Looking at the slowly rising sun, Shi Gong picked up his bag and left along the river.

Compared to the night, it is of course safer to walk during the day. He is not a dark creature and will get a lot of blessings at night.

It is better to say that humans will get a lot of debuffs in the dark. For the sake of safety, it is of course safer to leave during the day, which is also the habit of most people.

You drive back to your hometown at 9 am and arrive at 2 pm or at 9 pm and arrive at 2 am. This is an obvious choice.

It is also easier to find a gathering place for people along the river.

Low wooden houses are scattered on both sides of the path. Shi Gong, who walked along the river, saw a village that seemed very simple before he had walked for half a day.

The village is not directly covered by the woods. Because the river in this section is relatively slow, the circle around this village seems to be all rice fields planted by themselves.

Shi Gong can also see many villagers working in the fields.

Seeing this scene, Emiya breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, his heart was filled with doubts.

It only took him half a day to get to the village, so the distance between the inn and the village was not very far, and there were many travelers in the inn.

Logically speaking, the frequency of receiving guests in this inn should be quite good, but for some reason he didn't see anyone in the inn for five consecutive days.

However, this was a brief moment in Emiya's mind, and he gave up thinking.

Even if he knew why no one went to the inn, it would be better to say that if fewer people lived in such a deep forest, the chance of encountering such a monster would be smaller.

Moreover, Emiya now had to figure out where he was.

"Um, please, do you know where Fuyuki City is?"

"What city? Say it again?"

The old man who was plowing the land seemed to have poor hearing. He squinted his eyes and stood in front of Emiya and asked Emiya loudly.

And Emiya was also frightened by his strong muscles, and his body couldn't help but retreat.

"Well, can I ask if you know where Fuyuki City is?"

"Fuyuki City? I don't know!"

"Go this way and go to the town. Someone should know where Fuyuki City is."

The old man touched his ears and answered Emiya's question loudly.


Emiya began to have some hope that he could return to Fuyuki City.

Whether it was the lifestyle, language, or buildings of the people in this village.

Emiya was basically sure that he was not in his own era, but had returned to Japan earlier.

You know, modern mobile phones and televisions are basically a must-have for every household. To get news from the outside world or to contact others, mobile phones are completely necessary.

And there is no trace of it in this village.

As for clothing, let alone, the difference between modern people's clothes and ancient people's clothes is very large.

Emiya thought this was a small village isolated from the world at first.

But according to the old man's answer.

It is obvious that this is a place that is connected to the outside world, but if it is connected to the outside world, it would not look so backward.

It's so strange.

"It's so late now, it's not convenient for you to travel now, why don't you stay in the village and rest for a night before leaving."

The old man saw Emiya thinking and thought that he was hesitating whether to go to the town because it was about to get dark.

Chapter 9 It's dangerous to travel at night

Emiya didn't answer immediately.

He was also hesitating whether to travel at night.

It's not because he thought it was bad to accept the old man's invitation.

If he met someone like him who had no place to live and needed a temporary place to stay, Emiya would also lend a helping hand and would not seek any return from that person.

This certainly doesn't mean that Emiya plans to live in the old man's house for free. If he chooses to accept the old man's kindness, Emiya will of course pay for the living expenses. He hopes that he can help others unconditionally, and he doesn't want others to help him unconditionally like this.

In fact, to be precise, Emiya can accept his unconditional help to others, but cannot accept himself to enjoy others' unconditional help. He must make his own contribution.

But these are not the main reasons for Emiya's thinking.

What Emiya is thinking about now is the monster he encountered before.

If he travels at night, although it is not clear whether he will encounter such a monster, the danger is definitely higher than during the day.

"Is there anything dangerous when traveling at night?"

Emiya decided to ask the locals. He had just arrived in this place and was unfamiliar with the place. He had his own judgment, but the information was seriously insufficient, and no matter how he judged, it would be false.

"It's mainly wild beasts. If you ask about some rumors————"

The old man thought about it, and his tone became a little deep, as if he recalled something terrible.

"If you wander outside at night, you will be eaten by ghosts."

The old man's voice suddenly became fierce, and he pulled his eyes and mouth with both hands, making a very funny face.

"Uncle, you are really energetic!"

Emiya responded to him with an awkward yet polite smile.

"Have you ever seen a ghost?"

"This is just to scare those children who run into the woods every day without knowing what is going on. There are no ghosts in the world. Those are just rumors. I have never seen any ghosts in my life."

The old man waved his hand and expressed that he did not believe in such rumors to scare children at all.

Emiya nodded slightly after hearing the old man's answer.

Although he was convinced that the creature called ghost really existed, it was obvious that most people living in this area had never really seen it.

There are basically only a few situations.

The first is that Emiya was very lucky and met a creature that is extremely difficult to encounter in this world at just the right time. Just like the existence of the vampire over there, it has basically disappeared completely.

The kind that is hard to find even if you really look for it.

The second is that in this era, Japan also has institutions and organizations similar to magicians, or official organizations supervise this kind of supernatural power, or they conceal it. Ordinary people don't know the existence of Gui, just like ordinary people don't know the existence of magicians.

"Does this rumored man-eating ghost have any weaknesses?"

Emiya rubbed his head.

"This is just a rumor to scare those children. Ghosts don't really exist in the world."

The old man looked at Emiya with some doubts. Logically speaking, most people living here would know the stories about ghosts and what the weaknesses of ghosts in the stories are.

However, the old man didn't think too deeply and just assumed that Emiya had forgotten the horror stories that had always been with them in their childhood.

"One is sunshine, and the other is wisteria. These are the weaknesses of those ghosts."


Emiya suddenly remembered that when he woke up before, the sun had completely covered his body.

But in terms of time, the ghost should be able to kill him before the sun shines on him.

"Okay, kid, do you have any more questions? If you do, come to my house and ask again. I'll tell you secretly, I have a very beautiful granddaughter!"

The old man looked up and saw that the sky was gradually getting darker. If he went back now, he should be able to have a steaming dinner.

"Cough! Cough!"

Emiya was frightened by the old man's sudden remarks and coughed violently.

"Hey, today's young people just can't stand the temptation. They are so excited when they hear how beautiful my granddaughter is. If they really see it, they will fall down immediately."

"No, no need. I have urgent matters to go to town, so I won't bother you."

Emiya quickly waved her hand and refused and stepped back.

"Hey, traveling at night is very dangerous."

The old man quickly walked up and tried to stop Emiya.

"No, don't worry about me. At least I have the ability to protect myself at night."

When Emiya saw the old man who wanted to stop him, he immediately panicked and quickly ran towards the location of the town that the old man had mentioned before.

"Thank you!"

As he ran, he never forgot to look back and thank his old man.

"This kid!"

The old man sighed and left in the opposite direction.

He was not very worried. A road was built between the village and the town. Although there were no lights, the overall safety was guaranteed whether it was night or day, at least it would not be suddenly attacked by wild beasts.

And I have never heard of anyone having an accident when going to town.

Although many people who went to the towns did not reply back, most of the people in the villages who went to the towns would not reply or return to the village until many years later. Basically, it was no different from missing, so the old man also Without thinking too much, An An headed toward his home.

After Emiya jogged for a while, he left the main area of ​​the village, but he could still see some houses built inside the woods.

I guess there are many people who like the quiet atmosphere, so they live far away from the village.

There is a reason why the hotel is so far away from the village. Judging from the clothes, bedding, etc. inside, the owner of the hotel must be a rich man, and a relatively lonely rich man.

"I don't know how far the town is from this village."

Emiya didn't ask in detail. He only knew that this road could lead to the town. If he continued to ask questions like that, he might actually follow the old man back to his home.

“That night is their home court.”

Emiya didn't know if he would encounter such a ghost again, but there was nothing wrong with staying vigilant. Even if there were no ghosts, beasts were still a threat.

"The head I kicked out should have been the first to receive sunlight, so I was able to survive that situation."

Emiya also analyzed the reason why he could survive.

If you were to die directly if you were exposed to direct sunlight, it would definitely be very painful, and the sun also shined in from directly opposite the door of the hotel.

So his kick should have directly kicked the ghost very close to the sun.

At that time, the ghost controlled its main will on the other half of its body, so it did not notice that half of its head was about to be illuminated by the sun.

So the body of the main consciousness died, and the secondary consciousness was like a broken Bluetooth, without any movement. Not all ghosts are called Muzan, and any remaining fragments can be reborn.

Otherwise, why can't those ghosts whose heads died in the sun and whose bodies are still in the dark be resurrected?

Daki was able to recover after her head was blown up by Tanjiro until only half of her mouth was left. It stands to reason that if her head was blown into watermelon juice, she would be resurrected from her neck.

So according to the inference, in addition to the threat of the sun, as long as the consciousness is scattered, it should be a real death for ghosts.

Chapter 10: Going on the road at night will definitely cause trouble

The dark night should have been quiet and gloomy, but the crows that kept howling above the woods, the rustling sound of the wind blowing the leaves from time to time, and the moonlight that was constantly swallowed by the clouds, all made the whole forest more noisy.

As if something would happen tonight, Emiya had already put his hand on his waist, ready to face any sudden situation at any time.

Emiya's strengthening magic has only learned the basics. Even if he takes time out to train every day, it is almost equivalent to standing still.

He has no way to strengthen creatures until now, and naturally there is no way to strengthen his eyes through strengthening magic at night to make his vision clearer.

Although the night greatly limits Emiya's vision, it has little effect overall.

Perhaps because of Emiya's unique talent for archery, Emiya's eyes are more accurate than normal people. Even at night, Emiya can see things around him clearly.

This is why Emiya judged that his vision was disturbed when facing the ghost before, and it is also the reason why Emiya is not afraid of walking at night.

Even if he can't strengthen his eyes, Emiya can easily observe places that ordinary people can't pay attention to.

"It's a pity, if I could get there earlier."

Walking on the path, Emiya still regrets those who died in the hotel. He has not come into contact with that group of people, but they are still living lives. He can't sit back and watch such a thing happen in front of him.

So many people died in the hands of the demon like fish on a nail board without any resistance. Emiya couldn't imagine how many lives the demon had killed.

He felt a little angry and helpless. He was able to survive the demon's hands, but it was not because of his hard power, but because of various coincidences.

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