After hearing Shirou Emiya's explanation, Tohsaka Rin, who was sitting on the tatami, nodded thoughtfully and quickly understood the whole story of what happened.

"Well, Tohsaka, it's good that you understand!"

Emiya Shirou let out a long breath. To be honest, he had completely forgotten about it. On the one hand, there was no way for this magic seal to contact Tohsaka Rin in other worlds.

Another aspect is that after fighting the Holy Grail War of the Moon, he basically does not lack magic power, not to mention that there is still a Holy Grail in his body.

That's right, it was the Holy Grail in Muzan's body that was recovered by Emiya Shirou.

"It doesn't look like Miss Tohsaka is very surprised by this."

Jeanne d'Arc, who was sitting on the tatami, looked at Tohsaka Rin in surprise.

You must know that when she chased him into the Holy Grail and learned that Emiya Shirou had gone to other worlds, she was extremely shocked, although she still chased after him with great effort in the end.

"You don't want to see who I am. In fact, I have already made a guess. It's just to see when Emiya plans to tell me."

Tohsaka Rin snorted slightly and shook her hair, saying that's it?

You must know who the ancestor of the Tohsaka family is. He is one of the only five "magic users" in the world, Jishua Zelrich Shibainugu.

The second magic he mastered involves parallel worlds, and the Tosaka family also has the design drawings of the gem sword. Completing the gem sword has always been a task for the Tosaka family for generations.

Of course, there are still some surprises. Who is Kishua Zelrich Shobain Ogu? No one will be surprised that he can travel through the world, because he has this ability and the power.

But who is Shirou Emiya? He is a dabbler who is not even a magician. He basically does not know a few magic knowledge, but now he can travel through parallel universes like Kishua Zelrich Shobein Ogu.

"As expected, I still can't hide it from you, Tohsaka?"

"Huh? You're calling it concealment. Putting aside the fluctuations in magic power, you have no cover at all. You haven't hidden all those strange clothes and items in your wardrobe. A normal person would feel something is wrong."

Tohsaka Rin scolded Emiya Shirou in a reprimanding tone, wondering what kind of hiding work had been done here, there were too many problems.

Emiya Shirou left without any warning at all. He said he was going to England without even buying a plane ticket, so only Mr. Fujimura would believe his story.

Every time he came back, it was inexplicable. Basically, when he saw Shirou Emiya, he had already returned to his room. It was too abrupt. Normally, when coming back from outside, he would have to go through the front door. Could it be that he had to climb through the window of his own home? ?

In addition, in the closet, there were some black clothes with the word "Kill" written on them, some clothes that looked like uniforms from other schools, and some mechanical boxes (touch screen mobile phones) that she had never seen before.

Not to mention the uniforms of the Demon Slayer Corps and Haori, they are just a very ordinary set of clothes after all, but neither the uniforms of the Pogun Academy nor the uniforms of Tokyo Butei High School are normal clothes.

Especially the school uniform of Tokyo Butei High School, Tohsaka Rin said that it was really hard, and even the weaker Gandr could not break through the defense of this uniform, which made her want to ask Emiya Shirou for a set of such clothes.

"Although Miss Tohsaka's persistence in searching for the truth is admirable, it is not good to randomly look through other people's wardrobes -" Jeanne's hand trembled slightly, and she couldn't help but remind her slowly.

"What are you going through the closet? I was collecting evidence!! How can you say that about a magician!"

Tohsaka Rin's face suddenly turned red when he suddenly realized something. It would have been better if he didn't say it. Wouldn't it mean he would self-destruct if he said it? Everyone knew that they had secretly searched Emiya Shirou's closet.

"Did Ms. Tohsaka go through grandpa's underwear to collect evidence?"

A voice that came from nowhere sounded in the room. Judging from the tone of the voice, it revealed a feeling of not being too big a deal to watch the excitement.

Although they didn't know why they called him grandpa, judging from the context, this grandpa should refer to Emiya Shirou.


In an instant, the scene fell into deathly silence, and Tohsaka Rin's face turned into steam emitting like a boiling kettle of water.

"Then, of course there is no—!"

【That’s it】

Everyone present looked at Tohsaka Rin like this and almost got a unanimous answer.

Emiya Shirou stared fiercely at the smiling Miyamoto Musashi, his face filled with black lines.

"Now, Tohsaka, actually————"

丒 “Whoops——!”

Before Shirou Emiya could finish speaking, an extremely terrifying fist that penetrated the air grazed Shirou Emiya's face.

"Remember it, I will never forget today's shame!"

With that said, Tohsaka Rin immediately stood up and walked outside. After leaving everyone's sight, they heard the sound of running in the corridor.

Then there was another sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

Judging from Emiya Shirou's long-term combat experience, Tohsaka Rin should have accidentally fallen to the ground again.

But why should I add another one? Is it normal for Tohsaka Rin to fall down in his subconscious?

"But it's none of my business-"

Emiya Shirou couldn't help but sigh in her heart. It was she who blew herself up, and Miyamoto Musashi was the one who committed the suicide. How could the object of hatred become her? It was so unfair. She wanted to see Sakura.

"You guy!!"

Thinking of Musashi who was fanning the flames, Shirou Emiya was furious. If he knew, he would not bring her here.

"Well, don't be angry. Look at her blushing face. She must be interested in you, Grandpa."

Obviously, Musashi was not afraid at all. After being bullied for so long, she finally caught Grandpa's weakness. It was right to follow him. This kind of family ethics drama was her favorite.

If there were wine and melon seeds, it would be a wonderful thing.

"Forget it, Lancer, Musashi's story is basically like this. Let's talk about why you are here first."

Thinking that it would be useless to give Miyamoto Musashi a beating, it would be better to finish the business first.

"In fact, if you take out the mobile phone you brought from the moon, everything will be basically clear."


With a questioning look, Shirou Emiya took out the azure blue mobile phone that was full of sci-fi atmosphere and looked like a holographic projection in his trouser pocket.

This phone is really strong. It was with me when I was in Soul Society. It survived so many battles without any damage, which reminded Shirou Emiya of the almost indestructible wall of the heart.

"Wuwuwuwu!!!! Senior, it took me so long to remember BB. I am really sad!!!!"

As soon as I took it out, BB's voice like a little devil rang out.

Chapter 898 It seems that the next volume of the fifth war is coming (hehe)

In short, BB determined the parallel world where Shirou Emiya was, and then came to this world with Jeanne, with the power of Mooncell.

After all, it is the Holy Grail, and it has also observed this parallel world. It is not surprising that it can do such a thing.

But what is the thing that makes BB feel uncomfortable?

Tsukimihara Academy is based on Hogunhara Academy, and the city where the academy is located is also a replica of Fuyuki City.

Therefore, Sakura in the infirmary is also a replica of Sakura in this parallel world, and BB is the backup of Sakura in the infirmary.

Suddenly, it dropped from the second level to the third level.

Of course, this was just BB's cry to Shirou Emiya, a trick to deceive Shirou Emiya to comfort her.

She knew very well that Shirou Emiya did not regard her as Sakura, nor did he regard himself as a substitute for Sakura.

Perhaps when he first met Sakura in the infirmary on the moon, Shirou Emiya regarded her as Sakura in his own world for a while, but it was only at the beginning.

Shirou Emiya would not regard someone as a substitute for someone else, as doing so would only erase the value of the other person's life.

"Tsk tsk tsk!!!"

Listening to the voice of BB on the phone, Miyamoto Musashi could not help but make a meaningful sound.

I thought that having so many women around my grandfather was already very attractive, but I didn't expect that he could even capture such a mechanical thing. It's really true that you can't judge a person by his appearance.

"So what happened to them in the end?"

"I basically protected the souls of those who participated in the Holy Grail War. After you defeated that guy Sesshōin, I sent them all back to Earth. As for Hakuno Kishiba, I directly created a body for her on Earth."

"After that, I closed the passage from Earth to Mooncell, and used Mooncell and Jeanne to leave that world and come here."

BB was very sincere and didn't seem to be lying.

She really didn't lie, but just concealed a lot of things, such as what she did after coming here, and did some things that only outlaws could do on the Internet in this world.

"Is that so? What happened to Sakura, Lip, and Lilith in the end-"

"Wow! Senior, how can you be so heartless? I have overcome so many difficulties to come here, but you, Senior Emiya, don't even say a word of concern for me, and always ask how others are doing."

What kind of personality do you have? Don't you know it yourself?

Emiya Shirou was very helpless, but seeing the other party's noisy appearance on the phone, he knew that she would definitely not give up if he didn't pretend.

Jeanne quietly accompanied Shirou Emiya, while Miyamoto Musashi listened carefully to the conversation between Shirou Emiya and BB, eating melons and learning from them.

If grandpa was soft-hearted towards girls who acted like spoiled babies, she might not always get beaten.

Sometimes when she was sparring with Shirou Emiya, she felt that Shirou Emiya was not just trying to improve his sword skills, but also wanted to beat her.

"How have you slept recently? Have you eaten well? Do you feel comfortable living here?"


Is this how you care?

Let alone Musashi, Jeanne had black lines on her head.

Grandpa's EQ seems to be a little low.

BB was also a little stunned. She thought Shirou Emiya would be perfunctory, but she didn't expect it to be so perfunctory.

"Senior, I won't accept such emotionless care for me!"

As he said that, BB in the phone pouted and turned his back, as if he didn't intend to pay attention to Shirou Emiya.


Then Emiya Shirou cast a look of help to Jeanne and Miyamoto Musashi.


Miyamoto Musashi’s pupils were dilated. They had never been so dilated when he was fighting with Tsugumi Yoshiichi.

She was so anxious. She was so anxious. Why did she look at us for help?

"Well, BB, just tell Shirou. He needs to know these things anyway."

Emiya Shirou couldn't help showing a grateful look. He was not good at dealing with BB's personality.

Miss Jeanne, don't spoil him so much! ! ! ! !

Didn't you see that BB was acting like a spoiled child with grandpa? You are still playing assists. Do you know that this is a self-destructive behavior! !

So anxious! So anxious! I'm so anxious!

Watching the show on the side, Miyamoto Musashi bit his teeth tightly, trying desperately to control his desire to speak.

She wanted to reject Emiya Shirou's request directly on behalf of Jeanne.

"Sure enough, I'm just a woman who can be abandoned by the senior at any time. The senior's heart is on them."

After saying that, without waiting for any response from Emiya Shirou, the screen of the phone became dark.

So why did such a drama appear? ---

Emiya Shirou complained in his heart. When he was in the maze, he couldn't keep up with BB's train of thought. He often put on some BB programs.

"Uh, senior, don't worry about BB. She's just a little excited because she hasn't seen you for a long time."

In an instant, the phone screen returned to normal again, but it was not BB but white-haired Sakura that appeared in it.

"Sakura! Don't say anything nonsense! Otherwise, I will cut off your communication with senior!!"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, my authority seems to be higher than BB kissing you!"

"Are you going to switch to that guy? I remember you were not like this before!!"

Before white-haired Sakura said a few words, the screen was in a mess.

"You get along well?"

Looking at what happened on the screen, Emiya Shirou also smiled knowingly. They used to fight to the death on the moon, but now they can fight together.

"Don't worry about this, senior. You can talk to me first. I'm going to go out of my mind!!!"

After saying that, BB pouted and disappeared from the screen again.

But there's no need to think about it. BB is still watching the situation here.

"Let's go back to the question that senior asked earlier. Lilith, Lip and I also traveled through the world with BB, but we all exist in the world in the form of electronic ghosts, basically living in the network."

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