"How is it possible!!!!"

BB's pupils suddenly shrank, and she didn't believe what was happening in front of her.

A golden glow suddenly rose from under Shirou Emiya's feet, blocking all the black mud-like spears that were shooting out.

"I will resist all disasters for you——————"

The pure white flag, at this moment, also appeared under Shirou Emiya's body in a violent posture.

In the distance, Jeanne was still throwing the flag, looking at BB with a firm look.

The next second————

Archer and Jeanne, who lost the flag's defense, were instantly submerged in the black mud.

Under the flag's defense, this time, Shirou Emiya finally stood in front of BB in the true sense.

The red eyes and the black pupils suddenly faced each other.

BB's eyes were also attracted by the golden sword in Shirou Emiya's hand.

It was another weapon completely different from the golden sword in Archer's hand.

The hilt is dark blue, with gemstones inlaid on the top. The jaw is made of gold, which is extremely dazzling. The blade is even more dazzling.

At first glance, it is a silver-white blade that flashes with cold arc light, but if you look closely, you can find that the silver-white blade flashes with golden brilliance from time to time.

There is no doubt that it is an extremely attractive sword!

At the same time, it is also a sword that will never make people doubt its sharpness!

The holy sword of the stars named [Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur)] appeared in Shirou Emiya's hand.

And BB felt a faint threat from the dazzling sword.

"The stubbornness of humans--!"

"You will all disappear."

"No trace of you will be left."

"No regrets will be expressed."

"No sympathy will be shown."

"That's what you stubborn humans are like!"

"I will wipe out your existence--!"

Following BB's angry rebuke, the dark magic power on her body continued to flow out, and then.

"C.C.C. (Cursed Cutting Crater)!!! Wow!!!!"

This is an attack by BB, who has Mooncell in her hands, to invade the world.

She uses the EX skill "Potnia Theron" she has acquired to the maximum extent, and cleanses the world by rewriting the phenomenon.

The earth goddesses created the earth, and the goddess who is equivalent to their mother is the "origin" of all things.

This treasure outputs its information in the form of an ultra-precision three-dimensional printer [printer], and crushes the current world with the world desired by the user.

The space eroded by BB will become an imaginary space, turning into a curse that erodes reality.

'C.C.C.' is just as its name suggests, a cursed pit that digs out and cuts reality. In addition to breaking down the objects present to the atomic level and reconstructing them, it can even distort the time axis and rewrite the law of causality.

Behind BB, two purple-black wings grew, and a pitch-black sphere appeared behind it at this moment. It suddenly opened its eyes and stared at the object in front of it.

The world will be shattered under such a gaze.

The planet will be destroyed under such a gaze.

At this moment, the golden sword in Shirou Emiya's hand flashed a brilliant golden light.

Suddenly, golden streams of light rose up around, like meteors, flowing towards the holy sword in Shirou Emiya's hand and injecting into the holy sword.

A majestic voice also sounded in the air at this moment.

"Admit it! You must fight for survival!"

"Admit it! You must fight against those who are stronger than you!"

"Admit it! You must not go against humanity!"

"Admit it! You must not be an enemy of the elves!"

"Admit it! You must fight against evil!"

"Admit it! You must not fight for selfish desires!"

And, the last and the last————

The voice of Shirou Emiya and the voice of the Knight King merged in the air at this moment.

"Admit it! This is a battle to save the world!!!"


As streams of light poured into the holy sword, the holy sword turned into a beam of light, shining in the center of this world.


Under the impact of the two forces,

the world suddenly became quiet.

The world began to collapse!

Chapter 777: People who were pushed to become heroes

Under normal circumstances, Shirou Emiya could not use [Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur)] at all, because in addition to the Sword of Contracted Victory itself, the golden sword in Arthur's hand also had a scabbard called Avalon.

If this seal cannot be broken, this scabbard cannot project the holy sword.

But Shirou Emiya himself has the scabbard, and to some extent, he is the scabbard.

This is how Arthur used up his last strength to project the holy sword in Shirou Emiya's hand when he left.

That is to regard himself as the scabbard, and Shirou Emiya himself is the seal of this weapon.

Even if Archer possesses the Mythical Gift, he cannot analyze the holy sword in Shirou Emiya's hand at this moment, nor can he project its imitation.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying energy suddenly exploded from the contact point where the golden stream of light in mid-air collided with the pitch-black quagmire.


Earth-shattering roars resounded across the sky. It turned into sound waves, vibrating out like a shock wave.

"Crack, click, click!"

A crackling sound resounded in this space, and the surrounding space was riddled with cracks.

The atmosphere was crushed.

The space is crushed.

The world is falling apart.

Under these two impacts, no life can survive in this area except the two parties that are fighting.

However, this scene could not last long.


Emiya Shirou roared, his body was trembling, the magic power all over his body was surging crazily, and the cracks on his body began to expand indescribably. Tohsaka Rin, who was far away on the stairs, even half-knelt down weakly.

In just a few breaths, the golden torrent pouring down in mid-air suddenly trembled, and extremely terrifying magic power surged out of the whole body, expanding several times.

The golden sword in his hand began to break as if it could no longer bear the load.

The power it unleashes at this moment is even more powerful than when the seven restraints were liberated from Arthur's hands, even several times more powerful.

The [Sword of Victory (Excalibur)] held by Shirou Emiya at the moment is exactly the same as the one held by Arthur. It is of the same grade and specification. It should be said that it is exactly the same holy sword.

But weapons are symbols of heroes and are heroes' companions day and night.

Everyone can use [Fantasy Breakdown] to destroy their own Noble Phantasms, except for beings like Emiya Shirou who can make unlimited creations, or Gilgamesh who has an almost endless treasure trove.

It is almost impossible to attack in this way.

Even Arthur, the holder of the Holy Sword, is like this.

And Emiya Shirou, because of his understanding of the sword, was able to make the weapon explode with the greatest power of self-destruction.

It is even said that with the blessing of the mythical ritual, its power is even higher.

In such a situation. The black mud that kept pouring into the past began to be suppressed, and the BB that stretched out his hand to control the black mud actually trembled.

The golden torrent began to annihilate the incoming black mud at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone was watching all this, and everyone's hope was now focused on Emiya Shirou.

And, there are always those who push certain people to the status of heroes.

Some kind of power suddenly emerged from within Shirou Emiya's body.

It was a power he had no way of knowing, but it was also a power he was extremely familiar with.

Avalon, which had been stagnant, was running again at this moment.

"How is it possible! How is it possible! I want to delete you! I want to erase your existence!!!"

BB looked surprised, his body trembled, and he kept controlling the ocean-like black mud to flow towards the golden torrent.

"Being able to change cause and effect, and even reverse time, how is it possible, how is it possible to be defeated by a mere [salvation]!!!"


The next moment, the golden torrent completely washed away the black mud.


BB, it should be said that Mooncell only had time to let shock appear on her face, and immediately, the golden torrent swallowed her entire field of vision.


Just in front of the golden crystal behind BB, a bright and dazzling beam of light with a diameter of ten meters suddenly shot out and stayed in the space for less than a second before disappearing without a trace.

BB fell backwards like a lost soul.

Emiya Shirou endured the pain in his body, projected several sword arrows in the air, stepped on them with all his strength, and galloped towards the BB falling from the air.

Hold it firmly in your arms.

The Mythical Ritual also automatically disintegrated because Emiya Shirou could not bear it, turned into a blue crystal, and fell to the ground.

"Study, senior——!"

BB looked at Shirou Emiya very weakly, and his eyes began to blur.

"Why! Why do you want to save me!"

Looking at Emiya Shirou with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, BB couldn't help but show a heartbroken look, and slowly stretched out his hand to put on Emiya Shirou's face.

"It's obviously me who made Mooncell so weird!"

"Obviously I just wanted to kill the senior, he is a hopeless bad boy!"

"It's obvious that we are enemies, and it's obvious that senior has learned that one should not be merciful to enemies. Why did senior still save me!"

Now, Lilith's behavior suddenly made sense.

This was done intentionally by BB. He even knew that Shirou Emiya hated this kind of behavior the most, but he still allowed Lilith to behave like this and ignored her torture and murder of others.

The purpose is to make Shirou Emiya understand that one should not be merciful towards enemies.

She didn't want Shirou Emiya to put herself in crisis every time just to save the enemy.

If Emiya Shirou hadn't risked his life every time to save his opponent in every battle, he wouldn't have been eliminated in five rounds.

Every time she saw Shirou Emiya dragging his tired and miserable body, her heart was in great pain.

She wanted to treat Shirou Emiya, and the best way to treat him was to use Mooncell.

But using Mooncell alone to treat Shirou Emiya was not enough, because he, like Hakuno Kishiba, was not recognized by Mooncell and could not reach the core of Mooncell, but would only be decomposed by it.

He could not return to Earth, because Shirou Emiya did not have a body on Earth at all, and could only become an eternal electronic ghost.

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