Based on the above reasons, Shirou Emiya can only choose to temporarily cease fighting with Esdeath, at least, they have to wait until they can leave this uninhabited island before fighting each other.

The flames sizzled in front of Shirou Emiya and Esdeath. They sat on the beach and looked at the starry sky quietly.

"Why did you massacre those innocent people like this?"

Congratulations, you were deceived.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

"We were no strangers to love"

"You know the rules and so do I"

Cough! Cough!

This chapter is a PY chapter, free, free to be deceived, surprise.

Okay, no more words, let's talk about business.

As a street kid, I didn't expect that someone would ask me for PY one day, then I must be obliged.

Someone asked me for PY, how could I refuse.

I stood up directly and righteously, I was determined to hand in this PY, and even Jesus couldn't stop it.

Then I quickly took out my beloved keyboard after typing two chapters and started typing on it.

As a righteous partner, I need to lend them a helping hand, even if I am also very tired.

Cough! Cough!

Back to the point, I should also release PY's books.

If you are interested, you can go and have a look.

Just browse around, you won't suffer any loss, nor will you be deceived.

As for the remaining two chapters today, don't worry, there are some.

Chapter 102 The Sinful Man - Esdeath

Nothing happens for no reason.

Shirou Emiya thinks so in his heart.

Any action or anything that happens may not have its reason, but there must be a reason for it.

If you step on a banana peel on the road, you will slip because someone throws banana peels around.

Ants are accidentally stepped on and killed because they appear on the road where people pass by.

A person walking on the street was beheaded by a flying axe. Perhaps it was a noble looking for fun, or someone was itching to throw something in his hand.

You yawned because of your body's reaction or your thoughts.

There must be a reason for the incident, but not necessarily a reason.

He wanted to understand the hidden reason behind Esdeath's behavior.

In fact, Emiya had already made his own inference in his heart. In such a decadent world, it was not surprising that such a person who was decisive and took pleasure in killing appeared.

He just wanted to confirm whether he could change her inherent thoughts.

After all, during this period of time, Esdeath had captured prey and got food to keep her alive.

In this matter, Emiya expressed his gratitude to Esdeath.

Wanting to kill her and thanking her are not contradictory.

The sin she carried was something that Shirou Emiya could not forgive anyway.

But if Esdeath could change her mind and help those who were still alive, Emiya would give up his intention to kill her.

If Esdeath cannot change her mind, then no matter how much kindness Esdeath has shown him, Shirou Emiya will still maintain his absolute killing intention towards her.

Even if a criminal who killed someone does many good deeds afterwards, it cannot change the fact that he should go to hell.

No amount of compensation can make up for the loss of a life.

But because of this, shouldn't the criminal choose to redeem himself?

Can killing the criminal or abusing him bring back the lives that have been lost?

This is obviously impossible. At least, in Emiya's heart, the living are more important than the dead.

Rather than killing those criminals, let those criminals provide help to the world and society. This is what Emiya wants.

He has no right to forgive those who were killed by the criminals. Of course, Emiya has no right to go beyond the rules to uphold the justice in his heart for those who died.

These are just selfish thoughts in his heart.

So if Esdeath turns over a new leaf and her enemies seek revenge on her, Shirou Emiya will never stop them.

Killing someone and paying for his life, and paying back a debt are natural, and Emiya has no right to stop it.

These are not within Emiya's business scope, and he will not help others to get revenge. At most, he just fulfills the idea of ​​revenge for others because of what he needs to do.

If that person wants to complete his revenge at the cost of more innocent people, then Emiya will appear to stop him.

"I was born in the northern border area————"

Esdeath has no taboos. After all, there are only her and Shirou Emiya on the entire island. Instead of sitting there like this, it is better to have some communication.

She also began to talk about her past, and her past was not something that could not be told.

Esdeath is the daughter of the chief of the Baruts tribe, a race that specializes in hunting dangerous species. The idea of ​​the law of the jungle is deeply rooted in her since she was a child.

And when she returned from a solo hunt, she found that her entire tribe was destroyed by the northern aliens.

But she did not have hatred for the northern aliens in her heart, but only confirmed the idea of ​​the law of the jungle.

"Is there really no hatred for the northern aliens?"

Shirou Emiya thought in his mind, and finally understood why Esdeath massacred the entire northern alien race. This ferocity was not only due to his own living environment, but also from hatred.

Perhaps Esdeath didn't show any nostalgia for her father or her tribe, but just by massacring the foreign races in the north, she already showed her deep nostalgia for the past.

Emiya understood what Esdeath did, but he would not think that what she did was right. Fighting evil with evil was an extremely incorrect approach.

But Emiya would not tell Esdeath that you should not massacre the innocent civilians of the northern aliens.

When the whole family was killed, trying to persuade others to put down the butcher's knife was something that Emiya couldn't do. Emiya would only express it through actions rather than words.

"The law of the jungle is in line with the current situation of the empire."

Emiya could only sigh. He was not from this world, and he knew that he could not judge what they did here based on his own behavioral standards.

Nobles eat chyme, and common people may not even be able to see it. In such a corrupt empire, even if cannibalism occurs, Emiya may not be surprised.

This is more than just a matter of people having a hard time. Those people have become livestock and are supported by the group of nobles.

Why don't they resist? It's not because those people don't realize their current situation, but because they don't have the sword to resist.

Esdeath alone in the empire can overwhelm everyone and make them breathless.

This is the law of the jungle, absolute suppression of strength.

It is precisely because the empire is so powerful that it has been able to remain standing like this, even if it has become extremely corrupt internally.

"However, many things cannot be explained by just the law of the jungle, right? Presumably in that tribe, even at the last moment, they still choose to let the young and thin people leave first."

Just as Emiya Shirou wants to change Esdeath's perspective, Esdeath also wants to change Emiya Shirou's perspective.

This was a young man who could defeat him in such a short period of time. Anyone would be tempted to conquer him and become his subordinate.


Esdeath could not refute this point. In her memory, she did find a team that was overtaken by the northern aliens and then massacred. There were many teams carrying young children and elderly people.

They wanted to escape, but they were caught up and killed by the northern aliens.

Those are the people in their tribe who have lost the ability to fight, or who have not yet had the ability to fight.

There is no doubt that those people are weak.

"No one is strong from the beginning, everyone starts as weak. Didn't you survive in such extreme cold under the protection of your father?"

Emiya remembered the first time he saw a ghost. He was so weak. As long as it struck him lightly, his body would be pierced by him.

Chapter 103 The idea that can never be changed

Esdeath did not pause because of Emiya's rhetorical question.

"That's because my father is a strong man. Isn't it normal for the strong to make the rules?"

Esdeath responded to Shirou Emiya.

"The law of the jungle is an iron rule, and no one can change it. If it weren't for your strength, do you think it would be possible for you to talk to me calmly like this?"

"All rules are based on the law of the jungle."

Esdeath's tone left no room for doubt; she never hesitated in the things she believed in.


Before Emiya could ask any questions, Esdeath immediately interrupted him.

"Are you trying to tell me why my father protects those who are weak?"

"It's just the rules set by my father. He is a strong man, so we abide by his rules, that's all!"

Esdeath's father is the strongest person in the entire tribe, and no one can disobey his orders, just like what he taught Esdeath.

Even though everything he did was in line with what Emiya thought, he still adhered to the iron rule of the jungle.

"The strong make the rules, and the weak follow the rules. He requires everyone to protect the young, and the weak need to abide by his rules and protect the young."

"My father protects the weak, and there is no conflict between the weak and the strong."

Yes, on the whole, there is no conflict between protecting the weak and preying on the weak. Just like Esdeath treats his subordinates extremely generously and basically distributes all the rewards he receives to his subordinates. Share it with soldiers.

Obviously those subordinates and soldiers were weak, but Esdeath took good care of them.

It was as if Shirou Emiya believed that Esdeath could not be slaughtered like this. It was because he was a strong person that he could find ways to change the rules she had set.

The strong protects the weak, always out of the will of the strong, not the will of the weak.

Shirou Emiya chose to protect those innocent people, and it was precisely because he was a strong man that he had the will to help others.

If he didn't have such strength, he would have been killed by Esdeath as early as the first time he saw her.

It was Emiya who decided to help others, not those who decided to help him.

"What you think is that the strong protects the weak is just your wishful thinking. If someone stronger defeats you, how will the weak you protect be treated!"

Esdeath questioned Emiya Shirou, this was something she learned from the demise of her tribe.

Her father was a strong man, but a stronger man could completely destroy Esdeath's home without obeying the rules he set.

From that moment on, Esdeath knew that only by being stronger would he not be restricted by rules, and only by becoming the strongest could he create his own rules as he pleased.

At this moment, it was Emiya's turn and was unable to refute.

Just as there was nothing bad in the area where Emiya Shirou lived, the rules there were made by Emiya Shirou, and he destroyed all those bad rules.

This maintains public order in that area and reduces the pain of bullying for more students.

The reason is because Emiya is very strong. If he were not strong, there would be endless bullying and beatings waiting for him.

At this moment, Emiya also knew in her heart that she could not make Esdeath change in any way. This thought had been deeply ingrained in her mind.

She can even draw inferences to refute herself.

But I don't have any power to refute. When explaining the truth to others, the first thing is to have a big enough fist.

If you don’t have big fists, your reasoning will be useless.

"What about you? Why are you so twisted?"

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