This space did not swallow up everyone's sanity in an instant. It should be said that those who can appear here and be selected by Leo to join the student union are all respected by the elite, and their will is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

At least they were able to resist to a certain extent until Sesshōin Kiara didn't specifically corrupt their will.

Here, the one who has the deepest influence is not the masters who have no magic power, but Joan of Arc, who has extremely high magic power.

The one who had the least influence was Emiya Shirou, followed by Archer, and then Matou Shinji.

After all, Matou Shinji's real age is eight years old, and his understanding of these things of love and affection, as well as sexual desires and perceptions, are not as sensitive as others.

"It's okay, but if I continue to stay in this space for a while, I can't imagine what I will become!"

With the help of Julius, Leo stabilized his body and looked behind them helplessly.

The original stairs when they came here have disappeared.

Now they have no way to leave here. If they don't defeat Sesshōin Kiara, they will be buried here forever.

"I just said that we should just stay in the old school building and wait for the final result! It's not like we can't command the servants to fight remotely!"

Matou Shinji soon discovered that they had no way out, and spoke with a self-blaming tone.

"Now is not the time to blame each other. Now that we have reached this point, we should think about how to defeat the opponent in front of us, leave here, and leave the back of the moon-"

At the moment when the scene was about to fall into silence, Leo immediately responded. Rather than who should be responsible for the current situation, he should think about how to break the situation.

"Shouldn't we leave all this hope to Emiya, Archer and Jeanne?"

Tohsaka Rin was slightly stunned. What else did they have to do now? The battle in front of them was not something that master-level beings like them could participate in.

"It's not their fault that they are the main force in this battle, but we shouldn't just watch here. If Sesshōin Kiara dares to face two servants wearing mythical attires so unscrupulously, there must be something we don't know about. Trump card——"

Leo analyzed aloud. You must know that BB also gained power after fusing with Mooncell. She is even an advanced AI who understands the core of Mooncell better than Sesshōin Kiara.

But even such a BB could not be defeated by Emiya Shirou and the others, let alone Sesshōin Kiara, who should have only just mastered Mooncell. She must still have her own trump card.

It was a trump card that she believed could be used to deal with the two mythical attire servants.

"I have an idea-!"

Sakura, who was looking at everyone at this moment, cheered herself up in her heart, raised her hand slightly, and joined the discussion in the student union.

On the other side, Sesshōin Kiara, who knocked Jeanne away with one punch, let out an extremely wild laugh.

"It's really ugly. No matter how beautiful the appearance is, it can't cover up this dark, disgustingly ugly heart -!"

Andersen, as always, insulted Sesshōin Kiara without any mercy.

"It's really sad—!"

Sesshōin Kiara seemed to be attacked by Andersen's words, with an extremely sad expression on his face, and then smiled at him with an extremely dangerous smile.

Although she had heard such vicious words countless times, Sesshōin Kiara said that he must be given the harshest punishment after victory.

At this moment, in front of her, Archer had once again pulled the bow string, Emiya Shirou was always ready to pull the trigger, and Jeanne was also ready to sprint, holding the flag in her hand tightly.

"You are really prepared, but it's a pity that you didn't defeat me when I was at my weakest, so you will never have a chance to defeat me again!"

She once again showed her charming smile, and huge pink magic power appeared from her body.

"Human beings are all immature beasts. Devouring desires and indulging in desires, like frothy fruits melted into desires——"

"With just this one blow, I will destroy everything about you——!"

"Buzz buzz buzz—!"

That was the sound caused by the vibration of space.

On the ground, Sesshōin Kiara's whole body was blooming with peach-colored light, and the surrounding palms were blooming like lotus flowers.

Incomparably strange light kept flickering in this space.

Countless souls have been redeemed and rescued around him, expressing his own gratitude and his own sins.

She is like a Bodhisattva who saves people in distress.

There was a pinkish color that made people feel that something extremely dangerous was condensed in its hands.

【The time for salvation has arrived】

Sesshōin Kiara began to sing with a charming smile.

[Let me breathe in all living creatures and all pain]

The words chanted are relief to the world and endless love for the world.

【Boundless vow to save all sentient beings】

[Sweetness, freedom from suffering, knowing, fate, difficulty, mystery, yin and yang, immovable, prelude, repaying kindness]

The explanation is Sesshōin Kiara's understanding of the world and his understanding of suffering.

[Be transcended together with the joy of change from a hundred thousand depths]

[This is, all the desires of this world (Angra Mainyu/CCC)————]

Sesshōin Kiara looked at the people in front of him like this. During the extremely brief chant, a pink ball appeared in front of him that was impossible to ignore.

What exudes from it is the terrifying aura of destruction.

Without any hesitation, just after a brief confrontation, Sesshōin Kiara planned to use the maximum power he could use at the moment.

She is not a BB, she has no love for Emiya Shirou, and will not hold back on him.

Otherwise, BB would have used his own Noble Phantasm to eliminate Emiya Shirou and others who invaded the core position as early as the beginning.

And it is definitely not until Shirou Emiya comes to him and releases the Noble Phantasm that he can release the greatest power he possesses.

During the battle, BB's consciousness has been hindering Mooncell.

“Take it, this is the power that allows people to fall into endless happiness——!!!!!!”

The pink beam of light poured down toward the front in an instant.

Chapter 1,158 Noisy (refresh)

The night has fallen, countless stars are emerging in the sky, and the earth is quietly blending into the night at this moment.

The breeze blew gently, a little cold but also a little warm, and the air was filled with the wanton aroma of food, which was refreshing.

And under this seemingly simple place, Rin Tosaka read the manual with great difficulty, and with the help of a bunch of people, he managed to put up the main tent, and the dinner party officially began.

"Oh, this is delicious!" - Mizu Ayako

"Sure enough, this is a taste that is completely unforgettable!" - Issei Ryudou

"It's a pity that Berserker can't eat it!" - Illya

"Roar↓" The lost roar——Hercules

"It feels like Shirou's cooking skills have improved again." ——Fujimura Taiga

"Actually, many of them were made by Sakura." - Emiya Shirou

"No, it's all the credit of the seniors, I just took the initiative." - Matou Sakura

"This curry! Why! Wrong! Take another bite! Wait! This taste! Damn it, how on earth was it made? Why didn't I taste it?" - Hiyer

"What is this Mapo Tofu? Why is it so hellish? Haha! No! No! I want water! Water!" - Tohsaka Rin

"It's obviously delicious. It's like being in heaven. Tohsaka, you don't know how to appreciate it." - Kallen

"Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun!!!!" - the sound of Artoria eating.

"Miss Saber, eat slowly!" - Jeanne d'Arc

"Yeah!" The voice of admiration - Kuzuki Soichiro

"Why! Why! I was the one who came first! Damn Shirou Emiya! I will never give up! Don't try to take away my position! Illya will not give it to you!" - Sera

"It tastes good!" - Li JieLiTe

"Come on, sister, open your mouth, ah——!"——Sajo Ayaka

"You'll be finished when you get home!" - Shajo Love Song

"It always feels like you have just emerged from the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den again." - Blond Ayaka

The noisy atmosphere has not stopped, but has become more intense. Perhaps it is because this is the last day of vacation, and tomorrow we will start to gather the scattered heart.

Or maybe it's because we rarely have the opportunity to get together like this and speak out so freely.

Even Mr. Kuzuki was affected by such an atmosphere, and his originally cold face became a little loose.


Illya jumped up to the barbecue grill, her eyes full of excitement.

She had never had barbecue before. In fact, she had never eaten with so many people together like now.

I have never eaten so many unique delicacies. If it weren't for Li Jie Lit stopping Illya, she would have been full by now.

So Illya envied Artoria very much.

At this time, Emiya Shirou, Matou Sakura, and Sera put the skewered skewers on the grill to bake.

Ligarite has been following Illya.

Illya stood aside and watched with great interest, and even said that under Sera's guidance, she even grilled a few skewers herself.

She was very excited and showed off her grilled meat skewers in front of Erquet.

So Erquette also ran over excitedly, wanting to try barbecue with his own hands.

"Where did you come from, kid?"

Emiya Shirou complained about Arquette at the right time.

However, since its birth, Elquitet has been regarded as the weapon of the fallen True Ancestor, and has not been taught the knowledge of various societies at all.

Although it can read information from the world and has the necessary knowledge to exist in human society, it is not its own experience.

So every time Erquette comes into contact with something he has never tried before, he is as happy as a child.

The sound was vibrating, and the singing slowly came from the silent forest.

Taiga Fujimura held the microphone in her hand and sang loudly without caring about the image. Then the screen turned to her desktop, with dozens of empty bottles of drinks scattered on the table.

That's right, there was no wine at this banquet.

After all, they still have to go to school tomorrow, so it is impossible to get drunk. As students, they cannot drink. As a teacher, Fujimura Taiga has to teach tomorrow, so Emiya Shirou and Matou Sakura clapped their hands and put the existence of alcohol directly into the banned card list.

Next to Fujimura Taiga, Sajo Aika held the microphone with a sad face and sang in the chorus, with four words written all over her face - forced to open.

Sajo Ayaka, who was sitting in the seat, was already laughing from ear to ear, took out her mobile phone and took pictures, completely ignoring Sajo Ayaka's murderous eyes.

At this time, Sajo Ayaka wished that Fujimura Taiga lived in her house.

Looking at this unbearable scene in front of him, Kuzuki couldn't help but smile.

On the other side, Kallen was fighting with Rin Tohsaka in a battle called mapo tofu, and the winner was Kallen and Rin Tohsaka.

Because Rin Tohsaka's entire face fell directly into the mapo tofu and lost consciousness.

I don't know if Rin Tohsaka will be marinated in the mapo tofu later.

If it is marinated, maybe Kallen will get close to Rin Tohsaka (laughs).

Kallen can't taste this delicious food again because of Rin Tohsaka.

Although Kallen's body functions have basically recovered and her sense of taste has returned to normal because of Shirou Emiya's healing Zanpakutō, she still likes to eat this spicy thing that can make people feel like they are in hell.

That was the only taste she could clearly experience in the past.

After all, spiciness is not a sense of taste, but a sense of pain.

On the other side of the open space, Hier, Mizutsu Ayako, and Altria were confronting each other with different weapons in their hands.

Hier held the wooden black key, Mizutsu Ayako held the wooden naginata, and Altria held the wooden knight sword.




After a fierce knocking and collision, the naginata flew out first, and soon, the black key followed closely.

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