This is a world of mixed elements.

Both cold and warm.

Apart from Lilith's weak breathing and whisper, there was no other noise.

This is a completely different inner world from Lip.

And in the center of this quiet world, stood a girl bathing in a liquid that could dissolve everything.

"Welcome to my body."

Even in the outside world, she was directly pierced through the chest by Emiya Shirou, in this inner world, Lilith still stood extremely elegantly in a ballet posture with a light smile.

She was like a queen, her eyes filled with absolute confidence in victory and the power of being arrogant against everything.

"I never thought that in just two days, senior, your strength would be able to grow to such an extent."

Lilith stared at Shirou Emiya with an admiring tone.

"But it's still not enough. In the outside world, I can't use my Noble Phantasm, but it's different here. I will make you mine, Shirou!"

"This is my love, this is my love, this is my true heart born from my heart!"

"I won't let anyone deny it, let alone you!"

"If you want to deny it, then you can only kill me!"

Lilith's tone became more and more excited, and her sharp-edged feet made crisp sounds on the ground. Shirou Emiya could see that her eyes were filled with love for him, filled with the love that wanted to devour him. meaning.

It is a love that cannot be communicated to others at all, a love that imposes one's own emotions on others just like Lip.

The difference is that Lip's love forces himself, while Lilith's love forces the other person.

She ignores the other party's emotions, and even if the other party refuses, she cannot change her mind. She will use the toughest means to achieve what she wants to achieve.

For such a person, Emiya Shirou knew that he would never be able to convince her with words.

Rather, Emiya Shirou had no intention of communicating too much with such a completely self-centered being from the beginning.

Otherwise, they would not start fighting as soon as they met, and they would not treat Lilith with the same attitude as Lip.

Two spears, one black and one white, with double blades appeared in Emiya Shirou's hands, his eyes were extremely cold.

"Then step over your body!"

Chapter 763: Benzaitian Five-stringed Pipa

This is obviously just an inner space, but you can feel the strong wind coming from nowhere, sweeping through everyone present.

The surrounding space is all filled with water. This is Lilith, the ocean-like inner world.

Emiya Shirou, Joan of Arc, and Lilith looked at each other from a distance.

Lilith raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and the surrounding space was constantly approaching Emiya Shirou and Jeanne.

It won't take long for them to be swallowed up by the water that is constantly pressing.


Whirlwinds rise across the earth.

Joan of Arc and Lilith stamped their feet on the ground, and with the help of the strong thrust, they turned into two cannonballs and rushed out like lightning.


The two figures, mixed with the strong wind, suddenly met in the blink of an eye.


In the crisp clashing sound, the sharp blade on Lilith's foot cut through the air, like a flash of light, and collided heavily with the flag.

It was accompanied by sparks that suddenly exploded like fireworks.

A force that Lilith could not confront head-on exploded from beneath her feet, causing her to be knocked away at the moment of the confrontation.

The feet turned into sharp blades scraped against the ground with an extremely sharp sound, tearing out two cracks before slowly stopping.

"Bang bang bang bang bang--!"

Continuous gunshots came from behind Joan of Arc. Shirou Emiya raised his two guns, one black and one white, and pointed them in Lilith's direction. He kept pulling the trigger, causing the muzzle to emit a strong gunfire. inflammation.

Some of the bullets penetrated directly towards Lilith's position, while the other part of the bullets were shot towards the ground.

In a burst of collision, the bullets fired at the ground turned into ricochet and ricocheted forward.

Things that are simply unbelievable appear before your eyes.

The bullets that bounced off the ground unexpectedly met the bullets that shot straight out again. Under the constant collision in a short period of time, they formed an almost incomprehensible fire net that completely surrounded Lilith.

"Puff——! Puff——!"

The bullet penetrated Lilith's body without any hindrance, and blood suddenly appeared in the space.

The attack was so fast that she had no time to fluidize.

Joan of Arc was not worried at all that she would be hit by a bullet, she turned into a gust of wind, waving the flag in her hand and stabbed towards Lilith.

She was wearing the [Beast of Crushing Death Fangs] and could completely ignore the spider web-like barrage of bullets.


Lilith cursed secretly, her speed suddenly increased, and she turned into a phantom and rushed towards the charging Jeanne again, attacking it like a dance.

At the same time, a large amount of blue liquid erupted around her body and swallowed Jeanne.


Amidst the tearing sound of the air, Lilith's legs turned into violent slashes, striking out like lightning, overwhelming the sky and the earth.

"Swish, swish, swish -!"

Amidst the howling of the strong wind, the flag also turned into an afterimage. Under the shining of scarlet light, it enveloped the front like a violent storm.

“Bang bang bang bang bang—!”

Under the sound of guns erupting, countless bullets penetrated the atmosphere, like flashes of light, completely surrounding Jeanne d'Arc and Lilith like spider webs.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang--!"

"Clang, clang, clang, clang--!"


In the next moment, countless collisions occurred between the flag and the blade, the bullet and the armor, and the bullet and the body, arousing crisp clashing sounds and waves of turbulent impact air waves.

Blood continued to splash from the battle ahead.

The sound of corrosion also continued to sound from the front.


With another fierce collision, Lilith was once again knocked back under a storm-like shock wave, and her body continued to slide back.

At this moment, Lilith laughed wildly, and countless liquids burst out from her body, pouring forward.


Suddenly, jet-black material poured out of Emiya Shirou's body.

The front collided with the swallowed water.

The water that was enough to dissolve everything was swallowed up after resisting for a moment.

Immediately, Emiya Shirou emerged from the pitch-black quagmire, holding both guns tightly.

His face remained calm.

Beside Shirou Emiya, Jeanne removed the armor on her body that was almost completely dissolved by the water, and once again picked up a short sword with a chain and a red spear tip pierced through it.

Lilith spent a considerable amount of strength to finally break through the defense and restored it again.

"It's really difficult to deal with!"

Lilith smacked her lips. The disadvantage in front of her at this moment did not exceed her surprise.

If anything, it is that Lilith has not devoured too many NPCs now, her own data is not that huge, and her power has not reached the top level.

She didn't even understand much about the technique of fighting through ballet postures.

Basically, when fighting a first-class servant head-on, Lilith can only rely on herself to get the virus that can dissolve everything, instead of winning head-on with her own strength.

But if you want to say it, dissolving everything and embracing everything, this is what Lilith is best at.

At this moment, Lilith, who was standing far away from Shirou Emiya and Jeanne, was pierced by bullets all over her body, and blood was dripping from her body to the ground.

Emiya Shirou really didn't hold anything back. If Lilith's own reaction and agility were not extremely fast, it would not only penetrate all parts of the body, but the two fatal parts of the head and heart.

He also aimed at these fatal parts of Lilith from the beginning and shot away.

This should be a battle in which Jeanne d'Arc and Emiya Shirou cooperate with each other. Emiya Shirou provides remote support, while Jeanne d'Arc drags and suppresses the other side in close combat.

Lilith has not suffered such a serious injury for a long time.

It should be said that she has never suffered such a serious injury since her birth.

Lilith clutched her chest, looking at Jeanne standing in front of Shirou Emiya, and looking at the two people cooperating with each other, her heart was filled with anger.

"It's almost time to get rid of the troublemakers!"

The surrounding space suddenly began to emerge with azure blue liquid, as if the ocean began to cover the space.

Even before they came into contact with the liquid, Emiya Shirou and Jeanne felt as if their spirits were being dissolved and their will began to wear away.

"Dissolve in my sweetness and indulge in my love!!"

“Bencaiten Five-stringed Pipa (Sarasvati Meltout)”

Chapter 764 Solution

Benzaiten Five-string Pipa (Sarasvati Meltout)

Level: EX

Type: Opposing Noble Phantasm

Distance: 1~999

A Noble Phantasm given to Lilith by BB. It is an anti-person and anti-world Noble Phantasm. Under normal circumstances, Lilith cannot mobilize such a large amount of liquid to launch an attack, so she modified it into an anti-person Noble Phantasm.

But in the spiritual space, where the entire world is above this water liquid, Lilith can exert her original form of the Noble Phantasm against everyone and the world.

It is not something used in battles or warriors, but something used within the scope of civilization that has established a certain degree of civilization.

Lilith's liquid can melt not only the body, but also the spirit sweetly.

It can dissolve the reason and morality of a society, making it become one like a group of organisms (such as coral), and then trample and absorb the things that have become slime in body, mind and society.

This is how Lilith maximizes the use of her own virus to dissolve all matter in the world.

Even the frightening [evil] on the back of the moon will be dissolved under this huge amount of water pouring out like an ocean.

The purple-black quagmire surging around Emiya Shirou was being consumed at an extremely fast rate.

The speed at which it was devouring could no longer keep up with the speed at which Lilith was dissolving.

What's more, Lilith didn't just control the water in the surrounding space to squeeze towards the positions of Emiya Shirou and Jeanne.

At this moment, it seems to be an unsolvable situation. Even Emiya Shirou's most powerful defense at this stage [Pseudo·Small World Surrounding the Sky] cannot resist such an attack.

Lilith's treasure can even dissolve the world. Even if Shirou Emiya uses [Infinite Swordsmanship], he will be completely dissolved by the ocean in a very short time.

It can dissolve the world, which is the true meaning of dissolving everything.

"Lancer, let's fight quickly--"

However, facing such a terrifying scene, Shirou Emiya's expression did not waver at all, but commanded Jeanne very calmly.


The girl's voice also sounded from the armor of the scarlet beast at this moment.

The next moment, extremely violent and bloody magic began to appear from Jeanne.


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