Illya thought it would be a good idea to prank some Xiao Hei in this way, so she did not take Xiao Hei away from Tanaka's hand. Instead, she leaned closer and asked softly as if to keep him warm.

"I was caught by the Ensworth family, so I'm locked up here."

Tanaka was stroking Xiao Hei's body around while answering Illya's questions.

"Illya, save me!"

Illya ignored Xiao Hei's plea for help. Why was she not so shy when he kissed her directly before? But she felt like she was going to crawl into a crack in the ground.

"By the way, Miss Tanaka, how long have you been locked up here?"

"I don't know, but it feels like it's been a long time. If I count it in terms of meals, I should have eaten forty or fifty meals."

Tanaka explained his calculation method.

"Forty or fifty meals? Half a month?"

In fact, it was more than a month. Illya wanted to have at least two meals a day, but Tanaka only had one meal a day.

As for the specific time, it was not long after Emiya Shirou came to Illya's world that she came to the Endsworth house, locked the door, and was imprisoned.

"Every time after eating, I feel like my mouth and stomach are filled with burning sensation, and I can't stop sweating and shaking!"

"Is that some new form of torture to extract confessions?"

Listening to Tanaka's thoughts about the food, Illya also felt a phantom pain in her stomach.

For some reason, her first instinct was that it was something very spicy, such as Mapo Tofu or something like that.

"Why were you caught by the Ensworth family?" Illya planned to ask to the end.

"Because I want to destroy the Endsworths."

"Then why destroy the Endsworths?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

Hearing Tanaka's answer, Illya felt baffled.

"I only remember this, I want to destroy this family!"

With these words, Tanaka's originally dull temperament suddenly changed and became more severe.

"Then is there any way Miss Tanaka can get out?"

Finally, the most critical question was asked, and Xiao Hei stopped struggling and looked at the other party.

"You mean, leave from here?"

Illya nodded.


Chapter 1050: Burn the world with fire

"It's full! It's full! It's full! It's full! It's full!"

In that relatively closed and dark space.

On the altar engraved with various words.

The purple magic seemed to be feeling something, boiling with joy.

The surrounding engravings seemed to be alive and began to flicker, and circles of magic began to flow from a black object like a Rubik's Cube on the altar.

Darius just sat in the wheelchair, staring at everything in front of him.

"Immediately, the Holy Grail ceremony will be completed immediately, right, Alicia——"

"Oh, no, I remembered. How could I forget that the original woman was always by my side, a gift from the gods - Pandora!"

Darius's mental state seemed to be very high, like a satisfied addict, and he shouted like this.

As Darius finished speaking, a graceful figure gradually appeared from behind him.

I saw that Alija's originally childish face had a much more mature look, her hair style had also changed, and her previous student clothes had changed into gorgeous evening gowns.

Compared with the lively and cute appearance of Illya when they first met, Alija at this moment exudes a cold aura that keeps strangers away.

Of course, it's not just the change in temperament, but also the physical maturity.

"Am I finally able to welcome death?"

Darius did not answer Alicia's question, but looked at Xiao Hei in a maid outfit standing next to Alicia, with a cold expression on his lips.

"The story must continue well, otherwise I don't know what I will do!"

In an instant, Alija seemed to feel something, her face was full of fear, and she squatted down holding her head.

"No, no, no!!!!"

"Soon, we are about to reach the most intense stage."

at the same time------

"Hey! You said you could go out, is that true?"

Illya looked very excited. They had been thinking about it for a long time but couldn't find a good way to get out.

"Wouldn't it be better to just burn everything above your head?"

After listening to Tanaka's words, the hopes that had risen instantly fell down again. Illya wiped the sweat from her forehead slightly. Sure enough, I am a fool for believing that Miss Tanaka has something to do.

She and Xiao Hei discussed how to destroy the ruins above in one go, but the problem is that they don't have anything that can cause such great power.

The Archer (Gilgamesh) job introduction card contains some Noble Phantasms that are not even B level. There are barely a few, but using Fantasy Honkai Impact will definitely hurt you.

The two professional cards Berserker (Hercules) and Lancer (Dimuludo) tend to engage in close combat, and there is no such thing as a light cannon.

As for Caster (Medea), there is a magic cannon, but it is not powerful enough. I am afraid it will be difficult to penetrate the ground. The probability of failure is very high, it should be said that it is very high.

"Wait, Illya, do you feel something is wrong?"

And when Illya waved her hand to signal Tanaka to take a rest first, Xiao Hei suddenly spoke out.

"When you say that, does the surrounding temperature rise?"

Hearing what Xiao Hei said, he seemed to be sweating because of the heat, but it was clearly not that hot just now.

At this time, Xiao Hei had broken free from Tanaka's hand, but rather than saying that he was breaking away, it was better to say that Tanaka had given up on Xiao Hei's restraint.

It was furry and inedible, so she wasn't particularly interested.

"Her body temperature is very abnormal!"

Ruby also sounded a reminder at this time, but this reminder was obviously redundant.

Because Illya and Xiaohei could see with their naked eyes the air around Tanaka that was distorted by the temperature.

But before Illya could speak again, Tanaka seemed to have been severely injured, holding his stomach and half-kneeling on the ground.

"Miss Tanaka, what's wrong with you!"

Illya wanted to help him, but the high temperature made her overwhelmed for a while.

"Stomach, still so hungry——"


She thought it was because the Ensworth family had performed some inhumane experiments on her that made her body temperature so abnormal.

Because Tanaka didn't say it before, the food Ensworth gave her had a strong burning sensation, maybe he was doing something like human body modification, and with Mi's lobbying, Ensworth took the dead people Being made into puppets, Illya had every reason to suspect that they were doing some inhumane experiment.

But Tanaka was just stunned for a moment, and then he became very reliable again. He covered his right hand and said softly: "The Holy Grail ceremony will be completed soon, and the Endsworth family must be eliminated immediately——! Allow, release the Noble Phantasm! The body does not allow it, so choose——"

Tanaka's eyes turned to Illya in front of him.

"Isn't it true that only Darius knows about the Holy Grail ceremony? How do you know-"

Before Xiao Hei finished speaking, Tanaka directly pulled out his right hand.

The blazing flames covered his right hand, making everyone present afraid to breathe.

Also at that moment, everyone was dazzled by what Tanaka held in his left hand.

That's a sword.

It was as if it had been pulled out from the depths of hell, from the endless lava. The sword's body was extremely red, and its hilt was like cooled lava.


Following the sound of a concussion, a burst of bright light suddenly rose from the red sword.

"Ilia, I leave it to you!"

As he spoke like this, Tanaka fell directly to the ground as if exhausted, still mumbling--I'm so hungry!

"I, I don't think I told Miss Tanaka my name, how did she know it!"

But now is not the time to think about these problems, because Miss Tanaka has fainted from hunger.

Immediately, Illya looked at Xiao Hei and wanted to ask her opinion.

"I don't know what happened, but I can give it a try. It can't be a trap specially set by Darius. If he really wanted to kill us, he would have killed us long ago."

Xiao Hei waved his hand. Although there are still many mysteries about Miss Tanaka in front of her, since there is a way to leave, she naturally needs to try it.

If it weren't for the fact that their current strength was not enough to support them in leaving safely, Xiao Hei would not have chosen such a risky method.

"Hiss! It's so hot!"

Just as Ilya wanted to grab the hilt of the sword, she was directly burned by the terrifying high temperature. Her hands were red, but she quickly recovered.

"Let me be the new hilt!"

Ruby flew directly to the hilt of the sword, wrapped it around it, and exposed the part of her staff so that Illya could grab it.

"But how to use it?"

Illya picked it up and shook it, and found that it was not much different from an ordinary sword.

"Try to inject magic into it?" Ruby reminded.

The next second——————


The ground suddenly shook.

Chapter 1051: The Flame of Doom Leading to the End of the World

Above the ruins of the Endsworth house.

Angelica stood on the ground with her head raised, confronting Ishtar in the sky.

In Ishtar's words, mortals are only worthy of standing on the ground and looking up at themselves.

Behind him, clouds and mist surged, and a storm like a passing typhoon gathered in mid-air.

The violent sound rippled through the atmosphere again, thunder surged in the clouds, and a huge bull's head loomed among them.

The atmosphere in the entire space sank.

That was the bull from the sky that Ishtar once summoned on Mount Enzo, capable of destroying everything.

This was not the Bull of Heaven that she had retrieved, but one that was abducted from her other self.

She had to admit that the consciousness of this doll did affect her to a certain extent, otherwise how could her Bull of Heaven be abducted so easily.

So she kidnapped her Heavenly Bull from her other self who was even more delinquent. As for what kind of problems it caused.

The person who kidnapped the Bull of Heaven from her own hands didn't think it would cause any problems, and she also felt that there would be no problem if she kidnapped the Bull of Heaven from another person.

When she returns the Bull of Heaven, she will return the Bull of Heaven.

Angelica, who was standing on the ground with countless golden ripples gathering behind her, stared at Ishtar and made no further moves.

Angelica's eyes revealed a deep fear of the existence behind Ishtar.

If it weren't for the existence of the Bull of Heaven, the Endsworth family would have long since recovered the class card from Ishtar.

The Endsworth family and Ishtar were not even in a cooperative relationship, but a simple exchange of interests. Without the class card of Gilgamesh, Ishtar would have already taken action against the Endsworth family.

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