"Hmph! I won't repeat what I said before! So don't answer my question!!!"

The girl stared at Illya, tears bursting from her eyes unconsciously, as if Illya had done something wrong to make her cry.

Don't repeat the previous words, didn't you just repeat the sentence three times?

Looking at the seemingly stubborn girl in front of her, Illya's eyebrows jumped slightly, and she unconsciously complained in her heart.

"Well, there's no need to be so emotional that you cry, I remember!"

"Uh, I'm awake-"

In this regard, Illya could only recall the question she heard at the beginning, and then answered.

It's just that you can tell whether you are awake or not, is it necessary to wait for your reply?

Was she sleepwalking just now?

In short, Illya couldn't understand the brain circuit of the blonde girl in front of her at all.

"I didn't cry! I didn't cry!! A lady won't cry for such a small thing!"

The blonde girl stretched out her hands to block her chest, tears flashing in the corners of her eyes, and yelled at Illya stubbornly.

Looking at the blonde girl who was getting more emotional, Illya felt so tired, inexplicably tired.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Of course I know that a lady won't cry--"

Illya could only comfort her in a kind voice at this time.

"Humph! As a lady, I can do it myself, you must not tell me your name!"

It seemed that Illya's comfort worked, and the blonde girl was very happy with her hands on her hips, but both the words and the tone made people feel particularly awkward.

Uh, is there such a way to ask someone's name?

Illya said that this was the first time she saw such a way to ask the other person's name.

"Well, my name is Ilyasviel. Because my name is too long, everyone calls me Illya. What about you?"

"Hehe! My name is Ariga, Sister Illya!"


Instantly, Illya's pupils were filled with love, and she looked at Ariga with great excitement, and even her hands swung upwards involuntarily.

"Can you call me again!"

"Anything wrong? Sister Illya?"

Ailiga's face was full of doubts, but she still listened to Illya's words honestly.


"Sorry, I got carried away!"

Illya covered her heart that was constantly surging because of excitement, and gasped heavily. The killing power of the name of sister was too great.

But now, the most important thing for Illya is to understand where she is, and how her family, mother, brother, Sera, Liz and others are doing.

Soon, Illya calmed her excited heart.

"Erika, do you know where I am now?"

"My home!"

"No, it's a specific location!"

"Well, a specific location? My room!"

Illya lowered her head immediately. Erica's understanding of the words, which should be said to be common sense, made her feel exhausted.

I can't give up, Illya, it's my own problem. If I ask more details, I might get useful information.

"It's the name of the street, or what buildings are around, such as next to Ryudo Temple, next to the elementary school of Hogunhara Academy, etc."

Illya has tried her best. If this doesn't work, then she can only go out and see where she is.

After all, in Illya's impression, Fuyuki City should not have a place that can accommodate such a luxurious aristocratic room.

Although she didn't visit the entire Fuyuki City, as an elementary school student, she didn't dare to run around in Fuyuki City. It was very dangerous.

"Emm, that should be Fuyuki City!"

Illya fell backwards on the bed. She was completely defeated by Erica. It seemed that she could only find out where she was now.

However, if Erica, who had some problems with common sense, was taken care of by someone, she would know where she was as long as she found an adult.

But Illya had not thought that this would be a cage that she could not escape from.

Chapter 1023 Erica


With a clear sound of the door opening, the door of a room in the luxurious mansion was opened, revealing a small head with silver-white hair, looking around.

There was no one in the corridor, but the end could not be seen at a glance. The lights on the ceiling of the corridor flickered, illuminating the entire space.

At first, Illya thought that this family just took good care of Erica and specially arranged her room like this, but in fact, I was afraid that she was wrong.

This was not just a home for taking care of Erica, this was a truly luxurious mansion.

The surroundings exuded a sense of luxury, the floor was covered with red carpets, and there were countless crystal chandeliers hanging on the ceiling.

It made Illya, a middle-class citizen, dumbfounded.

"I must abandon Erica!"

At the moment when Illya opened the door, Erica pouted and stared at Illya's back with tears in her eyes.

What is this child doing by being so awkward!

Illya sighed in her heart. Although she could understand what she wanted to express at a glance, it was too awkward.

"Aliga, do you know where your parents' rooms are?"

Illya looked at the dark sky outside the window, turned to Alicia and asked softly, "It's such a big mansion, let alone wandering around in other people's homes. It's rude."

The second is that she would really get lost in such a huge mansion.

"Of course, Alicia is not a child anymore, of course she knows where daddy's room is!"

Alicia looked very confident and immediately opened the door and walked down the corridor paved with red carpets.

He is obviously still a child.

Looking at Alija who immediately changed into another face, Illya complained with certainty in her heart.

However, Illya was also very curious about who the owner of this house was.

She had never seen such a large mansion in Fuyuki City, and she had never heard of the existence of such a person in Fuyuki City.

Following Alija like this, Illya looked out the window blankly. Under the dark night, the world outside the window was almost dark, and she could only barely make out that there should be a courtyard around the mansion.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"


Countless slapping sounds appeared on the window like a wave, making Ilia immediately startled and couldn't help but sit on the ground.

"Eh! Sister Illya is a coward!"

Seeing Illya's expression, Alija raised the corner of her mouth slightly and laughed at her.

"I'm not a coward!"

Hearing Alija's words, Illya stood up quickly. She was a sister, so of course she had to fulfill her responsibilities as a sister. How could she be afraid of these monsters and monsters.

"Alicia, aren't you afraid? The sudden sound of the window? Or -"

Illya suddenly felt a little cool on the back of her neck. Could this really be a haunted house? ?

"Sister Illya, where did you think you were? It was just the sound of snow hitting the window. It will stop soon--"

Alija snickered, as if she was already used to the sound, and even stood on tiptoe and patted Illya on the shoulder to signal her not to worry.

"Snow? But it's summer now?"

Illya became even more confused after hearing Alija's explanation. Why did it suddenly start snowing outside?

However, Alija did not explain at all, but continued to lead Illya towards the front of the corridor.

"Fortunately, Sister Illya, you woke up earlier. If it had been any later, the lights would have been turned off, and I would have had to push Sister Illya out of bed."

She was waving her hands and talking with an extremely happy expression, as if it was because Illya occupied her bed that she was unable to sleep.

"Push off the bed——" Several black lines suddenly appeared on Illya's head.

"It's such a big bed, you can sleep with sister Illya!"

"But sister Illya, you have occupied my bed, how can I sleep!"

"Ah?" Illya's expression became confused again.

"Can't a bed only sleep one person? Sister Illya, if you sleep in my bed, won't I have no place to sleep?"

Alija also tilted her head, as if she was equally puzzled by Illya's doubts. This must be common sense.

After hearing Alija's explanation, Illya could only lower her head again and stretched out her hands to cover her face. What on earth is this child's common sense about?

"Hey, it's so late, don't wait until you see the truth.

Just when Illya was showing her decadence because of Alija's words, a childish and slightly evil voice came from beside Illya.

And Illya was also a little surprised, and followed the direction of the voice and cast her eyes aside.

At the door that was pushed open, there stood an extremely beautiful and cute girl with jagged teeth.

She has beautiful red hair tied in short twintails on both sides of her head, and wears a luxurious gothic lolita outfit with lots of ruffles, which is basically red and supplemented by black.

"Ah! Sister Beatrix!"

Alicia was a little scared and hid behind Illya.

"You're not going to my room to get my doll again!"

Looking at Beatrix walking out of the room, Alicia was very worried about the fate of the dolls in her room.


Illya muttered softly. She always felt that it was so detailed and familiar to her. She seemed to have heard it somewhere, but she couldn't remember where she heard it.

"Didn't you agree that I would take away your doll? Then be careful what you do -"

With a smile on her lips, Beatrix was talking directly to Alija who was behind Illya, and she didn't seem to see Illya standing in front of Alija at all.

"Absolutely, absolutely take away Alicia's rag doll!"

Alicia choked and grabbed the hem of Illya's clothes, seeming to agree with Beatrice's words.

But Illya fully understands that Alija just likes to talk sarcastically, and it is obvious that the other party bullies her because of Alija's personality.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! It just so happens that my number of friends is a bit low. Let me borrow some from you!"

With that said, Beatrix walked towards Alija's room with a smile on her face, and Alija's grip on Illya's sleeve became a little tighter.

"Wait a minute! Did you completely ignore me?"

Just as Beatrix took a few steps towards Alicia's room, Illya called out to stop her.

"Yeah! What's wrong?"

Beatrice did not deny it at all. She looked at Illya with an impatient expression on her face, as if telling her not to meddle in other people's business.

Chapter 1024: The Endsworth Family that Cannot Escape

Illya could not help but feel a little annoyed and helpless at the arrogant attitude and words of Beatrice.

What kind of people are there in this castle? Although the other party is only the second one she has met, their personalities are too unique.

She was a little afraid to imagine what kind of weird person she would meet next.

"Well, if you take away Erica's doll like this, it will be very distressing for her."

Illya did not show her annoyance too much, but still persuaded Beatrice politely and softly, expressing her good intentions.

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