Its function is also very simple. It has the ability of the second magic "Operation of Parallel Worlds", which can interfere with the level of spying on the other side of the parallel world, and can share and use the great source magic power of infinite parallel worlds.

It can also be said that she has unlimited magic power, not to mention that she can be connected with the gem man, and maybe she can become a disciple. She doesn't need the magic furnace at all.

Although she still has not completed this project even now.

So to sum up, Tohsaka Rin felt that he was doing something that was not beneficial to him at all, and it also involved the Shajo family who occupied the land with the top-level dragon veins. Tohsaka Rin was even more angry. .

I decided to pull Emiya Shirou out and handle the things I wanted to know on my own. I won't work for free.

"Is there anything else?"

Sajo Ayaka wanted to forcefully close the door, but Emiya Shirou opened it easily.

The opponent's power was beyond his imagination. At least Tohsaka didn't have such a power that was far beyond ordinary people. Maybe he could do it with enhanced magic, but he couldn't do it under normal circumstances.

"It's about what happened in Chancai's apartment. Miss Shajo, do you know anything about it?"

Emiya Shirou didn't have any objections to this. After doing an earth-shattering thing, all the aftermath and investigation were handed over to Tohsaka Rin, and he was at fault.

"Chancai Apartment, do you want to talk about that young man A?"

Saying that, Sajo Ayaka's eyes couldn't help but turn in the direction of Sajo Aige.

It seems to indicate that the matter of young man A is actually related to his sister.

However, at this moment, Sajo Aika was still staring at Shirou Emiya. She seemed to have known for a long time that Shirou Emiya would block the door, and her eyes never shifted.

"I'm still waiting for your reply? Big brother!"

There was still a smile on Shajo Aige's lips, but the innocence in her eyes had disappeared at some point.

The sense of crisis climbed up Shirou Emiya's back again, seeming to tell him that if he lied, the end would not be much better.


Before the words could be spoken, a heart-stopping sense of silence instantly filled the entire space.

"Think carefully before answering! Big brother!"

With these words, the world began to change.


At this moment, magic power surged in the body of the girl in front of Shirou Emiya, and an aura that no one could detect turned into a wall and covered the surrounding area.

With the girl as the center, a magic circle expanded directly.

Immediately, the color of the space changed.

It turned into a dazzling golden color.

In this golden space, everything suddenly came to a standstill.

Tohsaka Rin, who stood behind Emiya Shirou, was as still as a doll.

Sajo Ayaka, who was about to speak out, also stood still in front of her like a doll.

Even the birds flying across the sky were suddenly stopped, as if frozen in space, frozen in this golden space.

In the blink of an eye, only Emiya Shirou and Sajo Aika were able to move in this space.

At this moment, Shajo Aige’s smile was like a devil,

"Feng Jue!"

"How is this possible!"

At this moment, Emiya Shirou, who was standing in front of Sajo Aika, could no longer hold back his shock.

Seal, like a barrier, isolates the inner and outer spaces, and can separate the "causality" of the world. Its interior is static.

The outside is a hidden invisible space.

It is an extremely terrifying method of freedom. At least for ordinary people, it is a terrifying method that cannot be resisted at all, and even death cannot be known.

This is not the point. The point is that this seal does not use the power of existence, but magic power.

In other words, the other party not only knew the spell from another world, but also changed it into a spell that could be performed with magic power.

Shirou Emiya had never even thought about this kind of thing, what kind of talent he had to complete such a cross-world and cross-power learning and modification of the technique.

Of course, this was not the only thing that shocked Shirou Emiya. Whether it was using techniques from other worlds or knowing the existence of male Arthur, Shirou Emiya was so shocked that he could hardly think.

The fear caused by [Evil] before was just to let Emiya Shirou know that this girl named Sajo Aika was not simple.

But what happened now was enough for Emiya Shirou to understand what kind of terrifying existence the girl named Sajo Aika in front of him was.

"Hey! Big brother! It's time to answer me!" There was a smile on Shajo Aige's lips, but there was no smile at all in his eyes.

The surrounding air also solidified at this moment.


Emiya Shirou could only tell the answer that he had already determined in his heart. He had no idea what the Sajo Aige in front of him was thinking or what he planned to do.

But he was ready to fight.

"As expected? The scent I smell is right! It's Prince!" Shajo Aige suddenly showed an intoxicated look.

The moment Emiya Shirou answered, the frozen air around him seemed to begin to flow, and the tense atmosphere seemed to be relieved.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Two swords, one black and one white, had appeared in the hands of Shirou Emiya. The strange atmosphere made Shirou Emiya not sure how to think.

It should be said that it was impossible to keep up with the thoughts of the singing girl named Sandjo.

"In fact, you should know my purpose. From the very beginning of my enthusiasm, I have shown that I have only one purpose, and that is to find my prince!"

Sajō Aika didn't seem to mind at all when Shirou Emiya drew his sword at her, but whether she really didn't mind or whether she simply didn't think Shirou Emiya could kill her was unknown.


Emiya Shirou didn't understand, but he only knew that the woman in front of him was dangerous.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you! If you lose the [anchor], the prince will not be able to come to this world. I won't let such a thing happen." Shajo Aige said with an extremely intoxicated expression. He looked at Emiya Shirou with a smile.

But for Emiya Shirou, it was as cold as falling into an ice cave.

"Hey! Anchor, let's make a deal. During the Holy Grail War, I will protect the residents of Fuyuki City."

"Then what do I have to give?"

Emiya Shirou could only continue what the other party said at this moment. He even knew for the first time that a Holy Grail War was about to break out in Fuyuki City.

"A date with my sister Ayaka Sayō!"


Chapter 931 Tohsaka: I’m a bad woman anyway

The date didn't happen.

Emiya Shirou has already established a relationship with Sakura. It is impossible for him to do such a thing behind Sakura's back. It is undoubtedly betrayal.

Joan of Arc tutored Shirou Emiya in her studies alone.

Emiya Shirou took Musashi to the dojo.

Tohsaka Rin dragged Emiya Shirou away directly.

These things were all carried out with Sakura's permission. Emiya Shirou now habitually reported to Sakura before going out to do things, instead of just leaving without saying a word like before.

Now in Shirou Emiya's eyes, Sakura has become an indispensable presence in his life.

As for his attitude towards Sayō Ayaka, that is the attitude towards a stranger.

This is the first meeting between Emiya Shirou and Sajo Ayaka. If you want to say whether the first impression of both parties is good or bad, the answer can only be good or bad.

Even if they knew each other, they would just say hello and then pass by each other on the street, commonly known as nodding acquaintances.

It can even be said that if this sudden incident had not been connected with the Shajo family, the two would have been parallel lines that did not intersect at all.

As for the so-called deal between Feng Jue Rina and Shajo Aika, Emiya Shirou did not agree.

During the Holy Grail War, he will do his best to protect Fuyuki City!

But for some reason, even though the other party looked like the kind of person who would do whatever it took to achieve his own goals, he didn't stop Emiya Shirou from leaving.

After a conversation without getting any useful information, Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin left Sajo's house.

As for whether Sajo Ayaka was hiding something about Channa's apartment, or whether she really had nothing to do with the magic furnace there.

Tohsaka Rin didn't believe it.

And it was even more impossible for Emiya Shirou to believe it.

But there's nothing that can be done. To a certain extent, this can be regarded as someone else's secret. If the other party doesn't want to tell it, they can't force it.

In fact, they can be forced, but neither Emiya Shirou nor Tohsaka Rin are like that.

"So you didn't get anything in the end? Well, I thought this would be the result a long time ago."

Tohsaka Rin, who was walking in front of Emiya Shirou, waved his hand helplessly. He seemed to have expected that he would not get any results from the two things of being unable to recover the land and why the magic furnace would become self-aware.

"You knew the outcome and you still pulled me out——"

"Let you know how difficult it is for me to do these things. It's very hard to deal with these magicians every day!"

Tohsaka Rin was very unhappy with Shirou Emiya's complaints. When the time comes, he will drag you into the clock tower to let you know what the life of a magician is like.

"Then what are your plans next?" Emiya Shirou, who was still wandering on the street, asked Tohsaka Rin.

"It's still early."

Rin Tosaka raised his head slightly to look at the sun hanging in the sky and murmured.

"After all, Shatiao's family is also in the residential area of ​​the old capital, so it's not far from us."

Basically, the people I know live in the old capital of Fuyuki City, so it’s not like going to the church, where you have to travel across most of Fuyuki City.

Of course, in terms of crowd distribution, there are more people in the old capital than in the new capital.

The fire in 1994 burned down most of Xindu, and the subsequent ten years of reconstruction turned Xindu into a concrete forest, so the flow of people is less than in the old city.

The night market that Emiya Shirou and Kallen went to at that time was also in the old capital.

To be more specific, from Fuyuki City Ohashi to the west, there are Suizunhara Academy, shopping street, residential area, and Ryudouji Temple.

The Emiya Residence, the Tosaka Residence, the Matou Residence, the Shajo Residence, and the Chanina Apartment are all in the residential area, and the distance between them is not too far.

So it’s actually very convenient to visit, and you can often meet acquaintances while wandering around the commercial street.

"Then why not go to the commercial street and take a look? I feel like there is no need to go back so early."

Tohsaka Rin looked at Emiya Shirou, but his eyes expressed that he could not refuse.

"So this is your main purpose?"

Emiya Shirou made a slight sound of doubt. He had already expected that going to Shajo's house to inquire would have no results, and he even brought himself with him. It always felt like it was premeditated.

"How is that possible! I just can't bear to see you sitting at home and resting while I deal with the mess you left outside. Don't think too much!"

To be honest, Tohsaka Rin's original purpose was actually to let Emiya Shirou know how hard it was for her to deal with so many things these days. As for what happened next, she didn't think too much about it.

However, showing his strength in front of Sakura and complaining about his hard work in front of Emiya Shirou, the former is because of his sister, and the latter is probably not even clear to Tosaka himself.

"Let's go then. I just bought all the ingredients I'll use for lunch today—"

Looking at Tohsaka Rin with a slight blush on his face, Emiya Shirou just shrugged, he was used to it.

Emiya's habit is to decide what to eat today before buying the food, instead of piling a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator first and then deciding what to eat based on the ingredients in the refrigerator.

The reason is actually very simple. Counting himself, there are six people in the family, and the food is consumed very quickly. Basically, all the food stored in the refrigerator will be used up within a few days.

Not to mention there is also a part of the space used to store Musashi and Fuji-san's drinks.


After listening to Emiya Shirou's words, Tohsaka Rin turned around and seemed not to pay attention to Emiya Shirou. I invited you kindly, but why did I act like I had done something bad in secret?

Looking at Tohsaka Rin who turned his head, Emiya Shirou also couldn't help but smile, something happened suddenly.

"No matter what, it's my fault. I let you handle these things alone, Tohsaka. It's just a good time to relax now. I-treat you!"

Gritting his teeth and feeling the emptiness of his wallet, Emiya Shirou looked at Tohsaka Rin with extremely firm eyes.

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