Volume 3 Fate/Apocrypha

Chapter 105 The door that is never responsible

An extremely brilliant light surrounded Emiya and Esdeath, who were fighting.

That was the teleportation array that appeared when Emiya Shirou and Esdeath fought before.

If the teleportation array had teleported them to such a deserted island before, then it should teleport them out this time.

Although this is not a certain thing, they may be teleported to strange places again, but the scope of this teleportation array is extremely huge.

Esdeath and Emiya Shirou knew very well that they did not have time to leave when the teleportation array was being teleported, even if they did not want to be led around like this.

We can only follow this teleportation formation, we can only block it with soldiers, and cover it with water and earth.


The next second, the strong light instantly took away the vision of Esdeath and Emiya Shirou. In less than a blink of an eye, Emiya Shirou felt the crisp sound of birds coming from his side.

And just when Emiya was about to open his eyes, a strong feeling of weightlessness came from under Emiya's feet.

Esdeath was very powerful and had experienced a teleportation, so after the teleportation was completed, they immediately started a conversation.

From Esdeath's perspective, an extremely strange wooden door suddenly appeared under the feet of Emiya Shirou, who was standing in front of her.

Only a creak could be heard.

The door opened extremely quickly, like an evil beast, and Emiya's feet fell instantly.


A huge hand made of ice appeared in front of Esdeath very quickly, and it suddenly grabbed Emiya's position.

However, Esdeath's reaction was too late, and the giant hand missed something.

Emiya Shirou fell directly into the door that was like a black hole.

In an instant, it disappeared without a trace.

As if he was thrown into outer space without gravity, Emiya Shirou felt like the world was spinning. When he regained his senses, he only felt a strong wind rushing towards his face.





After dozens of sounds of branches being broken, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground sounded in the silent forest.


The pain of falling from a high place to the ground made Emiya couldn't help but cry out. The injuries on his body were not healed at all. He had an extremely strong collision with Esdeath before, and his whole body was covered in waves. sore.

Now he suddenly fell directly from a high altitude. If it weren't for these branches that slowed down Emiya's fall, then his whole body would have completely fallen apart.

Emiya endured the pain of tearing his left hand and stood up from the ground with difficulty.

This is a dense forest. Under the breeze, the moonlight penetrates through the leaves and illuminates things around Emiya.

"Where have I been?"

Emiya's thoughts still lingered on the moment of the confrontation with Esdeath, and then a teleportation array appeared at their feet.

He didn't see the wooden door appearing under his feet at all.

It's just that now Emiya can feel that the premonition that Mumen wants to appear is not so strong, as if it suddenly changed its mind and doesn't want to come.


Emiya Shirou asked softly into the deserted woods with extreme caution.

He and Esdeath were in the teleportation array together, and logically they should be teleported to the same place together.

However, Emiya didn't dwell on this. He didn't know how to teleport, so he might be able to teleport separately.

But now we have to find a way to get out of here and get to the imperial capital.

Otherwise, with Esdeath's fighting ability, they might not be able to escape from her grasp so easily if they encounter a night attack again.

Emiya now had to rush back to the empire quickly.

But not yet waiting for him to set off.


A tingling sensation appeared on the back of Emiya's left hand without any warning.

Emiya cast his gaze upward.


I saw that on the back of that hand, it was as if invisible forces were gathering, making a faint mark begin to appear.

It was like a trace of the state of some texture before it took shape.

"What's this?"

Emiya raised his left hand, carefully observed the sudden mark, and wiped it hard on his clothes twice.

But there was no change, as if the mark came out of his own body automatically.

"Probably, no, what's the problem?"

Emiya took another look at the mark on the back of his hand and felt that there was no strange feeling in his body, so he let it go for the time being.

The most important thing now is to feel the empire, and in such a short period of time, Emiya has no way to study what this mark represents.

Without any hesitation, Emiya set off immediately. Although he didn't know the direction, he had to leave the forest first.

Even moving randomly is better than staying where he is. Emiya is not someone who needs to wait for rescue. If he stays where he is, no one will come to look for him.

"don't want!"



"What's this!"


"Let me go!"


One scream after another came from the silent forest, and the panic spread throughout the forest in an instant.


A hoarse voice came from a tall young man in his thirties with dark green long hair.

He was wearing a black and white dress-like decoration, a white cloak, and a cane in his hand. He elegantly pinched the frightened man leaning against the tree in front of him.

"Just help me pass on a message!"

As he said, he put his hand on the man's head, and his hoarse voice was full of his absolute confidence.

"This is a declaration of war from Yugdomirenia!"


As soon as the voice fell, a violent collision sounded from not far away.

"My king, are there still little bugs hiding?"

He patted the dust on his trouser legs and bowed respectfully to the man sitting on the horse beside him, with a very humble tone.

He was a man with pale hair and a pure black dress that made people feel respect.

"No, it's not the remnants of the Magician Association, but other magicians."

He closed his eyes again, as if he was feeling something.

But he immediately regained his composure.

"He has been subdued. He was able to dodge my first attack and avoid all fatal injuries in such a short time. Such a person should be very important in the magic world."

"Danik, do you decide to go and take a look, or kill him directly?"

He didn't know much about modern things. Even he would ask his subordinates for their opinions on magicians instead of acting alone.

"Let's go and take a look. A magician who can dodge my king's attack once is really interesting. My king thinks so too."

Danik answered his question respectfully and immediately found the location of the intruder through his familiar.

Chapter 106 Strange Team

"Call for help!"

In such a quiet forest, Emiya easily heard a faint cry for help from afar and immediately changed his direction.

There was no special reason, but Emiya heard the cry for help and planned to save the person who asked for help, that's all.

Emiya Shirou quickly moved through the forest without hiding his whereabouts.

He rushed to the location of the cry for help at a very fast speed.

In the darkness in front of Emiya, the atmosphere of the air suddenly changed.


This was a heavy footstep.

Under this heavy footstep, Emiya seemed to see several black shadows appearing in the woods ahead.

They were several tall puppets made of rocks, and each bulging muscle was made of thick stone soil, like the stone statues of ancient fighters, full of oppression.

I saw their eyes flashing scarlet light, staring at the direction of Emiya.

These stone puppets seemed to have discovered his traces, and beside them, there were some boys and girls wearing formal clothes and holding various weapons.

They looked like they were carved out of the same mold, with silver hair color and similar body shapes, full of neutral feeling. If you don't look carefully, you can't tell who is male and who is female.

Their expressions were also dull, like dolls, raising their weapons in a very mechanical way.

Some were spears, some were long swords, and some were bows and arrows.

Close-range and long-range weapons were all included, and all units stared at the rushing Emiya in silence.

An indescribable killing intent swept towards Emiya.

The formation of killing intent was extremely strange, as if it was not what they thought in their hearts, but just to complete a certain set thing.

"Who are they?"

Emiya had no way to judge, he had never seen such a judgment in the empire nor such a lineup.

But the only thing that can be confirmed now is that if Emiya wants to go over, he must fight with them.

Maybe the empire has developed some strange things when he was away.

A girl's arm can hide a fortress-like number of guns and cannons. Emiya thinks there should be nothing that Dr. Fashion cannot study.


The artificial people shouted one after another, some pulling bows and arrows in their hands, and some gathering magic power in their hands.

Missiles after missiles were shot towards Emiya's position accompanied by bows and arrows.

The stone puppets rushed forward with the sound of thunderous footsteps.



The sound of magic bullets exploding and bows and arrows flying past Emiya's side rang in his ears.

Emiya was like a fish falling into water, dancing in the air very smoothly, easily dodging the attacks of those people.

Even though his injuries have not recovered yet, it is enough to deal with these characters.

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