So, Shirou Emiya was persuaded. Looking at the gloomy sky and the snowflakes falling on the ground, Shirou Emiya, who was standing at the door, exhaled slightly, put on a thin long-sleeved T-shirt and went out.

Shirou Emiya originally planned to go out in a cotton jacket like a normal person, but it was too hot. He was sweating all over after just a short while.

So under Jeanne's suggestion, he finally chose a long-sleeved T-shirt.

Otherwise, if he went out in short sleeves, he would definitely receive the attention of countless residents of Fuyuki City on the street.

But even if he changed to long sleeves, the attention did not decrease much, which made Shirou Emiya embarrassed.

Going out in such little in the winter would attract attention no matter what.

Finally, after several extremely torturous streets, Shirou Emiya arrived at the door of Sajo's house.

Then, Shirou Emiya pressed the doorbell.

"Ding Dong!"

Silence began to spread around.

The tension spread unconsciously.

In any case, the last time he came here, he was not friendly to the people of the Satsuki family.

After all, Rin Tohsaka came here to ask for land, and he was on Rin Tohsaka's side at that time.

Although Shirou Emiya did not want to participate in such things, since he followed Rin Tohsaka here, he was naturally on the side of Tohsaka in the eyes of the Satsuki family.

Shirou Emiya just waited quietly.

Until the next second, the door was opened with a "click".

"You again? We said we would not return the land--"

With such unhappy words, a girl with short brown hair and glasses appeared in front of Shirou Emiya with a rejection look.

That was the one I had seen before--Ryoka Sajo.

"Uh, actually, it was Miss Sa--Aika who asked me to come here."

Shirou Emiya originally wanted to call Miss Sajo, after all, he was not familiar with Aika Sajo, but when he thought that the girl in front of him also had the surname Sajo, he quickly changed his words.

Sajo Reika frowned and stared at Shirou Emiya, as if to judge whether he was lying. Then she tilted her head and spoke in a puzzled voice.

"Sister? Did she get into trouble again?"

But then her expression recovered.

"That's really unfortunate. My sister is not here now."

Sajo Reika's tone was very capable, and she seemed to have a bad impression of Shirou Emiya.

If you want to say, Shirou Emiya standing on Rin Tousaka's side is indeed the culprit of the bad impression, but in addition, there are some rumors in the school.

You know, Shirou Emiya basically didn't go to school, and his grades were not good. Although he didn't have enough credits, he didn't repeat a grade at all, and he even had a good relationship with the student council president and teachers. It was inevitable that some rumors would spread.

For example, relying on connections, using backdoors, etc.

Well, to be honest, those rumors are true. Shirou Emiya did get these special treatments through backdoors.

It's not just the Fujimura group, but also Rin Tohsaka who is using hint magic to cover up for Shirou Emiya.

Otherwise, it would be the school's greatest tolerance for Shirou Emiya, who basically didn't go to school, not to drop out, and he would definitely repeat the grade.

If that door hadn't appeared, Shirou Emiya could have stayed in school, in the eyes of Reika Sajo, Shirou Emiya was a very warm-hearted and respectable classmate.

But now, in Reika Sajo's eyes, Shirou Emiya can be regarded as a bad boy.

Reika Sajo moved to Fuyuki City after buying the land here, so she didn't know Shirou Emiya's previous reputation and his record of cleaning up bad boys.

Shirou Emiya never thought that he had fought against bad boys for so long, but in the end he was still regarded as a bad boy by others.

"Ah? But she told Sakura that she wanted me to come at this time--"

At first, after talking to Shirou Emiya, Aika Sajo went out to explain these things to Sakura. Later, when she passed by and saw Sakura and Shirou Emiya hugging passionately, she couldn't help but remind him.

Hearing this, Shirou Emiya was quite helpless. It was the other party who had set the time, but now it was the other party who broke the contract.

But it was okay. Shirou Emiya was afraid that the other party would do something to his body, although if Aika Sajo wanted to do something, she would have done it when she was in the room at the beginning.

"But, my sister is really not at home. How about I call her and ask? Because under normal circumstances, my sister stays at home and rarely goes out——"

Reika Sajo just happened to be puzzled by her sister's behavior recently. She used to stay at home every day, never leaving the house, but now she is so diligent that she runs out every day.

To be precise, Aika Sajo disappeared for a while and no one knew where she went, but after she came back, she became less useless and could do magic.

She originally thought that her sister had finally awakened and that she no longer had to support the family alone. When she was relieved, Shirou Emiya arrived.

So, Reika Sajo instantly realized that her sister might be doing something outside again.

As for the result, as a younger sister, I have to clean up the mess of my older sister who is causing trouble everywhere.

Ah, it's so hard to settle down, don't cause trouble, I can support this family by myself, sister, please come back and stay at home!

Chapter 1087 Taking you with me is a wrong decision

"Ding ding ding————"

With a little anger, Sajo Reika returned to the corridor and dialed the phone, leaving Emiya Shirou idle at the door.

She had no intention of inviting him in.


A voice that sounded lowered came from the other end of the phone.

"Sister, what are you doing now?"

Hearing this tone, Shajo Reixiang suddenly felt bad, because it meant that Shajo Aige was on the way to causing trouble.

"Hey——! It's so hard to get the chance to talk to me, why are you so heartless when you open your mouth!"

Sadness filled the words, as if there had been no contact between the two of them for a long time.

"We meet at home every day! Of course we won't have a chance to talk on the phone!"

Shajo Reika gritted her teeth, feeling helpless towards her useless sister who was causing trouble. Then she glanced at Emiya Shirou who was still at the door, covered her face and said, "So, where are you now and what are you doing? That Emiya you contacted before came to see you——"

"Tsk, Lingxiang, you asked so many questions at once, I don't know how to answer them."

With an excited heart and trembling hands, Shajo Reika wished she could appear next to her sister immediately and drag her home by the back of her collar.

"Let's talk about Emiya first—"

Shajo Reika thought for a while, and decided to get rid of the trouble in front of her first, and then drag Aige back to lecture her.


,"The voice of Sajo Aika's thoughtful voice came from the phone, as if she didn't remember Emiya Shirou as a person.

"Oh! I remembered, it's him, tell him to go back first, I can't escape here for the time being-"

"Can't get away?" Shatiao Lingxiang immediately heard the key words: "Where are you?"

"It should be in an abandoned building in the northeast corner of the new capital. I won't go into details. I met a Dead Apostle on the road before and I am following him now. He is leaving. Goodbye!"

"Wait-! Death Apostle-!"

"Toot! Toot! Toot! Toot! Toot! Toot! Toot! Toot!"

Before Shajo Lingxiang finished speaking, there was the sound of the phone hanging up.

"That guy! He really doesn't make people feel at ease. How can he follow the Dead Apostles!?"

The original anger was replaced by anxiety and nervousness at this moment, and then he quickly hung up the phone, looked at Ge Youqian's father lying on the sofa, and then said as if he had made up his mind: "I have to hurry up. past!"

Although he could tell his father about this matter, the other party couldn't help him much. After getting this high-quality land and enjoying the dragon vein, Shajo Hiroki basically didn't care much about his magic training.

Coupled with the good-for-nothing Sajo Aige who also likes to cause trouble, the only person in the Sajo family who is capable of fighting now is Sajo Reika.

That's why Shajo Lingxiang said - if I don't cheer up, this family will be gone!

"We have to leave immediately. If I'm late for a second, my sister may encounter something unexpected!"

Talking to herself like this, she could clearly feel the anxiety of Sajo Reika. She ignored Shirou Emiya who was still standing at the door waiting for his answer. She ran directly back to her bedroom, took out a small box, and said nothing. Hesitantly opened it.

Inside is a ring, a black magic feather ring, which is a magic prop given to him by his father, although since Hiroki Shajo fell asleep, all the magic props in the family have been given to him.

After a short period of time, after taking all the magic props with him, Shajo Aige glanced at the pigeons flying around in the courtyard with their heads tilted, and then walked towards the door.

"What happened?"

Looking at the heavily armed and obviously anxious Sajo Reika, Emiya Shirou's expression became serious. Something must have happened to Sajo Aika to make her so nervous.

"My sister said that she has something to do and can't get away now, so she asked you to go back first!"

Sajo Reika's words were concise and clear, and she fully expressed the meaning of Sajo's love song. Now she can't wait to go to the new capital of Fuyuki City right away.

"Did something happen over there, Miss Aige? Do you need help?"

Lingxiang, who was about to push Emiya Shirou away and leave immediately, was obviously startled when she heard Emiya Shirou's words, but she seemed to be thinking about something.

"No, no need, I can do it-"

Sajo Reika didn't want to involve innocent people. Although she didn't have a good impression of Emiya Shirou, and although two magicians might be able to better rescue her sister, even so she I don't want to involve someone who has nothing to do with this matter.

Dead Apostles are not easy to deal with, not to mention that my sister used the word stalking. It was obvious that she was not a low-level Dead Apostle who had no ability to think for herself and was always extremely dangerous.

After finishing speaking, Shajo Reika walked directly towards the street without caring about what Emiya Shirou would answer.

"Wait a moment--!"

However, Emiya Shirou had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed the opponent's arm directly, staring directly at the opponent.

"Anyway, Miss Aige saved my life, I will go and help!"

The words revealed a firmness that could not be refused.

Looking at Emiya Shirou who was holding her arm firmly and with extremely sincere eyes, Sajo Reika hesitated again, but this time, she did not reject Emiya Shirou's kindness.

"Then follow me. If you don't hurry up, I'm afraid something will happen to my sister!"

Such words already indicated that Shajo Reika agreed to Emiya Shirou's request for help.

"Then what happened to Miss Aige?"

On the street, Emiya Shirou asked while following behind Reika Sajo.

As for Sajo Reika, she quickly explained the situation to Emiya Shirou in the most concise tone.


"Although it's a little hard to say, but - what is a Dead Apostle?"

The moment Emiya Shirou finished speaking, Shajo Reika's footsteps trembled, and she almost fell flat to the ground.

"You don't know what a Dead Apostle is?"

Sajo Reika looked at Emiya Shirou with an extremely shocked expression. Isn't this common sense among magicians?

In this regard, Emiya Shirou could only look at the other party with an embarrassed expression. He had no common sense about many aspects of magic.

"I feel like it was a wrong decision to take you with me -"

Sajo Reika complained about this. She had never thought that Emiya Shirou didn't even know what a Dead Apostle was. She hoped that there would be no accidents by then.

"I'm strong!"

At this time, Emiya Shirou could only express to the opponent that he was still very strong. Although he could not use magic, facing a servant like Cu Chulainn was not a problem at all.

"Okay, okay! You are very strong, just be held back when the time comes!"

Shajo Reika felt that she could not have any hope for this unreliable guy, and all the goodwill she had just aroused was wiped out.

Why are you so cool? You obviously don't even know what a Dead Apostle is.

Chapter 1088 This sword is called - Zhanyue

The sunset gradually fell.

In winter, it gets dark earlier than usual.

And on the streets of Miyama Town, Fuyuki City, inside a taxi.

"So this is the magic tool you are going to use to deal with the Death Apostles?"

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