Although Shirou Emiya and Sakura Matou both understood that Rin Tohsaka was saying one thing and thinking another.

If it became a black-red war at this stage, it would be a lot more troublesome, but Rin Tohsaka would not have to face her sister and Shirou Emiya.

In addition, the Ruler of this black-red war was their acquaintance Jeanne d'Arc, who was the referee of this Holy Grail War, so Rin Tohsaka became more thoughtful.

"Jeanne d'Arc, you see, the previous incident of the Akasha Serpent was solved by our black team. If it weren't for us, it would be a problem whether the Holy Grail War could be started!"

"Illya consumed two Command Seals, Shirou Emiya consumed three Command Seals, and all my wealth was buried in this battle."

"As a fair and impartial referee, you should give us black team some compensation no matter what, right?"

Sitting at the table, Rin Tohsaka talked to Jeanne d'Arc, trying very hard to get all favorable conditions for the black team.


"What buts? If such a thing happened at the beginning of the Holy Grail War, as the Judge, would you use the Command Spell to let all the Servant Masters solve this matter?"


Joan of Arc nodded affirmatively. If a Dead Apostle took the Holy Grail during the beginning of the Holy Grail War, she would naturally use her identity as the Judge to let those Servants take the Holy Grail back.

"So, the ruling you made on this matter itself means compensation, not to mention that this matter is entirely handled by us, the Black team, and the Red team has not suffered any loss at all. This is unfair to us, the Black team!"

"Joan of Arc, you must uphold the principles of fairness, justice, and openness! Otherwise, we will not obey you as the judge! It is better to let Kallen be the judge, anyway, the Templar Church itself is the judge in the Holy Grail War."

Tousaka Rin argued with reason, and Jeanne could not find any words to refute for a while, and then asked tentatively: "Then, one Command Seal?"

"One Command Seal!? What do you think of me, Tousaka! Are you a beggar? That's all my property! How can one Command Seal be enough! At least two!"

"But I only have the right to draw two Command Seals for each Servant!"

Joan of Arc smiled bitterly. No matter how much she gave, she could only give her two at most, and she couldn't give more.

"You can give us the Red Command Seals." Rin Tousaka whispered softly in Jeanne's ear, as if afraid that others would hear her.

However, the people present were basically her own people, and everyone else could hear what Tousaka said.

"That's impossible! I will never hand over the Red Command Seals!"

Jeanne rejected Rin Tousaka's proposal seriously. Being able to hand over two Command Seals was already her biggest concession.

"Hey! What is your relationship with us, and what is your relationship with the Red Team? You haven't even met the Red Team yet."

"Besides, do you know what the Red Team wants to do with the Holy Grail? What if they wish for the destruction of the world? Look at us, we basically have no pursuit of the Holy Grail. It is obviously a very safe thing for the Black Team to win the Holy Grail War."

"As a judge, the rules can't be too rigid, they have to be flexible. If we Black Team wins, isn't this Holy Grail War almost equivalent to not happening!?"

Tousaka Rin put her arm around Jeanne's shoulder. One second she was still telling Jeanne to uphold the principles of fairness, justice, and openness, and the next second she said that the rules can't be too rigid, they have to be flexible.

Shirou Emiya opened the door and saw this scene. He really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't stop Toosaka Rin's behavior. It must be the more beneficial to them, the better. Why should they benefit the Red Team?

Then, Jeanne saw Shirou Emiya coming, and quickly shook off Rin Tohsaka's hand, hiding behind Shirou Emiya with a look of fear.

"I heard from Elquet that you were angry, weren't you?"

"Of course I'm not angry! I could have persuaded Jeanne to hand over the Red Command Seals to us, but she hid behind you as soon as you came!"

Chapter 1182 Countdown to the end of life

In the end, Jeanne still couldn't beat Rin Tohsaka's eloquence, and handed over both Command Seals. Rin Tohsaka had five Command Seals on her body.

The two Command Seals of Matou Sakura will be handed over to her after she comes back.

As for Illya, she has Command Seals engraved all over her body, so she doesn't need any, but Jeanne still transferred the rights to the two Command Seals to Illya.

As for Shirou Emiya, Command Seals are like magic, and cannot exist on Shirou Emiya for a long time. Basically, they can only be used and taken, which means they are still in Jeanne's hands.

According to Tousaka, when necessary, Jeanne can use the Command Seal to give orders to Altria instead of Emiya Shirou.

I always feel something is strange.

Isn't this equivalent to becoming Altria's master?

If Emiya Shirou is in danger when fighting with the Red Team, should she use the Command Seal to summon Altria, or go without the Command Seal?

But no matter which one, it seems that she has been bound to the Black Team.

It's over. It seems that she really can't make a fair and impartial judgment.

Even if Jeanne can really be impartial, based on the relationship between her and the Black Team, the Red Team does not believe that Jeanne can make a fair judgment.

The Red Team might attack the Judge again, and this time they have a good reason, and she has no way to refute it.

This black whistle, Jeanne has to do it even if she doesn't want to, there is no other way to choose, but Jeanne is unwilling to go against her heart.

Lord, what should I do, why am I the Ruler again.

So, Jeanne was stuck in a dilemma, and could only be pushed by Rin Toosaka.

But Toosaka, that heart must be on the Black Team, not the referee.

Jeanne wanted to ask Shirou Emiya for help, but——

"I think what Toosaka said makes sense."

Sorry, Shirou Emiya is on the Black Team.

"I just hope the Lord won't blame me."

Jeanne prayed sadly, but it didn't take long before she was captured by the food that floated over.

"Jeanne, you've lived in Emiya's house for so long, and you've been eating for so long, but it seems you haven't paid the rent yet."

Rin's devilish whisper continued to ring in Jeanne's ears, and Rin's heart was black.

Jeanne immediately got goosebumps all over her body, and hid behind Shirou Emiya with fear on her face.

Originally a companion, but after becoming a Ruler, she seemed to have become Rin's prey.

"Okay! Okay! That's enough. If you force her like this, Jeanne will have a hard time."

Shirou Emiya touched Jeanne's head and persuaded Rin to do it kindly, then frowned slightly and opened the team voice.

"Take it step by step, Jeanne is your own person, don't force her so hard."

Well, Shirou Emiya is actually a tactician, and his heart is not black, but dirty.

Although he didn't want to use Jeanne's full value as a Ruler like Rin Tohsaka, it was definitely good for the black team. Why would he consider the enemy?

"Then Jeanne will be left to you to comfort. I will squeeze out all the value from her!"

"Can you please not be so devilish when you talk?"

"What do you care!"

The two of them exchanged glances in this short moment when almost no one reacted.

Erquette was stunned by the sight. She had never added such things as team voice.

Not long after, Fujimura Taiga and Matou Sakura came back with big and small bags of things.

"Are you going to check out the place or go shopping?"

Emiya Shirou couldn't help but complain.

"I have all of them. I just happened to pass by the newly developed commercial area on the way, and then I bought these things."

"Is that so? But! Sister Fuji! Don't hide it! No drinking today!"

Watching Fujimura Taiga quietly put the bags of bottles and jars in his hand behind his back, Emiya Shirou could not help but scold.

Then, under Fujimura Taiga's begging eyes, he sorted them out and put them in the refrigerator.

"I told you, senior will not let you drink, Sister Fuji."

Matou Sakura, who put the things she bought on the kitchen counter, covered her mouth and laughed. She had told Sister Fuji all about it on the way, but it was obvious that she didn't listen.

"You can always drink it later! It's worth buying it!" Fujimura Taiga retorted excitedly, looking at the refrigerator eagerly, and he was really looking forward to it.

Anyway, the dinner ended in a noisy sound again, and everyone went back with a chuckle.

Emiya's house, in Emiya's room.

Shirou Emiya was sitting on the desk, covering his forehead, his face full of distress.

"Next weekend, isn't it really the countdown of my life?"

He couldn't imagine what kind of plan could be able to meet so many people alone and take action, and he couldn't split himself.

Shirou Emiya fell into deep thought again.

At this time, a slight knocking sound came from the door.

"Come in!"

As Shirou Emiya's voice fell, a soft voice came in.

"Um, Shirou, are you free next weekend?"

This word instantly made Shirou Emiya, who was in deep thought, startled, turned around in disbelief and looked at the door.

At this time, standing at the door, Jeanne d'Arc put her hands behind her back, her face was slightly red, and she lowered her head with a shy look.

"What, what's wrong?"

Shirou Emiya smiled bitterly again. Is next weekend really the end of his life?

"Yes, Teacher Fujimura gave me two movie tickets--"

Speaking like this, Jeanne slowly took out the two movie tickets on her back, and then explained in a panic: "Actually, I didn't want to go, but this is a movie about me, I want to see how future generations view me, but I have never been to a movie theater, so I plan to find someone to accompany me--"

As she spoke, Jeanne's voice became smaller and smaller. It seems that after living in Fuyuki City for a while, she knows what it means to invite Shirou Emiya to watch a movie together.

"I went to find Rin, Sakura, Saber, Kallen and others, but they seemed to have things to do on the weekend, so I--"

Shirou Emiya's face darkened. Isn't it because of him that they have things to do on the weekend? But why does Saber have things to do on the weekend?

"I didn't mean not to come to you first, Shirou, ah! That's not right! Well, I did it on purpose, ah, that's not right either! That, that, that! What should I say!!"

As Joan walked in the direction of Emiya Shirou, she kept explaining to him, but the more she explained, the more panicked she became, and her face looked like a ripe red apple. She stood there holding the movie ticket and waving her hands. , steam visible to the naked eye continued to float from her forehead.

"Stop, I understand!"

Emiya Shirou stretched out his hand and put it on Jeanne's forehead, stopping her from about to collide.

"Shirou, if you are free, if not, forget it——"

"I'm free!"

Emiya Shirou gritted his teeth and responded to Jeanne's request.

Chapter 1,183 The Eighth Quarter of Emiya Shirou

Jeanne walked out of Shirou Emiya's room happily holding a movie ticket. Then, as if she had a guilty conscience, she looked around and returned to her room.

"They all hid the fact that they went out with me."

Emiya Shirou said with a wry smile. If Sakura and the others directly told Jeanne that they wanted to go out with him, Jeanne would never come looking for them.

In other words, they all lied to Joan.

Saber probably didn't. He didn't know why Arturia didn't have free time next weekend.

However, he would soon find out.


“Knock knock knock!!!”

Different from Jeanne's steady, crisp and lively knocking sound, it sounded from Emiya Shirou's door.


Before Shirou Emiya could even say the word "please come in," the door was violently opened.

"Shirou! Help me!!"

Fujimura Taiga rushed in directly with a sad face and rushed in front of Emiya Shirou.

"Sister Teng? What's wrong! What happened!"

Emiya Shirou looked very surprised when he saw Fuji sister suddenly looking for him.

"Say yes first, you will save me!"

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