As for Avisbron, he basically used magic purely. Even if Shirou Emiya projected the puppet he created, he couldn't contact the other party. He couldn't directly project the original person. He couldn't analyze it at that time.

Even Karna's Noble Phantasm was analyzed and projected when he just fought with Tohsaka Tokiomi. Before that, when he was in Romania and on the moon, he couldn't analyze Karna's Noble Phantasm.

However, Karna's class card was directly projected by Shirou Emiya, not after BB made it.

"Wow! I'm rich!"

Looking at the pile of class cards on the table, Tohsaka Rin shouted in surprise, and Illya, Miyu, Ruby and others also stared at the cards on the table.

Completely forgot what Shirou Emiya said before, that they couldn't use the projected class cards.

Chapter 996 There are countless BBs crawling all over the body

Excited heart, trembling hands, but these cards are really unusable.

"Change! Change for me!"

Pulled out the class card, pressed it directly on Ruby's face and rubbed it on the ground, but it was impossible to dream summon successfully.

Finally, when Shirou Emiya destroyed all the projected class cards, Illya took out the blank class card as a souvenir.

It was not Illya who planned to keep it as a souvenir, but Rin Tohsaka had this plan, and even planned to take it all away.

Then Luvia immediately mocked her, saying that what's the point of taking a card that can't be used, don't put it in the card box when the time comes, and plan to dream summon or limited expansion when you encounter a critical moment, but the card you want to use can't be found after a long time.

Miyu also has the same view on this, but Illya agrees with Rin Tohsaka and wants to keep these projected class cards.

So after a fierce dispute and discussion between the two sides, both sides took a step back and decided to take a card from the pile of class cards as a souvenir.

And this important task naturally fell to Illya.

As luck would have it, she drew the only blank class card, although the other class cards were also unique.

Her excited head finally drooped down. Rin Tohsaka originally planned to discuss with Shirou Emiya to see if she could change one.

In the end, Luvia and Miyu did not object. Anyway, it didn't matter which class card she got. They couldn't use it. In their eyes, it was no different from a blank sheet of paper.

It was Kuro who refused Illya to draw a card again.

Shirou Emiya could only smile bitterly, but it seemed that he didn't have as much hostility towards Illya as BB said, although part of the reason should be because Rin Tohsaka cast the shared pain magic.

In short, Fuyuki City seemed to have temporarily returned to a peaceful state.

After that, for nearly a week, Enzwas didn't make any moves, and even the remaining familiars in Fuyuki City had disappeared, as if they had left Fuyuki City and didn't care about Miyu at all.

But it's easy to imagine that this is the calm before the storm.

At this time, Shirakawa Sakura is about to complete the art of crossing the world rift.

Nowadays, Shirou Emiya is not as anxious as he was at the beginning, and his daily life is very regular.

During the day, he basically does basic physical training, archery practice, kendo practice, forging practice, magic practice, and prepares breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He even takes time to study under the guidance of Shirakawa Sakura.

At night, when BB comes back, he will use the Archer (Gilgamesh) class card to analyze the Star of the Opening of the World (EA), and slowly project and analyze all the treasures that can be analyzed and projected in the King's Treasure.

The only pity is that every night when analyzing the projection of the treasure in the King's Treasure, Gilgamesh, as a class card, wants to snatch control of his body, and while snatching, he also curses about miscellaneous cultivation, fake, etc.

In short, Shirou Emiya pretended not to hear everything, and copied the treasures in the King's Treasure one by one amid the insults.

By the way, BB said that when she and Sakura went to Mt. Enzo to devour the black mud, Gilgamesh appeared, and was bitten off half of his body by Sakura, who had just swallowed all the evil in this world and was still unstable.

She said that she was shocked at the time and was ready to forcibly control Sakura's body to escape, but the result was completely unexpected, and Gilgamesh was eaten without any defense.

This so-called "oldest king" does not seem to have a very high gold content. At least most of the servants will be wary when they meet Sakura Matou in that state, and will not be swallowed by her so easily.

If the other party is Cu Chulainn, in that unconscious state, the heart will be pierced by the other party.

After that, Sakura, who gradually controlled all the evil in this world, felt that all the evil in this world in her body seemed to have some connection with the direction of the church, and was supplying magic power to someone, so she cut it off without hesitation.

The next day, the news of Kotomine Kirei's sudden death spread like wildfire.

It was very dramatic. The two people who had caused Shirou Emiya a lot of pain died easily in Sakura's hands.

Even for the deaths of Gilgamesh and Kotomine Kirei, Sakura said that she didn't do it on purpose.

Sakura was unconscious when Gilgamesh died, and she didn't know what she had done when she woke up. As for Kotomine Kirei, how did she know that Kotomine Kirei relied on the magic power of all the evil in this world to move.

In Emiya's house, Matou Sakura in another world woke up and learned that Miyu was the sister of her senior, and also knew why he participated in the Holy Grail War without hesitation.

So he went to Edelfeldt's house to take care of Meiyou with great determination. He basically picked her up and dropped her off every day, and would play with her during breaks. It could be said that he was guarding Meiyou every step of the way.

Of course, another reason is that BB completely refuses Matou Sakura to live in Emiya's house, and the rejection is on various levels. In her words, as long as there is one Sakura here, it is enough.

BB also squats near Miyu at all times. It can be said that if a special situation occurs, Emiya Shirou will be able to know it immediately and rush to support.

What's more, BB's thing hanging on his waist that reads as a mobile phone and is written as a transformer has so many class cards recorded in it. If he encounters any unexpected situation, I'm afraid BB can handle it alone.

Although I haven't reached the point of letting down my guard yet, I don't have to tighten my spirits all the time.

As for whether it’s not good for him to leave BB alone there while he takes a break here——

Her main body is always on the Internet. When you open your mobile phone, you can see photos of BB wearing various clothes every day.

As a result, Emiya Shirou didn't really want to open his phone every day. Every time he opened it, he would look like an old man on the subway looking at his phone.

Especially if you are seen by a stranger on the road, you will look at him with disdain.

It’s really torture. He obviously has earphones hanging on his ears all the time, so he can contact her instantly every time. BB also likes to call me, and even lets him put his phone outside.

The ringing tone is that BB calls Emiya Shirou in various tones, various identities, and various occupations.





In fact, he should be called Master, but BB's tone of voice is hard not to confuse people.

As soon as this voice sounded while walking on the street, Emiya Shirou knew that he was going to be in trouble.

There was even one time when they were discussing information with Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, the phone rang, and they both looked at Emiya Shirou as if they were scum.


It was really torture.

It felt like there were countless BBs crawling all over his body, which made Emiya Shirou want to drop his phone.

Although it does not reach EX level, you deserve A+ level defense.

Unless Shirou Emiya wants to use his Noble Phantasm to blast this backup machine made by BB, it will not break.

Just when Emiya Shirou was going out to relax and soothe his injured heart, he met another person he really didn't want to meet.

"I didn't expect such a coincidence to meet you again, Shirou——"

Behind Emiya Shirou, Irisviel covered her mouth and shouted softly with a smile.

Chapter 997 Let me introduce you, this is Shirou’s cousin

"Um, Mrs. Irisviel, my name is Chiko Muramasa——"

Although Irisviel's name was not wrong from any angle, Emiya Shirou still corrected the other person's name. After all, there was already one Emiya Shirou in this world, and there was no need for a second one.

"Ara! I'm really sorry. You and Shirou look so similar. You just kept silent and said something. I'm sorry!"

Irisviel seemed to realize that she had shouted wrongly, and she quickly apologized, but from the corners of her eyes, she could not see any apology at all.

"No, it's nothing. Many people have mistaken me -"

In fact, this is a very normal thing for Emiya Shirou, otherwise he would not have reacted immediately to correct Irisviel's title in a short time.

Fuyuki City is only that big, and the commercial street is only that long. Those acquaintances often call him Shirou, and he can only respond with a smile and remind them.

He didn't really want to interfere with his other self's life, because his other self was not a magician, but just an ordinary high school student.

Of course this is only one of the reasons.

As for another reason————————

"Shirou, do you have anything important to do now? I originally wanted to visit you, but recently Illya's cousin came over, so the family is quite busy. If you don't mind, can you come to my house and sit for a while? I haven't even had a good time. Thank you, oh no, it’s Muramasa.”

Irisviel squinted her eyes, unconsciously stretched out her hands and clasped her hands, staring at Shirou Emiya with a smile on her lips.

"I actually have a meeting later——"


Staring at Irisviel, Emiya Shirou's ability to lie became weaker. It should be said that he did not dare to lie.

"Nothing will happen later."

In the end, Emiya Shirou could only answer Irisviel's question.

"Is that so? Then come back with me. I think Shirou Emiya will be very surprised. He often hears about people who look like him but has never seen him before!"

Irisviel was smiling, as if she was looking forward to seeing Shirou Emiya.

After all, Emiya Shirou deliberately avoided each other, so it was normal not to see him, but this time he did not expect to meet Irisviel again.

"It just so happens that Shirou is not surprised that Illya has a cousin, and he also has a cousin." Irisviel raised the corner of her mouth slightly.

The cousin should refer to Xiaohei.

Shirou Emiya thought in his heart. Xiaohei did tell him about this matter. Basically, she would tell him when she had any troubles. He also asked Xiaohei why she was so against Illya.

The answer given by the other party was that Illya took away her life. If it weren't for the magic power of the earth veins, she would probably be sealed in Illya's body for life.

As for Xiaohei's experience, Shirou Emiya did not make any judgment or any persuasion.

Because he had not experienced what happened to Xiaohei, he didn't understand what it felt like to watch others take away his life.

Any persuasion seemed so pale and powerless.

He only had two words for Xiaohei, to understand the truth of the matter before making a decision, and whether his inner thoughts were really revenge on Illya?

As for stopping him, Shirou Emiya could sense that Kuro's heart was not seeking revenge against Illya, otherwise he wouldn't have said so much to him.

"Well, I'm also curious to see another me——" Shirou Emiya scratched his head and echoed Irisviel's words.

If we count by age, he seems to be younger than Shirou Emiya in this world.

But it's only a few months different. Irisviel should have seen Shirou Emiya's more mature temperament, so she subconsciously thought that Shirou Emiya should be older than Shirou Emiya at home.

This is also good. Being another cousin of myself is weird no matter how you look at it. Although being a cousin is also weird, it's better than being a younger brother.

Why did he acquiesce to the relationship given by Irisviel?

Shirou Emiya also reacted immediately. According to his identity, he should have nothing to do with them.

"Right, although your hair color is different, you still have a lot of similarities in temperament. If you stand together, you really look like twin brothers."

Irisviel chatted with Shirou Emiya on the way, and Shirou Emiya also followed the other's words in a serious manner.

Irisviel basically spoke all the way, and Shirou Emiya responded, with a posture of an elder caring about the younger.

For example, Irisviel was very skilled in asking Shirou Emiya about his studies, his love life, and other life issues.

Shirou Emiya also let some things slip because of Irisviel's constant pressure.

For example, he didn't go to school at all, so he was severely criticized by Irisviel.

I felt, I felt warm in my heart.

It was in this exchange that Shirou Emiya and Irisviel arrived at the door of Illya's house.

In Miyu's world, the other him also lived in the Emiya house, but in this world he lived in this two-story cottage.

Shirou Emiya thought that maybe after Kiritsugu got married and had children, his finances became tight, so he didn't live in such a big house.

The Emiya residence is definitely a luxury house, and Shirou Emiya is still self-aware of this.

A big reason why he judged Kiritsugu like this is because Kiritsugu has always kept silent about his past. He only knew that Kiritsugu was a magician and his ideal in the past was to be a partner of justice.

He didn't know anything else. Whether it was the Fourth Holy Grail War or the Einzbern family, Shirou Emiya had never heard of them, let alone the relationship between the other party and Kiritsugu.

Even saying that Kiritsugu was a contestant and winner of the Fourth Holy Grail War was only learned from Kotomine Kirei.

There was no more in-depth investigation afterwards, probably because there was no time and conditions for Shirou Emiya to investigate too much.

All I know about the Einzberns is what Toosaka Rin once said: the Einzberns, the Toosakas, and the Matou families are the three main families in charge of the Holy Grail War system, and this is information that basically every Holy Grail War has people from these three families participating.

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