It is the same now. After learning the divine creation technology from Hephaestus and evolving the Hogyoku, Shirou Emiya now has the conditions to project the divine creation weapon, but his own ability is not enough to support him to project the Sword of Separation in the true sense.

He can only project the degraded version of the Sword of Separation, just like the degraded version of the Sword of Contract Victory at that time.

In more concise words - a fake.

A pillar-shaped sword exactly the same as the one in Angelica's hand was tightly held in Shirou Emiya's hand.

Because he knew that there was no time for him to continue analyzing the sword.

During the time he was analyzing and projecting, the Sword of Separation in Angelica's hand had accumulated more than half of its power.

"It's really disgusting! Do you have to forge everything?"

"Then, annihilate it with this sword! Fake (Faker)!!!!"

Angelica roared.

The black cylindrical sword covered with red veins in her hand suddenly rotated rapidly in three different directions, rubbing against each other.

"If that's the case, you're nothing more than a fake!!"

A fake that even imitates that arrogance.

After saying that, Shirou Emiya also raised the projected Sword of Separation in his hand.

"Cut the enemy and this world apart!"


The speed of the cylindrical sword body composed of three cylindrical blades suddenly increased, so fast that it emitted a sharp sound produced by the intense friction of metal and iron, which resounded throughout the space.

Immediately, waves of red air rose from the sword body, bursting out through the gaps between the three cylindrical blades that were rubbing and rotating, and it continued to surge.


Although Shirou Emiya used the Noble Phantasm later, the Sword of Separation is a [Sword]. His proficiency in swords is much higher than Angelica's, and both of them released their Noble Phantasms at almost the same time.

The red airflow suddenly turned into the most violent wind pressure, filling the entire world in an instant.

The space immediately collapsed in the trembling sound.

The red airflow that surged from the gaps between the three columnar blades of the Sword of Separation turned into a red tornado in this instant, like a terrifying red sharp knife, becoming the most terrifying wind pressure, cutting the entire space apart.

Suddenly, wherever the red wind pressure passed, the space seemed to burst open directly, as if it was bitten down fiercely by an invisible bloody mouth, cracking out uneven black space faults.

Then, two terrifying red wind pressures swept through like a stormy wave that swept over the sky and the earth, and in the situation where the entire space was illuminated, they collided heavily in the air.

At that moment, the entire sky suddenly became quiet.

Then, an extremely terrifying energy suddenly exploded from the two red lights in the air.


The earth-shaking roar resounded through the sky. It turned into a sound wave, like a circle of shock waves, vibrating out.


The courtyard closest to the impact was evaporated in an instant, turning into a red land, annihilating everything around it into nothingness.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The two red lights collided with each other. The entire space, or even the world, could not withstand such a terrifying impact.

Amid the cracking sounds, the space was torn into cracks.

It was as if the world would shatter like glass in the next second.

However, this evenly matched scene did not last long.

On the sword of disunity in Shirou Emiya's hand, cracks appeared one after another.

That was when Shirou Emiya released the most powerful force of the weapon under the premise of the self-destruction of the sword, and was able to barely keep pace with the sword of separation in Angelica's hand for a few seconds.

It took only a few breaths, and in the broken space in the air, the red wind pressure suddenly trembled, and extremely terrifying magic burst out from the whole body, pushing forward desperately.

In this case, the red wind pressure that Shirou Emiya exerted in front of him actually trembled, and the red wind pressure was gradually extinguished by the wind pressure raised by the opponent's sword of separation at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Die! Fake (Faker)!!!!!!!"

Looking at Shirou Emiya who was about to be swallowed by the red wind pressure, Angelica's eyes revealed a cold color.


The next moment, the space seemed to be unable to bear such a collision anymore, and it completely shattered.

Shirou Emiya's figure also disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Chapter 941 Am I also lucky E?

This scene was beyond everyone's expectations.

Shirou Emiya himself did not expect that the space of this world would shatter like glass under the bombardment of two EAs.

Because the wind pressure was all around Shirou Emiya, he was swallowed by the torn space gap.

It can only be said that Endsworth escaped for the time being.

That's right!

It was Endsworth who escaped, not Shirou Emiya.

Although the EA in Shirou Emiya's hand is a fake, its power is also not to be underestimated, almost offsetting more than half of the power of the EA in Angelica's hand.

The remaining wind pressure is not enough to tear up the [Curruid Coinchenn] on Shirou Emiya's body.

After evolving three times, it has devoured the evil spirit of Gayeborg, which was built by the exoskeleton of the Red Sea Monster, the sea beast Curruid. Although its defense cannot be compared with the purely defensive treasures such as the Blazing Sky Covering Seven Rings, it is enough to resist the final aftermath.

This is why Shirou Emiya did not panic at all until the last moment and was fearless.

It was just that he did not expect that the space could not withstand the bombardment of two EAs, so it shattered, otherwise today would be the end of Endsworth.

At that moment, Shirou Emiya could only see everything in front of him turn dark.

Before Shirou Emiya had any reaction, a dizziness that could not be expressed in words came over him.

The dizziness lasted only a short time, so short that in the blink of an eye, Shirou Emiya found that he was no longer in the courtyard in front of Endsworth Castle.

If he had not seen the space in front of him shatter, he would have thought that he had appeared somewhere else in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, plans could not keep up with changes, and Shirou Emiya did not even have time to determine where he was.



To the right of Shirou Emiya, in the center of the world emitting a pitch-black light, a blonde woman covered in black and red armor held a sword in both hands and raised the pitch-black sword in her hand above her head.

The magic power in her body surged wildly, like a torrent, flowing towards the pitch-black sword in her hand, and injected into it, turning into a thick black light column, rushing straight into the sky, shining in this world.


Accompanied by another vibration sound, on the left side of Shirou Emiya, in the center of the world emitting brilliant golden light, a girl with silver-white hair and dark skin, wearing a tight-fitting red and black outfit and cloak, also held the sword with both hands and raised the golden sword in her hand above her head.

A burst of brilliant light suddenly rose on the sword of the golden holy sword.

A stream of golden light rose up around, like a stream of meteors, flowing towards the holy sword in the hand of the silver-haired girl and injected into the holy sword.

Accompanied by the stream of light pouring into the holy sword, the holy sword turned into a golden light column, rushing straight into the sky, also shining in this world.

And Shirou Emiya, at this time, was at the center of the two light columns rushing straight into the sky, and was also the position where they were about to collide.


There was no time for Shirou Emiya to hesitate at all.

A dark beam of light burst out from the hands of the blonde woman, stirring up layers of violent wind and waves, rushing towards Shirou Emiya.

A golden beam of light burst out from the hands of the silver-haired girl, shattering pieces of hard land, and pouring towards Shirou Emiya.

"Seven Rings of Blazing Sky (Rho Aias)!!!!!!"

Shirou Emiya moved down, opened his hands to the left and right, and two cherry-shaped shields appeared on his left and right sides in an instant.

The next moment, two huge beams of light hit the shields at the same time.

The world suddenly became quiet.


A deafening sound shook the ground, carrying a shock wave that was enough to destroy everything, and expanded wildly.

"Is my luck really that bad? Why did I appear in the middle of the battlefield again!"

Feeling the magic power pouring from both sides, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but complain in his heart. This is the nth time that he has appeared directly in the center of the battlefield.


Amidst the deafening roar, the shock wave mixed with terrifying power was like an exploding atomic bomb, setting off a terrible shock wave, sweeping in all directions.

"Pah pah pah pah!"

The dark beam on the right violently impacted the shield, and the petals on the shield shattered one by one, turning into pink magic and dissipating in the air.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

The bright golden light on the left poured everything on the shield. The terrifying impact even made Shirou Emiya standing in the center deviate to the right, and the shield cracked like a spider web with a creepy cracking sound.

"The left side is more powerful."

At the center of the impact, Shirou Emiya made this judgment. If he had not appeared on the battlefield, the two beams would have collided, and the bright golden light would have dispersed the dark beams.

It's just————

"The power seems to be a little too small."

He recognized the dark knight sword, the reversed form of the Sword of Contract Victory, Excalibur Morgan, the dark Aurora Sword.

He also recognized the dazzling knight sword, the degraded version of the Sword of Contract Victory, Excalibur Image, the eternal and distant golden sword.

On the one hand, he was puzzled that the power of the reversed Sword of Contract Victory was not as strong as the degraded version of the Sword of Contract Victory.

On the other hand, he was puzzled that the impact of the treasures released by both sides at this time was not even as strong as the golden sword of victory that he used to destroy Hydra of Semiramis.


The dark and bright beams of light exploded in the center. A terrifying wave of fire swept across the entire space.

Instantly, the temperature of the entire space suddenly rose a lot.

Under the influence of the violent wind and waves that kept sweeping and like waves of fire, the ground collapsed under the heavy load, and the trees were directly smashed into pieces and completely turned into ashes.

The dark sword on the left shattered 5 petals, and the golden sword on the right shattered 6 petals, and the seventh petal was also slightly damaged.

The Rho Aias that Shirou Emiya projected now is not a degraded product, and its defense is exactly the same as the real one.

And the Rho Aias is a defensive barrier treasure that is comparable to the akhilleus kosmos (small world surrounding the sky).


An anxious voice came from the right, and the silver-haired girl was shaky, and the tight red and black clothes and cloak on her body disappeared, turning into a purple dress, and then fell heavily to the ground.


At this moment, the right side also let out a beast-like roar.

Chapter 942 A nuclear bomb enters the soul

"Who is he? Is he another new class card servant?"

Following the direction of the voice, it was also a girl.

A girl who looked about the same age as the silver-haired girl who fell to the ground before.

The girl had the same brown pupils as Shirou Emiya, wearing a white shirt, a black tie, and a head of black hair tied up.

She hurriedly ran towards the silver-haired girl named Illya, helped her up, and stared at Shirou Emiya in front of her, who was also strange with the blonde girl in black armor.

After all, the armor that Shirou Emiya was wearing was even more bizarre and ferocious than the other party.

The aura of an evil beast had been hovering in this space since the moment he appeared, and it seemed that he would be devoured by it in the next second.

"Miyu-sama, I did not sense any aura of a class card from the other party."

At this time, a light and steady voice that seemed to have been processed by a microphone suddenly came from beside her.

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