

He had exactly the same reaction as Tohsaka Rin, and then looked at the other person in disbelief. What kind of sauce is this? This is————

Then Arquette saw Tohsaka Rin's eyebrows that were constantly twisting like dancing. Although she didn't quite understand it, she shouldn't just taste this kind of thing by herself.

“It’s really delicious!”

"Is it that magical? Are you using this sauce in the morning these days?"

Matou Sakura's face was full of doubts. This sauce was bought from the market, not prepared by them themselves, and they had been using it for the past few days.

"I'll have a taste."



Matou Sakura's expression instantly turned into beady eyes, and then she turned to look at Medusa.

"I think Rider will really like this taste."


Medusa looked at Matou Sakura who suddenly turned to her in confusion, but she still poured the sauce bottle onto the yam, and her eyes instantly shrank into beady eyes.

"What kind of reaction is this?"

Arturia looked at the sauce bottles being passed among the people, her saliva was secreting, and she was a little confused. According to her memory, there shouldn't be so much sauce yesterday.

But because of her pursuit of delicious food, Arturia did not go into details. She took the sauce handed over by Medusa and poured it on the yams.

Chapter 1,185 Date Battle! (refresh)


Arturia shook her head fiercely, and then saw the half-smiling expressions of the others. She understood something in an instant, and poured the sauce directly onto Jeanne's bowl next to her.

"I didn't say I was going to try—"

Joan of Arc's revelation told her that there was definitely something wrong with the sauce. As for what the problem was, she had already guessed it. She originally wanted to refuse on the grounds that she was not used to the sauce as a French person, but now she had no right to refuse.

"So what are you doing? I've never seen you like pouring sauce on it so much before."

Emiya Shirou looked at the people in front of him who were passing the sauce bottles around and spoke helplessly. He didn't notice anything unusual.

It should be said that he was completely focused on thinking about what he needed to do later, and he didn't notice anyone else's expressions being abnormal at all.

What's more, Emiya Shirou himself also likes to pour sauce on his dishes. If Tohsaka Rin hadn't taken away the sauce bottle first, he would have been the first one to pour the sauce.

In fact, according to Fujimura Taiga's inference, it was Emiya Shirou who was the one who got hit, not Tohsaka Rin.

"Shirou, you will know once you taste it. It feels different from before."

Tohsaka Rin pinched his mouth that was about to grin and made a strange sound.

"So why are you talking like that?" Seeing Tohsaka Rin's uncontrollable hurry, Emiya Shirou complained as if he didn't quite understand.

"Eat quickly!"


Emiya Shirou took the sauce that had turned into beady eyes and poured it on his yam with a suspicious expression. Just as he was about to eat it, he felt everyone's eyes focused on it. .

"It seems that Sister Teng didn't put the sauce on it. Would you like to try it, Sister Teng?"

"I, I don't need to!"

Fujimura Dahe had a slight sweat on his forehead and quickly waved his hand to refuse.

"I think Sister Teng will like this [new] sauce very much."

Then, without hesitation, he picked up the sauce bottle that Emiya Shirou put back, and glanced at Fujimura Taiga next to him with a very dangerous look.

"No, Tohsaka——"

Fujimura Dahe declined in a low voice.

"Too late!"

Tohsaka Rin poured the yam on Fujimura Taiga with a devilish smile.

Emiya Shirou also ate the yam covered with sauce at this moment.

"Uh--! This! This is--soy sauce!? There's also the smell of oyster sauce in it!?"

In an instant, Emiya Shirou's eyes turned into beady eyes, staring at everyone present in disbelief.

At this moment, Fujimura Taiga stood up directly, danced his hands and made a sound with excitement.

"This is the [Early Morning Sauce Exchange] Battle!"

Then he put his hand on his face, licked his lips slightly, made a cool move, and made a cool sound: "Yeah--!"

"Sister Teng, have you forgotten to put the so-called [sauce] on yourself?"

Emiya Shirou wiped the black juice accidentally left on the corner of his mouth, and spoke with an extremely cold expression.


Fujimura Taiga stared blankly at the sauce in his bowl. This was actually called cocooning oneself.


"Hey, what do you mean?"


Breakfast was over, the dishes and chopsticks had been cleaned, Emiya Shirou had returned to his room, and Fujimura Taiga had already gone out.


Emiya Shirou took out his mobile phone, looked at the time displayed on it, sighed slightly, and murmured to himself: "The time is about the same. The next step is a tough battle. Whether we can succeed or not depends on I can leave it to fate.”

As he finished speaking, Emiya Shirou slowly pushed open the closet and took out the clothes he had decided on a few days ago.

He had no intention of going out in his daily clothes. Since he had agreed, he would naturally do his best to do it well instead of just coping.

Standing in front of the mirror, a tall back is reflected in it.

That was a man with pale hair and a dark red windbreaker.

"It would be nice if I could ask Sakura and the others for their opinions. I don't know how I match myself?"

Emiya Shirou muttered to himself with some doubt, slowly turned around and looked at himself in the mirror.

Under the dark red windbreaker, there was a black lining that tightly adhered to Shirou Emiya's body, highlighting his figure firmly.

The red and black match made Shirou Emiya look unexpected.

In addition, the black trousers matched with the black boots, although the color was extremely monotonous, exuded a strange beauty under the embellishment of the red windbreaker.

Emiya Shirou himself looked okay, after all, his aesthetic direction was somewhat in the direction of red and black, and when he went to other worlds before, he basically ran around in a red windbreaker.

It was just that he happened to see this clothing in the clothing store this time, and he couldn't help but buy it. He personally felt it was okay, but he didn't know what others thought.

Seven o'clock————

"I'm going out!"

After dressing up a little, Shirou Emiya said hello to the others.

As for why no one questioned Shirou Emiya.

They all thought that Shirou Emiya was dressed like this because he was going out with them, and they all had various thoughts in their hearts.

What if they asked Shirou Emiya what he was doing outside, and he answered honestly?

What's more, they all knew the reason why Shirou Emiya went out, so why do they need to ask? Isn't it exposing themselves?

Not long after Shirou Emiya left, Elquet disappeared in the Emiya residence.

Other people in the Emiya residence were naturally not surprised by Elquet's disappearance. She was very active and ran around every day. It was better to say that seeing Elquet staying honestly in the Emiya residence was a problem.

"Where are we going!?"

Elquet hugged Shirou Emiya tightly from behind and hung on his back, her eyes full of excitement, and she spoke with great excitement.

"There's a new amusement park in the new business district. I remember you always said you wanted to go there."

"Amusement park!?"

Elquet's eyes turned into shining stars. She had seen the advertisement there on TV a long time ago. People were coming and going. She always wanted to go there, but she thought it wouldn't be fun to go alone, so she kept waiting.

Waiting for Shirou Emiya to take her there.

Finally, this day has finally come.

"You look so excited. Let's go to the amusement park. I haven't been there for a long time."

This was a lie. Shirou Emiya had already checked the spot in advance and had been there at least three times in this week.

However, Shirou Emiya rarely went to the amusement park in his childhood. It's better to say that he had never been there. After all, when he was adopted by Kiritsugu, he was already very sensible.

So Shirou Emiya would not mention this matter, and Kiritsugu would not take him to the amusement park on his own initiative.

At the same time, a nun who did not want to reveal her name stood at the entrance of the amusement park, as if waiting for someone.

Chapter 1186 Elquet: The winner eats dirt

In Fuyuki City, there is a Miyuan River that runs through the entire city, dividing the entire city into two parts with completely different architectural styles. The east side is the new city, a highly modern new city with everything. The west side is Fukayama Town, an old city with basically only residential areas.

The commercial street that Shirou Emiya and his friends often visit in the old city exists because it is convenient for residents to travel.

No one wants to go out to buy dinner and cross half of Fuyuki City.

The purpose of the newly developed commercial area in the new city is naturally to promote the economic development of the new city and expand the flow of people.

The destination of Shirou Emiya's trip is this newly developed commercial area.

Under normal circumstances, it takes more than ten minutes to get from the residential area to the newly developed commercial area, even if you drive yourself.

But now it is an abnormal situation. At least for Shirou Emiya and Elquet, who jump and shuttle directly between the floors, ten minutes is enough to get from the residential area to the commercial area.

The car still needs to drive on the road, and they can directly choose the shortest straight-line distance to move.

"Damn it! You're obviously not as fast as me! Why can you always run ahead of me!"

In the gaps between the buildings, Elquet stomped on the ground fiercely, catching up with Shirou Emiya's pace, and shouted in great confusion.

Shirou Emiya's physical fitness has indeed surpassed ordinary people and reached the level of a Servant, but he is still slightly inferior to Elquet, who is a True Ancestor.

Whether in terms of explosive speed or sustained speed, Elquet should be running in the front.

However, there is another most critical factor here, that is, the familiarity with the terrain.

Elquet has never gone to the new capital in this way, unless it is about the dead apostles or the fallen True Ancestors, she certainly won't rush so urgently, most of the time she walks while going to the destination.

In addition, this road is the fastest road chosen by Shirou Emiya to go to the business district of the new capital. He has gone to the business district in this way many times. In terms of terrain, Shirou Emiya is much more familiar with it than Elquet.


Suddenly, as if thinking of something interesting, the corners of Elquet's mouth slightly raised.

"Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!"

The next second, just as Shirou Emiya landed on one foot again, several emerald green vines broke out of the ground and instantly wrapped around his feet.

And Elquet jumped up and appeared in front of Shirou Emiya like a golden hook, making faces at him.

"I'll accept the gift!"


Then, he landed steadily on the ground and ran away.

Shirou Emiya certainly didn't ask Elquet for no reason. This was a game, a game with wins and losses, a game with rewards and punishments.

"This guy——"

Shirou Emiya stretched out his hand and tore the vines that bound his feet directly. With a little smile on his face, he stomped on the ground and chased after Elquet.

And Elquet was afraid that Shirou Emiya would not catch up, so he slightly slowed down and turned back to go behind him.

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