As soon as he woke up, Shirou Emiya felt that his right hand seemed to be immersed in a very warm embrace.

The hot breath kept hitting his shoulders, making Shirou Emiya very uncomfortable.

Lying in a strange room, with a strange woman lying next to him, Shirou Emiya was eager to know what happened in the second half of the night.

Shirou Emiya's head turned to the side with a little stiffness. When facing death, Shirou Emiya was not so scared, but now he was so scared that he closed his eyes and even stopped breathing.

He only dared to open a slit slightly to see who the woman next to him was?

Very good, pure white and soft long hair, the smell of disinfectant, plus the familiar style of the ceiling, Shirou Emiya has already judged who the woman lying next to him is, and also judged where he is now.

Karen Aldessia, the Holy Church.

After making a judgment, Shirou Emiya took a deep breath and opened his eyes suddenly.


The blood is boiling, and the hot scene appears in front of Shirou Emiya.

No wonder the touch from his right hand is so soft, why are you naked!

Quickly suppressing the desire of this world that is about to run out, Shirou Emiya lowered his head slightly and took a look at his body.

Why am I naked too!


What happened after I lost consciousness! ?

Shirou Emiya fell into a half-minute of contemplation. His memory of last night only stayed on the scene of Elquet sucking his blood and running away.

Shirou Emiya didn't know what happened afterwards.

The scene of kissing Sajo Ayaka was still fresh in his memory.

Why did he do such a thing? Shirou Emiya covered his head and felt a headache. He didn't know what attitude he should take when he saw Sajo Ayaka.


Just when Shirou Emiya was doubting his life, Kallen beside him seemed to wake up, smacking her lips slightly, as if tasting something.

This action also made Shirou Emiya lick his slightly moist lips involuntarily.

Hmm, the smell of disinfectant.


Shirou Emiya's brain began to crash.

He was eager to know what happened last night.

"Hmm, it seems you are awake--"

The slightly sleepy words sounded in front of Shirou Emiya, and Kallen sat up slowly while yawning as if she was sleep deprived.

The quilt that was originally draped over her fell off, and at this time the golden sunlight shone through the glass like stars on Kallen's body, shining on her key parts, but Shirou Emiya still took in the naked scene.

Yes, this is the holy light for readers, Shirou Emiya can still see it clearly, and all the details are now in full view.

"Ahem! Ahem! Can you put on your clothes first before talking!"

Looking at Kallen who seemed to be a little confused, Shirou Emiya blushed, turned his head quickly, and coughed. He was really afraid of what he would do if he was so frank.

Although he was very upright, although he was a partner of justice, and although he had experienced a lot, he was still a boy in adolescence, not to mention that the Fate series was originally a porn series.

"Hasn't Mr. Scum seen me inside and out? What's there to be shy about?"

The corners of Kallen's mouth rose slightly, as if she had found something pleasant, and she leaned down slightly towards Shirou Emiya, without any idea of ​​putting on clothes.

Under the sunlight, Kallen's graceful figure and beautiful curves were perfectly outlined, plus the unspeakable touch from the right hand before.

How could Shirou Emiya in adolescence bear such stimulation!

The next second, Kallen's eyes went black.

Don't worry, there is no 18+ segment that everyone likes to see, but Shirou Emiya directly covers Kallen with the quilt.

Watch it, watch it, all the desires of this world will really come out.

Fortunately, the black mud that affected her was taken away by Elquit at that time, otherwise, Shirou Emiya would really be beastly, press Kallen directly on the bed, and do some unspeakable things.

Shirou Emiya jumped off the bed in a panic, got up quickly, found his somewhat damaged clothes and mobile phone on the bedside table, and put them on quickly.

"I say, don't be so afraid of me, Shirou."

A head came out from the quilt covering Kallen. This time she did not continue to be honest with Shirou Emiya, but covered her body with the quilt, only showing a head, looking at Shirou Emiya with interest.


Hearing Kallen calling him so intimately, Shirou Emiya got goosebumps. For some reason, he suddenly began to miss the not-so-nice way Kallen called him before.

Both were not good. It would be better if Kallen could call him Emiya normally.

But obviously, this was impossible. Kallen obviously took pleasure in teasing Shirou Emiya.

"Uh! I'm not scared, but I really want to know what happened after last night?"

Shirou Emiya said so, but he took a half step back seriously.

Shirou Emiya, who dared to hold the world-destroying flames and endured the evil thoughts of world-destroying, was scared, in every sense of the word.

"If you want to know what happened last night, Mr. Scumbag, my suggestion is to get closer."

"I was busy with you yesterday. I'm very sleepy and tired now, so I speak in a low voice. Don't blame me if you can't hear me."


What are you doing to me?

Is there anything in me that can keep you busy for so long?

Can you explain it more clearly? It’s easy to misunderstand!

I should have lost consciousness and fell into a coma in the middle of the night yesterday. I should not have done anything that would be outraged by both humans and gods.

Emiya Shirou thought with some uncertainty. When he woke up, he found himself lying in a strange room with a woman he knew next to him. The two of them were still naked, and the other woman was still hugging him tightly.

Coupled with the other party's words, it is difficult to imagine what happened last night. To be precise, it is difficult not to think about it in a certain way.

"Then, do you want to listen?"

The smile on Kallen's lips became even more joyful.

Chapter 1,099 Beast! ! !


The powerful voice echoed in the small room, and Shirou Emiya walked towards Kallen as if he had made up his mind.

No matter what happened last night, he would not choose to escape.

"Well, here is a piece of bad news and a piece of bad news. Which one do you want to hear?"

"Aren't these both bad news?"

Emiya Shirou's expression was full of helplessness, it was all bad news, no matter which one was said, wasn't it the same?

"Let's talk about the first one first." However, Emiya Shirou still felt that he should follow Kallen's words. If the other party was unhappy and didn't tell him what happened last night, then he would really be on pins and needles.

"It's a pity, Mr. Scumbag. After receiving the blood of the True Ancestor, you did not gain more power and become a Death Apostle."

With these words, Kallen moved back slightly under the blanket, opened the curtains, and the dazzling golden light shone on Shirou Emiya's body. He did not feel any discomfort.

On the contrary, I felt a little warm.

"This should be good news."

Emiya Shirou didn't want to become a vampire, as humans were fine.

"You must know that many magicians do not hesitate to become Death Apostles in order to pursue the power of Death Apostles and the longevity of immortality."

Kallen lay on the bed, stretched out her hand to support her chin, and said with a pair of warm, white, slender and pretty legs swinging behind her, "Nero Chaos, one of the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles you met yesterday, once That’s the magician.”

As an employee of the Holy Church, Karen naturally knew something about these Dead Apostles who needed to be punished.

Although the information in the hands of the agents who are specifically responsible for the crusade is not complete, he still knows more than Sajo Ayaka, and maybe even better than Tohsaka Rin.

After all, Tohsaka Rin's understanding of the Death Apostles came from the Magic Association, and would not be more comprehensive than the information from the organization that specifically dealt with the Death Apostles.

"But I still want to live openly and openly under the sun as a human being."

In Emiya Shirou's words, he did not have any extravagant aspirations for the so-called immortality. What he pursued was just to help more people in his limited life.

More importantly, he is proud of himself as a human being. Throughout the thousands of years of history, humans have finally stood in the middle of this stage.

Those immortal true ancestors and dead disciples, no matter how they think they are superior to humans, can only live in dark corners now, avoiding the pursuit of the burial mechanism.

Nero Chaos is definitely this kind of existence. He only dares to open his fangs to the weak and does not dare to resist the strong.

"That's a really fascinating statement. Is this how you usually seduce those women?"

Karen sat up again, not caring about the quilt that had slipped down again, and clapped her hands in admiration, but her words were full of mocking tone.

"Seduce? What word did you use! This is just my sincere answer, okay?"

Seeing the opponent's exposed body, Emiya Shirou quickly turned his back. He sincerely told the answer in his heart, but he said it as if he did it deliberately to attract women's attention.

Does he attract women's attention?

It's not that attractive either.


When Emiya Shirou thought about it carefully, he seemed to have too many female friends.

There seemed to be only men who could be called his friends - Shinji, Issei, Arthur, and Leo.

Well, four, it feels pretty normal.

But Shirou Emiya forgot that in Fuyuki City, the only one he could talk to now seemed to be only Issei, and he didn't think about how many women he had a good relationship with.

"Tsk, it's just because it's a sincere answer that it counts as seduction."

Kallen curled her lips, and then sighed slightly. She took a deep breath when she discovered that there were one, two, three, four, or five women living in Emiya's residence.

But forget it, Emiya Shirou is this kind of person to begin with, and it is precisely because of this that she will be attracted to him.

Otherwise, Kallen wouldn't understand that she would do so many meaningless things when facing Emiya Shirou.

He has obviously dedicated his life to the Lord.

"What about the second piece of news?" Shirou Emiya didn't intend to continue chatting with Karen, the matter at hand was more important.

"Da--! Da--! Da--! Da--!"

Clear footsteps were heard from behind Shirou Emiya. Karen approached him with a slightly red face, then leaned on Shirou Emiya's back and whispered in his ear: "The exorcism failed."

"Failed? What does that mean?"

Shirou Emiya didn't understand what Karen was saying for a moment. To be precise, he didn't understand what Karen meant by the exorcism failure.

After all, in his memory, Karen's exorcism method seemed to be the kind of thing he thought of. Did the exorcism failure mean that the problem was not solved after it was over, or did it mean something else?

"When I brought you back, Shirou, your body temperature was very low, so low that if you were not still breathing, I would have thought you were dead."

"So I stayed as close to you as possible, trying to get your body temperature back to normal."

Hearing Karen's words, Shirou Emiya's heart softened. He seemed to have caused a lot of trouble to others, and then he looked back slightly.

At this time, he noticed that Karen's body, which was wrapped in bandages everywhere, had several new wounds. If it was not because of the battle, it must be the injuries caused by contact with him.

Then, Shirou Emiya's eyes went dark, and he smelled a fragrance mixed with the smell of disinfectant at the tip of his nose.

Karen stretched out her hand to cover Shirou Emiya's eyes.

"If I am stared at like this, even I would be shy."

She turned her head slightly, seeming to be very uncomfortable with Shirou Emiya's burning gaze, although his eyes were on her wounds.


Shirou Emiya's heart was full of apologies. If it were not for him, the other party would definitely not have to suffer such skin pain.

Wait, that means!

Shirou Emiya suddenly turned around, grabbed Kallen's shoulders, and asked the question he was most concerned about.

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