Unconsciously, with four updates every day, tomorrow is Friday, and I will be on the shelves soon.

I would like to thank all the readers for reading here. It is very happy to see your comments or discussions every day.

My writing style is very bad, the plot is old-fashioned, and there are some strange words. I don’t grasp the personalities of many characters very well, and the details are not well conceived.

And I am lazy. Under normal circumstances, I will not check the errors in my own text. I will just put it up after writing. I apologize to those readers who see typos or can’t read sentences at all.

I am not good at writing. I can only write like this, while progressing slowly like a snail.

Anyway, I can’t feel my own progress (laughs).

As for the performance after the listing, I don’t have too much hope.

The performance has always been like this. I don’t have any special requirements for the performance. I feel very happy if someone reads it.

If there are votes, rewards, and subscriptions, it must be very good, and I will definitely be happy. If there are no, I will be sad.

I won’t ask everyone to vote more or something like that.

Let it go, I haven't asked for votes since I published the book (laughs).

[Oh, I seem to have implicitly expressed my desire for votes, just pretend you didn't see it. ]

As for the burst of updates after the book is put on the shelves, I will take a short break tomorrow, Friday, [ps: I will go home on Friday for Mid-Autumn Festival], and there will be only two updates, and then four updates will continue until the end of next week. After that, if there are no special circumstances, most of the time it should be two updates.

[Note: Special circumstances are, the author has nothing to do, the author has a burst of inspiration, the author's birthday, the author picked up money, the author got a girlfriend, the author has ten consecutive yellows, the game the author wants is free, bounties, assistance from big guys, etc.]

After all, it is still very stressful to update four times a day.

I have also written a free book before, and people are like this. I don't want to continue writing free books, and I have no motivation. I am afraid that no one will read the paid books after they are put on the shelves.

Finally, I would like to thank the readers who have been following my book. It is really difficult to update at irregular times every day and the uncertain writing style.

I have to sleep in tomorrow, so there will definitely be no updates before 10 o'clock, and there will only be VIP chapters. [Laughs]

Chapter 96 Extremely Dangerous Situation



Shirou Emiya is now in a dilemma, but the current situation does not allow him to have many choices.

He took off his clothes, gritted his teeth, tied his broken arm with clothes, and continued to breathe very regularly.


The red blood drops dripped, dyeing the green leaves scattered on the ground with a color that did not belong to it. .

Emiya inserted the reverse blade in his hand into the tree trunk beside him, panting violently, tearing off the remaining clothes, and bandaging himself very skillfully.

As early as in middle school, Emiya had no idea how many times he had fought with those bad guys, and ended up with injuries.

So Emiya still has some experience in dealing with injuries.

He can feel that his body is heating up, pain permeates his body, his physical strength is constantly draining away, and his strength is also madly decreasing.

It's like making Emiya really feel that life is gradually coming to an end, constantly torturing Emiya's nerves.

Shirou Emiya could only desperately use breathing techniques to stop the blood from flowing out of his body.

And this excessive use of magic power also made the vision of Emiya, who was constantly overdrawing his vitality, more and more blurred.

But he had to do this. If he didn't forcibly draw the magic power in his body to stop the bleeding, it wouldn't take long before he would die in such a forest due to excessive blood loss.

"We must leave here."

Emiya panted heavily. The blood on his body had been temporarily stopped. If he didn't do strenuous exercise, Emiya could still stabilize his injuries temporarily.

However, the guards around him had been searching around him. It was not clear whether there would be an imperial weapon user or someone with strong perception during the day.

This was definitely not a place to rest well. When he fell asleep, he would basically be at the mercy of others.

Now the only place where Emiya could rest and recuperate was the night raid base. He had to hide his tracks and return to the night raid base before dawn to recuperate.


A very light landing sound was heard around the guards, but they didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, they couldn't search in the forest and search around quietly. The sound of Emiya landing like a cat was not even as loud as the sound of them walking in the forest.

The guards didn't notice the unusual sound at all.

Of course, the worst thing was not this.

"Look! There is blood on this ground!"

"Is it over there?!"

"Quick! Chase him!"

"Be careful! That's the man who can force Captain Seryu to self-destruct!"

"Don't rush to fight him when you meet him. Use flares to notify the surrounding guards first and surround him as quickly as possible. Some people have already notified the Hunters and they will be here soon."

With such noise, Emiya knew that the place where he had just rested had been discovered, and a sound of footsteps chasing from far away.

If he had been hiding in that area just now, when the [Hunter] arrived, he might not have had any chance to leave.

"Found it, here!"

This area had long been completely surrounded by guards. Even if they escaped the chasing team, there were still countless members of the Imperial Guard searching for Emiya in the woods.

He just made a careless oversight and was discovered by those lazy members.

These are all the side effects brought to Emiya by the constant disappearance of the candlelight of life. His perception of his surroundings has become extremely low, and even the Imperial Guards in front cannot detect it.

"Tsk!" Wei Gong couldn't help but smacked his lips, tightened his feet, and dodged towards the bushes on the side.

Emiya is still able to do simple running.

"Quick, chase! Find the target and launch the signal flare!"

With the existence of technology tycoons like Dr. Fashion, mere flares are basically standard equipment for members of the police force.

After all, Seliu was transformed under his hands. Seliu also has a lot of nostalgia for the police force he left, and hopes that Dr. Fashion can provide them with some help.


Huge fireworks erupted high in the sky in the woods, and all the members of the security team inside the woods gradually moved closer to the direction of Emiya.


Wei Gong also saw the gorgeous fireworks in the sky. Although darkness is an assassin's best friend, Wei Gong has never received professional assassin training.

Just simply learn how to remove your own traces and odors.

After all, he only had a cooperative relationship with Night Raid, and Night Raid did not require Emiya to go out to assassinate the target, so he only told Emiya how to prevent the base from being exposed to the Empire's sight.

Tazumi could learn it easily, and Shirou Emiya understood it even faster.

In the dark woods, Emiya could only keep running, trying to prevent the members of the security team from discovering him as much as possible.

But the sound of running footsteps could not be concealed, and the places where Emiya could dodge gradually became scarce.

More and more security forces appeared around him, leaving him nowhere to hide.

The security team had already surrounded the general area where Emiya escaped. As soon as Emiya's location was discovered later, the encirclement would continue to shrink until Emiya was completely locked in place.

If Emiya had not suffered such serious injuries and his magic power was not so empty, then he could have rushed out with brute force instead of just running away like this.

Emiya didn't need to knock them all down, he just rushed out. It was impossible for anyone without special abilities to stop them.

But now Emiya is not only seriously injured, but also unable to project any weapons. He can only hold the katana with the reverse blade that he has projected. He is now unable to directly break out of such an encirclement with brute force.

Suddenly, he saw a group of guards appearing in front of him. Emiya quickly lay down and hid in the bushes at his feet.

"Where are the others?"

The team behind Emiya also caught up. In such a dark forest, unless you have the same vision as Emiya, the things you can basically see are extremely limited.

They could barely see Emiya's figure, but there was no way to accurately find Emiya's location.

In the grass, Emiya leaned on the ground, his chest rising and falling frequently, trying his best to control his breathing.

Two teams of guards were now standing on either side of him, talking.

"Did you see the fugitive?"

The team chasing Emiya asked.

"Could he have run away already?"

"It's impossible. The entire area has been sealed and surrounded. It's impossible for him to grow wings. How can he escape."

"It's possible, hiding in the grass in front of us!"

At this moment, Emiya's heartbeat began to accelerate crazily.

His hand tightly grasped his reverse-edged katana.

Is war inevitable?

Chapter 97 The destruction of the night attack base


With one swing of the sword, all the grass above Emiya's head was cut off. Emiya could even feel the cool breeze blowing slowly above his head.

"It's dark down here, so he shouldn't be hiding here."

The members of the first team looked down and replied to him with dissatisfaction.

"Over there—!"

At this moment, shouts were heard in the distance, and they immediately picked up their feet and rushed towards the direction of the shouts.

Emiya, who was lying on the ground, couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

His back suffered extremely severe and extensive trauma from the explosion.

The back was completely soaked in blood. Although there was no way to form blood scab in such a short period of time, the dark blood was so dark that the guards could not see any difference.

Isn't the soil so black?

Emiya had no idea that the injury that had left him so weak would now save his life.


Emiya walked out of the grass, looked around carefully, and began to think.

He can't project [Evil Ghost Haunting] and fly away directly with him, but he can climb trees. To a certain extent, climbing trees can be regarded as flying.

At least these guards were unable to deal with Shirou Emiya who was moving between trees for the time being.

He must leave as quickly as possible, otherwise he will be in danger when the Hunter arrives.

Thinking of this, Emiya did not stay for too long. While there was no one around, Emiya held the reverse blade samurai sword in his hand and quickly climbed up the big tree beside him.

Although it doesn't matter if his trace is discovered, after all, not everyone can climb trees as fast as Emiya. Before people with strong strength arrive, Emiya moving on the tree is still very safe.

However, it is also very good to reduce the exposure of his whereabouts, at least it can reduce a lot of trouble for Emiya.

And Emiya can climb the tree so quickly, on the one hand because he has a very strong physical fitness, on the other hand, Emiya has also had experience in climbing trees before, and he is also very good at this kind of thing.

"Is the Empire over there?"

After climbing to the top of the tree, Emiya's vision suddenly widened, and he quickly found the location of the Empire.

The forest is extremely dim, and the Empire is brightly lit, so it is still possible to find the location of the Empire quickly, not to mention Emiya's extraordinary vision.


The injury was still taking its toll on Emiya.

He gritted his teeth and kept leaping between trees.

The guards under the trees only felt a lot of leaves falling, but when they looked up, they didn't see any traces.

The darkness gave Emiya a perfect opportunity to move.

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