Magical power surges crazily in his body. It only takes a moment, just a moment, and the true name of his Noble Phantasm will be released. In such a situation of close range or sneak attack, Sesshōin Kiara cannot react at all.

The next second————


The penetrating sound came from behind Sesshōin Kiara.

In everyone's stunned eyes.

A jet-black palm penetrated from the body of Emiya Shirou who had released the Noble Phantasm in mid-air, and his heart was tightly squeezed in his hand.

At the last moment of his life, Emiya Shirou also raised his right hand, and red magic power surged from the back of his hand.

"In the name of the Command Seal——"

Chapter 785 The final battle




Everyone screamed heartbreakingly at this moment. No one expected that such a change would suddenly happen. Shirou Emiya's heart was pierced in an instant.

The breath of life drained from his body.

As if without any support, Emiya Shirou's body fell heavily to the ground without any movement.

Jeanne suppressed the anger in her heart and suddenly retreated, leaving the attack range of Sesshōin Kiara.

It's not that she doesn't want to defeat her and kill her, but Jeanne understands at the moment of close combat that she cannot defeat Sesshōin Kiara simply by relying on her own strength.

After Sesshōin Kiara devoured BB, she had the data of all BB's battles. After the fusion of Mooncell, its power became even more powerful, and it was definitely not something she could win simply by herself.

If the previous battle with BB hadn't consumed most of Emiya Shirou and Archer's energy and magic power, they wouldn't have been so embarrassed when facing Sesshōin Kiara.

It can only be said that the timing chosen by Sesshōin Kiara was so good that it could be called shameless.

But this level of insult is not half as powerful as Andersen's.

Maybe Sesshōin Kiara would accept it with a smile.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. If they fail here, then the human race on earth will be destroyed.


With a smile that made thousands of people addicted to it, Sesshōin Kiara slowly turned his head and looked at Emiya Shirou, who had lost his life and fell on the ground.

Being able to swallow all the desires of this world into her body, the threat of Emiya Shirou rose sharply in her heart.

It is even bigger than those Jeanne d'Arc and Archer who have mythical costumes.

Because this means that almost half of her power cannot have an effect on Emiya Shirou.

From the first moment he met Emiya Shirou, Sesshōin Kiara could slightly feel that he was probably his biggest threat.

It is precisely because of this that she left a backhand in the bodies of Emiya Shirou and Jeanne.

It's just that Joan of Arc's own magic power is extremely high, and with the blessing of the mythical ritual, it has reached an EX level where no accurate data can be obtained.

Such a technique would have little or no impact on her.

She slowly picked up Emiya Shirou, who had lost his life breath and turned into a corpse on the ground, and looked at him with an extremely loving look on his face with a charming smile.

"Let go, senior—!"

Watching Sesshōin Kiara pick up Emiya Shirou's body, Sakura's eyes were filled with anger. She had never thought that her senior would die like this in the hands of Sesshōin Kiara.

If I had examined the spells provided by Sesshōin Kiara more carefully, would something like this not have happened——

She blamed herself extremely, as all of this was caused by herself.

“Ara ala—!”

"Sakura-san's love is really extremely hot. It's a pity that I couldn't enjoy Emiya-san's life and let him fall. This is really a big regret of mine——"

But Sesshōin Kiara didn't seem to care about Sakura's threat at all, his eyes were full of charm, and he casually threw Emiya Shirou back, who had lost the life breath in his hand.


His body fell heavily to the ground, making a sound that sent a chill into the hearts of those present.


Jeanne's hand holding the flag had veins popping out, her eyes were burning as she stared at Sesshōin Kiara who was laughing unbridled and wildly.

She was able to survive not because she had the same level of solo action as Archer, but because of the effect of Emiya Shirou's last command spell, which allowed her to remain on the field for a short period of time.

If Joan of Arc also leaves this Pi place, it can be said that there is no chance for everyone in the Sesshōin Kiara Student Council.

The spiral sword arrow rushed towards Sesshōin Kiara, and the raging explosion swallowed up his entire body in an instant.

Archer continued to do his best to provide long-range support from a distance, stalling for time.

"Looks like this is our last chance—!"

Leo also suppressed the anger in his heart and looked at everyone in a deep voice, looking at Jeanne who retreated here.

If anything, this was the second time Emiya Shirou saved their lives.

If that pink vortex had not been completely absorbed by Shirou Emiya, it would be almost impossible for them as humans to resist such a terrifying desire. At the moment of contact, their wills would be melted and they would become beasts of desire.

And now, they have little power and time left to fight back.

They were filled with sadness, but they had no time to be sad.

"We have no way to defeat Kiara Seshoin through normal means. The power she now possesses is too strong--"

"The only way is to let Sakura contact Kiara Seshoin when she is defenseless, awaken the BB in her body, and let her regain control of her body--!"

"And when she regains control, defeat Kiara Seshoin--!"

This was the countermeasure that the student council came up with in a very short time.

They originally thought that BB had been swallowed by Kiara Seshoin, just like Lilith swallowed those NPCs, completely dissolved and turned into part of Kiara Seshoin's data.

But Sakura told them that BB was still alive. Even if Kiara Seshoin had implanted a spell in her roots, her own power should not be underestimated, and she had already merged with Mooncell.

No matter what Kiara Seshoin did, it was impossible for her to turn BB into data in such a short time.

Moreover, humans cannot control Mooncell by themselves. Kiara Sesshōin can only reach this point by borrowing BB's function. She cannot attack BB now.

So BB is sealed inside Kiara Sesshōin's body at this moment.

Although it is difficult to stop Kiara Sesshōin with the power of Sakura and BB alone, it can expose a huge flaw.

Just like when BB seized the control of Mooncell at that time, if Shirou Emiya could be as ruthless as Archer and attack directly, then the battle would not be so difficult.

But basically Mooncell will regain control of BB's body when the attack arrives.

After all, BB also has the desire to survive, and she does not want to die before saving Shirou Emiya. If Archer launches a surprise attack, he will basically be blocked by Mooncell.

"This battle is not only for ourselves, but also for humanity————!"

Chapter 786 Please Me

"Fighting for humanity, I am not that noble, nor do I have such a noble goal——"

Listening to Leo's words to encourage morale, Matou Shinji responded with great disdain.

What is fighting for humanity? His ideal is not so great as to save humanity. Compared with saving humanity, he wants to be the number one in this world game.

In this world, step on everyone and become the real champion, the only champion, and the object of admiration by thousands of people.

Listening to Matou Shinji's words, everyone present was stunned.

"But, I am very angry, I am really unhappy!"

"Why is he the only one who is trying to be a hero, why is he the center of everyone!!"

Matou Shinji rebuked angrily, as if he was really unhappy with all of Emiya Shirou's actions.

Hero, he also wants to be such a person, he wants to stand beside Shirou Emiya and face such a crisis with him.

He doesn't want to see himself being cowardly, on the road to becoming a champion, he doesn't allow cowardice, and he shouldn't hide behind others!

He is Shirou Emiya's best friend - Shinji Matou.

"I will kill Shirou Emiya, and he should die in my hands! Kiara Sesshōin will be easily taken down by me, a game genius!"

"If your legs don't tremble, I will trust you more to kill Kiara Sesshōin -"

"What do you care!!!"

Rin Tohsaka looked at Shinji Matou, whose legs were shaking because of fear, and couldn't help but complain.

However, the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage. It is courage that allows mankind to burst out with amazing creativity; it is courage that allows mankind to overcome the fear of death and complete one achievement after another; it is also courage that allows mankind to leave many epic stories.

Facing a situation where death is almost certain, being able to stand up like this is destined to make Shinji Matou's future achievements not low.

"It really fits Shinji. If not for humans, I can say that I am selfish--"

Julius, who was standing behind Leo, couldn't help but mutter to himself when he saw Matou Shinji saying this.

"No, brother, this is not selfish. You have always fought for the orders of others. This time, how about fighting for yourself--!"

Looking at Julius who seemed to want to say something, Leo narrowed his eyes slightly, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Julius used to be like a machine, dealing with the enemies of the family meticulously.

Leo's mother's love saved Julius, but also pushed him into another abyss, an abyss that he could never escape from.

But if you want to say it, even without Leo's mother, how much better would Julius' life be.

"I know, Leo-sama--"

This battle was not only due to Leo's instructions, but also due to his own will. If you want to say it, he will not put Leo's safety first.

Instead, he made killing the person in front of him his primary goal.


Unfortunately, the time he spent with Li Shuwen was too short, and he did not learn the essence, but only learned a little bit of the basics.

"If possible, I hope you can call me brother -"

"Your Highness Leo, please stop making such jokes at this time. I will also call you that as a habit."

Hearing Leo's irrelevant words at this moment, Julius couldn't help but smile bitterly.

After losing the oppression of the Holy Grail War and becoming the student council president on the Back of the Moon, Leo was good at everything, but he always said some irrelevant words that made people unable to respond.

"Each of you, whether you fight for yourself or fight for humanity, what we can do now, whether it is escaping from the back of the moon, saving humanity from Kiara of Sesshōin, or wanting to avenge Emiya Shirou, is all Can’t get around the other party.”

Looking at the people who were confirming their beliefs among each other, Tohsaka Rin suddenly turned into a complainer and spoke as if he didn't understand at all.

Anyway, the final goal is to defeat Sesshōin Kiara, so what’s the point of saying so much?

"You can't say that, Miss Tohsaka, this is to strengthen your own beliefs."

Just when she was complaining, Rani from the old schoolhouse sent a message and vetoed her words.

"The power of desire called [happiness] exuded by Sesshōin Kiara is an unspeakable poison for humans, but it is not impossible to resist it. The stronger his belief and the more determined his will, the more powerful he will be. To maintain the sobriety of one’s own consciousness——”

"President Leo probably thought that he could block the desire that permeates this space by strengthening his own beliefs after hearing Shinji Matou's words——"

"Is that so?"

After hearing Rani's words, Tohsaka Rin understood the effect of such words after a moment's thought.

"So, Miss Tohsaka falls into the category you mentioned."


"I never allowed him to die here like this!! Really, a master should look like a master!"

Rin Tosaka replied through gritted teeth, still scolding Emiya Shirou as usual, as if he was still alive.

But only Tohsaka Rin himself knows how much he blames himself. If he had been able to stop Emiya Shirou earlier and change his twisted personality during the period of the moon, would the ending have been different?

Emiya Shirou risked his life to save himself, but he failed to do anything.

She was unwilling to stand behind Emiya Shirou and watch him die like this.

He had not even repaid Emiya Shirou for saving his life.

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