the opponent.

In short, you need to understand the enemy deeply, understand the enemy's thoughts, and understand the enemy's emotions before you can move forward.

To some extent, it is a galgame, but it is just more intense.

The student council needs to deal with the wandering maze guards, find some NPCs wandering around the maze, and use the materials dropped by the maze guards and the information provided by the NPCs to make costumes or weapons.

Used to deal with the maze guards that prevent them from going to the next level.

There are even various decryptions in the exploration of the maze, which can obtain various treasures. Some maze guards can even only be defeated in special ways.

The classic one is to attack the weak points, cause threatening damage to break the defense.

The rest are very classic, and they need to make key props to break the invincibility, use the venue mechanism to restrict the actions of monsters and so on.

Not counting the imminent crisis and the worry about Shirou Emiya's safety, everyone in the student council had a good time.

Especially Matou Shinji and Ginako, this mode can be said to be their best field.

What weakness attack, prop search, side quests, channel decryption, all are the categories they are most familiar with. As the commander behind Kishinami Hakuno, it can be said that he fully exerted his own advantages.

As for things like costume making, trap breaking, monster searching, and map analysis, these are the areas that Rin Tosaka and Rani are responsible for. After all, most of this area involves the field of magic.

Leo is in charge of the overall command. For example, the policy against the Lord of the Labyrinth and the way of exploration are all decided by Leo.

Julius is responsible for maintaining the operation of the entire old school building and providing computing power assistance.

After all, Julius's body has been subjected to brain modification that is enough to affect his future life. It is organically connected to the supercomputer of the Harvey family. With the assistance of advanced AIs such as Kotomine Kirei and Fujimura Taiga, he can also perform functions similar to Sakura.

Of course, it is not as practical as Sakura, but it is enough for the students in the student council for the time being.

Moto Moto is responsible for security work to prevent BB from making a sudden attack again.

As for Hakuno Kishinami, there is no need to say more. She and Archer are responsible for exploring the labyrinth together and moving towards deeper levels.

It can be said that under Leo's arrangement, the entire student union is in good order, and the efficiency is so high that even Shirou Emiya has to praise it.

It can even be said that Leo's work efficiency and judgment on many matters are much higher than another student council president he knows. If Leo becomes the president of the Hogunhara Student Union.

Presumably, the unfair allocation of funds in the Hogunhara student department that Yanagi Kazunari is worried about can be well solved.

And BB also did what she said.

[The Holy Grail War is too boring, so this will be a more interesting and vivid war——]

The previous settings can be said to be the levels designed by BB with considerable effort. Unlike the Holy Grail War on the Moon Side, it is a 1V1 fight to be the last one alive.

Such a war is too boring. In BB's opinion, it is even better to directly put 128 masters into a larger venue to see who will survive.

War is not a 1V1 duel. There are too many restrictive factors in this form, and it can't be called a war at all.

"It seems that all this was designed by BB————"


Sakura didn't understand what Shirou Emiya was saying.

"A servant is coming! It's Lilith!"

Jeanne seemed to have noticed something, turned around immediately, and walked out of the house. The plain clothes on her body suddenly changed, and a set of priest armor covered her body.

In the distance, a blue figure was seen speeding towards the dilapidated mansion at a very fast speed.

There is no doubt that everyone present can tell that the person rushing towards here is Lilith.

"Don't you think this is too coincidental?"

Shirou Emiya said slowly.

Lilith chose to attack when he just woke up.

No matter how long her battle with Archer lasted, it was impossible to last for nearly two days.

With the blessing of Lilith's invincibility, almost no servant can fight against her. Even if BB later lifted Lilith's invincibility, she was still unharmed when the battle with Archer ended.

Able to raid the mansion when Shirou Emiya and Jeanne explored the 18th floor.

Able to directly raid the old school building when Shirou Emiya is likely to choose to wait for support.

Able to use her own power to add invincibility to herself, invade the system of the mansion, and strengthen the defense of surveillance.

Lilith has a certain degree of self-insight in strategy, unlike Lip who is unwilling to use his brain.

This is why BB asked Cuchulin Drake and others to convey their ideas to Lip, but asked Vlad III, Li Shuwen and others to follow Lilith's arrangements.

But it is also obvious that Lilith coincidentally attacked the mansion at the moment when Shirou Emiya woke up, and he did not believe that BB did not interfere.

But now, even if Lilith did not come, Shirou Emiya would go back to settle accounts with her.

It is even more necessary to go to the next level through Lilith.

"Prepare for battle! Lancer!"

"Yes! Master!"

Chapter 759 A true confrontation

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