Plotting has always been Shirou Emiya's biggest weakness. He is not good at plotting, and he is not good at dealing with those who are good at plotting.

If there is a person who is good at plotting and plots against Shirou Emiya.

Then Shirou Emiya will most likely fall for it.

Just like when he was in the Empire, he was pulled into the Empire's camp by Esdeath. It was not until he communicated with Night Raid that he realized that everything he did was wrong.

Just like when Aizen plotted against Shirou Emiya in Soul Society, if Aizen had not appeared in front of him at the end, he would not have known that he was being plotted against, and he did not even know that he was carrying the guilt that did not belong to him at all.

Kiritsugu Emiya is also leading Shirou Emiya into the abyss step by step through fighting.

Until now, he has not chosen to detonate the toxins in Shirou Emiya's body, intending to delay time and ensure victory with the least risk.

And Shirou Emiya has only two ways to fight against this kind of plotting.

The first is to confirm the facts for himself, to confirm that he will not regret what he has done, and will not be used to do bad things.

The second is to hide one's true strength. Only in this way can one have the power to resist in the opponent's calculation.

As for the others, even if he falls into the opponent's plan, even if he is used, Shirou Emiya can only sigh, because strategy has always been his weakness, and it is the kind of weakness that is difficult to make up for later.

Chapter 1011 The Strategy of the Magician Killer (Refresh)

If it were not for the impact of the origin bullet shot by Kiritsugu Emiya on Shirou Emiya at the beginning.

Then the battle should have ended at the moment when Kiritsugu Emiya was hit by Shirou Emiya's bullet.

It can even be said that during this period of fighting with Kiritsugu Emiya, the weapons projected by Shirou Emiya were all downgraded by one level.

The origin bullet not only shattered the magic circuit in his body, but also affected his use of projection magic.

To be more precise, Kiritsugu's special bullet even intended to cut off Shirou Emiya's connection with his own origin.

When Shirou Emiya suffered the impact of the origin bullet head-on, the failure of his first projection was not because of the shattered magic circuit in his body, but because he was being cut off.

The sword is Shirou Emiya himself, he is the sword, how can he be cut off so easily by the opponent.

It just still caused an impact, so that Shirou Emiya's projection of many things was limited in a short period of time.

If it is described with a vivid picture, it is that the bullet hit the defenseless sword directly, making a hole on it.

Although it cannot completely destroy the sword, it does affect the fluency of the sword's swing.

This also includes the deployment of the infinite sword system.

Otherwise, the moment the bullet hits Kiritsugu Emiya, the infinite sword system would have exploded in his body, and death would have come.

The fragmented magic circuit recovered quickly under the effect of Avalon.

The sword with a hole in it also became stronger under the hammering of Shirou Emiya.

The projection magic also gradually returned to the level that Shirou Emiya should have as time passed.

If it were not for such a fierce battle, it would probably only take a few minutes, and the impact of the origin bullet on Shirou Emiya would be equivalent to nothing.

"Weapons! How could it be?"

Looking at the empty ground, Kiritsugu Emiya's pupils shrank suddenly. The weapons hidden by the [King of Facelessness] in front of him had turned into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.

Beside the destroyed guns, there were several mice made of silver silk threads that were gnawing.

"That's it!"

Kiritsugu suddenly recalled the giant eagle made of silver silk threads that had been following behind Shirou Emiya under the woods.

He wanted to shoot down the familiar that looked like a surveillance, but Shirou Emiya had been suppressing himself, and he had no way to destroy the familiar.

For Irisviel, it was not difficult to find these weapons hidden by the [King of Facelessness].

In order to get the weapons faster, Kiritsugu would not put the weapons in hidden corners that would take quite a while to find.

What's more, basically, the place where the trap was set up represented the place where Kiritsugu stored the weapons, and he only needed to conduct a full-scale search near the trap.

Things hidden by the Faceless King can be touched. After the first experience, Irisviel became more skilled in mine clearance.

Kiritsugu would never have thought that the trap he set would become the basis for Irisviel to judge whether there was any weapon support inside.

Having fought an intelligence war with the magician for so many years, he never thought that he would be fought an intelligence war by his opponent one day.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish————!"

Kiritsugu did not have much time to think, and countless black swords and arrows attacked again like a rain curtain.

"Time alter--square accel!" (Inherent Time Control Four Times Speed)

The whole person's figure turned into a phantom again, flashing in the sword rain, and the breath from his mouth became more rough.

Even if he had a class card, he was a puppet and could not keep using it for such a long time.

Inherent Time Control, that is the specialized magic possessed by Emiya Kiritsugu.

The Emiya family has been exploring magic related to time manipulation for generations, and the results are accumulated in the magic seal on Kiritsugu's back.

In order to make the most effective use of time, Kiritsugu created a method of using time manipulation techniques on his own, with a very small scale and higher efficiency.

The scope of the barrier is set within his own body. Conceptually, it is most natural to separate the body from the outside world, and the interference from the outside world is minimal.

"Adjusting" a few seconds of time in this smallest barrier is Kiritsugu's unique magic "Inherent Time Control".

Kiritsugu can speed up the flow of blood, the burning of hemoglobin, and the time required for muscle movement to start and end, showing physical strength that ordinary people cannot achieve.

The disadvantage is that it will put a great burden on the body. The magic of adjusting time will inevitably cause errors in the flow of time inside and outside the barrier.

After the barrier is lifted, a natural force will occur to make up for this gap, which is the "correction of the world".

This repairing force will of course be applied to the "changed party", and Kiritsugu's barrier, that is, the body itself, will be squeezed and twisted to match the original flow of time.

The resulting reaction will cause a great burden on the body, such as irregular heartbeat, abnormal breathing or sudden change in body temperature.

If the battle continues, Shirou Emiya will be killed by the reaction of this magic without him having to do anything.

"But, if we calculate the time, it should be time--"

The moment the words fell, Kiritsugu's hidden figure appeared from the air, his eyes were still dead and without any fluctuations, one hand holding the purple-black crossbow, and the other hand holding a modified gun, pointing in the direction of Shirou Emiya.

Robin Hood's crossbow, which shoots like a gun, allowed Kiritsugu to master its fighting method in just a moment of using the class card.

If Robin Hood could be summoned in the Holy Grail War, it would probably not take too long for all the masters to be killed by Kiritsugu and Robin Hood.


A large amount of blood also spit out from Shirou Emiya's mouth the moment Kiritsugu showed up.

The poison has penetrated deep into his internal organs, and there are countless poison traps on the way to chase Kiritsugu. One after another, toxins accumulate on Shirou Emiya's body.

Whether it is affecting the magic circuit or directly acting on the body, Kiritsugu basically uses them.


At the moment when Kiritsugu Emiya showed up, Shirou Emiya's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and the hand that was originally going to continue to draw the bow couldn't help but stop.

Shirou Emiya's shocked reaction was also within Kiritsugu's calculation.

Although it was only a moment of daze.

But it was enough.



The sound of a crossbow ejection and a bullet eruption sounded at the same time.

Even if the arrow shot by the prayer bow was deflected, the poison accumulated in Shirou Emiya's body would explode.

And the bullet shot out was not only the 30.06mm caliber Springfield sniper rifle bullet chosen by Kiritsugu, but also rubbed with a highly toxic toxicity that cannot be erased by high temperature-Hydra poison.

That was what he had traded with a certain unnamed necromancer in this world, and it cost Endsworth a considerable amount of his assets.

If he blocked it, then Shirou Emiya would once again be cut off by the origin bullet.

If he did not block it, then the moment the bullet penetrated his body, the Hydra poison would instantly kill Shirou Emiya.

That was a poison that even servants could not resist and would kill instantly.

In the more than one month since he came to this world, Kiritsugu had been preparing to kill Shirou Emiya.

Chapter 1010 Irisviel's Battle

Irisviel had disappeared from the battlefield at this time.

If the other party was really Kiritsugu from a parallel universe.

If the other party was really the Kiritsugu in the parallel universe who had not met her.

Then she must not stay on the battlefield and must hide herself well.

As her wife, Irisviel knew what kind of person Kiritsugu was in the past.

If she stayed on the battlefield all the time, she would only become a tool for Kiritsugu to deal with Shirou Emiya.

The title of magician killer is not a respectful title given to Emiya Kiritsugu by the magic world, but he actually earned it through killing.

When facing the enemy, Emiya Kiritsugu will never be merciful.

So after releasing the magic, Irisviel disappeared from the battlefield at the fastest speed, and even completely left Emiya Kiritsugu's sight.

"If it was Kiritsugu, if it was Kiritsugu! What would he do when facing a powerful enemy like Shirou?"

Irisviel covered her mouth and nose, shuttled through the city that had been swallowed by the forest and poisonous fog, hid, and relied on the silver giant eagle hovering in the sky to monitor the situation on the battlefield from high altitude.

She was thinking, thinking about Emiya Kiritsugu's fighting style, and recalling the occasions when Kiritsugu fought with those magicians.

Emiya Shirou is different from the magicians that Emiya Kiritsugu has encountered before, and it is difficult to deal with Emiya Shirou with the same set of methods used to deal with normal magicians.

For Emiya Kiritsugu, the biggest weakness of a magician is carelessness caused by arrogance.

When they face a battle, they only pay attention to various types of magic, and the result is that they despise pure physical attacks that do not rely on magic and regard them as secondary threats.

Through battles with many magicians, Emiya Kiritsugu came up with a formula - only by surprise can you win, and magicians are more likely to reveal flaws when facing attacks that do not rely on magic.

But this does not apply to the experienced Emiya Shirou at all.

It can even be said that it is completely opposite to the magicians that Emiya Kiritsugu has faced.

Compared with magic, Emiya Shirou has more knowledge of firearms.

At least he has studied in a formal school for two months, and later because of his own interests, he has a detailed understanding of modern weapons.

As for magic, he changed his career halfway and has only been able to use enhancement magic and projection magic for nearly two years since he traveled through the world. Even enhancement magic cannot achieve biological enhancement.

The knowledge of magic is limited to the teachings of Rin Tosaka.

But each time he can stay in Fuyuki City, there is only a little time, and he still needs to learn and practice.

Rin Tohsaka doesn't have free time to teach Shirou Emiya every day. She has done her best to teach Shirou Emiya the current situation of the magic world and all kinds of magic common sense.

Kiritsugu Emiya's fighting style, on the contrary, does not pose much threat to Shirou Emiya.

"Prepare! Just like the destruction of the entire Einzbern family, Kiritsugu likes to make a lot of preparations when facing a strong enemy!"

When facing an enemy that he is serious enough to take seriously, Kiritsugu always makes a lot of preparations.

Intelligence collection, props preparation, tactics utilization, environmental survey.

These are the habits of Kiritsugu as a magician killer. For someone who doesn't know him, this is a very good habit.

Knowing yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

She also learned a lot from Kiritsugu Emiya, and through the battle between him and Shirou Emiya, she found that many of his things were arranged in advance.

Whether it is a trap, a bomb, or a gun that is taken out from nowhere, these are all things Kiritsugu prepared in advance.

He used his mobility, which was higher than that of Shirou Emiya, to continuously lead the opponent into the traps he set.

With the physical fitness of the class card and his body as a puppet, Kiritsugu Emiya used the inherent time control recklessly to increase his speed.

Shirou Emiya was also forced to be lured to various traps by Kiritsugu Emiya.

Once he lost track, it was not easy to lock the position of Kiritsugu Emiya who had already gone invisible.

Now came the problem for Irisviel.

She was not Kiritsugu Emiya, and she would not think like Kiritsugu Emiya, and she did not know where Kiritsugu Emiya would set traps or hide his important weapons and equipment.

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