The moon technology is shocking.

Although it will be popularized many years later.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

With an excited heart and shaking hands, Ayaka Sajo now has the urge to hit someone.

"Calm down!! Calm down!! You must calm down!!!"

She was admonishing herself, but————

"Are you doing this on purpose!"

"Uh, I just forgot."

Emiya Shirou scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly, because in such a dark environment, he could see clearly and did not need lighting.

Even if he could not see clearly, he could feel it at the first time if there was danger.

He forgot that Ayaka Sajo was different from him, not to mention that he thought Ayaka Sajo could perform lighting magic.

The most important point is that Shirou Emiya did not know that his mobile phone had a lighting function, and it was only after the white-haired Sakura reminded him that Shirou Emiya knew it.

But in the eyes of Ayaka Sajo, this was completely intentional, just to piss herself off.

"Hu... Hu..."

Just as the two were talking, a rapid breathing sound like a beast came from the darkness in front.

One after another, dark beasts like wild wolves emerged from the darkness, staring at the two with an extremely bloody breath.

Chapter 1090: Look at this soul with pity (Kyrie Eleison)

An extremely oppressive silence permeated the entire space.

Shirou Emiya's eyes gradually became a little solemn. He put the mobile phone in his hand on the ground, so that its light directly shone on the ceiling, and looked around.

Ayaka Sajo seemed to understand something, and her breathing became rapid. Her forehead was already soaked with sweat, and her right hand was involuntarily placed on the ring on her left middle finger.

She was not as battle-hardened as Shirou Emiya. When faced with such a gloomy and oppressive atmosphere, her first reaction was fear.

However, because Shirou Emiya was standing beside her, coupled with the previous conversation that distracted her thoughts and the dazzling mobile phone, Ayaka Sajo's fear was not so strong.

If she came alone, in such a dark and depressing environment, coupled with the uneasy atmosphere from the beginning, she would probably stand there in fear and unable to move.


The sound of the zipper being unzipped rang out in the suddenly quiet space, and a brand-new wooden sword was held tightly in the hand of Shirou Emiya.

"It seems that the other party came prepared, and we are surrounded--!"

Following Shirou Emiya's words, Sajo Ayaka looked behind them. The entrance that was originally empty was now occupied by black shadows.

The chaotic breathing wandered around.

The messy footsteps kept approaching.

The ruthless and ferocious eyes were scanning them.



In the chaotic roar, the black shadows finally revealed their true colors.

It was a hound as tall as a wild wolf.

It was a cheetah as strong as a lion.

It was a falcon as ferocious as a black falcon.

Just like stepping into a forest or a prairie, countless beasts emerged from the darkness.

They surrounded Shirou Emiya and Ayaka Sajo tightly, as if they were staring at their prey, with ferocious eyes.

"They are coming!"

As soon as the words fell.

"Roar, roar, roar, roar!!"

Accompanied by the howling of several beasts, the beasts surrounding the two suddenly leaped up and rushed over like crazy.

Almost at the same time, the wooden sword in Shirou Emiya's hand turned into a phantom.


That was the sound of the air being torn apart.


That was the sound of the beasts howling in pain.

One by one, the beasts were mercilessly knocked away, and hit the wall with great weight, causing waves of echoes.


Behind Shirou Emiya, Ayaka Sajo did not stand still. The ring on the middle finger of her left hand emitted a dark light, and countless crow feathers turned into bullets and poured towards the beasts.


That was the sound of black feathers sinking into the flesh.

"Puff puff puff!"

The feathers pierced the bodies of the beasts running towards them like bullets, and countless beasts fell to the ground amid waves of blood splashing.

Then they turned into mud and sank into the ground, rushing rapidly in a certain direction.

In the darkness, a squirrel that came out of nowhere appeared at the feet of Ayaka Sajo.


It made a beast-like roar that did not match itself at all, jumped up from the ground, and appeared at the neck of Ayaka Sajo.

At this time, Ayaka Sajo wanted to move her palm to shoot feathers at the other party, but it was too late.

The claws on the petite palm that flashed with light were like a sharp dagger, cutting through the air and slashing forward mercilessly.

She could only watch her neck being torn apart at this moment.


The knife light burst out.

Like a shining meteor.

Like a dazzling moon shadow.

The fatal slash cut through the air and landed on the squirrel with a cruel attitude.


Amid the tearing sound like tearing silk, the black shadow exploded like blood.

"Are you okay?"

At some point, Shirou Emiya appeared in front of Ayaka Sajo, and the wooden sword in his hand easily cut the squirrel in half.

"I'm fine, I didn't expect you to be so reliable."

Ayaka Sajo patted her chest slightly. It didn't feel good to just brush shoulders with the god of death. If it weren't for Shirou Emiya, she would have died long ago.

However, if Shirou Emiya hadn't attracted the attention of a large part of these beasts, she would have been overwhelmed by the beasts by herself.

"Even though so many have been killed, the number of these beasts has not decreased at all!"

Ayaka Sajo, who had recovered from her shock, exhaled, and continued to pour towards the beasts around her, while speaking a little tiredly.

After fighting for such a long time and killing countless beasts, the final result was as if she hadn't done it at all, which gave Ayaka Sajo a strong sense of frustration.

"Besides, generally speaking, aren't all the Dead Apostles transformed from humans? Why are there all these beasts here?"

The information about the Dead Apostles is not hidden in the magic world, and it is not that only the Holy Church has information about the Dead Apostles. It's just that she spends most of her time studying her family's magic, and her knowledge reserves are not that rich.

If it was Toosaka Rin who was here, she might be able to guess their owner from these beasts - Nero Chaos, one of the 27 ancestors of the Dead Apostles.

And she asked a soul-like question - why did Nero Chaos, one of the 27 ancestors of the Dead Apostles, appear here.

But this question, at this stage, only Nero Chaos himself knows.

"Killing like this is not a solution!"

Feeling that half of her magic power has been consumed, Sajo Ayaka showed a rather anxious expression. Her magic power is not infinite, and Shirou Emiya's physical strength is not infinite.

If this continues, they will be exhausted to death in this place sooner or later.

Is there no choice but to leave?

Sajo Ayaka looked around, watching the endless herd of beasts emerging from the darkness, and then immediately made up her mind.

If she fought her way out now, she would still have a chance of survival. Otherwise, when her magic power was exhausted, it would be difficult for Shirou Emiya to leave alone.

"Let's retreat!"

However, what Sajo Ayaka did not expect was that Shirou Emiya standing in front of her rejected her proposal.

"No, there is already a solution."


"Understood, senior! The ritual has been set! The range [Baptism Chant] is launched!"

As the magic power of the mobile phone flashing with strong light on the ground began to emerge, the stripes like electric current instantly covered the ground around Shirou Emiya and Sajo Ayaka.

The next second---

The beasts that attacked the two, whether running on the ground or flying in the sky, were firmly suppressed on the ground and could not move.

Kotomine Kirei's steady voice also echoed from this space at this moment.


"I am responsible for killing, I am responsible for life; what I wound, I heal."

"What cannot be crossed is my palm, what cannot escape is my eyes."

"Destroy, the broken, the old, I will call them all back. Attach to me, imitate me, obey me."

"Rest in peace, do not forget the song, do not forget the prayer, do not forget me, with my lightness, forget all the burdens."

"I hold peace in my hands, anoint and brand for your sins."

"Eternal life is given by death."

"Forgiveness comes, swear by my incarnation——"

"Look at this soul with mercy (Kyrie Eleison)"

Chapter 1091 Demonic Beast

"Baptism chant? Are you from the church?"

Looking at the back of Shirou Emiya, Sajo Ayaka showed a surprised expression.

On the one hand, the baptism chant is the exclusive anti-spiritual magic of the church.

On the other hand, this ritual uses the universal foundation of "doctrine", which means that if you want to use this magic, you can't just know the ritual and use it, but also need faith in the Lord.

"Do you think I look like a member of the church? And that spell was not performed by me, did you feel any magic fluctuations on me?"

"Really not, wait? You didn't use any strengthening magic just now?"

From Shirou Emiya, she couldn't feel any magic fluctuations, and Sajo Ayaka found that she seemed to have underestimated this man, he seemed to be really powerful.

But the situation is so dangerous, what does it mean that you don't even use strengthening magic?

Sajo Ayaka looked at Shirou Emiya with a strange expression, but thinking that these crises were solved by Shirou Emiya, she didn't say what she wanted to say.

Maybe Shirou Emiya has been preparing for [Baptism Chant] so he didn't even have time to use strengthening magic?

Sajo Ayaka felt that her imagination was well-founded and convincing.

She would never have thought that Shirou Emiya was not even a magician now, but just an ordinary resident of Fuyuki City.

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