"Ilia, don't worry, Xiaolan has already chased her out——"

While no one was paying attention, Ruby floated quietly behind Illya and whispered in her ear.

"Should we catch up with Miyu?"

Ryuko was thinking at this time, although Miyu was very mature in doing things, it was very worrying to let her run around alone like this.

"Don't worry, I have notified Miyu's guardian. If you run around outside with Miyu like this, we will be very worried."

While they were communicating, one of them was wearing white and black clothes and had a fair complexion. A woman with red eyes and her whole body wrapped in a special maid uniform appeared next to them.

"Hey! Hey!!! Is today maid day?"

Nanaigui looked at the woman who suddenly appeared here in shock. The phone in his hand couldn't stop shaking, and he turned around to take pictures of her.

At the same time, on the streets of Fuyuki City, Miyu was running as hard as she could, seemingly not caring about the strange looks around her.

Because she was too anxious, she didn't even change out of the maid uniform she was wearing.

"Miyu-sama! Miyu-sama!"

Sapphire flew unobtrusively in the sky, and soon came to Miyu who was looking for something on the street.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Sapphire, help me find the person on Nanaigui's phone!"

Miyu panted heavily. Even though her physical fitness was far beyond that of ordinary people, she was still just an elementary school student.

What's more, he still ran with all his strength without caring about his physical strength and breathing irregularly. After just a while, he was already out of breath from exhaustion.

"Miyou-sama, there is no need to be in such a hurry. According to the time, the other party should have been in the commercial street for a while now. If you search like this without any purpose, by the time you arrive at the commercial street, the other party may have already left."

Sapphire's words were very calm. If you are looking for someone, such a blind search will not yield any results.

"But! But! But!"

Miyu looked at Sapphire, tears pouring out of her eyes uncontrollably. She was extremely eager to see him, the person who might be her brother.

Even if the other person is not her brother, she still wants to confirm it.

"Miyu-sama, there is no use in being anxious. Take a rest first. Otherwise, even if you arrive at the commercial street, it will be even more difficult to find the person you want to find in the vast crowd without concentration. difficulty."

Seeing such anxiety, so anxious that it was no longer like a normal Miyu, Sapphire patiently advised her that she should calm down at this time.

"What's more, even if we don't find him at this time, since the other party appears here, we can definitely ask Luvia-sama to help. So, Miyu-sama, calm down first."

Sapphire couldn't help but sigh,

It turns out that what my sister said before was true. It was not an illusion. There really was a person who looked exactly like Illya's brother except for his hair color.

Chapter 948: The comedy that even the gods are mocking will begin

"I know, I'm sorry, Sapphire, I was too rude!"

Under Sapphire's persuasion, Miyou's breathing gradually became calmer. Because of her brother's affairs, she was indeed so excited that she only had one thought in her mind, and that was to see him.

After calming down, Meiyou also thought of various plans to find the other party, including even going to the police station to report the crime and let the police help search.

However, Miyu would not go to the police station unless it was absolutely necessary. If the other party was really just an ordinary resident living in Fuyuki City, it would be too disturbing to the other party.

But for now, she decided to go looking for it on her own. On the one hand, she had no better way at this stage. She couldn't go to trouble and still go to school because of such uncertain things. of Luvia.

On the other hand, the plans she conceived were basically based on the fact that she had not found the other party. If she had found the other party, she would naturally not have to think about the follow-up matters.

"This is Miyu-sama. Illya-sama has already informed onee-sama, so don't worry."

Sapphire, who was floating next to Miyu, looked at Miyu who had recovered and sighed. If she insisted on going like this, there was nothing she could do to stop her.

"It's a pity that there is so little information. Otherwise, we could have guessed what he planned to buy when he went to the commercial street."

Miyu also felt that she was too impulsive. At that time, she could have asked Ryuko more information about the other party. Although she might not get any useful information, what if there was?

"We can only ask those vendors first. If the hair is gray, it will still be obvious. Maybe they can leave a deep impression on that person."

Although people in Fuyuki City have various hair colors, white hair is extremely rare. Even in so many days, Miyu has never seen anyone with white hair, and Illya has silver hair. Although they are similar, they are very different.

"That's all it can do."

Miyu was also very helpless. She was so careless that she rushed out in a daze without even changing into her maid uniform.

Now it is extremely eye-catching.

Although this is fine, if it attracts attention, it might be able to attract that person.

But it's so shameful.

Looking at the crowd of people around him who kept looking at him strangely, even though he was mentally prepared, he couldn't resist.

However, Meiyou still resisted very strongly. We have already arrived at the commercial street, so we can't give up just yet.

"Boss, have you ever seen a white-haired boy come here?"

Facing the strange look from the fish shop owner in front of her, Meiyou asked politely.

"Huh? The white-haired boy? You mean the guy who looks a lot like Shirou Emiya? He looks so much like Shirou Emiya. Basically, he just changed his hair color. I remember it very clearly. !”

Upon hearing Miyou's inquiry, the fish shop owner made a fist with one hand and hit his other open hand, answering Miyou's inquiry with confidence.

He didn't realize that Miyu was stunned.

Why didn't Miyu think that the first time she heard the name Emiya Shirou in this world was from the mouth of a fish shop owner?

And the amount of information in it was so huge that smoke started to smoke from Miyu's head in an instant.

Judging from the tone of the fish shop owner, it is obvious that Emiya Shirou frequents this shop, which means that he has another brother in this world! ?

"What's wrong? Little maid?"

"Miyu-sama! Miyu-sama!"

The sapphire stuck to Miyu's chest softly called Miyu, who was already stunned.

"Ah! Well, may I ask, do you know where Emiya Shirou lives?"

"I don't know about this. I definitely won't find out where my customers live! What's more, I have so many things to do every day, how can I have time to do such a thing."

The fish shop owner said that he had no idea where Emiya Shirou lived, and that he was just a frequent visitor to his house.

"Then do you know where the man who looked very similar to Shirou Emiya just now went?"

Now it is better to find the person who looks very similar to Emiya Shirou first.

"Go that way. Also, he is not Emiya Shirou. His name is Senko Muramasa. If you are looking for Emiya Shirou, you should look for the one with brown and red hair."

"To be honest, I was very surprised when I saw it for the first time. Don't admit it wrong, the hair color is easy to identify!"

Looking at Miyu who was about to leave in a hurry, the fish shop owner quickly stopped her. After all, from the conversation just now, he could clearly feel that Miyu was planning to find Shirou Emiya.


Miyou also quickly bowed to the fish shop owner to express her gratitude and rushed in the direction he pointed.

"Miyu-sama! Don't you know?"

On the way, Sapphire couldn't help but make a sound.

"Don't know what?"

Miyu asked while adjusting her breathing.

"Shirou Emiya, he is Illya's brother!"

After saying this, Meiyou's steps slowed down, and her face couldn't help showing a look of shock. This news was really too shocking.

"I have never met Illya's brother, and I have never mentioned my brother's name from her."

Just like her, she doesn't call her brother directly by his name. She usually calls her brother directly.

What's more, she didn't go to Illya's house often, that is, because Illya had a fever, so she would go there today, and Illya's brother Emiya Shirou had already gone to school at that time.

Although he lived right across the street, it was a coincidence that he never met Illya's brother even once when he went to school.

"Forget it, let's find it first————"

The moment she finished speaking, Miyu saw a side face at the corner of the alley ahead, a side face with white hair that was exactly the same as Emiya Shirou.

"elder brother!!!!"

Miyu shouted loudly and ran towards the opponent with all her strength.

However, after turning the corner, it was completely empty, with no one inside.

"Yes, is it an illusion?"

Miyu looked extremely disappointed.

Emiya Shirou did not find Miyu who had been looking for him. The reason for his disappearance was simple.

"Senior, there are strange magic fluctuations coming from the new capital of Fuyuki City!"

The scene changed to the Xindu Forest in Fuyuki City.

It was an extremely young-looking boy, with an extremely delicate face and short orange hair.

But he was wearing an extremely strange and spacious robe, which was decorated with a large number of luxurious precious metal jewelry, and in his hand was a book bound in human skin.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh! Is this God? Is this something God can do? Actually! It can actually transport me to another world!"

"COOL! Great! So COOL!!"

"Finally, I can finally complete my art, and finally I don't have to endure that empty city!"

"Come on, the comedy that even the gods will mock will begin!"

Chapter 949 Welcome to my blasphemous feast!

"Spell? It seems that the opponent is already prepared, Master Qingxu!"

Holding the human skin book in his hand and feeling the inaudible magic power fluctuations coming from the ground, the man with short orange hair showed an extremely excited smile, seemingly not caring that his whereabouts had been discovered.

"Master! Who is the master? Ah! It's me! How could I forget such an important thing? It's a pity that I can't stay in such a sweet natural environment for too long!"

The moment the words fell, the originally crazy eyes became calm, and then slightly opened the human skin book in his hand.

"I don't want to leave so early, just treat this as my farewell gift--!"

The next second, the gloomy and disgusting magic power surged on the book, and a wave of disgusting phosphorescent waves surged on the land.

A scarlet and weird magic circle appeared under his feet.

The originally flat land became cold and wet.

The hazy white smoke rose at some point.

The surrounding trees began to twist in an extremely weird posture.

The brilliance of the sun was firmly blocked and could not penetrate the scarlet leaves. The ominous scarlet liquid also continued to surge out of those trees, soaking the land under his feet.

"Welcome to my blasphemous feast!"

"Death, what a wonderful thing!"

As the orange-haired man finished speaking, his entire body turned into a sticky liquid and sank into the ground and disappeared.

"What on earth happened here?"

At this time, Shirou Emiya had just arrived here from the other end of Fuyuki City. He did not expect that the other party would take action so quickly.

The forest in front of him seemed to be rotten, alienated, and degenerate, full of weirdness and evil.

The sun's rays could not shine in it, but the inside of the forest was not dim. The strange luster flickered in the forest like the stars that twisted and moved in vain in the sky with stars shining, illuminating the inside slightly.

Bursts of white mist like concentrated acid were mixed with a heavy and strong smell. It was a smell like the remains of disgusting rodents that were eaten by their own kind and other creatures after death, and finally parasitized by some plants.

It continued to erode around, corroding the mucous membranes on Shirou Emiya's nasal cavity and throat.

Shirou Emiya could feel that this indescribable smell was assimilating the air in the surrounding space.

Accompanying this terrifying breath were creatures that looked like demons crawling out of the deep sea.

Those were the creatures that Shirou Emiya had seen in Channa's apartment!

"Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar, roar!!!!!!!!!!"

They roared and staggered, and countless sea demons rushed towards Shirou Emiya at a very fast speed.

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