At the same time, at the entrance of the playground.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for so long!"

Behind Kallen, Shirou Emiya made a very embarrassed sound.

"It's okay, I just arrived not long ago." Kallen shook her head slightly, after all, it wasn't the agreed time yet.

The time now is seven-fifteen.

Chapter 1,188 The beginning of dual-line operation (reset)

That's when——! ! ! !

Shirou Emiya's heart suddenly sank, he let go, stepped on the ground suddenly, turned into a phantom, passed Kallen not far away with a looming appearance, and galloped towards the amusement park as fast as possible.

"Did something rush past just now?"

Karen, who suddenly felt a strong gust of wind and almost dropped the beret on her head to the ground, made a confused sound.

"Feel sorry!"

Shirou Emiya held Arquette in his arms and apologized to him in his heart. The situation was really critical. If he didn't do this, he would be discovered!

Then, in a flash, he crossed the fence around the playground and landed firmly on the ground.

The emerald green attire on his body also disappeared.

"Uh! What did you just do!"

At this time, Erquette was a little dizzy while lying in Shirou Emiya's arms. Her face was as moist as a grape and she looked at Shirou Emiya. Her words were even a little confused. It seemed that she had completely changed from the physics just now. Pi recovered from the double mental shock.


Before Shirou Emiya could think of a reason to explain, Arquette looked away with a blushing face, her eyes a little deviated, and spoke out very shyly.

"Is this a gift?"


Silence is Cambridge tonight.

Shirou Emiya looked at the shy Arquette in his arms and didn't know what to say. In fact, the gift he prepared was a souvenir from the amusement park. It wasn't anything special, but————

"No, that's right, this is a gift!"

He looked at Arquette in his arms with a smile. How else could he explain the kiss just now? Shirou Emiya couldn't think of a reason.

"If this is the case, can I ask for it again?"

Erquette opened her hands, closed her eyes tightly, her face was blushing, like a flower in bud, a young girl in spring, looking forward to something coming.

At this time, the tourists in the amusement park also saw this scene and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Anyway, I’ve kissed him more than once!

Emiya Shirou gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, closed his eyes tightly, looked down, and kissed her gently.

"Ah sneeze!"

Matou Sakura, who was dressing up in the room, sneezed and looked at the green leaves floating from the courtyard and falling on her head with a puzzled expression.

"The wind is a bit strong today, should I wear more clothes?"

At the same time, in the amusement park, at the moment of the kiss, time seemed to have stopped. Arquette's heartbeat accelerated instantly, like a deer bumping in her chest, and Emiya Shirou's calm breath continued to surround her. Her nasal cavity made her intoxicated in the beautiful moment.

How she wished this moment could last forever.


Emiya Shirou raised his head while panting. It still took a lot of courage to kiss him.


At this time, Arquette, who was lying in Shirou Emiya's arms, smiled stupidly without knowing what he was thinking, and even hung his hands directly around Shirou Emiya's neck.

"Is this okay?"

Emiya Shirou asked softly, feeling as if his appearance betrayed him.


With a sweet smile on her lips, Arquette shyly answered Emiya Shirou's inquiry. She got down from his arms with some restraint and stood beside him with her head lowered.

If Arquette was as naughty as a child before, then Arquette now is as shy as a young girl.

At this time, she stretched out her tongue and kept licking her lips, as if she was savoring something.




It wasn't until Shirou Emiya called her name several times that Arquette came back to her senses. Then she quietly held Shirou Emiya's clothes and whispered softly: "We, where are we going now."

The words were filled with a girlish feeling.

I'm still used to your childish attitude before.

Shirou Emiya couldn't help but complain in his heart when he saw such a girly Arquette.

However, judging by time, I can't stay here for too long.

Emiya Shirou, the scumbag, thought like this. The princess-like Arquette was clearly beside him, but it turned out that Emiya Shirou was still thinking about another woman.

Even the BB on the phone was holding a doll of Emiya Shirou, picking up needles and piercing it one by one.

Then Shirou Emiya looked around slightly and found that the closest thing to him was the roller coaster.

"Let's go over there and queue up to buy tickets. I'll buy some drinks."


In this posture, Arquette was very obedient. He jumped to the end of the team and looked back at Shirou Emiya with some reluctance.

Emiya Shirou made an OK gesture, and disappeared from the spot the moment Arquette turned around.

The scene changed, and Shirou Emiya, wearing a red windbreaker, hurried to the entrance of the amusement park, and appeared behind Karen at lightning speed. He adjusted his breathing and said, "Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time!"

"I just arrived not long ago."

Hearing the familiar voice, Karen's originally cold expression was slightly moved, and then she spoke lightly.

The current time is 7:20

Kallen turned slightly, and the pure white hair scattered on her shoulders fluttered slightly, raising a refreshing fragrance that brushed across Shirou Emiya's nose.

At this time, Karen was not wearing the nun's clothes she used to go out, but a carefully dressed dress that Shirou Emiya had never seen before.

The girl wore a bright red beret on her head and a Japanese dress of the same bright red on her upper body. The color was as blazing as the morning sun, but it did not give people a feeling of passion. Instead, it contrasted with her pure white hair, making people feel a little cold and beautiful.

The neckline of the dress was tied with a black knot, and the lower body of the girl was a bright red pleated skirt, plus a pair of long black stockings, which looked extremely charming.

If the previous Kallen was like a strange nun, the current Kallen was like an ordinary student.

Such a scene made Shirou Emiya stunned for a moment.

"Mr. Scum? Can you please put away your obscene eyes?"

In an instant, Kallen's voice, as stern and mocking as always, came from in front of Shirou Emiya, making him come back to his senses.


Shirou Emiya apologized quickly, not noticing that Kallen's face was also full of blush at this time.

"Why don't we go in now? Although it's still early now, there are obviously more people."

Maybe it's because it's the weekend, or maybe it's because the newly developed commercial area has attracted many residents of Fuyuki City.

It's not even 7:30 yet, and now there is a scene of endless people at the entrance of the amusement park.

Karen nodded slightly to show her affirmation. Standing here waiting for someone, she had no idea how many times she had rejected other people's approaching.

"Shirou -" Karen tried the nicknames that other people gave to Shirou Emiya softly, but her face was slightly flushed, and even her voice became a little weak.

"What's wrong?"

Shirou Emiya, who was about to move forward, turned back with a puzzled look when he heard Karen's voice. He was very anxious now, very anxious to bring Karen in, but he couldn't show that much anxiety, he had to stay steady, and only by persisting could he win.

There were only two people now, but there were eight people in the final stage.

To be honest, Shirou Emiya didn't think he could complete such a difficult task at all.

Chapter 1189 Lao Da will definitely win! (Reset)

Karen stared at Shirou Emiya's pupils tightly, making him nervous. Did the matter with Elquet just now get exposed?

But Karen shouldn't be able to detect it!

Just as Shirou Emiya was thinking about it, Kallen stretched out her hand slightly, as if waiting for something.

However, Shirou Emiya's mind was now completely focused on other things, and he couldn't think of what Kallen was going to do now.


Looking at Shirou Emiya, who was full of doubts and indifferent, Kallen cursed softly, then stepped forward and leaned against Shirou Emiya, holding his thick palm tightly with the hand that smelled of disinfectant.

"Damn it! How could he be a fool? How is he better than me? He has thin arms and legs, and I can knock him down with one punch!"

At this time, the people who had approached Kallen before were gritting their teeth and staring at Kallen who was leaning on Shirou Emiya's shoulder, with their eyes wide open, as if they wanted to tear him apart.

"Brother, what do you say!"

The green-haired younger brother on the side spoke very respectfully.

"Of course--"

The muscular bad boss made a very handsome gesture of wiping his neck.

"It just so happens that the recent expenses are a bit high, so I'll get some from him."

The delinquent boss showed an evil smile, rubbing his hands together like flies, and looked at Shirou Emiya with a very hungry look.

This made the purple-haired younger brother on the other side full of doubts, always feeling that the boss was not interested in the white-haired girl, but the white-haired boy.


I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it!

His body trembled for a while, and he looked at the delinquent boss with fear, and then said respectfully: "Boss, how to do it specifically!"

"We do this, this, this, this, this!!"

The three of them began to discuss, and the plan began to take shape.

Perhaps because Shirou Emiya's main activity area is in the old capital, or because he has not been doing chivalrous activities for two years, or because Shirou Emiya's hair color has changed, the delinquents in Fuyuki City seem to have forgotten the fear of being dominated by a brown-red-haired boy.

"It will be a bit tricky if we are discovered by the security guards of the amusement park." The purple-haired bad boy pinched his chin and said softly.

"Will it work?"

"It will work, don't you see who I am!"

At this time, Shirou Emiya felt the coldness of Kallen's palm, tightly grasped her petite palm, passed on the warmth, and led her to the inside of the amusement park.

Kallen's face, which was leaning on Emiya Shirou's shoulder, had turned extremely red, but she was greedily sucking in the scent of Emiya Shirou's body.


Why does it smell like other women?

Kallen jumped up suddenly and stared at Shirou Emiya.

"What, what's wrong?"

Emiya Shirou didn't understand Karen's successive reactions at all. It seemed that he hadn't done enough homework.

Then Kallen's eyes began to slow down again, and she remembered that Emiya's house contained one (Mato Sakura), two (Tosaka Rin), three (Artoria), four (Jane), Five (Medusa), six (Elquit), seven (Fujimura Taiga), a total of seven women, it is understandable that they are tainted with the smell of other women.

But when she thought that she might never come to Fuyuki City again, Kallen's expression became a little gloomy again. When did she become so greedy?

As if sensing Kallen's emotional changes, Emiya Shirou gently pressed Kallen's forehead and comforted him: "Don't worry, there will be a solution. In the worst case, I will go and negotiate with the Holy Church."

He had already learned from Hiyer that Kallen was leaving Fuyuki City, and he also understood the emotions in Kallen's heart at this moment.

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