
Liva roared, and the terrifying water dragon rushed straight towards Brand.

This is an open conspiracy, he must catch it!


Brand and Liva's eyes suddenly shrank, and then, in their pupils, a residual image was like passing through the gap in space, penetrating through the strong wind and waves.

It rushed over with a more terrifying speed than Brand.


Only a sound of water being cut off could be heard, and the water flow that even Brand didn't know if his [Evil Ghost] could withstand was easily cut off.

But before he could thank the person who helped him, a dull impact sound came from his abdomen.


Chapter 75 Fight! 1V2


Brand quickly stood up from the deck, holding the red spear in his hand tightly. Everything happened too fast, so fast that he didn't have time to think.

It's not that Brand couldn't keep up with such an attack, but at that moment, Brand's mind was all about how to resist such a water flow.

He had no defense against such a sudden attack.

He didn't believe that Tatsumi would lose to the imperial weapon user holding a flute.

Brand still recognized Tatsumi's strength. Although he couldn't compare with the imperial weapon user, he had the ability to fight him. At least, he couldn't lose in such a short time.

And fighting with the people of the empire, if you lose, what will be the result, Brand knew in his heart.

He looked at the battlefield on the other side with great concern.

There was no sound of swords and spears, no movement of bloody fighting. Except for the vibration sound of being knocked off and hitting the deck just now, he could only hear the sound of the wind.

And following his sight, not far away, Tatsumi and Niu, who was fighting with him, fell to the ground, and seemed to have lost consciousness.


Brand grabbed the gun in his hand and kicked the ground with his feet, rushing towards Tatsumi at a very fast speed.

He didn't want his junior to have any problems.

He didn't even pay attention to where Liva, who had fought with him before, was now!


A very sharp sound of drawing a sword sounded in Brand's ears.

He subconsciously looked around, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

It was a boy with red hair holding a silver samurai sword in his hand.

"Sword Breathing Wind Style Drawing Style"

A silver light tore the surrounding air and went straight to him with an unmatched breath.


Brand could only reluctantly raise his weapon in his hand and block it in front of him.


The spear that had just been taken in front of him streaked a crimson stream of light in the sky, and suddenly inserted into the deck beside it with the posture of a comet falling.

Emiya's goal has always been the weapon in Brand's hand.

But at this time, the change happened again!


Accompanied by Liva's angry cry, three twisted water streams appeared behind Brand. They fell like meteors, and shot out with a whistling sound of gas explosion.

The three condensed water streams were like three steel wires. During the violent crossing, they just covered all of Brand's retreat routes.

At this time, Brand, who had no weapons in his hands, had no way to stop it.

Under such a siege, he was ashamed.

But the mouth of the young man in front of him suddenly exhaled a white mist. Three Western swords appeared very quickly around him.

"Ice Breathing, Form I, Cold Thorn"

Emiya, who was standing in front of Brand, suddenly grabbed the Western swords around him.

With extremely terrifying force, he made them circle in the air like bullets, and suddenly shot out, colliding fiercely with the three incoming water columns on the deck.


The water flow controlled by Riva at this moment hit like steel fiercely.

The collision between water and sword arrows caused huge splashes of water.

"It's not over yet————!"

Riva didn't know why Emiya stopped him from killing Brand after knocking down his weapon, but he knew that if he didn't seize the gap when Brand had no weapon, it would be difficult to kill him next time.

A very sweet fishy smell burst out from Riva's throat. When using the power given by the imperial equipment, he also had to bear the backlash of the imperial equipment.

This is what the imperial equipment user must face, and it is also the reason why one person cannot use two imperial equipment.

At this time, Brand did not stand there in a daze. He kicked his right foot very quickly, and a powerful force burst out.

During the short time when Emiya and Riva confronted each other, he rushed towards the direction where the weapon was knocked away.

Now he can't tell what the battlefield is like, but he has to have weapons on his body to have the power to resist on the battlefield.

Riva, whose eyes were filled with blood, screamed, and the water scattered on the deck was gathered by him again.

It quickly moved in front of Riva, and in an instant.

An extremely huge water blade appeared beside Riva.

But Riva did not control it and slashed it towards Brand or Emiya.

The crystal clear water blade floated up and flew towards the sky at a very fast speed.


Crimson blood spit out from the corner of his mouth.

He finally couldn't hold back the blood gushing out of his throat.

"You will die if you continue like this!"

Emiya couldn't understand the current situation of Riva. He no longer had the strength to use the imperial weapon in his hand again.

"For-Lord Esdeath!!!!!!"

Riva took out a needle from nowhere and suddenly inserted it into his neck.

Emiya had no time to stop his crazy behavior.

He vaguely realized that it might be something like a strengthener.

"Keep going up!!!!!!!"

Riva roared at the sky.


Several crisp explosions sounded in front of Emiya.

Riva's whole body was soaked in blood, including his ears, mouth, eyes, and nose.

Even though he was bleeding from all seven orifices, Riva was still madly urging his strength.


The crimson spear appeared in Brand's hand again at some point. He showed no mercy and held the spear tightly in his hand. A strong wind swirled around the spear.

At Leva's roar, Brand threw it towards his chest very quickly.

At the moment he threw it, the armor on his body broke under the weight, and he fell to the ground as if dragged.

Brand spent all his strength on the spear.

He didn't know what Leva was doing. A very bad premonition swept over him. He knew in his heart that if he didn't stop it, something bad would definitely happen.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded.

The crimson spear flew out like a stream of light, pulling up a red light, as if it was going to penetrate the space, and the deck of the ship bore a weight that it could not bear.

The wooden boards nailed together were lifted up by this extremely strong hurricane.

The terrifying penetrating spear appeared behind Leva almost in the blink of an eye.

The strong airflow seemed to compress the entire space, creating a terrifying pressure.

Brand not only wanted to deal with Riva, but also wanted to deal with Emiya who did this for some reason.

Emiya was from Riva's side, and Brand had to be cautious. He couldn't bet on whether Emiya would let him go or whether he would spare Tatsumi's life.

He was unwilling to give such a bet to a stranger he was not familiar with at all, and a stranger from the other camp.

Chapter 76 Is it over? Not over!

The blue sea, the surging waves, the entire ocean became extremely unsettled under the influence of the hurricane.

It was clear before, but now it was so turbulent that the entire ship was like a leaf, shaking in the rolling waves.

The only thing to be thankful for was that the sky was still blue.


A very sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded in front of Riva, and he could only see a golden flash.

Liva had already put life and death aside, and didn't care about the spear with extremely strong pressure aimed at his heart.

But Liva didn't care, it didn't mean that no one cared.

The golden flash appeared in front of the spear when it flew.

Squeezing his muscles, he came behind Liva in an instant.

Not only was it a great burden on Emiya's body, but it also had a very serious impact on his spirit.

This is not something that can be done by simply breathing thunder.

Skills and strength require extremely strong mental support.

Emiya must control his speed and strength very finely, and any moves have requirements and restrictions on the use of strength.

The spear carried a terrifying pressure before it arrived, and the extremely terrifying pressure pressed heavily.

Emiya didn't even breathe in this strong pressure.

It came in front of Emiya in less than a blink of an eye, only one meter away from Emiya.

Emiya also didn't have the power to stop time.

"I will block it! Even if my muscles are broken and my body is shattered, I will block it!"

In the world of extreme speed, Emiya's eyes were wide open.

Emiya could dodge such a sudden attack.

But after dodging, what can the people behind him do?

Riva, who was bleeding from all seven orifices, could not have the strength to dodge such a terrifying attack.

Emiya understood Riva's previous actions and knew why he did so.

Riva was a person who was saved. Esdeath was his belief and faith. He would not be afraid of death.

He could sacrifice everything for Esdeath.

Just like he would rather sacrifice everything to save those who had nothing to do with him.

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