With just one glance, the white-haired man concluded that the young man with white hair in front of him would become a hero in the future.

Whether it was Emiya's extremely fast dodge or being hit, he was able to avoid fatal injuries in a very short time.

He might not have used his full strength, but he absolutely showed no mercy to him.

Being able to talk to them like this was the result that Shirou Emiya had fought for.

He did not count the first thorn as part of his attack, it was just a random release.

Even the members of the magician team he had defeated before had dodged such an attack.

Not every black thorn growing from the ground had a corpse on it.

It was not a very strong attack, at most it could only be considered as the threshold of his eyes.

Those three black thorns were his first attack.

Although Shirou Emiya used flying to dodge such a fatal attack.

But not everyone can dodge such an attack with the ability to fly.

Therefore, he praised Shirou Emiya.

Of course, he did not show any love for talent or the idea of ​​recruiting.

Even if he has the potential to become a hero, he does not look down on Emiya's strength now.

At this stage, if Emiya becomes his subordinate, he will only be a high-level cannon fodder.


The black thorns that pierced Shirou Emiya shrank back instantly, and Shirou Emiya fell heavily from the air.

He did not like to look up and talk to people.

Even such pain could not make Emiya frown.

Emiya had long been accustomed to this kind of pain. It is better to say that such pain is not even as severe as the pain of projecting [Devil Haunting] by himself.

Fortunately, such pain only occurs at the moment of projection. If such severe pain continues, Emiya will definitely not be able to concentrate his mind to fight.

"Who are you?"

Emiya asked the two people in front of him with his extremely weak voice.

"Don't you know? It seems that he is really a wild magician?"

The blue-haired man in a white suit frowned, picked up his cane and tapped his arm twice, and walked closer to Shirou Emiya.

"Why do you want to wade into this muddy water, magician?"

Danik didn't understand. You know, magicians are basically selfish guys. If it weren't for the interests, he couldn't think of anything else that would be worth a magician to break in like this.


Emiya hasn't heard such a familiar word for a long time. There is no magician in the empire at all.

Thinking of this, Emiya's pupils suddenly shrank, and he seemed to think of a possibility.

Maybe he returned to his own world, but the location was wrong.

Then Emiya looked at Danik again.

"I heard someone calling for help, so I came here."

Emiya's answer was very honest. This was not something that needed to be concealed. His idea was indeed to save the person who called for help.

"Look into my eyes! Magician!"

Danik suddenly grabbed Shirou Emiya's chin and stared at his tough eyes.

He didn't believe that there would be a magician who would be so desperate just because he heard a cry for help.


A very mature voice came from behind him, stopping his next move.

"I'm sorry, my king, I lost my temper."

Danik bowed slightly to the white-haired man, expressed his apology, and then looked at Shirou Emiya.

He saw the broken armor with wings on Emiya's body. If he was not facing a servant, the [Magic Costume] alone would be invincible in the battle with the magician.

The ability to fly can give the magician a great advantage, not to mention that it may have some other defensive abilities.

"Command Seal?"

Following Emiya's falling body, Danik saw the stigmata that appeared very clearly on Emiya's arm.

"Are you the Master?"

Before Shirou Emiya could answer, Danic quickly grabbed Shirou Emiya's left hand and wiped it carefully.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure that this was not an illusion.

"My king, let me take him into the castle."

Danic quickly sensed it with his magic power, and after confirming that it was indeed the Command Seal, he excitedly asked the white-haired man behind him.

The white-haired man nodded, which was considered to be tacit approval of Danic's request.

The Master of the [Black] side has basically been determined, so the magician who suddenly appeared can only be the Master of the Red side.

Even if it is the opposite side, it has not said that it cannot be summoned or the authority of the summoned Heroic Spirits cannot be transferred.

Danic can be said to be very excited that the [Black] side has one more rider for no reason.

One more rider means one more chance of winning, and it can make the Holy Grail War one step closer. How can Danic not be excited?

If Shirou Emiya doesn't obey orders, he can also directly transfer the Command Seal in Shirou Emiya's hand.


Thinking of this, Danic paused.

With Avesbron here, why do we need his permission or control someone who is difficult to control to participate in the battle?

To put it more directly, Avesbron is just one core away from completing his Noble Phantasm. Compared with artificial humans, magicians can better meet his needs.

After taking the Command Seal from Shirou Emiya, it can be recycled and handed over to Avesbron to complete the Noble Phantasm.

This will increase the chances of winning by more than one point.

Danik, who was so excited in his heart, did not show much on his face, but the people around him could feel his joy.

And Danik also used healing magic to simply heal Emiya, keeping him incapable of action but barely able to survive.

This is not because he does not trust the white-haired man next to him, but it is a long-term habit as a magician.

Dealing with magicians, you should always be cautious.

What's more, he is a magician himself.

Just as Shirou Emiya was carried by those people who seemed to have no emotions, and no one noticed, a very tiny larva crawled out from Emiya's shoulder.

It fell on the grass without any sound.

And on the back of the worm, there were three bright red marks.

Chapter 109 Unable to transplant

"Even the teacher can't transplant the command seal in his hand?"

In a small workshop, a young boy with orange short hair looked at a man wearing a mask, a striped dress, and strange feet like nails beside him with bright eyes.

This is Avisbron mentioned by Danic.

He was a poet and philosopher in the 11th century, and created the magic base "Kabbalah", which has a great influence on the world of magicians.

His direct combat ability is low, but he is a rare Golem user.

At this time, his hands were emitting blue light, and in front of him was Shirou Emiya, who had been almost healed but had fallen into a coma, and a man who looked exactly like the one Emiya had fought before.

He seemed to be trying to transplant the Command Seal on the back of Emiya's hand to that person's body.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

A knock on the door came from behind them.

"Avisbron, how is the result?"

Danic asked Avisbron impatiently.

The Holy Grail War was about to begin, and the magicians of his Yugdomirenia clan could also feel that the summoning of the Heroic Spirit would be tonight.

If there was no way to transfer the qualification of Emiya's Master, then Shirou Emiya could only be forced to participate in this Holy Grail War.

If the Servant was not summoned, it was very likely that the Holy Grail would cancel its qualification and choose other magicians as the Master.

In this way, Danic's efforts on Emiya would be in vain.

But Avisbron shook his head.

"I don't know what means the Holy Grail used to completely fix him and the Command Seal. There is no means to separate him from the Command Seal. If he is killed, the Command Seal will disappear."

Danik clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. Since Avisbron said that it was impossible to transfer Shirou Emiya's Master qualification, there might be no other way.

But Danik was unwilling to let Shirou Emiya go.

"Take him to the guest room, I will negotiate with him later."

If there is no way to pull Shirou Emiya to your side, then kill him.

Danik was ruthless in his heart. He couldn't let an enemy go, so he would rather strangle him in the cradle.

In a daze, Emiya opened his eyes. It was another unfamiliar ceiling and an unfamiliar bed.

Every time he was seriously injured, he could wake up from the bed. Emiya didn't know whether it was lucky or unfortunate.

Luckily, he didn't die after each serious injury, and he recovered and was treated.

Unfortunately, he was seriously injured a little more, and he didn't know when he would really die.

Emiya stretched out his left hand and touched the wounds on his body. They had basically recovered. Except for some internal injuries that could not be cured, his whole body had basically recovered.

After all, magic treatment can only speed up the recovery of Emiya's injuries, and cannot completely cure the problems left by Emiya.

Magic can only do what modern technology can do, so Emiya's body was only recovered after treatment in the hospital.

"How could I faint?"

Emiya began to recall the previous details carefully.

His willpower and mental strength were extremely strong. Even in such a blood loss, Emiya did not faint.

He wanted to project [Evil Ghost] again to find a way to escape quickly, but the magic power in his body suddenly stagnated.

"Don't think about using magic. The magic circuit in your body has been blocked by me. You can't use magic for the time being."

Emiya tried a few times. Indeed, he couldn't let the magic flow in his body, nor could he let the magic condense and use projection magic.

This was a situation he had never encountered before. Even when he was trapped in Dr. Fashion's laboratory, Emiya was able to use his projection magic to break free.

Now that he had really met someone who could limit his magic power, Shirou Shimiya clearly realized that he might not be able to break free.

Because his body was extremely weak now, without projection magic, he had no ability to break free.

But Danik seemed to be still uneasy about this. He turned around and chanted to Shirou Shimiya for a few times, and Shirou Shimiya felt his head become dizzy.

It was as if he was about to fall asleep.

Although he had made great achievements in projection magic, he was still a complete novice in magic.

And the people who had fought with him before did not know how to use any magic.

So for Shirou Shimiya, his magic power was quite fragile.

Under endless hypnosis, Shirou Shimiya fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up, he saw a strange ceiling. He had no idea what was going on.

"You woke up!"

A very familiar voice came from the door.

Shirou Shimiya immediately tilted his head to look over.

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