The "inherent barrier" held by Emiya Shirou. Inside the inherent barrier is a world full of weapons, flames, and black mud like an ironworks.

Although it is a Noble Phantasm in name, to be precise, it is a great magic called a unique barrier. This inherent barrier contains the elements that form all swords. Under the action of the [Power of Existence], it can permanently rewrite reality into the world of mental images. Weapons that the magician has seen and recognized so far can be used in this place. Weapons you have passed can be copied and saved instantly.

Most of the weapons it replicates will not drop a level, they are almost exactly the same as the original Noble Phantasm, and even have legendary bonuses. Although armor is also possible, in that case it would consume two to three times the magic power of normal projection. Equipment that has been analyzed once with the naked eye will be registered within the barrier, and projection magic can be performed even without activating the inherent barrier.

For ordinary opponents, it is no longer capable of dealing with it at this stage, and for the King of Heroes, it is a natural enemy among natural enemies.

Not only can Shirou Emiya freely take out and use the weapons he keeps, but he can also modify the weapons he keeps as he likes, like the False Spiral Sword (Caladbolg II). After systematic study, Emiya Shirou was even able to forge some weapons he needed according to the situation he faced.

In addition, Emiya Shirou is also good at the "Broken Phantasm" strategy of making use of the property of being able to re-project, shooting a Noble Phantasm in place of discarded arrows, and then letting the magic power held by the Noble Phantasm explode.

Moreover, just like Gilgamesh's "Gate of Babylon", multiple Noble Phantasms can be released from the barrier at the same time like arrows to directly attack the opponent.

Emiya Shirou's inherent barrier will consume a lot of magic power before it is formed, but it does not require the maintenance of magic power after it is formed, and the weapons prepared in it will not consume magic power. However, rebuilding the destroyed object, or creating a new one is forming Things that don't exist sometimes will still consume magic power.

When Shirou Emiya sets foot on this land again, he only needs to take out the prepared Noble Phantasm directly from his [Inherent Barrier] without having to release the [Unlimited Sword System] again, that is It is said that once the chanting is completed, this land will always be part of the [Unlimited Sword System].

Divine weapons can be copied, but it will take a long time to analyze. The more complex the divine weapons are, the longer it will take to analyze them, because the sword is the origin of Emiya Shirou. If it is a sword-like divine weapon, Can shorten the analysis time.

When Arthur Pendragon left, he used his last strength to leave the "Sword of Contract Victory (Excalibur)" to Shirou Emiya, giving him enough time to analyze it.

"Ea" is a Noble Phantasm that Emiya Shirou spent a month to project even though he had the blessings of "King's Treasure" and "Hengyu".


The body is made out of the sword (this body is made of a sword)

すべてのboneをforgeえ,soulをburnやせ(forge all the bones and burn the heart and soul)

Desperate situation, no hope, no death, no surrender, no surrender

privy to the beginning (I am not the one who started everything)

It's the end of everything (it's not the end of everything)

The one who stands on the top of the sword hill bears the long-cherished wish of all things.

Solitary Forging and Forging Multi-forging Industry

その体は、きっと剣で出ていた. (Therefore, this body is designated as an unlimited sword system)

Unlimited Blade Works

[Level]: E~EX

[Category]: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm

[Range]: 30-60

【Maximum Capture】:???


Another form of release of [Unlimited Sword System], all observed weapons with the concept of [sword] are stored in bullets. When this extremely small inherent barrier is immersed in a person's body, it will be directly removed from the body. Deep within a person's body, an astonishing power is erupted that shatters the opponent's body.

Technique Noble Phantasm————

Yan Hui

Type: Anti-human Demon Sword

Maximum capture: 1 person

A sure-kill sword that "simultaneously" cuts apart the opponent with blades approaching from three sides and takes the head directly. Strictly speaking, this is neither a Noble Phantasm nor a phenomenon that borrows the power of magic. This technique was originally developed to cut down flying swallows in the sky.

One flash from the real world, and then two flashes overlapping each other completely simultaneously regardless of the concepts of time and space, resulting in slashing attacks from three directions. It is the "Kischur Zelretch" that transcends factors such as speed, precision, and false attacks. An unknown martial artist who does not know magic or magic, he has reached the high realm of "Second Magic" despite his limitations.

The unknown martial artist who appeared in the world as "Kojiro" only aimed at the heights of swordsmanship during his lifetime. There is nothing else to do but swing the sword, and practice your sword skills every day in pursuit of truth. Then after a long period of time, his sword skills finally reached a certain level.

The distance for this technique is about 3m. This is to swing the sword horizontally with the initial strike. During the battle against Artoria, Kojiro gave up his advantage of height and moved to the ground at the same height as her before using this technique. From the fact that Kojiro, who usually doesn't put up a fight, raises his sword and suddenly releases the move, we can also get a glimpse of how special the secret sword "Swallow Return" move is to Kojiro.

Different from the reversal of cause and effect of Cu Chulainn's "Spear of Piercing Death Thorns", it is an unavoidable fatal blow in another sense. Artoria, who has A-level intuition, was able to take measures to avoid it by predicting her death after being hit. In addition, Yan Hui will have a flaw when the weapon is damaged.

Crane Wing Three Company

Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm.

The most powerful use of Ganjiang Moxie.

Projecting three pairs of swords that are attracted to each other, an unavoidable combination of throwing and slashing with multiple hits.

"The crane's wings never fall back, and my heart is solid as a rock." 』

"The skill of the mind reaches Mount Tai, and the strength is strong enough to penetrate the mountains." 』

"Crossing the Yellow River with mental skills, cutting off the flow of water with sword intent." 』

"My destiny has been to leave the palace, but I can only accept my name." 』

"Coexistence is like the wings of a crane, two heroes are destined to part ways." 』

Six paths and five wheels? The realm of emptiness

Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm

This is a technique that Musashi understood. Unleash the ultimate slash using the concept of "emptiness" she has mastered.

It is said to be a Noble Phantasm for dealing with people, but its essence is actually a Noble Phantasm for dealing with cause and effect. The Buddha's sword can even cut off all bad karma, past karma, curses, and misfortune in one go.

[It is the "certain existence" that remains after existence has been reduced to the extreme and cannot be further reduced. 】

It is called one of the ultimates. But there is no concept of reaching the further position zero.

"We're almost there!" Miyamoto Musashi said as he snatched the chicken leg from Emiya Shirou's bowl.

Moon Sea to Sword

Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm

Project and use the three most holy swords in Europe in a short period of time: Charlemagne's Joyeuse, the great hero Roland's Durandal, and King Arthur's Durandal. Steel Sword (Excalibur) - The three-hit combo of the Sword of Contract Victory. Wuming was unable to project the Sword of Contract Victory, so he used the meteorite iron sword [Primordial Fire (Aestus Estus)] made by Nero himself instead. .

Breath of the Sun·Fourteen Types of Destruction of the Sun

Category: Mysterious meaning to people

This is the secret of the sword that Ji Kunoyuan has understood over the years. This is the slash that reaches the divine realm. Only a being who stands at the pinnacle of the entire world and sits on the throne of God can feel the slash of everything. As the name suggests, even the flames of the sun were extinguished by this slash.

Nine Lives

Type: unknown

Scope: Adaptable

Explanation: It is more of a genre than a military outfit. The hero Hercules' Noble Phantasm "Shoot a Hundred Heads" is a universal Noble Phantasm that can change its shape according to the target. It can be said to be "genre: shoot a hundred heads".

Among the Noble Phantasms that Hercules possessed, it was the Noble Phantasm that he trusted the most. The Noble Phantasm used by Hercules to destroy Hydra, the immortal hydra, takes the form of a bow and arrow. It is used against fantasy species and can fire nine dragon-shaped tracking lasers at the same time. After destroying Hydra, he can use other weapons to imitate the abilities of this Noble Phantasm. Its essence is "9 consecutive hits fired at a high speed as if all the attacks were superimposed." Even if it is released with a sword, spear, or axe, the performance of this move is no different and boasts Noble Phantasm-level power.

Shura with one sword

Type: Noble Phantasm against oneself

In order to use his poor strength to fight against many powerful enemies, Kurogane Ikki created a unique sword-cutting skill.

It can only be used once a day to condense all the power you have into one minute, forcefully concentrate all the magic power, and strengthen the physical strength dozens of times. When used, blue fireworks will ignite all over the body, with magical light so dense that it can be seen by the naked eye. Once used, the body will rapidly weaken.

Kuroyuki Ikki said, "Human beings are living creatures and have the instinct to survive. Even if they force themselves to exert all their strength in their hearts, their instincts will still not allow themselves to exceed the limit. Instincts will distinguish and combine them from the forces that are usually driven. Retaining enough to maintain life functions "And he used willpower to get rid of the shackles of instinct. Concentrate all the power you have into just one minute, and use it up every drop, in order to achieve explosive combat power in an instant.

When "One Sword Shura" is used, the magic power will be enhanced, but this is not a sword-cutting skill that enhances the magic power. Instead, it forcibly draws out the power from the depths of the soul that the creature should not use in the first place. (Magic power is the power of one's own will and destiny. The total amount of magic power for each person is already determined when he is born.)

One sword Rakshasa

Type: Noble Phantasm against oneself

The enhanced version of "One-Sword Shura" condenses the "strongest minute" of "One-Sword Shura" into one sword. The enhancement of physical strength jumps from the usual dozens to hundreds of times, greatly increasing the speed and strength of the sword swing.


Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm

The unique sword-cutting skill "Raikiri" is a super electromagnetic sword-drawing technique that uses electromagnetic force to eject the sword from the sheath in one go. It is extremely fast and can be said to be invincible within the crossing distance.


Type: Noble Phantasm against oneself

The footwork technique taught by the fighting god Nango Torajiro to his disciples can make his own actions be ignored by the opponent's subconscious mind, hiding his own figure, so that he looks like teleporting in front of the opponent.

There are also those who have their own skills at the top level, but have not condensed them like these people, and they are also absorbed by Shirou Emiya.

Edwards, whose swordsmanship is far beyond the cognition of the world. With the power of one person, he annihilated as many as 300,000 soldiers from both sides with his swordsmanship alone. The action is as fast as the wind and silent, which means that every action is perfect so that there is no power dispersion to make sound, and all actions are performed beyond human cognition, and the power is exerted in the extreme movement and stillness between "zero and one hundred".

Unohana Retsu, the first god of death with the title of "Kenpachi", is called the greatest villain in the history of Soul Society. She claims to master all the schools and sword styles in the world and named herself "Yakatsuryu". Moreover, Unohana Retsu is the best at kendo. As the first generation Kenpachi, he has the highest kendo level "10th Dan".

Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, the founder of "Gen-ryu" and the head coach of "Gen-jishu", the founder of Shinō Spiritual Arts Academy, has absolute authority in the Soul Society and is powerful. No Shinigami has surpassed him for thousands of years, not only because of his Zanpakutō, but also because his kendo has been unmatched in these thousands of years.

[Demon Slayer]

Sun Blade

Level: E

Basically no different from a normal samurai sword, but because of its material, it has some special attack effect against evil spirits, but in the hands of Shirou Emiya, he can read the skills of each member of the Demon Slayer Corps through various Sun Blades, but Shirou Emiya's sword skills have long been higher than those of everyone in the Demon Slayer Corps.

[Cut! Red Eyes]

Reverse Blade

Level: D

The sword that Shirou Emiya forged at the beginning, the samurai sword forged with the idea of ​​not killing people, laid a solid foundation for Gan Jiang Moye later.

Demon Haunting

Rank: B

Type: Self-protective Noble Phantasm

The armor-type imperial weapon made of the ferocious dragon-shaped dangerous species "Tyrande (Thailand)" has a strong defense like a copper wall, but it is a great burden on the wearer, and ordinary people will die if they wear it.

The normal form is a short sword. After exhaling, the solid armor will automatically fly up, enhancing the ability of the wearer to crush all enemies. It is equipped with an auxiliary weapon "Red-backed Shrike".

It stimulates the biological characteristics of the material used, and has the ability to hide in a short period of time. As long as the user is skilled, he can also hide his breath.

It has the ability to strengthen, and can evolve different defense capabilities when encountering different enemies. As long as the wearer continues to grow, the armor can be infinitely evolved in principle. (The projected demon haunting has no evolutionary ability, but because of its special nature, Shirou Emiya can make great modifications to it)

Since Tyrande, as the material, has the ability to survive in any cruel environment, it still remains active even if it is made into material. This feature allows the wearer to quickly adapt to any environment, and even to quickly move in Esdeath's ultimate move "Mokobotmo". (Because the projection does not exist in the active Tyrande, it loses the ability to quickly adapt to the environment.)

The Ever-changing Cross Tail

Rank: C

A strong thread-like imperial weapon.

Its silk thread is made of the hair of the super dangerous species (dragon) in the clouds that is said to live in the East China Sea. It is not only strong, but also extremely sharp. The strongest one is called "Boundary Cutting Thread", which is much tougher than other silk threads.

It can be opened as a trap or a barrier to detect the enemy, and it also has the ability to restrain and cut off. It is as ever-changing as its nickname.

After the silk threads are twisted together, they can be woven into a soft but hard spear or a handheld weapon in the state of a two-handed axe.

Lubbock can even use it to weave it into steel wire armor for defense, or entangle blood vessels to stop the pulse (play dead).

The most powerful killing move of [Cross Tail] is to stab the long spear-shaped weapon into the enemy's body, and then the long spear-shaped silk thread will spread in the enemy's body, entangle the enemy's heart, and then destroy the enemy's heart from the inside according to Rab's instructions.

This move is almost impossible to defend. As long as the silk thread woven into the shape of a long spear pierces any part of the body, it is equivalent to being sentenced to death by the user of [Cross Tail].

One Cut Kills Murasame

Rank: A

If you are cut by this sword, you will be infected with curse poison from the wound and die quickly. There is no way to detoxify.

It can transform into a demon sword, abandon its human identity and essence, and use the negative emotions of the undead under the sword to gain multiple speed and strength bonuses.

Cutting Everything in Two [Ecstasy]

Rank: B

A scissor-shaped imperial weapon that can cut anything in the world. It seems that only the inner blade can achieve [Cut Everything in Two] The tip and outer side of the scissors seem to be similar to normal weapons, so stabbing or slashing cannot achieve the effect of cutting iron like mud. Because of its high hardness, it can also be used for defense (it can block gunshots and the heavy punches of biological imperial equipment). Its hidden ability is to emit a wide range of dazzling light as a cover (awakening skill: X-shear? Ecstasy).

Romantic Turret Pumpkin

Rank: A

It converts spiritual energy into shock waves and shoots out a gun-shaped imperial equipment. The power will increase according to the degree of crisis encountered by the user. The ultimate move is to remove restrictions to greatly increase the power of the weapon, but it will be temporarily unusable due to overheating.

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