
The silver-haired girl's sarcasm left Emiya Shirou speechless, because he had no idea what was happening here now. He came here to find Kotomine Kirei and Gilgamesh. Why did this person appear in the church? A girl.

"Uhhh!! Uhhhh!! Uhhhh!! Uhhhh!!"

It seemed that because of Shirou Emiya's intrusion, the binding force of those strips on these children was greatly weakened. Just like the previous child, they stepped on the ground violently and moved towards them at a speed that even adults could not burst out. The silver-haired girl pounced.

Seeing this, Shirou Emiya could only put down the child in his hands, suddenly picked up the silver-haired girl on the ground, and dodged away to the side.

"So you can't tell me what you are doing here?"

Seeing someone chasing after her in the church, she didn't look like a normal child at all, but like a devil. He couldn't help but yell at the girl on his shoulder.

"Are you really a magician? You don't even have such simple common sense?"

However, the girl on the shoulder was not afraid of Shirou Emiya's scolding at all, and asked Shirou Emiya with great disdain.

Chapter 907: Exorcism Ritual Like a Prostitute

The moment he came into contact with this girl at such a close distance, Emiya Shirou smelled the extremely strong smell of disinfectant mixed with blood.

It was almost certain that beneath this seductive piece of clothing was a body covered in bruises.

"Really, let's restrain them first!"

Although he didn't know what happened to these children and this girl, it was obviously impossible for Emiya Shirou to treat these children like servants.

Looking at the girl who was being carried on his shoulders without any struggle, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but sigh. Why was it so difficult to know what was going on?

"Trace on"

Magic power surged in Shirou Emiya's hand, and strips of crimson holy cloth appeared from the space around him in an instant, shooting towards the children who were running fast.

In just a few breaths, they were all restrained by these crimson strips and unable to move.

"Is this projection magic? How did you do it?"

His originally calm expression could not help but change at this moment.

When Shirou Emiya projected Ganshang Moye, she didn't feel anything was wrong. She didn't recognize any Noble Phantasm, let alone Moxie, the general.

It was just the twin swords projected by Emiya Shirou. Of course, they were just ordinary swords. I even felt a little scornful of them in my heart.

She knows about projection magic, which is magic that uses magic to materialize mirror images and imitations of objects that have existed in reality. It lasts only a few minutes, and the fog dissipates when the illusion is broken. It is an extremely inefficient magic.

But what Shirou Emiya projected at this time was the holy cloth on her body. Can such a thing be projected and used?

If it were just to project the appearance, it would be very simple, but its effects would need to be projected at the same time, which was no longer within the scope of her knowledge.

"Isn't this common sense among magicians?"

Emiya Shirou responded without hesitation.

"No, I am very clear that I have no problem with my knowledge of projection magic. But Mr. Magician, an unknown person, is a bit too petty. Could it be that he vented his grievances on me because his life was not satisfactory enough? ”

Emiya Shirou didn't know how to reply to her mocking tone. It was no exaggeration to say that her poisonous tongue skills were superior to his own.

"Tell me first, what happened to these children?"

"I think you should take me off your shoulders before I tell you what's going on."

The girl stared at Shirou Emiya coldly. She was still being carried by Shirou Emiya on his shoulders. Although she was not struggling, it did not mean that she was comfortable on it.

"Feel sorry--!"

Emiya Shirou put the girl down with apology.

But she was not in a hurry to answer Emiya Shirou's inquiry. Instead, she straightened her appearance first, then walked back a few steps, picked up the fallen black hat, dusted it twice, and put it on her head.

Emiya Shirou quietly watched the girl's behavior and did not urge her. After all, those children had been restrained by the holy cloth and could only make roaring sounds.

As perverted as Emiya Shirou's projection magic is his ability to analyze the opponent's items.

Such terrifying analytical ability allows Emiya Shirou to quickly make countermeasures during battle.

When he faced Cú Chulainn on the moon, it was not that he knew Cú Chulainn's true name, but that he directly analyzed his Noble Phantasm, knew its function, and worked backwards to know his true name.

For example, many people who use Noble Phantasms or various types of props to assist in fighting are less threatening to Emiya Shirou. The most representative one is Faliagni.

The moment he took out his Noble Phantasm, Emiya Shirou knew what the opponent was going to do and was able to respond in advance. What's more, most of his Noble Phantasms were aimed at Fire Mist Warriors, not humans.

After growing up, Shirou Emiya was able to analyze most things with just one glance.

After analyzing the holy cloth held by the girl, he understood what the holy cloth was used for—it restrained the other party's actions and had the characteristics of capturing men.

In the test in Shirou Emiya's mind, servants of Lu Bu Fengxian's level would also be restrained by it. Although they could break free sooner or later, they could indeed be restrained.

"Exorcism, those children are all possessed by demons—"


Shirou Emiya was happy to learn a new word, another knowledge point he didn't understand.

"This is one of the duties of the Cathedral Church, but under normal circumstances I serve as an assistant to the exorcist. It's just that I came here because of other duties and happened to meet him."

"What about Father Kotomine who was originally here?"

"Father Kotomine died several months ago, which is why I was sent here."

"He, died?"

Shirou Emiya looked at the girl in disbelief. This news was indeed a bit sudden, or to be more precise, a bit too sudden.

"Do you know why Father Kotomine died?"

"I don't know. My mission is not to investigate the cause of Father Kotomine's death, and this is not my responsibility."

Obviously, both the Magic Association and the Cathedral Church are such cold-blooded organizations. Unless there is something related to interests, otherwise, if you die, you die.

"Okay, the questions that should be asked have been asked. Can this unknown magician leave? I need to perform an exorcism ceremony."

After answering Shirou Emiya's question, the girl issued an order to expel him without hesitation.

"Um, can I ask another question? How do you plan to exorcise the devil?"

"Oh? Mr. Unknown Magician really wants to know how I exorcise the devil? Or do you want to expel the [demon] in your body?"

In an instant, the atmosphere around became serious. He never thought that the girl could actually feel the [evil] in her body.

"But unfortunately, I don't have that kind of power. I can only exorcise those weak demons that have not yet taken shape. I can't do something as powerful as your body."

If she could be like those exorcists, she would not just be an assistant in exorcising demons.

"As for the exorcism method, haven't you seen it before? Like a prostitute, accepting the invasion of demons--"

After saying such shocking words, the girl's expression did not change at all, as if she was used to this kind of life.

The reason why she did not resist the child's behavior before was not because she could not resist, but that it was part of the exorcism itself.

The girl stretched out her hand towards Shirou Emiya, as if inviting him.

"Although I can't expel the demon in your body, I can still sacrifice myself to prevent the demon in your body from harming others."

From her perspective, Shirou Emiya may not be much different from a demon.

Chapter 908 Kallen Aldessia

If we talk about the difference between Shirou Emiya and those demons now, perhaps the only difference is that he is not a real demon.

After all, the body that Shirou Emiya is using now is a prosthetic body. To some extent, Shirou Emiya is still in a spiritual state.

In addition, his soul contains such a huge amount of [evil] that it is not an exaggeration to call him an evil spirit.

Whether it is his posture or the terrifying evil thoughts, in the eyes of the girl, there is almost no big difference between him and a real devil.

"Does the Holy Church have no other means of exorcism?"

Listening to the words of the girl in front of him, Shirou Emiya's brows couldn't help but frown tightly, and at the same time, he also felt disgust for the Holy Church.

But whether it is the Magic Association or the Holy Church, they are not righteous organizations. Everything they do is for their own interests.

"Sometimes I really wonder if you are a magician who ran out of some forest. Most of the questions you raise are common sense in the magic world."

After all, the Magic Association and the Holy Church are the two largest organizations in the world.

Moreover, at present, the Magic Association and the Holy Church are in a dangerous relationship of cooperation in form, but they will kill each other at any opportunity.

Because the church hates heresy very much, everything that is not human will be regarded as heresy and completely excluded, including those who perform magic.

For the church, miracles are something that only the chosen saints can get, and all those who perform miracles are heretics.

In secret, the two sides have fought countless unrecorded battles.

If you don't even understand the functions of the Holy Church, you may be killed in secret by the agent.

"Most of the time, the ritual of baptism chanting will be performed. The spirits that receive the baptism chanting will immediately sublimate due to the Lord's repentance. This is the normal exorcism."

Of course, in addition to this, there is actually physical exorcism, such as pressing them against the wall and rubbing them.


Before Shirou Emiya could say it, he was interrupted by the girl.

"I know what you want to say. Unfortunately, I am only a substitute priest. I don't know the ritual of baptism chanting, and I am not good at fighting. If a substitute like Father Kotomine takes action, the exorcism can be completed quickly, and it won't be as troublesome as it is for me."

The girl shook her head. It was not that she was unwilling to use other means, but that she did not know how to use other means. The church had always refused to let her share God's blessings, never baptized her, and had never learned the exorcism skills of the Holy Church. means.

In the Holy Church, in addition to learning the most basic knowledge, she has always been used as a convenient demon detection machine.

"If Mr. Magician has not violated my thoughts, please leave. The longer the devil possesses these children, the deeper the impact will be on them."

Looking at Shirou Emiya who was standing there without making any movement, the girl slowly put down her hands, turned around, walked towards the restrained children, and began to take off her clothes.

No matter how harsh her words are, no matter how uncomfortable this exorcism ritual is, but looking at its essence, this girl is saving others at the expense of herself.

Exorcism is not her responsibility. She is just an exorcist assistant, not responsible for exorcism. Otherwise, she would not be able to control the baptismal chant.

Under normal circumstances, she should report the demons here and bypass the Holy Church to send exorcists to exorcise them.

But during this time, there is no telling how long these children will suffer.

What a low price to pay to be able to save so many children by sacrificing your own negligible chastity and enduring enough pain.

Emiya Shirou did not choose to leave because of the girl's words. He could not just watch her being violated like this, even if it was a so-called exorcism ritual.

"Are those possessed demons actually spirits?"

After thinking carefully about the girl's words, Emiya Shirou murmured to himself.

In an instant, a huge blade with the shape of a kitchen knife, the handle wrapped with a strip of white cloth, and without a pattern or guard appeared in the hand of Shirou Emiya.

"Have you ever heard of Death?"

"grim Reaper?"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, the girl couldn't help but be stunned. Why would she raise such an unrelated question at this time?

"Is he the God of Death in Greek mythology, wearing a black cloak and holding a huge scythe in his hand, who is in charge of death?"

"No, he is the Shinigami who shoulders the responsibility of protecting humanity, guiding and purifying the Hollow, returning it to the Soul Society, and maintaining the balance of the two worlds to prevent the world from becoming unstable and perishing."

The moment he finished speaking, Emiya Shirou's figure disappeared from the spot, and the sword in his hand flashed a silver light in the dark church.

"Retreating will only lead to aging, and timidity will lead to death. This sword is called - Zhanyue."


A roar of blades that broke through the sky spread in this space.

Before the girl could react at all, Emiya Shirou had already appeared behind the children and stuck the big knife in his hand heavily on the ground.

Those demonic roars gradually stopped and gradually returned to steady breathing.

"How is this possible!?"

Feeling the disappearance of part of the spiritual barrier, the fact was already in front of his eyes. Those demons were all wiped out with such a blow from Emiya Shirou.

But to a certain extent, these demons possessing humans are not much different from Hollows.

"Wouldn't this eliminate it?"

Emiya Shirou turned around and looked at the girl who was lost in thought again, and said softly.

"If you hadn't inserted that knife into the knife floor, I think your performance would be worthy of being called handsome——"

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