Amid the loud impact, a terrifying impact instantly swept around.

At this moment, a crimson stream of light appeared beside Erquette.

The light of the sword suddenly appeared.

"So why didn't we see him so strong when he was a teammate, but he became so ridiculously strong when he became an enemy? If he exploded with such power when dealing with the Snake of Akasha, there would be no need to wait for so long!"

Standing behind everyone, Tohsaka Rin climbed up from the ground with a gray face and couldn't help but complain aloud as he looked at Arquette, who was filled with a terrifying aura.

Is this the legendary way of becoming twice as strong as a black person and three times as weak as a white person?

But your blackening has become more than twice as strong, okay?

Tohsaka Rin couldn't even imagine how to defeat Arquette. Not only was the opponent physically stronger than Hercules, he was also immortal.

Although Hercules had twelve extremely terrifying trials, there was still hope after all.

Arquitect, Tohsaka Rin racked his brains but couldn't find a way to deal with her, especially when the opponent is now powerful enough to overthrow the entire Fuyuki City.

"There are not so many things to consider, not to mention that you don't have to kill the other party. Just restrain her. If you don't do anything, then there is really only a dead end."

At this time, Hiyer's whole body was covered with thick armor, and the magic power on his body continued to flow towards the palm of his hand, as if he was preparing for something.

"I know, but-"

Tohsaka Rin could only sigh. She didn't know how to formulate a strategy to deal with Arquette.

"Everyone, don't be discouraged, we still don't know who will win in the end!"

Joan of Arc stood in front of them and encouraged them. It was Ou who was not desperate yet.

"We have to face each other eventually, and we have no way out."

Sajo Ayaka adjusted her glasses. There was no flinching. It would be better to say that there was no place to flinch. If they had not stopped Arquette here, I am afraid that the entire Fuyuki City would have turned into a river of blood.

Fighting is their only choice.


Matou Sakura looked worriedly at Emiya Shirou, who was standing at the front with Artoria confronting Arquette.

"Hmph! Berserker is the strongest!"

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

Illya put her hands on her hips, her words full of trust in Hercules, and Hercules standing behind her also roared a few symbolic words.

"Then let's fight! We can't let Shirou deal with such a being by himself!"

Tohsaka Rin didn't want to think about any strategy. After all, the longer they delayed, the more dangerous Emiya Shirou would be, and their chance of survival would be lower.

As for Roja?

After seeing Arquitet running rampant, he immediately disappeared from everyone's sight.

After all, the fallen Arquitet doesn't know who is an enemy or a friend. Just like she once killed the True Ancestor in the Thousand-Year City, she will kill everyone here.

When Roja saw Arquitect rushing towards Emiya Shirou, he thought that the opponent's target was him. He understood very well that he was Arquitect's obsession.

Therefore, it is very likely that Roja will be the first person to be killed when Elquitt goes berserk, so Roja does not intend to show up again before Alquitt kills everyone.

During the fight between Arquette and Emiya Shirou, Roja only thought that it was because of his disappearance that Arquette turned his target to the one closest to him.

After all, he was confronting Shirou Emiya at that time.

Chapter 1,138 The Crusade of Erquit


A piercing roar towered over the space called Millennium City.


The earth was trembling irregularly, as if it was being lifted up like a tsunami, and then fell down with the momentum of swallowing everything.


The strong wind roared angrily, tearing everything around like a meat grinder.


The water flowed rapidly, raging across the earth like a tornado.

"call out--!"

The light condensed into a beam, penetrating everything in this space with terrifying heat.


Countless vines, like extremely thick whips, whipped in all directions.


The atmosphere suddenly exploded like a squeezed balloon.


The heavy attack hit the ground violently, violently exploding the ground, instantly creating crater-like holes.

But it immediately recovered, and countless ground thorns burst out from the ground.

Dazzling attacks continued to burst out in this space.

Under such terrifying attacks, Emiya Shirou and Artoria kept moving, dodging like phantoms in the steady stream of attacks, as if they were shuttling through a huge meat grinder, which was extremely thrilling.

Even being hit once is enough to be torn into pieces.

However, in the face of Erquet's surging attack, Emiya Shirou and Artoria did not retreat at all. They just nodded to each other and rushed forward without hesitation.

Behind the two of them, in mid-air, a figure in pitch-black armor was revealed under the scarlet moonlight.

At this moment, Hiyer's pupils turned from the bright sapphire color to the scarlet color of a beast. His chest, heart, and the back of his right hand flashed with purple-red magical light.

"I won't let you continue to act recklessly like this! The princess of the True Ancestor!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Terrifying thunder sounded in the sky, and several magic spells unfolded in the sky. The thick purple thunder instantly penetrated the atmosphere, and like a divine punishment, it fell heavily towards Erqite.

This is a magic that was once performed on her as the snake of Akasha, the object of reincarnation. Its power is comparable to the principle blood ring used by some ancestors.


A violent roar sounded from the top of the Millennium City, and Erquette raised his head slightly.

"Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click!"

The thick scarlet vines were like some crazy beast, crushing the atmosphere with extremely rough power, setting off waves of violent storm-like turbulence, heading toward the sky.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Purple thunder falling from the sky.

Red vines rising into the sky.

The surging magic power ravaged everything and shook the space. The two sides collided heavily in mid-air.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Continuous roars resounded through the sky, and hundreds of black keys were scattered everywhere with the collision. The terrifying impact of the strong wind and the strong fire made the entire night sky seem to be occupied by a sea of ​​​​fire at this moment, arousing violent violence. impact.

"Do you think this is over!?"


The earth shattered at this moment.

Countless emerald green vegetation, vines, and branches sprouted from the ground, entwining the scarlet vines of Elquitet. All kinds of abnormal vegetation covered this area at an extremely terrifying speed.

This is the principle blood ring obtained by Fu Hailin Anaxiu, the seventh of the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles who was defeated by Hiyer.

Fu Hailin Anaxiu is a plant that can think and hunt independently.

The origin is that after Elquid executed the first Anasio eight hundred years ago, his blood was absorbed by a blood-sucking plant, thus creating this extraordinary monster.

Its appearance will cause an alien forest to appear out of thin air.

When the surrounding trees lift up their blood-sucking vines and begin to attack, those caught in them will feel as if the world is against them.

Even the right-footed demon 'Whale Dog', the pride of Meilian Solomon, who is also among the 27 Ancestors - a giant monster with a length of 200 meters, was actually defeated in the first attack during the confrontation with Fu Hailin. Suppressive instant kill.

In the Magic Eye Collection Train, the Son of Fu Hailin whom El-Melloi II met appeared in the form of an ice and snow forest, but was eventually defeated by Siel.

Of course, the vegetation controlled by the blood ring based solely on Anasho's principles cannot be compared to the vegetation controlled by Erquet.

If Erquet could concentrate on dealing with this principle blood ring, he would be able to destroy everything in just a few seconds.

This is indeed the case, but Alquitt does not have the time to destroy them now.


With a beast-like roar, a dark figure penetrated the space and appeared in front of Elquitt.

Command spells can not only control actions, but also have strengthening effects. Basically, within the reach of the master's magic power, command spells can be used to make the servants do things that are normally impossible. Things that are close to the magical realm, such as space transfer, can also be done.

The transfer of this space is not only for the purpose of bringing one's followers back to oneself.

A strong ferocious light appeared in Hercules's eyes, and he grabbed the ferocious axe-sword with his huge arm, causing a whistling sound that made people's eardrums hurt, and slashed straight at Erquet's head. And down.


The sharp claws and the ferocious ax sword collided fiercely, causing a loud noise and sparks flying everywhere.

That astonishing force, which was almost unstoppable, was blocked by Arquette with great ease.


Hercules let out an angry roar, and his veins popped out, trying to push Arquette down.


However, Arquitet roared more violently than Hercules, and terrifying power instantly burst out from her hands.

This scene is like two wild beasts clashing with each other, extremely barbaric!


In a loud explosion, the ground beneath the feet of Erquet and Heracles instantly exploded into pieces.

The next second, Heracles, who was known as Hercules, was knocked away by Arquette even with his ax and sword.


After repulsing Hercules with one blow, Erquet's soles of his feet slammed onto the ground, and his pure white figure turned into a phantom.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Hercules who had hit the wall, with a violent look in his eyes, and the sharp claws in his hand struck directly at his chest.

Chapter 1,139 Full-time Vampire Crusader——Siyer


On the Millennium City, a loud bang shook the city, setting off a violent impact, scarlet blood spilled into the sky, and the iron tower-like rugged figure was shattered under such a blow.

"Secret Sword--"

At this moment, a soft whisper sounded from behind Elquet.

"Yan Fan!"


With a neat and orderly sword chant, three crescent-shaped sword lights suddenly flashed out from the space, as if they directly penetrated the space, like the sickle of the god of death flying from the distant hell, slashing in the direction of Elquet.

Although there were only three sword lights, the three sword lights instantly enveloped the space around Elquet, blocking all of Elquet's retreat routes.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Elquet had no time to react at all, and his whole body was instantly cut into four parts, with scarlet blood splattering, and death instantly enveloped him.


However, the moment Emiya Shirou killed Elquet and cut her in half, the divided body instantly returned to its original state.

[First Death]

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