It looked like it hadn't been cleaned for a while.

In front of Emiya's house, there is a sign hanging on the wall that Shirou Emiya is very familiar with - [Emiya].

This is enough to prove that the self in this world still lives here.

"Have I left Fuyuki City too?"

With such doubts, Emiya Shirou gently pushed open the door that was not closed. Everything was exactly the same as the Emiya house in his memory.

Except for the dried blood on the ground in front of the door.

The frosty wind howled at this moment, brushing against Emiya Shirou's face, bringing with it a scent of cherry blossoms that gradually dissipated like withering, leaving behind a feeling of sadness.


Emiya Shirou opened the entrance door with a puzzled expression.

What exactly happened to me in this world?

Why am I feeling sad again.

Chapter 934 Delicious Mapo Tofu (modified)


The light was turned on.

Under the cover of the gray sky outside, the inside of the house looked very dim.

Although the entire Fuyuki City is like an empty city, the power system does not seem to be affected at all, and all electrical equipment can be used normally.

The furnishings in the living room were exactly the same as Shirou Emiya's perception, almost no different from his own home.

Although to a certain extent, this is my home.

"It seems like [I] haven't been gone for too long."

If it weren't for the fact that the door was covered in ice and snow, as if no one had cleaned it for a long time, it would be impossible to tell that the owner of the house had been away for a while just by looking at the interior.

There is not much dust in the house, everything is kept clean and tidy, and there are even some refrigerated ingredients in the refrigerator.

It was easy to tell that the owner of this house had not been away for too long.

Emiya Shirou was not in a hurry. Understanding the current situation in Fuyuki City was obviously not something that could be done in a short time.

There is no need to catch up with time now, and there is no threat of chasing behind you.

"This is my room, this is Kiritsugu's room, and this is Sakura's room. I didn't find Tou-san and Rin's room, but there was a strange room."

Strange, it was indeed strange to Emiya Shirou. After all, the layout of this room could not match anyone's memory.

It can only be said that as a parallel world, it is common for many things to be inconsistent with one's own understanding.

When I was participating in Holy Grail of the Moon, there were many things that were incompatible with my own world, such as Sakura being an advanced AI, Shinji being only seven years old, and so on.

So Emiya Shirou was not surprised.

Judging from various things in the house, there is only a child living here, probably a child of primary school age.

But in Emiya Shirou's own memory, no one he knew in Fuyuki City was right, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

"The lights in the corridor were broken, and there were dried blood stains on the ground."

Looking at the glass shards falling on the ground, Emiya Shirou frowned, because it didn't look like a natural explosion at all, but more like it was destroyed by some kind of sharp weapon.

"Also, the glass facing the atrium is also shattered."

He tilted his head slightly, and there was broken glass beside him.

And behind the broken glass is the atrium.

In the atrium, there were extremely obvious signs of collapse and sword penetration on the ground. There were also mottled marks on the walls caused by various battles. The warehouse was even more chaotic, as if some kind of close-range impact had occurred.

It was obvious that a battle had taken place in the atrium, an extremely fierce battle.

"It's my fight. It should be said, it's my fight in this world."

Looking at the marks of the swords on the ground, Emiya Shirou instantly judged that these were the damage caused by the projected swords.

But there was only so much information that could be obtained, and there were even more questions.

"Senior, if you want to know what happened in Fuyuki City, I think you can only ask that person - Kotomine Kirei."

White-haired Sakura's voice also reached my ears at this moment.

"Where is he now?"

"Near what was supposed to be Commercial East Street, records show he had a ramen shop there."

Magic is basically done in secret. Even if she can take over the network, the information she can obtain is extremely limited.

The key information about Fuyuki City is limited to the disaster 10 years ago, the disaster half a month ago, gas leaks, meteorite falls, etc.

It's not that Fuyuki City is uninhabited now, it just means that there aren't many residents who still stay in Fuyuki City.

Judging from the report, it seems that the residents of Fuyuki City felt that they were in danger due to frequent gas explosions, so they decided to leave here.

But what actually happened, Shiro-haired Sakura didn't know.

But she knew that in this world, as a member of the Holy Church Church, the administrator of Fuyuki City, Kotomine Kirei was still alive.

"Is the disaster ten years ago the Fourth Holy Grail War?"

His memory is very profound. It would be better to say that the starting point of Emiya Shirou's memory was when he was rescued by Kiritsugu during the disaster ten years ago.

The same is true in this world. The disaster ten years ago took away countless lives.

The announcement to the public was also very simple and crude - a gas explosion.

"If we calculate according to time, then it should be here now, the fifth Holy Grail War that Sajo Aige mentioned!"

Emiya Shirou took a positive attitude towards the other party's words. If he wanted to explain why, he had already confirmed with Rin Tohsaka about the Fifth Holy Grail War. The unusual movement caused by the Holy Grail indicated that the Fifth Holy Grail War was about to begin. arrival.

If the general course of this parallel world is the same as the one she has experienced, then Shiro-haired Sakura investigates that the previous disaster was caused by the Fifth Holy Grail War.

After all, the place where this disaster occurred was Yuanzang Mountain.

Because Sakura swallowed up all the evil in this world, Emiya Shirou knew that the Great Holy Grail of Fuyuki City in his world was in Mount Enzo.

If it was a coincidence that the location of the [Gas Explosion] in this world was Mount Enzo, Shirou Emiya would definitely not believe it.


Lifting the door curtain, a deep voice that was extremely familiar to Shirou Emiya came from inside.

Behind the counter, Kotomine Kirei wore a blue cloth hat tied on his head, a white towel hanging around his neck, black short-sleeved clothes, and a store manager-style clothing with the word "hemp" written on it tied underneath. .

Kotomine Kirei stared at Shirou Emiya who walked in, as if he was surprised by his sudden appearance.

Then, he spoke slowly.

"Do you want ramen?"

But before Shirou Emiya could speak, Kotomine Kirei immediately spoke.

“The only thing here is Mapo Tofu Ramen!”

Emiya Shirou could see that there was a strong sense of irresistibility in his eyes.

"Can I refuse?"

It seemed that the Kotomine Kirei in front of him was not exactly the same as the one he knew.

"Don't waste food!"

The next second, a steaming bowl of Mapo Tofu Ramen was brought out by Kotomine Kirei.

Although it was Mapo Tofu Ramen, Emiya Shirou could only see the thick mapo tofu and could not see any trace of ramen at all.


The sound of swallowing resounded in this ramen shop. He had seen how terrifying Mapo Tofu was.

He had done it before, and after doing it, his hands were so painful that he lost consciousness.

So when Emiya Shirou saw Mapo Tofu, he was still a little psychologically shadowed.

But for some reason, facing Kotomine Kirei in the store manager's clothes and the eager eyes, Emiya Shirou decided that it would be better to do less than to do more, so he should eat it?

Chapter 935 Justice gained at the expense of others is not justice.

Somewhere unknown, huh?

In a very famous ramen restaurant with countless repeat customers.

Emiya Shirou was eating mapo tofu ramen that was as red as lava in front of him.

Of course, it's not to the point of devouring it, but it's not slow either. It seems that as long as it stops, it will be devoured by some kind of terrifying monster. It keeps feeding the mapo tofu in front of it into its mouth.

However, within a few minutes, Emiya Shirou ended his battle with Mapo Tofu.

The whole person's face was as bright red as flames.


Kotomine Kirei, who was standing in the kitchen, frowned tightly, staring at Emiya Shirou who had finished the Mapo Tofu Ramen in the bowl, as if he was observing something.

"Yes, what's the problem?"

Emiya Shirou panted heavily and looked at Kotomine Kirei nervously.

The reason for the tension is simple, he cheated.

Most of the Mapo Tofu was swallowed up by the black mud, and only a very small part of the Mapo Tofu was actually eaten by Emiya Shirou.

It's really spicy, and the black mud is boiling.

Hei Ni: Once again, please turn on the microphone to communicate!

But just such a small portion of Mapo Tofu made Emiya Shirou feel like he saw Kiritsugu waving to him on the other side of the river.

"It seems that the new product has not been developed yet and still needs to be improved——"

Standing in the kitchen, Kotomine Kirei touched his chin, as if he was extremely dissatisfied with Emiya Shirou's behavior after eating.

"If it gets hotter, it won't be something humans can bear!"

The improvement is probably to make it more spicy. Looking at the bright red color left in his bowl, Emiya Shirou had a look of helplessness on his face. Does he really want to run his store properly?

"We've finished eating the noodles, now it's time to say something."

After pulling the paper from the side and wiping away the remaining redness around his mouth, Emiya Shirou turned his attention to Kotomine Kirei and said this.

"The temptation is over, Kotomine Kirei, tell me, what exactly happened in Fuyuki City?"

After hearing Shirou Emiya's words, Kotomine Kirei's steps froze slightly as he walked over.

The information provided by Shirogane Sakura was already very clear. Kotomine Kirei was previously the priest of Fuyuki City Church, but he just opened a ramen shop here.

Although in this world, it seems that Kotomine Kirei's main job is the ramen shop manager, and his deputy job is the priest.

"You are more mature than the Emiya Shirou I know——"

Kotomine Kirei stared at Emiya Shirou with eyes that showed almost no emotion, then put away the finished ramen bowl in front of him and walked towards the sink.

The young man in front of him was not as confused as the one he had seen in the church.

After experiencing so much, it’s time to mature.

Emiya Shirou is no longer the impulsive, impatient, and stubborn person he used to be.

"But what is your purpose in wanting to know this? Or what is your reason? Only in this way can I tell you what I know!"

The calm words echoed in the quiet store with the sound of washing dishes.

Kotomine Kirei naturally didn't mind telling everything he knew to the Emiya Shirou in front of him. He was just a bystander. He didn't care about any changes in the world. He only cared about pleasure.

Such questions were just what he wanted to ask and what he wanted to know.

Anyone and any action has their own purpose and reason. Another Emiya Shirou embarked on a journey and chose his sister between the world and his sister.

He wanted to know whether the reason for the Emiya Shirou in front of him to move forward was still [justice].

"Reason? I just want to do my best to lend a helping hand to this city and this world."

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