But what she didn't expect was that she was ruthless, and someone could be more ruthless than her!

The explosion of [Fantasy Collapse] was almost zero distance, and Emiya didn't even hesitate at all, as if he didn't care about his life at all.

In contrast, Astolfo was puzzled.

Shirou Emiya didn't care about his own life, but wanted to protect him.

Because Emiya stood in front of Astolfo.

Almost all the light arrows before the explosion of [Fantasy Collapse] pierced Shirou Emiya's body, and the explosion of [Fantasy Collapse] was basically eaten by Emiya.

Astolfo was only affected by the subsequent impact of the explosion and hit the wall in the distance.

This was nothing for the Servant.

What he suffered afterwards was the residual power of Arthur's Noble Phantasm.

If Astolfo was regarded as a living person, he would not have any doubts about what Shirou Emiya did.

He firmly believed that Shirou Emiya would become a great Heroic Spirit in the future, so he was not surprised at all by such a heroic act.

But he was just a Servant, an avatar that came down from the Throne of Heroes.

Even if he died in this Holy Grail War, he would not be injured at all.

It was just like participating in a game and losing, losing the qualification to participate, and there was no punishment for Astolfo.

But Shirou Emiya chose to save himself at the cost of his life.

What an unequal choice, saving an avatar that is dispensable with one's life, how ridiculous it is.

What's more, he and Shirou Emiya did not have a deep friendship, they were just strangers who exchanged a few words.

At least, Astolfo, who thought of himself as a hero, could not do such an act as Shirou Emiya to save an avatar at the cost of his life.

He thought it was a very stupid thing.

But Shirou Emiya did it. Even if he was a Servant, Shirou Emiya believed that its existence was above his own life.

This is a habit he cannot change.

Astolfo walked out of the ruins, a red light lit up from the edge, and a Hippogriff also landed in front of him.

Among the treasures like Atalanta, his mount did not suffer even the slightest damage.

This is Astolfo's treasure and his mount - [Hippogriff].

As the name suggests, the existence of the Hippogriff is very vague, and it is not even clear whether it exists or not.

Astolfo, the rider, is a substantial existence. Whenever the Hippogriff is about to disappear, the substantial rider will pull it back, and they cycle between disappearance and reappearance.

But Astolfo was not riding on the Hippogriff at that time. Although he could not use his ability to avoid Atalanta's attack, the Hippogriff could also make the awareness of "non-substantial existence" stronger by showing his own power.

Let yourself sublimate from this dimension, erase your own existence, so that the treasure cannot hurt you at all.

Although it was unable to prevent the Noble Phantasm from harming Shirou Emiya and Astolfo.

I can only say that I am very excited about the PY of the big brother.

I believe that all readers should have read this book.

I will not introduce it too much.

The PY of the big brother who has been recommended by the book, I am so excited that I can't help myself.

I was so excited that I immediately recommended a chapter to express my gratitude to the big brother.

As for how this novel is, of course, it is really necessary to read it in person. Although, most readers should, perhaps, possibly, probably, have read it and are following it.

I might as well put his book link here.

Readers who are interested and have not read it may wish to take a look.

Chapter 151 The second night, the end!


Accompanied by a buzzing sound, the emerald green magic began to surge around Achilles.

Achilles did not take Spartacus, who was about to explode, into consideration at all. In his eyes, there was only a strong desire to fight Arthur.

Even in the face of the rising pressure, his expression did not change from beginning to end.

Since Arthur did not dissipate, there was only one thing he had to do now.

Here, let the Knight King leave!

Now was the best time. Arthur had no ability to stop the release of the two servants' treasures under his attack.

Only a cracking sound could be heard on the ground, and a speed faster than thunder burst out from Achilles' body. Just like before, the green light rushed towards Arthur's position in a very standard straight line without any obstruction.

"The roar of the flawed beast!!"

As Spartacus' laughter ended, the red flames also swallowed his body like a huge mountain.

As if completely sunk to the bottom of the water, Spartacus suddenly became silent at the moment of the explosion.

It was as if his terrifying light did not exist.

But the silence only lasted for less than a second.


A wave of blazing heat, accompanied by a thunderous roar, billowing thick smoke like an overwhelming sandstorm, rose from the center of the town, accompanied by scarlet flames blooming voluptuously, like a bunch of enchanting and gorgeous red spider lilies, competing for beauty.

The shock wave generated by the violent explosion spread out from the center of the town like locusts. The collapsed houses were lifted up by the terrifying impact force, and the broken reinforced concrete fell like a meteor shower.

The fire filled the dark night in an instant. The whole town was as dazzling as the sun at the moment of Spartacus' explosion.

The red light also descended on the land that had become ashes.

The second night finally ended with the last bombing sound. The sun, through the clouds, slowly shone on the town that had become a ruin.

It also shone on a white flag that appeared from the west.

The one holding the flag was a blonde woman with extremely tenacious eyes.

In front of her, there was an extremely wide gully, which extended to the deep pit like a basin in front.

There were no buildings in the whole town. Everything turned to ashes in the explosion.

"What happened here?"

Joan of Arc did not expect to see such a scene. If she had not arrived late, perhaps the town would not have been destroyed.

She condemned herself in her heart.

On the plain far away from the town, a battle between servants was also taking place. Both battles were going on at the same time. Joan of Arc was too busy to rush over from that battlefield.

Even with such an unavoidable reason, Joan of Arc still felt very guilty. She knelt down, clasped her hands together, faced the ruins, faced the entire battlefield, and began to pray.

The scene changed.

In the plain far away from this town, countless black steel spikes rose from the ground, and the gravel and pits were so dense that they could not be counted clearly that they were all over the area.

And the grass on the entire plain seemed to be swallowed by fierce flames, and it was charred under the sun.

At this time, Vlad III stood on the steel spikes rising from the ground, looking at the direction of the rising sun in the distance with a very solemn look.

The black Saber standing behind him also stuck her sword into the ground with a tired look on her face, breathing heavily.

Vlad III sent Rider, who had a mount, and Archer, who could provide remote support, to support the Knight King as quickly as possible.

He and Saber arrived later and blocked Berserker's retreat to ensure that Caster would change his contract.

Although the red team was farther away from the town where Shirou Emiya was located than the black team, Achilles and Atalanta were the two fastest Heroic Spirits in Greek mythology, and they arrived at the same time as Archer and Rider of the black team.

After the previous battle between Shirou Emiya, Arthur, Achilles, and Atalanta, the master of the red team Assassin naturally could not send only two servants to support Mordred.

Lancer of the red team naturally went together, and naturally, Saber, Caster, and Lancer of the black team met Lancer of the red team.

In this plain, the three servants started fighting.

As for Caster, he knew that he could not participate in such a fight, so he took on the responsibility of protecting the black master.

Jeanne, who hurried over from the red camp, was the first to encounter this fierce battle. The extremely terrifying battle between the three servants forced Jeanne to stop.


A cry of an unknown creature came from the sky from afar. Danic, who was riding a horse behind Vlad III, looked in the direction of the sound.

Astolfo was covered with dust all over his body, holding the dying Shirou Emiya in front of Vlad III.

"Rider, where is the Knight King?"

Vlad III looked at Shirou Emiya who had completely fallen into a coma and asked Astolfo.

"No, I don't know, but can you treat Emiya first?"

Astolfo shook his head and looked at Danic beside him.

He didn't want Shirou Emiya to die in his hands because of this, as he would feel extremely guilty.

After dodging Atalanta's treasure with Shirou Emiya, Astolfo didn't hesitate at all. He rode his mount and left the town at the fastest speed. At this time, he only wanted to save Shirou Emiya, who was still breathing.

Then he saw a terrifying explosion flashing in the town and a red light falling from the sky.

The powerful impact almost made him lose his grip on Shirou Emiya. Astolfo resisted his curiosity to find out what happened.

He immediately rushed to the position of Vlad III.

Red side - Berserker and Archer left the stage.

Black side - Assassin left the black side.

Arthur - life or death unknown.

Chapter 152 Arthur's whereabouts

"You woke up!"

Just as Shirou Emiya opened his eyes, an extremely anxious voice came from beside Shirou Emiya.

Emiya also looked in the direction of the voice, and a head of pink hair filled Emiya's eyes.


Emiya asked.

"Lie down first, your injuries————?"

Astolfo saw that Emiya wanted to sit up from the bed, and quickly pressed Emiya Shirou to make him lie down again.

Although he had been treated by the self-healing magic, the injuries on his body were too serious. According to Caster's certification, he still needed at least a month of recuperation.

But Emiya's current spirit and energy were not like the spirit and energy of a person who had been seriously injured and finally recovered.

Astolfo touched Emiya Shirou's body, and his eyes revealed a complete confusion of incomprehension.


Before he could even utter the word "what", Astolfo directly lifted the quilt covering Emiya Shirou and stared at the extremely strong and perfect muscles on Emiya's body.

"How did you recover so quickly!"

Astolfo asked with a very surprised look while carefully examining Emiya Shirou's muscles.

He is just a magician, not a magic creature, a dead apostle, a spirit or a servant. How could he recover from such a serious injury in such a short time?

"Maybe it's because of my special physique!"

Emiya touched his head with a smile, and did not explain to Astolfo why he could recover so quickly.

After all, even now, there are still familiars in his room who are responsible for monitoring him. He can't tell others what is in his body.

This will only make others covet it.

Emiya felt the warm current coming from his abdomen. He couldn't help but let out a bitter smile.

If it weren't for the thing in his body that the light ball said, perhaps he would have died countless times.

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