Amid the loud clash, some of the arrows carrying great power were suddenly picked up by the axe and sword, causing a circle of sparks and impact, and sank into the wall beside.

Another part was dodged by Illya, and her figure ran towards the direction pointed by Xiao Hei without stopping.

"Let me see your struggle more!"

As the voice fell, an extremely strong magical fluctuation came from above Illya's head.

Then, countless lights turned into arrows, and the arrows turned into rain curtains, tearing the entire ceiling apart with a downpour, instantly covering the position where Illya was.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The rain of arrows was like a destructive artillery fire, hitting the ground directly, setting off bursts of explosions and impacts.

In a blink of an eye, the area where Illya was was completely covered by the attack of the rain of arrows.

Chapter 1045 The Devil-like Cruel Goddess of Beauty

Under the azure sky, Ishtar was suspended in mid-air, looking coldly at the Enzwas family below.

Beside her was also a huge bow suspended in the air. Its main weapon was the God's Ship "Maana" galloping in the Mesopotamian world. It had extremely high mobility, and at the same time had a magazine for shooting. It was also an interstellar transfer gate connecting the earth and Venus.

"If it's just this level, then--!"

When Ishtar's cold and ruthless voice came out again from above Illya's head, a flash of light suddenly appeared in the huge bow beside her that was suspended like a flying boat.


The magical airflow that even the space couldn't help but tremble gathered above, and waves of extremely violent fluctuations suddenly rippled in the sky.

Ishtar is the name of an Akkadian god. From the perspective of the name, the Sumerian name of Inanna is more ancient.

She is the goddess of Venus, the goddess of harvest that brings prosperity to mankind, and the goddess of battle and destruction.

She is known for her amorousness. It is said that no matter whether the object is human or gods, as long as it is the object of her affection, she will do her best to show her affection.

On the other hand, if the other party does not follow her wishes, she will show devilish cruelty.

Illya? The Holy Grail that saves the world?

It is not something that cannot be destroyed.

The Endsworth family, shouldering the responsibility of saving the world?

It is not an existence that cannot be killed.


In an instant, a gorgeous platinum arrow burst out from Maanna, illuminating the entire night.

Then, it was aimed directly at the bottom.


The sound like a bowstring shot out from Maanna, and the arrows condensed on it, with overwhelming brilliant light, shook out a sharp and piercing sonic boom, and cut through the space like lightning, shooting directly at the Endsworth family below.

Wherever it passed, the entire space was stirred into a mess, and it violently broke apart.


Just at the top of the Endsworth House, a white spark burst to the ground. It caused a deafening explosion, bringing a terrifying impact storm, sweeping and spreading all around.

The overwhelming fire waves and the amazing impact mixed with each other, like a surging wave, sweeping in all directions. The entire Endsworth House was affected, and was quickly annihilated under the terrible impact and fire waves.

Including the surrounding walls, solid ground and old courtyards, all were broken into pieces and submerged by the fire waves under this impact.

The castles that Shirou Emiya and Angelica did not destroy with EA were completely destroyed by Ishtar's attack.

She didn't need to care about the consequences, she only needed to care whether she was happy. As for the destruction of the world? She never cared about it.

You know, as an Archer, Ishtar's treasure is the treasure of the legend of her most "destructive" and "cruel" behavior.

With the words "I just don't like it", she ravaged Mount Ebifu, a sacred peak revered by the kings of the gods, and killed the entire mountain.

According to Mesopotamian mythology, Ishtar broke into Mount Ebifu, and her divine power increased with every step she took. In the end, she even grabbed the top of the mountain and stabbed the heart of the earth vein with a gun, causing the Ebifu Mountain to completely collapse.

It is unknown how long this scene lasted.

It was not until a long time later that the terrifying wind and waves and the strong flames gradually weakened and faded into the air.


With a whistling sound, Ishtar, who was driving Maanna, was suspended in the air, looking down from above, her face was calm, and her figure was like a goddess, holy and beautiful.

It should be said that she is a goddess herself, and a goddess of beauty.

"Pah! Pah!!"

Some rubble fell from above, which was directly penetrating into the sky without any obstruction, and hit the ground, causing a crisp sound.

In one corner of such a ruin, a strong impact knocked a pile of rubble away, and a somewhat dusty figure jumped out from it and appeared beside Ishtar.

"You really are——"


The figure who appeared here was Tohsaka Tokiomi, who was wearing golden armor and a red cloak.

He did not say the second half of the sentence, because he knew very well what Ishtar's character was like. Now that the Endsworth family castle had been overturned, it would not have much effect to say anything.

Will the Endsworth family castle be restored by preaching a few words?

It would even make Ishtar more angry if he did so.

"It looks like he escaped!"

Ishtar frowned, feeling the magic power fluctuations coming from the ruins.

As for other people.

Beatrix took a sun umbrella and went shopping on the street for the first time in a long time during this season when the sun couldn't be seen at all.

Alicia returned to the school where she once stayed as always.

Angelica went out shopping and has not come back yet.

Darius, he has always been like a dragon, and it would be better if he died. Ishtar said that she had disliked Darius, that sloppy man, for a long time.

Time goes back to a few minutes ago————

"This wave of magic power! Illya, the other party may really want to kill us!"

Ruby felt the violent magic power condensed above her head, and her expression was extremely nervous. Not to mention other things, at least when this attack came down, there was no way to stop it with his A-level magic barrier.

Even if Illya uses the Caster class card, she can't resist by building a new magic barrier, not to mention the time limit.

"What should I do!?"

Ruby was very nervous, and Illya was even more nervous. She couldn't think of any way to resist at the moment.

"Can you shoot right through the ground?"

Fortunately, Xiao Hei, who was sitting on Illya's shoulder, was extremely calm and analyzed the situation in front of him.

"Penetrate the ground? Xiaohei, are you saying there is a dungeon underneath?"

"We are very close to the gate now, and the dungeon door is right next to the gate. If there are no accidents, the dungeon should be underneath where we are now——"

As for running out of the Endsworth house as fast as possible, and then entering the dungeon door.

This option was directly eliminated by Xiao Hei.

After all, there is a ceiling inside the Endsworth house that blocks the opponent's view. Once they go out into the courtyard, they are really a living target.

If the power of your class card is intact and your body is not a doll, you can project "Rho Aias" to barely resist it.

However, it is now difficult for him to assist, let alone defend.


A substantial shock wave, supported by the astonishing divine energy, exploded from the top like a violent wind that suddenly swept around.

Chapter 1,046 A girl named Tanaka


The violent impact shook the surroundings, causing the entire Endsworth house to rumble and tremble.

"There's no time, Illya! Hurry!!!!!!!!!"


"Understood!! It might hurt a little!"


Following the sound of a concussion, a burst of bright pink light suddenly rose from Illya's body.

As mentioned before, Illya is not a magician, and the control of the magic circuits in her body is basically done by rubies.

It can also develop the magic circuit in Illya's body to the limit, but this will put a lot of pressure on the body. Under normal circumstances, ruby ​​will not do such things that harm the user.

Illya took a deep breath of chaotic air into her lungs, endured the burden and pain from both physical and mental aspects, and raised her hands above her head.

“Nine Lives!!!!!!!!!!!”


In less than a second, the blast exploded.

The heavy ax and sword were like dancing wind wheels, tearing apart the atmosphere.

It just turned into nine terrifying beams of light in an instant, piercing the space and falling down with a force as powerful as breaking a bamboo.


It was like a meteorite falling to the ground, followed by a roar and a strong shock wave.

As a result, the earth shattered, gravels flew everywhere, and the strong wind mixed with thick dust suddenly appeared in this world as if it turned into a sandstorm.


Illya, who lost her footing, suddenly screamed in surprise and fell straight from the air.


At this moment, a deafening loud noise rose in the air, carrying an impact wind wave that could destroy everything, and spread crazily from the top of Illya's head.

"Crack, click, click, click!"

It can be seen with the naked eye that the originally solid ground is being destroyed inch by inch, cracking open like a spider web amidst the terrifying cracking sounds.

"No! Illya! Switch to Caster class card! Build defense!"

When Ilia heard Xiao Hei's voice, she had no doubts. Her clothes changed rapidly, and several purple magic arrays appeared in front of her.


Thunderous explosions like landslides and earth cracks resounded loudly in front of Illya, and the ground collapsed instantly.

The terrifying impact swept directly through Illya's whole body, which had just fallen to the ground.

In just a short moment, the entire dungeon, which was as big as a football field, was destroyed.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

The gravel rolled on the ground, colliding and making a crisp sound.

The terrifying impact did not completely destroy the dungeon. At least, there were still many spacious places within Illya's sight.

It's just that the exit must have disappeared without a trace.

Even if there was, Illya would not dare to leave the exit openly.


Illya uttered a distressed voice, and then stood up quickly.

"Hei! Hei, how are you?"

This impact was greatly weakened by the defense spells of the Endsworth family and the ground, and basically did not cause much damage to Illya.

Although he looked miserable and covered in dirt, he did not have a single wound on his body.

This was the confidence that the ruby ​​brought to Illya.

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