She saw it.

She saw her end.

I saw the end of a certain world in Mooncell's calculations.

It was a white-haired boy holding two guns, one black and one white.

His ideals were shattered.

His hands were stained with the blood of countless people.

Cold-blooded and ruthless, decisive in killing, like a pure killing machine.

Her whole body was filled with crazy emotions, and she slaughtered all her followers and everything she had without mercy.

Even if you distort your beliefs, even if you distort everything about yourself.

Crush everyone, including her, to death like ants.

That boring man who claims to be a righteous partner————

"This is the end of you, woman—"

Andersen stood beside Sesshōin Kiara and spoke slowly.

"What defeated me was not love or the savior, but————"


"This is a destined ending from the beginning. Partners of justice are always enemies of evil, right?"

Andersen spoke the last words for Sesshōin Kiara.

He also looked with great approval at the lonely man whose chest had been penetrated and no life breath remained in his body. In the flames of the red lotus, he raised the two guns in his hands.

Immediately, Sesshōin Kiara also closed her eyes, because she already knew her final fate and was unable to resist.

Among the countless swords that burst out from inside the body.

Under BB's fierce resistance.

On top of the surge of red lotus fire, her body gradually turned into ashes.

Emiya Shirou also fell heavily to the ground when he saw Sesshōin Kiara completely dead.


A heartbreaking roar came from somewhere in the space.

But Emiya Shirou could no longer hear it.

His eyes had been closed tightly, and his body had lost the strength to support him.

His consciousness has begun to sink, and his will has begun to collapse.

He was so tired that he felt that as long as he lay down gently, he would fall asleep forever.

Emiya Shirou sank to the bottom of the sea again. He seemed to have forgotten something, and it seemed that he would never forget anything.

They didn't understand why Shirou Emiya, who was already a corpse, could still stand up, but since he was still conscious, maybe he could be revived.

Then he ran frantically towards Shirou Emiya's position.

"Zi la——! Zhi la——!"

At the same time, somewhere in this place, space is shattering.

A door was tearing apart the space at an extremely terrifying speed, moving towards Shirou Emiya's position.

Even to the point of counting

Chapter 1,196 The Road of the Dead (Reconstruction)


After flipping over, Emiya Shirou landed firmly on the ground with Tohsaka Rin in his arms.

It's not okay to continue to pester him. The transformation won't last too long. If he ends the transformation directly in front of Kallen, his journey will be over.

Therefore, it is not only necessary to prevent Kallen and Tohsaka Rin from recognizing each other, but also to separate Tohsaka Rin and Kallen without letting their identities be exposed.


Very difficult!

Just by keeping Kallen from discovering him in the first place, all of Emiya Shirou's brain cells had been burned out.

Since you can't think of a countermeasure, let's use the simplest and crudest method.

"It's time to go!"

Emiya Shirou whispered softly into Tohsaka Rin's ear, and then directly picked her up like a princess without caring about the other person's answer.

"No!? Hey! Wait!"

In an instant, Emiya Shirou rushed directly into the crowd with a sprint of 100 meters, and then disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Everyone present looked at each other, and the parade continued as usual.

"Where have you been?"

Kallen muttered to herself, put the holy corpse cloth back on her clothes, followed her senses, and chased towards the position where Emiya Shirou had evacuated.

When Kallen left, among the crowd, Emiya Shirou put down Tohsaka Rin in his arms, and his clothes returned to their original appearance.

Once you enter the crowd, the breath blocking can be fully utilized.

I don’t know whether it was because of the aftereffects of the [dance] just now, or because of the princess’ hug just now, but after the mask dissipated, circles of blush appeared on Tohsaka Rin’s face.

"So the purpose of using your class card is to get back at me?" Tohsaka Rin turned his head to the side, looking very unhappy.

She felt like she had been led by Shirou Emiya just now and didn't know anything.

"Of course not, I just want to do my best to do this well."

"You guy! What words should I use to say good things to you?"

Tohsaka Rin held her forehead and sighed. She did not suspect Emiya Shirou of lying, nor did she feel that what just happened was very unexpected.

Because from Tohsaka Rin's perspective, Emiya Shirou was originally such a dull person.

"However, I quite like how serious you are."

Suddenly, Emiya Shirou could only hear a "whoosh" sound, and Tohsaka Rin came closer like lightning.

The whole person's cheeks felt hot, his ears felt hot, and then————


Before Shirou Emiya could understand what was happening, Rin Tosaka's lips gently pressed against Shirou Emiya's cheek.

“Although I’m tired, I’m really happy!”

Tohsaka Rin put his hands behind his back and stepped back with a face that was hot.

This made Shirou Emiya scratch his cheek in embarrassment.

Eight thirty————

Taking advantage of Tohsaka Rin's break, Emiya Shirou went to Ichiban Kallen and told him that he met a person wearing a skull mask. After solving him, he disappeared into smoke and immediately took her to In the playground’s built-in arcade.

Erquite Emiya Shirou found her at a shooting stall, and with her scolding voice, he took her to the maid cafe and tricked her into wearing a maid uniform.

While Arquette was still thinking about these things, he left the amusement park and quickly ran to the entrance of the zoo.

"Did something happen?"

Sajo Ayaka pushed her eyes, looked at Emiya Shirou who was sweating profusely and began to pant, and handed him a handkerchief.

"I should, I'm not late."

Emiya Shirou took the handkerchief handed over by Sajo Ayaka and calmed down his somewhat disturbed breath.

"If you count the time, you should have arrived at the right time."

Sajo Ayaka's tone was very calm, which also caused Emiya Shirou's breath to gradually become calmer.

She wears a white dress as lining, a blue dress with an open hood, a pair of very simple shorts, thick stockings, and a pair of brown boots on her feet. From her entire outfit, It looks very simple and casual, not too dressed up, but it is particularly suitable.

"How long are you going to watch?"

Sajo Ayaka pouted her mouth slightly, as if she was bothered by Emiya Shirou's staring eyes.

"Sorry, I accidentally became fascinated by it."

To be honest, Emiya Shirou had never observed them so seriously. On this [date], he had a deep understanding of the unique charm of each of them.

It would be nice if this so-called [date] was not on the same day.

It was obvious that Shirou Emiya couldn't help it.

"I'm actually curious, Shirou, why did you choose the zoo? Don't you usually take women to the amusement park?"

Walking in the zoo, Sajo Ayaka looked at Emiya Shirou next to her with a puzzled expression. She had never expected that the other party would send a message to invite her to the zoo.

"Actually, I don't know what your preferences are, Ayakashi, but I remembered that Ayakashi should often interact with animals, so I thought of taking you to the zoo."

"Although it is true that we often deal with animals, their endings are not good."

Sajo Ayaka said with a wry smile. She was using black magic, and the animals she dealt with were all going to be sacrificed. Nero Kaos was one of the animals she dealt with, so he had to be sacrificed. Clean.

"It always feels very hard."

"It's really hard work. If it wasn't for the purpose of restoring the glory of the family, how could I delve into such a difficult magic?"

Perhaps because she has never had anyone to talk to about magic, Sajo Ayaka complained directly to Emiya Shirou. Black magic is really difficult. Although the power after success is several times that of ordinary magic, no matter it is The prerequisites and the form of execution are too troublesome.

If she wasn't really talented as a magician, it would be extremely difficult to master this black magic.

"Have you never tried ordinary magic?"

"Actually, I know elemental transformation (Formalcraft), but when I think about that guy Tosaka's achievements in it, I feel that if I use this magic, I will be inferior to her."

Sajo Ayaka has already thought about how Rin Tosaka would laugh loudly at herself if she used Formalcraft in front of her.

After all, Tohsaka Rin is an "Average One" who has adaptability to all five elements (earth, water, fire, wind, and air). His talent in elemental transformation (Formalcraft) is naturally not comparable to that of Sajo Ayaka. of.

So Ayaka Sajo has always called element transformation (Formalcraft) an extremely stupid magic. On the one hand, it is the magic used by Tohsaka Rin. On the other hand, it is inferior to black magic to Ayaka Sajo. It's too simple.

Of course, it's not as simple as Tohsaka Rin using element transformation (Formalcraft).

When Luvia and Tohsaka Rin fight, most of the time Luvia will dominate Tohsaka Rin, while when Sajo Ayaka and Tohsaka Rin fight, most of the time Tohsaka Rin will dominate Sajo Ayaka.

However, while the two were talking, a golden figure made Shirou Emiya freeze in place.

Not far ahead, on the only way to the entrance of the zoo, there was a blond figure in casual clothes sitting on a chair, looking dignified and waiting for someone to arrive.

"Saber! So early?"

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