At some point, Sajo Aige, who was not too concerned about watching the excitement, took out a kitchen knife and handed it to Matou Sakura's hand.

Siyer on the side gave a thumbs up to Shatiao Aige.

Sajo Ayaka looked at the scene in front of her speechlessly.

Joan covered her mouth and snickered, and Arquette touched her belly. She was a little hungry.

"Actually - Rider, is your real name Medusa?"

The moment Shirou Emiya finished speaking, Rider's aura suddenly changed, and strong murderous intent instantly enveloped Shirou Emiya.


Matou Sakura yelled and raised her right hand. The command spell on the back of her hand burst out with a dazzling crimson light. If Rider made any move, she would use the command spell without hesitation.

The people around him also quickly assumed fighting postures.

The decorations on Jeanne d'Arc and Artoria's bodies changed almost instantly. One of them held a pure white flag, and the other held a concealed sword, standing in front of Shirou Emiya.

As for Emiya Shirou, he seemed to have anticipated Rider's reaction, and looked at him calmly, directly into his eyes that were covered by a strip of cloth.

After all, having your true name known by others means that your weaknesses are being mastered by the other party.

For example, after the invincible Gawain learned his true name, the blond Rin Tosaka used the legend to break his protection.

Rider is no exception. As the youngest of the three Gorgon sisters, the famous banshee Medusa in Greek mythology, the story of her being conquered is very famous.

The most classic one is that Perseus used Athena in his hand to give him a shield that could reflect Medusa's magic eye like a mirror, avoiding staring directly into her eyes, and then took the opportunity to chop off her head.

In short, if you know Medusa's true name, you will naturally be careful not to look directly at her magic eye. There are various ways to deal with it. A magician like Tohsaka Rin may actually be able to find a way to restrain Medusa. Sha magic eye method.

Arquette and Jeanne d'Arc, one can re-create his own body to make a body that can resist petrification, and Jeanne d'Arc can make a holy cloth that can resist petrification.

"So, senior, what do you want to express?"

Matou Sakura also looked at Emiya Shirou with some surprise, because she just asked Rider and the answer she got was yes.

"I participated in a Holy Grail War in other worlds before, and the configuration of the servants was almost exactly the same as what I see now."

"Other worlds?" Hier, Erquet, Sajo Ayaka, and Arturia were very confused.

"Holy Grail War?" Matou Sakura and Joan of Arc were a little surprised.


Emiya Shirou nodded slightly, and then began to speak.

"Saber is King Arthur, Lancer is Cu Chulainn, and Archer is a very weak servant that can be ignored."

"Ah sneeze——!"

A man in red sitting in the Infinity Sword System couldn't help but sneeze.

"Rider is Medusa, Caster is Medea, Assassin is Hassan, and Berserker is Heracles."

These are the career cards they collected in the world where they transformed into the magical girl Illya. Emiya Shirou did not include the career cards he collected.

After all, it should be said that those new class cards appeared because of himself.

"Then Caster and Assassin have been summoned. They are at Liudong Temple. I plan to go there this weekend. If it is true, I can recognize them."

Those class cards are still in my mobile phone, but now I can't use them because I don't have magic power.

Chapter 1,175 Actually, I am a concave and convex manda!

Of course, it's just now. BB and Shiro-haired Sakura have been busy in silence for such a long time.

Doraemon is modifying the class cards to allow Shirou Emiya to perform dream summons without the need for magic power. It should be said that the magic power required for dream summons is grafted onto them.

As for why not directly provide magic power to Emiya Shirou's body, or rebuild the magic circuit.

Because of the existence in Shirou Emiya's body, magic power cannot exist for too long at all. It can basically only be used as a disposable item, and the process of transporting magic power is extremely troublesome.

It's not a transfer of skills. Direct physical contact can transfer the magic power. Otherwise, there is no need for the blond Tosaka Rin to implant his magic mark into Shirou Emiya's arm.

The transmission of magic power requires the construction of a channel, and the existence of Shirou Emiya's body makes it impossible for the channel to last for too long and will collapse in a few minutes.

As for the simplest bodily fluid, it does work quickly and is not troublesome, but you can't let Emiya Shirou hold someone in his arms as a magic pump when fighting.

So after BB couldn't find a way to solve Emiya Shirou's physical condition, he chose to find another way.

It will probably take more than a week for her to complete this great project, allowing Emiya Shirou to complete the dream summoning without the need for magic power.

What BB is currently conquering is the stage of stabilizing the liberation of the Noble Phantasm.

The next problem to be overcome is how to transfer magic power into Shirou Emiya's body through the class card.

The former problem can be solved in about a week, but the latter problem may not be that simple.

Emiya Shirou's own power is stronger than the power carried by the class card, so BB hopes that the class card can become a medium for transmitting magic power.

As for other problems, it was also due to the existence in Emiya Shirou's body that the dream summoning could only last for about three minutes.

When the duration is less than one minute, Emiya Shirou's mobile phone with the class card hanging on his waist will flash a red light, and after the end, he will not be able to dream again for a short period of time.

In three minutes, Emiya Shirou can transform into two different fighting forms: red and blue. Red is the power type and blue is the speed type, so why not use it at the beginning - ah! Accidentally got involved.

You can use different career cards to change different combat forms.

It’s true that it can only be used for so long, but there’s also a lot of BB’s bad taste mixed in with it.

"Then this week, Shirou and I will go to Ryudou Temple together. It's too dangerous to go alone."

Jeanne spoke very seriously. When Emiya Shirou mentioned that he planned to go to Ryudou Temple to meet the two of them, Jeanne felt that he planned to go to the meeting alone.

So he immediately ran out.

Arturia on the side frowned for some reason. She was obviously Shirou Emiya's servant, so why did she always feel that Jeanne was his servant? She immediately raised the sword in her hand, ready to go out. Voice.

"My Master, of course I will protect you!"

Jeanne was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "Our Master, I was also Shirou's servant before."

"Ah? Is that so?" Arturia was very surprised. She thought that Jeanne d'Arc had always been, uh, someone's servant. She suddenly discovered that everyone present seemed not to be Jeanne d'Arc's master.

BB: It’s me, but I’m working overtime on my phone.

"Actually, I have a better idea - if Caster is Medea, I want Illya to accompany me."

Medea and Hercules were crew members on the same ship, so maybe it would be good for them to communicate.

"Hiss! Lord Soichiro, it's extremely cold tonight."

In Ryudou Temple, Caster felt the cold wind blowing and leaned towards Kuzuki Soichiro next to him. It was obvious that he didn't understand what he was facing this weekend.

Rider's expression kept changing when he heard Shirou Emiya's words.

What kind of existence is this man?

Although I have only met my Master once, for some reason I feel very close to him and I trust him very much.


Rider thought in his mind, Shirou Emiya was very dangerous, and with so much information in hand, and King Arthur as his servant, the outcome of this Holy Grail War was basically destined.

Although I don't know what the Master is thinking, since he participated in the Holy Grail War, the purpose is to win the Holy Grail, and he cannot simply trust the other party.

"Sorry Rider, senior, he didn't mean it."

After hearing Emiya Shirou's explanation, Matou Sakura also sighed, and then comforted Rider very worriedly.

"It's okay, I'm just a little stressed."

How kind you are, you can't let your master be deceived by the other party like this!

"Wait until night and test him in his dreams."

Rider's eyes under the eye patch were staring at Shirou Emiya who was discussing with everyone.

A cold sweat broke out on Shirou Emiya's back. It seemed that he didn't know what kind of dream he would have tonight.

"That means that Archer and Lancer are the only two servants who have not been summoned?"

Hiyer naturally joined in to discuss and speak out.

"I have probably made a guess, but whether it is correct or not will have to wait until the end of this week to confirm the identities of the two servants."

"What kind of speculation?"

Sajo Ayaka asked with interest. Although she did not participate in the Holy Grail War, she was still quite interested in this Holy Grail War in which everyone was basically acquaintances.

After all, in this Holy Grail War, people from the Emiya family already accounted for four knights.

"Tohsaka should be able to summon Lancer, and Archer's master should be the person I met on the moon - Kishinami Hakuno."

Although from a factual point of view, it was very wrong, from the perspective of Emiya Shirou's logic, it was completely correct.

The main reason why he never thought that Tohsaka Rin would summon Archer was naturally because he had seen and even fought Tohsaka Rin's servant on the moon, the pervert in blue tights - Lancer Cu Chulainn.

As for Archer, Emiya Shirou couldn't think of anyone who could summon him. It should be said that it was impossible to summon him in a normal Holy Grail War, unless it was someone very close to him.

The one he summoned was Saber, and the one he had the deepest connection with was Rider, so no one should be able to summon him.

After thinking about it, Shirou Emiya could only think of Hakuno Kishinami. After all, Archer was her servant on the moon.

I don’t know why Kishinami Hakuno came to Fuyuki City to participate in the Holy Grail War.

Chapter 1,176 Why are everyone aiming for next weekend?

"Hey, Emiya, it's time for you to fulfill your promise."

After getting everyone away, under the bright moonlight, Sajo Aika sat in the courtyard, squinting and looking at Shirou Emiya.

"What promise?"

Emiya Shirou looked at Sajo Aika with some confusion. Didn't he say that he wanted to discuss the Holy Grail War with him?

"Dating my sister."

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Sajo Aika's words caught Emiya Shirou off guard, and he even choked on his own saliva.

"Ah? Why?"

As if feeling an unpleasant aura, Emiya Shirou took half a step back. When they first met, the other party proposed a deal with him.

However, Emiya Shirou didn't take it seriously, and even now he still can't see through Sajō Aika.

It was clear that Shajo Aige was everywhere in the previous True Ancestor incident, but until the end of the whole incident, she was like an outsider and had never participated in it.

"Do you really think Fuyuki City can withstand the pressure caused by the falling Zhu Yue?"

Upon hearing Sajo Aika's words, Emiya Shirou's pupils suddenly shrank.

When Zhu Yue hung in the sky above Fuyuki City and fell, what he felt was the pressure that could crush the earth, and the impact that could easily break him to pieces.

At that time, there was no need for Zhuyue to fall. The terrifying pressure it brought was enough to crush the entire Fuyuki City and its residents.

But the final result was that only the Tohsaka Residence was crushed to pieces, while the other buildings in Fuyuki City were intact, and no one was even injured.

After learning this fact, Tohsaka Rin was almost heartbroken. Why did his family go bankrupt? Fortunately, the Magic Association provided subsidies, which eased Tohsaka Rin's sad heart.

"Did you plan all this?"

Emiya Shirou's expression turned cold, and he confronted Sajo Aige in an extremely serious manner.

She did not refute, but still looked at Emiya Shirou with a calm smile.

"But no matter what the process is, no one will be injured in the end, right? What's more, even if I don't lure them here, other cities will suffer large-scale casualties because of this kind of thing."

Sajo Aige is very clear about Emiya Shirou's bottom line, which is human life. As long as no human life is harmed, the other party will not be his enemy.

What's more, the biggest loss in the previous incident was only Tohsaka Rin's property, which was nothing to Fuyuki City.

Tohsaka Rin: You xxxxxxxxx! ! ! ! !

"So what exactly do you want to do?"

After hearing that Sajo Aige admitted without hesitation that he had done those things, Emiya Shirou's expression became even more serious. From the beginning to the end, he did not understand what the purpose of Sajo Aige was.

"My idea is very simple, that is to find my golden-haired Prince Charming." Sajo Aika didn't hesitate at all. She looked at Shirou Emiya with her extremely sincere eyes and answered his question.

"However, you may not know that the scale of this Holy Grail War is larger than you imagine. If you don't want the entire residents of Fuyuki City to be buried with it-"

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