It was just a mutual test, not a need for such lavish praise.

And Shirou Emiya began to observe the surroundings at this time.

He found that a figure that should have made him feel familiar was not here.

That was Astolfo. In fact, Emiya was not familiar with him, but compared with the other servants present, Emiya only knew one Astolfo.

But if we talk about it as a whole, there is actually one less group in the hall. The black Assassin group did not appear in the hall.

"There is nothing else for the time being."

Vlad III shook his head. In addition to Assassin who had lost contact, what they have to do now is to wait for Avisbron to complete his treasure, and then attack the red position in one fell swoop to win the Holy Grail War.

And instead of sending people to Britain to find Assassin, it is better to wait for the arrival of the black Assassin here.

The location of the Holy Grail War is here. Assassin, who has been given knowledge by the Holy Grail, cannot be unaware that he has to go to Romania to participate in the Holy Grail War.

So, just wait patiently, the barrier will inform the arrival of the servant.

Then you can meet him directly in Tulifas.

"Then Saber and I will go to rest first."

Emiya said to Vlad III very politely, and then turned around and left the hall with Arthur.

Arthur also nodded slightly to Vlad III, and then left with Shirou Emiya.

After all, after a night of fighting, there is always consumption and need to rest.

Of course, it does not mean that Emiya is exhausted after just this battle. In fact, Emiya is very energetic now. These are just wishful guesses of those masters.

They will not believe that they can defeat a servant without any consumption and without paying any price.

They only know that Emiya defeated Archer on the red side, but they don’t know how he defeated him.

There is only one familiar following Shirou Emiya and Arthur. They focus on watching the battle between servants and servants, and the battle between servants and masters.

No one thought that Emiya had the strength to defeat the red Archer. Instead of focusing on the battle without suspense, why not look for more weaknesses and information about Rider?

If they dared to bring their familiars close to the red Archer, they would definitely be shot down by her. Don't underestimate the Greek female hunters, and don't underestimate the servants of the Archer class.

They definitely have the ability to easily defeat the monitored familiars.

So they didn't dare to let the familiars get close to Archer.

It wasn't until the explosion sounded over there that the crows flying in the sky captured a glimpse of the red Archer's figure.

This also made some impressions on the black Archer.

It wasn't because he had seen the red Archer before, but her makeup made Archer, who was very familiar with Greek mythology, very familiar.

But the main reason for being able to judge her real name was his apprentice Hercules.

As a teacher, he always paid attention to the experience of his most outstanding apprentice, so he felt a sense of familiarity when he saw Archer for the first time.

They concluded that it must be a heroic spirit in Greek mythology, and then conducted an investigation, thus locking on Atalanta.

And it was precisely because Emiya was able to defeat the female hunter who was famous for her swift feet in Greek mythology that they were very afraid of Emiya.

A master with servant-level combat power, a first-class servant, and a loyal servant to the black side, these factors added up, no matter how afraid they were, it was not excessive.

"Don't be like some masters, who only nag their servants but can't produce any practical results."

After Shirou Emiya and Arthur left, the whole hall became tense again.

"What did you say!?"

The somewhat bloated blond man pointed angrily at the woman in front of him who was wearing slightly revealing clothes and glasses.

Obviously, the words just now came from her mouth.

"Am I wrong? Not only did you fail to win over Ruler, but you also exposed the real name of your servant. The many concealments you made yesterday were in vain."

The tall woman didn't care about the man's red and angry face at all.

She looked at him with a disdainful smile.

For example, the real name was exposed in the battle with the red Lancer last night. No matter what, it was impossible to hide it.

"I am very worried that a powerful servant like Saber will be delayed by an incompetent master?"

"Incompetent... incompetent master?"

He was stunned for a moment, and then anger rushed to his head again.

He pointed at the woman in front of him angrily and walked forward.

"How dare you say that I am an incompetent master?"

"Where is Rider? He can't even watch his own servant. Who can be considered an incompetent master!!!!"

"What's more, didn't the servant of that third-rate master also expose his real name?"

He was so angry that he immediately refuted.

The woman gritted her teeth and her face gradually became gloomy.

Indeed, she didn't know where her Rider was now. She had told him to gather in the hall in the morning, but now Rider didn't come at all.

"The King of Knights is already very well-known. You can tell his true name by looking at the sword in his hand. There is nothing to say about exposing his true name in this way. Besides, the King of Knights doesn't have any weaknesses that are easily targeted."

Indeed, King Arthur's servants are those who are extremely excellent in all abilities, with no obvious shortcomings, and there are no obvious weaknesses in the legend.

If we want to talk about weaknesses, maybe Mordred is one. According to the legend, there should be a special attack on King Arthur, which can be considered a troublesome thing.

But Mordred and King Arthur, characters who belong to the same legend, are just like the black Archer and the red Rider, they can basically be recognized as soon as they meet.

So it's impossible to blame the King of Knights like this.

But the slightly chubby man's servant was different.

"The red team can easily take care of your Saber now."

The tall woman continued to provoke his fragile nerves,

"No, it's not Master's fault, it's me————"

Before Saber could finish speaking, the man yelled loudly——

"Shut up! Saber, if you hadn't spoken without permission, how could I have been so humiliated!!

He seemed to be venting all his anger on his servants.

No one around the masters spoke for him, they thought in their hearts.

It's really stupid to treat your followers like this and order them not to communicate with each other.

Chapter 134 The boy in Rider’s room


"Oh, it hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"

The transferred Emiya collided with an unknown creature and fell directly to the ground.

"Ah, it's Arthur and Arthur's master!!"

Hearing the very familiar voice coming from the front, Emiya touched his bumped head in confusion.

Logically speaking, it should be impossible for me to hit someone when turning a corner. I have already experienced so many battles.

You should have a certain degree of awareness of the surrounding environment. How could you bump into the pink-haired person in front of you so easily?

Emiya was very puzzled, and neither was Arthur.

He thought his master knew there was someone around the corner, so he didn't alert Shirou Emiya out loud.

After all, they are allies and do not need to fight each other.

What's more, based on Arthur's understanding of Emiya, he clearly felt that Emiya had the same ability as a servant's mind, even if he didn't notice it.

He can react quickly, not to mention that even if Emiya Shirou doesn't react, Rider should be able to react, he is a Servant.

How could two people bump into each other?

Arthur was stunned for a moment, then quickly appeared from the air and helped Emiya up from the ground.

"Rider, why are you here? Why didn't you meet in the lobby?"

Emiya, who stood up, reached out to Astolfo who was lying on the ground, helped him up and asked him.

"Eh? Do you want to meet in the lobby? I seem to have forgotten!"

As if he remembered something, he placed one hand flat with the palm of his hand facing up, and made a fist with the other hand to knock on it.

"You forgot?"

Emiya Shirou showed an expression of disbelief that a servant's memory could be so bad.

Then he looked at Arthur aside.

"Master, this is probably the case with this Rider."

Arthur responded with an awkward yet polite smile.

He does know some history about Astolfo, who is probably most famous for his evaporation of reason.

"Thanks! I'll be there right away."

Astolfo patted Emiya Shirou on the shoulder to express his gratitude, and then trotted towards the hall.

It seemed that he had indeed forgotten this matter.

"Cough——! Cough——!"

And just when Shirou Emiya and Arthur walked past the door of the room where Astolfo had just left not long ago, they heard a violent cough from inside.

"Saber, did you hear that?"

Emiya Shirou stopped and asked Arthur beside him.

"It seems that there is a reason why Rider did not rush to the hall."

Arthur nodded. His hearing was far better than Shirou Emiya's. How could he not hear such an obvious cough?

Emiya Shirou stood at the door of the room and began to hesitate whether he should open the door or not.

Inquiring into other people's privacy like this is not what a righteous partner should do, nor is it what a righteous knight should do.

When Shirou Emiya was hesitating, Arthur was also hesitating whether to dissuade his master.

Astolfo doesn't look like a bad guy, and he probably won't do anything crazy.

"Cough——! Cough——!"

But there were two more violent coughs coming from inside.

"It's better to go in and take a look. With such a violent cough, the people inside must be very weak."

Emiya cast a questioning look at Arthur beside him. He still wanted to discuss it with Arthur before making a decision.

But Arthur had obviously gotten rid of his hesitation. It was just a small matter, and Arthur quickly understood his thoughts.

I saw Arthur put his hand on the handle and twisted it gently.


The door was pushed open gently.

“Rider, you’re so quick to reply—ahem—!”

Sitting on the bed was an extremely thin boy with brown hair and wearing clothes similar to a hospital gown.

"Cough——! Cough——!"

Looking at the two strangers who suddenly appeared, he began to cough violently, looking extremely frightened, and retreated towards the back edge of the bed.

"No, ahem-! Come here!"

Emiya and Arthur could see that the young man in front of them was extremely weak, and it was difficult to even complete a sentence.

"No, we don't have any ill intentions, why are you in Rider's room."

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