It's really a waste of time to go back and forth. After all, going to the Einzbern's house basically means crossing half of Fuyuki City.

"Okay, have you told them?" Toosaka Rin had no objection.

"Yes." Emiya Shirou nodded.

"Then how many people are there at the dinner tonight?"

Elquet, who was sitting next to Toosaka Rin, spoke excitedly. She liked the hustle and bustle, and Fujimura Taiga was the same.

"On our side, there are six of us, Rin, Sakura, Fuji-nee, Jeanne, Saber, Elquet and me."

"On Illya's side, there are three of us, Illya, Sera, and Lijelite."

"On Sajo's side, there are three of us, Ayaka, Aika, and Ayaka? Three."

"On the church side, there are two of us, Kallen and Hiel."

"And there are three of us, Issei, Mizue, and Kuzuki-sensei."

"There are seventeen of us in total, which is quite a lot of people."

Seventeen people, the living room of the Emiya residence simply can't accommodate so many people, so after thinking about it and discussing with Illya, the venue for this dinner was set at the Einzbern residence.

Illya didn't have any objections, after all, it would be quite deserted for the four of them in such a large castle.

Although Hercules can't appear in front of ordinary people, he is also a member of the family for Illya.

"Why are there two Ayakas?"

Matou Sakura asked a soul-stirring question.

"That blonde, I don't know her name, but when I called her, Ayaka said she wanted to ask Tosaka something, so she would bring her here."

"Is that so? But now there's a new problem that I overlooked."

Tosaka Rin nodded slightly. There were so many things to deal with at once that she had forgotten about this matter, why Nero Chaos, the Akasha Serpent, would capture that blonde Ayaka.

Who is she? At that time, I didn't think much about it and let Ayaka take her home. Now that I think about it, I feel that she must have a lot of secrets.

"Aika is here too."

At this time, Fujimura Taiga seemed to have thought of something and spoke with some emotion.

"Hmm? Sister Fuji, do you know Aika Sajo?"

Matou Sakura seemed a little surprised. Ayaka Sajo was a student of the private Hogunhara Academy. She and Tosaka Rin were both in Class A of the second year. It was normal for Fujimura Taiga to know each other.

But Aika Sajo, according to Ayaka Sajo, her sister basically stays at home every day, watching some soap operas, talking about the blond prince every day, and occasionally going out is to cause trouble.

These troubles are naturally troubles that have nothing to do with normal people, so Ayaka Sajo has a headache.

Aika Sajo, who basically does not communicate with outsiders, has a connection with Fujimura Taiga, which really surprised everyone else in the car.

"I haven't known her for a long time. I just saw a few black wild dogs chasing her that day, so I saved her."

"That's all?" Toosaka Rin was also very interested.

"No, it was late at that time, and I thought it was dangerous for her to be alone, so————"

"Sent her home?" Hearing Fujimura Taiga's pause, Jeanne couldn't help but add.

"No, Aika said she didn't want to go home and wanted to go out for a walk, so I took her to the playground to play!"

As he said this, Fujimura Taiga's face was full of relief. He saved a fallen girl.

Meanwhile, at the Sajo family.

"Sister, aren't you going to go?"

Sajo Ayaka dressed up and asked Sajo Aika, who was lying on the sofa like Kayou.

"No, don't!"

Aika's tone was very firm, and waves of nausea surged up her spine. She remembered the fear of being dominated by a tiger-like woman that day.

"That woman will go, and if I go, I will die!"

"Which woman?"

"You don't need to know, anyway, I just won't go!"

Sajo Aika immediately picked up the quilt and buried her head in it.

Then, she only felt a warm hand on her shoulder.

Sajo Ayaka's painting style instantly changed to line color.

"I'll only say it once - go."

Chapter 1153 Palu, it's time to work

"Wow, is this Illya's house? It's really big!"

Standing at the gate of the Einzbern family courtyard, Fujimura Taiga kept rubbing his eyes and exclaimed in disbelief.


At this moment, a voice of great surprise came from the courtyard in front. Illya ran towards Fujimura Taiga with joy on her face.


Fujimura Taiga also waved his hands very happily, waving while running towards Illya.

Then the two hugged each other tightly in the courtyard. Under the falling flowers, this scene was extremely moving.

"What are they doing?"

Tousaka Rin held a lot of things and looked at Lijielit who was scattering flowers next to Illya and Fujimura Taiga with a twitching face.

"I don't know, maybe she's too excited!"

Emiya Shirou shrugged. Sister Fuji's brain circuit was not something he could understand.

"Welcome to the Einzbern family--"

Sera politely welcomed Emiya Shirou and others at the gate of the Einzbern castle.

"Where are Kallen and the others?"

Tousaka Rin put the things in her hands in the hall, shook her shoulders and asked.

"Miss Kallen, Miss Hiyer, they have arrived."

"Quite fast."

"Aren't you too slow?"

As soon as Tohsaka Rin finished speaking, Karen's voice came from the corridor nearby.

"The Holy Church is so close to the Einzbern family. We have to cross most of Fuyuki City to get here. You must have arrived first."

After listening to Kallen's words, Tohsaka Rin did not say anything angrily.

"As soon as you arrive, you will get busy."

Hiyer also walked out of the corridor, looked at the big and small bags in front of him, and waved his hands slightly.

"Then come over quickly and take inventory of the things to see what is missing. Then go directly to the commercial street to buy everything you need."

Emiya Shirou waved in the direction of Kallen and Ciel.

At this time, Jeanne d'Arc and Matou Sakura had already skillfully taken out everything inside, which was basically all kinds of New Year decorations.

If you were at Emiya Residence, these things should be enough, but facing Einzbern's castle, even just decorating a few important areas is not enough.

"Didn't you invite us? Why do we still do things——"

Kallen opened her dead fish eyes and stared at Emiya Shirou. She knew that coming here early would be bad, as they were guests.

"You're here, please help me."

Emiya Shirou also smiled a little sheepishly, and it seemed that it was not very good to let the guests work as coolies.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you do it early or late."

Kallen originally wanted to say something, but continuing to say so was just delaying time. It was obvious that what was to be done today was not something that Shirou Emiya and the others could handle.

Hier was even more direct. She came directly to Emiya Shirou and started to help him pack his things. She seemed like a caring elder sister who was very good at taking care of others.

Seeing Hiyer's fierce offensive, Kallen also moved closer.


Tohsaka Rin made a very unhappy sound, and then leaned towards Matou Sakura.

Then his piercing gaze penetrated Emiya Shirou's chest directly.

"Did I do something wrong again?"

Emiya Shirou's face was full of innocence, he was really concentrating on organizing things.

"Let me record the things I brought, and then compare and eliminate them based on the things needed for the room that needs to be decorated to see what else is needed."

Sierra also came forward, took out a pen and paper, and recorded it very seriously.

"Sorry to trouble you." Emiya Shirou thanked him.

"No, this is what I should do." Sierra started to get busy with a smile.

As for everyone else.

Arturia walked in the courtyard and couldn't help but be stunned when she looked at the familiar scenery inside.

Illya and Rigelit took Fujimura Taiga around, and Arquette also followed them for some reason. He had obviously been here once before.

Maybe he wanted to see how it was different from the Millennium City where he was, but more likely, he thought the relationship between Fujimura Taiga and Illya was interesting and followed him.


"Disciple No. 1!"

"Illyasviel is here!"

"Disciple No. 2!"

"Arquitet is here!"


? ? ? ? ?

"Wow!!! 庄!"

Anyway, it was really fun.

"Finally, the inventory is complete, but it's a bit too far behind!"

"In terms of decoration, it's not bad. After all, the atmosphere is probably enough. The only thing missing is the ingredients."

Matou Sakura sighed slightly, the ingredients were completely insufficient.

"There's a bit of a shortage of manpower."

Tohsaka Rin muttered, while rolling his eyes and thinking, showing a malicious smile.

"You want to call them all in to help, right?"

Kallen immediately understood what Tohsaka Rin was trying to write.

"The more people there are, the higher the efficiency."

In fact, it is - "I am also a guest. I cannot be allowed to be a coolie alone. We all have to suffer together."

After all, to a certain extent, everyone except Emiya Shirou was a guest.

This is why at the beginning, Fujimura Taiga asked Emiya Shirou to prepare all these things alone.

But time is very tight now, and even if Shirou Emiya is very efficient, it is impossible for him to accomplish so many things by himself.

"Shirou, you and Sakura go to the kitchen first and process the existing ingredients."

"I'll go too! I'm familiar with the Einzbern's kitchen."

Sera suddenly spoke out, fearing that the cooking task would be taken over by Emiya Shirou and Sakura.

At the same time, his eyes towards Emiya Shirou were slightly hostile.

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