"Hey, are Ajian planning to go now? The other party hasn't even entered the Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy. I heard that he can't even use spiritual power——!"

And hanging on his shoulders was a woman with short pink shoulder-length hair, black eyes, and often a blush on her face, who looked like a child.

She was what the unshaven man called Kusuka Yazenryu.

"I just can't wait to see him. Don't worry, I will hold back. I will not kill someone who can bring me the fear and joy of fighting."

To him, this information is all false. What the opponent's strength is, whether he can fight with him, and whether he can provide him with the joy and fear of fighting, can only be known if he meets him in person.

If the other person can grow to the point of fighting with him, he will feel excited and will not strangle the person who can grow to the point of killing him.

After all, Emiya Shirou is not a certain enemy.

Fighting is the source of his happiness.

What's more, when he was in Zaraki District, he directly had sex with the former captain of the 11th Division. This was not enough to convince him not to meet the man who came out of Zaraki District and defeated the God of Death.

"Hmm! He should come to Runlin'an District. It is basically acquiesced that he will come to Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, so we just need to wait for him there."

"Hmph! Wait for him, then of course he will take the initiative, otherwise I won't be able to take action in Runlin'an District!"

As he spoke, Zaraki Kenpachi's aura suddenly increased, his mouth opened wide, and his fighting spirit soared into the sky.

"Well, he will definitely pass by these places when he comes from Zaraki District. I will take you there!"

Yachiru Kusuka, who was lying on Zaraki Kenpachi's shoulder, answered with great confidence.

Leading the way is what she does best.

Emiya Shirou couldn't help but sneeze after finding a place to rest.

Chapter 799: Invincible, I am lost again

So Emiya Shirou arrived safely in Runlin'an District.


The bearded man who was standing on the roof looking at Emiya Shirou and his group who had arrived on the street was lost in thought.

At the same time, the extremely rugged man with a pink-haired girl hanging on his shoulders stood on a certain street with a strong fighting spirit.

"Is this the only way for them to get to Runlin'an? Okay, I'll wait for his arrival here!!!!"

The sudden momentum caused the civilians on the street to become extremely panicked and dispersed.

The Shinigami patrolling there also felt a headache and didn't know what to do. They could only report the situation here.


He found that he seemed to have forgotten an extremely important thing. Yaqianliu and Zaraki Kenpachi were both road idiots.

Then he could only pat his head and show an extremely innocent smile.

"not good!!"

In the next moment, his expression began to fuse, and he activated his spiritual power and jumped directly from the roof. He pressed down the bamboo hat on his head to hide his face.

"Mr. Emiya! Mr. Emiya! You are in a daze again——! Let's go find those patrolling Shinigami!"

As a gentler voice came from beside Emiya Shirou, he slowly looked away at the roof not far away.

Since not long ago, Emiya Shirou has been aware that someone is observing and watching him near him.

Every time he reacted, the other person immediately hid himself. Just now, when the other person was distracted, he saw that person's back.

"My alertness is really high. I just paid a little more attention and was discovered when I accidentally wandered off—!"

The man wearing a bamboo hat who was walking on the street couldn't help but recall his observations of Emiya Shirou these days. In fact, he knew that he had been discovered by the other party a long time ago.

I just wanted to say that during the battle of wits and courage with Shirou Emiya a few days ago, I was never seen by him.

But just now, because of his negligence, he let the other party see his own figure.

This alertness alone is enough to show that this young man is extraordinary.

"Let nature take its course. It feels like another incredible god of death will appear in the future——!"

He shook his head slightly and put the wine bottle to his mouth out of habit.

"It really makes people care about what kind of past he has in a place like Zaraki District. You must know that such a crazy place cannot cultivate such a calm person."

There's nothing you can do anyway, so why not pay more attention.

What's more, he also caused trouble for Emiya Shirou. Zaraki Kenpachi would always meet Emiya Shirou.

"Uh, I'm done drinking——! Looks like I need to buy some drinks."

After shaking the wine bottle in his hand a little, the man's figure disappeared into the crowd.

Runlin'an District and Zengmu District are like two extremes.

The streets here are patrolled by Death Gods dressed in Death Tyrant costumes. The security is extremely good. The streets are noisy but extremely clean and tidy, just like an ideal place to live.

On the other side of Zengmu District, there is no grass growing, almost no one wants to walk on the streets, there is famine everywhere, and corpses are everywhere.

In this street, civilians came and went, and everyone had a happy smile on their face.

Some of these people are young women carrying bamboo baskets and bags shopping for groceries.

Some of these people are strong men wearing cloth, carrying objects, and working hard.

Some of these people are old people who are casual, elegant, and strolling leisurely.

Some of these people are children with colorful lights, running constantly, and laughing.

People of all kinds are walking on such streets, and the whole block is extremely lively. Anyone who sees it can't help but feel yearning.

However, Shirou Emiya and his companions did not stay for too long, and hurriedly found the patrolling death god.

It's not because they are not interested in such a harmonious neighborhood, but because the pink-haired girl is lying on Shirou Emiya's back and fell into a coma.

"Excuse me, how can I get into the Soul Society!?"

The blonde girl was extremely nervous, but asked excitedly.

"What are you going to do there? Under normal circumstances, civilians are not allowed to enter!"

Hearing the blonde girl's words, the death god couldn't help but frown.

"My sister is unconscious, and I want to send her to the comprehensive emergency clinic--!"

"Is that so? Don't worry, you should be coming from other districts, there are people from the Fourth Division in the West District who are responsible for the daily medical care of civilians."

Seemingly seeing their extremely dirty clothes, the Death God immediately realized that they were not civilians living here, so he stretched out his hand and pointed in another direction on the street.

The Fourth Division is the team responsible for managing medical care in this world. They advocate benevolence. Whether it is comrades or enemies, they will be treated after being seriously injured, not to mention the civilians in Rukongai.

"Thank you--!"

Shirou Emiya and the blonde girl nodded heavily, and then rushed to the direction he pointed without stopping.

"She just has higher spiritual power than normal souls. Even if she absorbs the spirit particles in the atmosphere, it is still not enough to survive. Compared with other souls, she needs to drink water and eat."

In this room, the woman in the Death Hegemony costume explained softly with a green light in her hand, revealing pity in her eyes.

Of course, the object of pity does not include Shirou Emiya.

His clothes and appearance are very different from those of the two girls.

The two girls were all covered in dust, their clothes were even more tattered, and they had all kinds of shocking injuries.

And Shirou Emiya, not only wore a red cape, but also was very neat, and there were even meaningless black and gold stripes on his face, which looked more like a civilian living in the first district.

The assistant beside her also put food and water on the table beside her very considerately.

This seems to be just a temporary treatment point, with only a few tables and chairs, basically not related to clinics, hospitals and the like.

However, people here don’t seem to get sick, but only get injured. Basically, minor injuries only need slight treatment to recover, and serious injuries will be sent to the comprehensive rescue clinic.

It is just that civilians cannot enter the Soul Society under normal circumstances, not that civilians cannot enter.

"Then, can you take a look at what's going on with Mr. Emiya?"

Looking at her sister whose breathing gradually stabilized, the blonde girl also exhaled, and then turned to look at Shirou Emiya who seemed to be in a daze again.

"What's wrong with him————Hmm!?"

Chapter 800 Abnormal State

The abnormal spiritual pressure made this Shinigami not know how to make a judgment for a while.

Spiritual pressure, generally speaking, refers to the density of a person's soul. The spiritual pressure of each spirit is unique.

Spiritual pressure will rise sharply due to full spiritual power, danger or intense emotions, and it will also decrease due to the use of skills, physical weakness or absorption by the enemy.

Most Shinigami who have undergone systematic learning can feel the spiritual pressure of the other party, and she is no exception.

It's just that as a person who specializes in treatment, she has more perception and understanding of spiritual pressure than normal Shinigami.

The patrolling Shinigami could only feel that Shirou Emiya's spiritual pressure was extremely weak, and the details were not their areas of concern.

As a doctor, she could sense that Shirou Emiya's spiritual pressure was as weak as those souls that were about to die. Logically, the other party's spiritual pressure should gradually decline and finally disappear completely.

But he was alive, and his spiritual pressure was stuck at a critical point of disappearance.

This was a completely incredible thing, something that was simply unimaginable.

"I, I'll try to heal him--"

For a moment, she was a little unsure of what Shirou Emiya was like. For hundreds of years, or since the birth of Soul Society, there had been no such situation.

She didn't know how to deal with it, but she tried to see if normal means could make him recover.

The woman in the Shinigami suit gently placed her hand on his abdomen, and emerald green light emerged from her palm. The treatment principle of the Shinigami was very simple. In most cases, the spiritual pressure was replenished first, and then the physical injuries were restored.

But at this moment, the woman's face turned extremely pale————

Energy visible to the naked eye surged from her hands into Shirou Emiya's body.

She opened her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to say something, and her eyes revealed a struggling expression.


Emiya Shirou immediately reacted and moved forward with both hands, keeping distance from him.

The woman fell heavily to the ground, her face was extremely pale, and sweat was flowing from her forehead.

"Hey! What are you doing! I'm kindly trying to treat you, but you're like this!!! Don't think our fourth team is easy to bully!"

The assistant beside her immediately drew out the katana in his hand and pointed it at Shirou Emiya.

"Cough! Cough! Put the knife down——"

The woman in the Death Overlord costume stood up extremely weakly, and the assistant could clearly feel that her spiritual pressure suddenly became extremely weak.

"Your condition is really strange. I don't have the ability to cure you. Our fourth team will discuss it before giving you a treatment method. I'm sorry——!"

She took a long breath and calmed down for the time being. If Shirou Emiya hadn't reacted in time and pushed her away, she felt that the spiritual power in her body could have been sucked dry by him.

At that time, it is really better to discuss the opponent's situation with everyone in the fourth team. Maybe the knowledgeable captain will know what kind of situation the opponent is in.

"I should be the one to apologize—"

Emiya Shirou shook his head and expressed his apology with great self-reproach. After all, it was his own fault that caused the other party to suffer such suffering.

"It's okay. This is the first time I've seen you in such a situation. The sacrifice for such an unprepared operation should be borne by myself!"

She also shook her head. No one present expected that such a situation would happen.

"If you want to settle down in this area, you'd better find a job. After all, food and water need to be purchased with rings."

"Normally, we need to pay a fee for treatment here, but seeing that you are coming from the fringe area, there is no charge."


The pink-haired girl had woken up at some point. After eating some food and drinking some water, her face became rosy.

"Oh, yes, your spiritual pressure is a little higher than that of normal people. You can choose to take the exam of Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy. If you enter, you may become a Shinigami in the future."

She also reminded her a little loudly. After all, she was somewhat talented in spiritual pressure, so it would be great to be a member of the Shinigami.

If she doesn't go, she won't be persuaded too much. She's not a genius who only happens once in a century. It's better to say that there are many civilians like her in Rukongai.

"Next, go back and tell them what happened today."

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