
Arthur was also very surprised to see that there was no damage on Shirou Shirou's body. Although he could continue to fight with the green-haired man, it showed that Shirou Shirou was not dead.

But such a tense battle made Arthur unable to think so much in a short time.

"What's going on?"

The girl was also very puzzled. How could a human being be able to move with a shot through the head!

But, was Shirou Shirou's head really shot through?

Shirou Shirou climbed up from the ground and looked in the direction of the arrow with a very serious expression.

On his head, the helmet began to break gradually. The girl in the deep forest could clearly see that there was a red mark on Shirou Shirou Shirou's forehead, which was caused by the extremely powerful impact of her arrow.

Seeing this, she bit her teeth in anger and aimed at Shirou Shirou's head again, intending to shoot again.

She didn't expect that her attack would be blocked like this, and only caused slight damage to the master.

When the arrow appeared, Emiya had no time to react, and he couldn't even make any moves.

When he saw that the arrow had reached his forehead, Emiya had only one thought in his mind.

"Block it!"

Almost in an instant, all the armor on Emiya's body except his head disappeared instantly.

At the same time, the armor on his head and face turned into a beast-like face.

Emiya could even feel that the moment the arrow touched his helmet, the power of [Devil Haunting] rushed to the point where it was hit.

At the cost of full body defense, [Devil Haunting] gained the power to resist such a terrifying blow.

Chapter 123 The Battle of Archers (revised)

"You won't have such good luck in the next attack!"

Saying so, the girl raised the bow in her hand again.

It was a Western bow that was longer than her height, painted black, and dotted with golden patterns.

The magic power accumulated on the bow and turned into wooden arrows one after another.

In just a breath, dozens of terrifying shots were easily fired by her.

For her, this was just an attack she could easily fire.

Facing a weak master, she didn't need to spend too much strength.

This is why she only shot one arrow at the beginning.

As a female hunter who is very good at hunting, if she can't kill with one shot, it is impossible to get the prey she needs.

And Shirou Emiya, this time is the prey in her eyes.

The wooden arrow mixed with emerald green cyclone once again cut through the air and shot towards Shirou Emiya's position.

The eyebrows, heart, limbs, all parts of Emiya's body were locked by her, and the extremely fast speed could only see a green light flashing under the moonlight.

"Found it!!!!"

With her second shot, Emiya also found her position in the vast darkness.

You know, compared to swordsmanship, Emiya is better at archery, and naturally, his vision can't be completely comparable to that of a Heroic Spirit.

But it's not much different. If he has been trained, he may be able to reach the Eagle Eyes of a Heroic Spirit.

"【Thousand Changes】!!"

Compared to the previous sneak attack, Emiya now has more time to react and deal with such a terrifying attack.

Although it may only take less than a second, it is enough for Emiya to deal with it.

The silk threads scattered around appeared in front of Emiya and condensed into a round shield the moment Emiya shouted.

The girl couldn't help but smile when she saw this. Such a defense could not withstand her attack at all.

But the next moment!

"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!"

A violent collision sound came from the shield, and even several wooden arrows penetrated the shield and got stuck in the shield, but none of them hit Shirou Emiya's body.

"Impossible! How could such a silk thread block such an attack!"

The girl was extremely unbelievable. She looked again and found that the shield made of silk thread had turned into an iron shield at some point.

And at the top of the iron shield was a head with the same armor as that on Shirou Emiya.

"Can that armor cover anything?"

The fact was indeed as the girl guessed. The shield made of silk thread in Shirou Emiya's hand was covered by [Devil's Haunting].

After [Devil's Haunting] gathered its power on Shirou Emiya's cheek to block such an attack, Shirou thought to himself.

No matter who the user of [Devil's Haunting] is, the armor created by [Devil's Haunting] can instantly adapt to his body shape. Doesn't that mean that as armor it has the ability to change its own form autonomously?

And the fact that it condenses power like flowing water and turns into a helmet further confirms this. If the person wearing [Devil's Haunting] is not a person, but an object, will it change into a form covering the object?

[Evil Spirit Haunting] itself cannot cover an object, because it has its own soul and consciousness. Just like other imperial tools, it will choose the user that best suits it.

They can't choose an object without any soul, and [Devil Haunting] can't possess an object.

However, Emiya's projection broke this match. The projected [Devil Haunting] has no consciousness of its own, nor does it have the ability to choose the imperial weapon user. All choices will depend on its creator, Emiya Shirou.

[Devil Haunting] without independent consciousness all moves in accordance with Emiya Shirou's will.

[Devil Haunting], which has the ability to possess and change its own form, actually covered the shield made of silk thread in his hand under Emiya's idea.

Because the defense area is reduced, the defense power of [Devil Haunting] also increases significantly. Coupled with the extremely hard silk thread, Emiya actually blocked the attack of such a rain of arrows.

Unlike the previous sneak attack, this time Emiya had less than a second of sufficient preparation time.

Only when magic power can be ignored can Emiya defend in this way.

Otherwise, just projecting [Devil Haunting] twice will drain his magic power.

Sufficient magic power means you can do whatever you want.jpg

"Damn it!"

This made the girl's eyebrows move suddenly, and her expression became extremely angry.

The prey actually dodged her attacks many times, how could she not be angry.

A large amount of magic power began to surge in her hands.

It seems that she is going to get serious.

But at the same time, she also saw that the master had a bow in his hand at some point, and on it was a sword with a chain.

"He found me, how is this possible?"

The girl didn't believe it at all. It was just a master, how could he find her position so quickly, but her movements did not stop at all.

The magic airflow like a whirlwind accumulated on her bow and arrow.

The entire arrow body was covered with emerald green magic power, turning it into a weapon with lethality comparable to that of a cannonball.


So, the arrow carrying the turbulent wind cut through the atmosphere and shot straight at Emiya who was also holding a bow.

That was an attack ten times stronger than the previous shot.

At the same time, a bow made of silk threads and covered with [Devil Haunting] appeared in Emiya's hand.

Ordinary bows simply could not have such power to shoot such a long distance.

Emiya did not even think of raising the shield in front of him, and continued to draw the bow and shoot at the girl's position.

Silk threads rose from the ground one after another, forming a shield in front of Emiya.


A very loud collision sounded on the shield.

"Didn't penetrate!?"

The expression on the girl's face could not be maintained at all.

This shot was ten times more powerful than the previous one, how could it not even penetrate the shield that was pierced before.

The possession of [Devil Haunting] has never stated that it cannot possess [Devil Haunting].

It's just that [Devil Haunting] is the only item in the Empire, but in the hands of Shirou Emiya, [Devil Haunting] is now a wholesale weapon. Although the quality of the two may be quite different.

But for [Devil Haunting] that can be stacked, quantity is more important than quality.

With sufficient magic power, Emiya covered a total of ten [Devil Haunting] on top of the shield in front of him that was covered by [Devil Haunting].

Because he had the experience of projecting five weapons instantly before.

So it was no problem for Emiya to project ten [Devil Haunting] in such a short time.

At the moment of blocking the attack, the two hands made of silk threads raised the bow in front of Emiya and aimed at the position of the girl.

The sword arrow with the chain also shot out like a meteor, but in terms of speed, it was very different from that of the girl.

I'm afraid that when the sword arrow arrived, she had already left the position where Shirou Emiya shot.

Such a slow sword arrow did not pose any threat to her at all.

Moreover, since it was not shot by Shirou Emiya himself, the accuracy would inevitably decrease. Even if she stood still without dodging, the attack might be difficult to hit.

The sword with the chain was fiercely inserted into the trunk of the branch where the girl was.

She did not dodge at all. As early as when Shirou Emiya shot that sword, she had already judged that this attack could not pose any threat to her.

The corner of the girl's mouth gave a disdainful smile. It was not that she looked down on this master. You know, being able to fight back and forth with the servants to this extent can be said to be a heroic existence.

She just disdained such archery skills. With such accurate shooting, it seems that she does not need to change her position frequently.

Leave request

Although, it feels that this is not a good thing.

But today, when I was walking in Xumi, I met an axe gang leader surrounded by three mushrooms. Then I started from 1 pm and worked all the way until 9 pm. Suddenly I remembered that I still had to write. (っ*′Д`)っ

I suddenly stopped what I was doing and opened Orange Gua to type. Suddenly, I felt a strong sense of sleepiness. After more than an hour of repeated efforts, I only wrote half a chapter.

It is not a good idea to continue at this snail's pace. I have to code until the morning. So I decided to take a day off today, but I will make up for today's four chapters tomorrow, so don't worry too much.

I should still have this credibility.

So there will be no update today, let me take a break. ┌|*′?`|┘

Chapter 124 Absolute Speed ​​and Defense (Edited)




From a distance, one after another huge tree fell in the forest.

Countless crashes sounded deafeningly in the depths of the forest.

Arthur's battle with the green-haired young man was no longer on the steps.

On the one hand, the hero holding the cross gun wanted to create a good shooting environment for the girl.

On the other hand, Arthur also had the intention of sending him away.

Although Arthur could fight him back and forth in battle, he could not catch up in terms of movement.

If he wanted to attack Shirou Emiya, Arthur would not have time to stop him unless he used the Command Seal.

Rather than worrying about him and that Archer joining forces to attack Shirou Emiya, it would be better to lure one of them away to prevent such a situation from happening.

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