The reason is simple and crude. As long as you are strong enough, you can join it. As long as you are strong enough, no one will object to becoming the captain.

After saying this, Kyoraku Shunsui stared at Shirou Emiya, trying to see something from his face.

This is a squad that can only be entered by relying on hard power.

If you are not confident in your own strength, or if your main attack direction is not in combat, you can see the change from your expression.

After all, Kyoraku Shunsui does not know how strong Shirou Emiya is, but Shirou Emiya himself knows it.

"Is that so? I know, where is the 11th Division?"

To Kyoraku Shunsui's disappointment, Shirou Emiya's expression did not change much, as if it was a sure thing that he could enter the 11th Division through his own strength.

"Don't you know the strength of those people in the 11th Division? They are not comparable to the death gods you met in Zaraki District."

"I know."

Shirou Emiya just nodded indifferently, and Kyoraku Shunsui could feel his absolute confidence in his own strength.

This kind of confidence is comparable to Kenpachi Zaraki to some extent.

"I think I still need to let you realize the cruelty of the battle first--!"

As soon as the words fell, a strong momentum burst out from Shunsui Kyoraku's body, turning into a substantial terrifying pressure, surging towards Shirou Emiya.

The surrounding space even began to tremble slightly under this terrifying pressure.

Some gravel on the ground even turned into powder under such terrifying pressure.

This is the spiritual pressure of the captain level. Compared with this power, the spiritual pressure released by the god of death that Shirou Emiya saw at the beginning is simply the difference between weeds and mountains.

If an ordinary soul faces this spiritual pressure, it will be shattered in just a few seconds.

The spiritual pressure that burst out from Shunsui Kyoraku did not reach such a terrifying level in an instant, but gradually reached this level in a step-by-step manner, and even the space was trembling slightly.

He was naturally aware that Shirou Emiya's spiritual pressure was extremely weak, and it was impossible for him to release a captain-level spiritual pressure at the beginning. Even a normal soul could not bear this level of spiritual pressure, let alone Shirou Emiya, whose soul was even weaker.

However, when Kyoraku Shunsui first burst out his spiritual pressure, Shirou Emiya stood there as if he was not affected, staring at him straight.

He immediately began to increase the level of spiritual pressure, but he could not shake Shirou Emiya at all, as if he was not affected by the spiritual pressure at all.

No, it was not that he was not affected -

Kyoraku Shunsui felt that the spiritual pressure he released was about to suppress Shirou Emiya's body, and a black mist invisible to the naked eye emanated from his body, swallowing up the spiritual pressure that was constantly surging.

What kind of secrets did he have? For some reason, Kyoraku Shunsui became more and more interested in the existence of Shirou Emiya.

"Any questions?"

"I didn't expect you to be able to withstand the spiritual pressure of the captain. I really underestimated you."

Kyoraku Shunsui put away his own momentum. It was no longer necessary to continue testing. Testing was just testing skills. Let's leave this to the people of the 11th Division. Anyway, they like it.

As for underestimating Shirou Emiya, you should know that when Kenpachi Zaraki was still in Zaraki District, he had injured the former captain of the 11th Division.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the Soul Society to register your information first--!"

With a slight smile on his lips, Kyoraku Shunsui walked towards the Soul Society.

I felt that I had brought a lot of trouble.

But let's see what Shirou Emiya relied on and what kind of power he had.

Slightly lowering the brim of his hat, he took Shirou Emiya to a house that looked like a gangster.

Here is the school building of the 11th Division.

"Challenging us, you are really arrogant!"

Standing in the middle of the courtyard that looked like a dojo, a bald man with narrow eyes and red eye shadow in the corners of his eyes held a spear in his hand and looked fiercely at Shirou Emiya standing at the door.

Beside him, there were death gods with various strange head shapes, full of fierce aura, and dressed in death tyrants like gangsters. They all stared straight at the person in front of them and snorted with great disdain.

Chapter 803: One by one, it's too slow

"If possible, can you all come together?"

It seemed that the tense atmosphere around him did not affect Shirou Emiya in such a storm at all. He asked the hundreds of death gods in front of him very politely.

Just such words, no matter how polite Shirou Emiya's tone was, were extremely arrogant to everyone present.

Even Kyoraku Shunsui, who was hiding aside, was surprised by Shirou Emiya's remarks.

This is the 11th Division, the combat division, and all the Shinigami in this division are experienced fighters.

He is not facing ordinary people, but real fighters. They are not necessarily stronger than the Shinigami in other divisions, but their overall combat quality is definitely higher than that of other divisions.

Even the captain-level existence has to think twice.

Shirou Emiya is a soul that has not even mastered spiritual power, how dare he provoke him like this.

Not only was Kyoraku Shunsui stunned, but even those standing in front of Shirou Emiya were stunned. A civilian who had not even studied at the Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts and whose spiritual pressure was so weak dared to challenge the entire 11th Division like this.

乮 "!"

No explanation is needed at all.

In this moment, the whole air was filled with a suffocating atmosphere, and the originally noisy sounds also dissipated. The courtyard in the school building that was transformed into a dojo suddenly became extremely quiet.

Like being shot from a high-pressure water gun, a pressure that ordinary people could not bear suddenly gushed out and filled the entire courtyard. The concentration was enough to suffocate.

All the Shinigami in the school building involuntarily burst out their spiritual pressure and poured towards Shirou Emiya.

What kind of young man would say such a provocative words to the entire 11th Division.

But from beginning to end, Shirou Emiya's expression did not change much. Such a terrifying pressure did not seem to affect him at all.

"I've really been underestimated!"

The bald man standing in the front waved his naginata and pointed it at the other party.

The fighting spirit reached its peak at this moment, but he didn't develop any murderous intent or other emotions because of the other party's arrogant words.

If we talk about arrogance, few people in the 11th Division are not arrogant, and their captain, Kenpachi Zaraki, is even at the top of the arrogance.

He just wants to know and see what Shirou Emiya relies on to be so arrogant.

"With such spiritual pressure, what happened to the 11th Division again?"

Beside a wooden table where various documents were neatly arranged, a man wearing black-framed glasses, a death suit, and a white long-sleeved haori with a smile on his face frowned and looked at the direction where the spiritual pressure was rising.

He has short brown hair and brown eyes, a gentle appearance, and a gentle look like the sun.

"I don't know, maybe Captain Zaraki is fighting with someone again, but who is willing to clash with Captain Zaraki?"

Beside the man who looked very gentle, there was a woman with her hair tied into a bun and wearing a very standard Shinigami outfit, speaking softly.

She was very petite, with big brown eyes and a very cute appearance.

"This is not Captain Zaraki's spiritual pressure, it's more like the spiritual pressure of many Shinigami bursting out together, which really makes people curious?"

The man squinted his eyes slightly and refuted the woman next to him very gently.

"I don't have much to do now, why not go over and see what will happen, seeing with your own eyes and hearing are always two different things."

"Let's go together, Hinamori"

"Okay, Captain Aizen——!"

The scene turned to the school building of the 11th Squadron again.

"I am the third lieutenant assistant of the 11th Division, Ikkaku Madarame! Boy, tell me your name!"

"Shirou Emiya--"

"Boy, be prepared to pay the price for what you said!"

Saying this, Ikkaku Madarame tightly grasped the naginata in his hand, and seemed not to wait for Shirou Emiya to react, and immediately took a step.

At this moment, Shirou Emiya's figure suddenly disappeared.

Like a flash, he appeared in front of him.


Ikkaku Madarame's pupils shrank fiercely.

It was not until then that a voice slowly reached his ears.

"After all, it's too slow to go up one by one!--"

The knife light suddenly appeared in the space.

It was a dark lightning.

The cold arc light appeared without any warning, instantly cutting through the air, like a crescent moon, sweeping towards Ikkaku Madarame.


The loud collision sound was transmitted.

There were also sparks that suddenly exploded like fireworks.

Facing the extremely fast slash, he could only barely raise the naginata in his hand and block it.

Then, a terrifying force that could not be ignored was shaken from his hand.

At this moment, the second light flashed in front of his eyes.

It was a pure white thunder.

It directly passed through Madarame Ikkaku's defense line and chopped down at his forehead.

"Roar, Kizumaru--!"

With almost no time to hesitate, Madarame Ikkaku roared, and the naginata in his hand that was resisting the slash suddenly split into three sections, and after a rotation, it blocked the second blow with great difficulty.

The overwhelming attack immediately made his figure retreat several steps, and his eyes revealed his fear of Emiya Shirou without any concealment.

"So fast!!"

Seeing Madarame Ikkaku being forced back by two swords, Kyoraku Shunsui, who was standing at the door, couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I thought I had taken you seriously, but did I underestimate you?"

Looking at Shirou Emiya, who was holding a black and a white sword in front of him, the spiritual pressure on Ikkaku Madarame suddenly exploded.


The next moment, Ikkaku Madarame crushed the floor, and his figure turned into a black shadow and rushed out.

In his hand, the three-section naginata blade flashed a cold luster. Under the master's swing, it was like thunderbolt, slashing forward mercilessly.


With the sound of steel colliding with steel, the black blade blocked the incoming swing, causing sparks to burst again, illuminating the side of Shirou Emiya's face.


A smile appeared at the corner of Madarame Ikkaku's mouth.

The naginata, which had been broken into three sections, brushed past the blade, as if surfing in the air current, and slid past lightly, suddenly changing direction behind him, aiming at his head and slashing.

In response, Emiya Shirou's expression did not change at all, as if he did not care about the attack that suddenly changed direction and attacked him.

To be honest, the pressure from the opponent was not even one-tenth of that from the existence of a certain blue tights.

The next moment———


Blood splashed in the tearing sound.

Chapter 804 Just a simple skill


A muffled groan squeezed out of Madarame Ikkaku's throat.

The whole person stepped back very unsteadily, his eyes filled with incredible and strong fighting spirit.

Blood gushed out like a spring, dyeing the ground blood red.

A shocking wound appeared on his chest.

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