Astolfo could not help but admire. You know, in his eyes, the broken wooden bow in Emiya's hand had a range of only 20m at most, and it was amazing that Emiya increased it to a range of 100 meters.

Now he was able to penetrate the tree with such an unstoppable attitude, which was simply impossible.

And Emiya felt that his body suddenly became weak, staggered, and half-knelt on the ground.


Astolfo hurriedly trotted over to help the fallen Emiya.

But a broad hand was already stretched out in front of Emiya.

"Thank you!"

Emiya put his arm in front of him, stood up tremblingly, and looked at the person next to him.

It was the black Archer with brown hair and looked gentle and elegant.

Even though Shirou Emiya had a very good physical fitness, he could not bear such endless draining of his body.

You have to know that Emiya has been standing under the sun, never stopping, shooting arrows non-stop, shooting 100 arrows in an average of one minute. If it weren't for his excellent physical fitness and the high endurance of his body due to countless battles.

Emiya's body simply cannot support such high-power training.

The appearance of that voice also made Emiya come out of the state of confinement, and he also noticed the weakness coming from his body and his numb arms.

The bow also turned into star spots and shattered in the air in front of everyone's eyes.

Emiya didn't know what was in his mind, but he projected a bow that he had repaired after using it.

And he projected its broken state.

And those artificial people in the corridor didn't know why they shed tears and left here very satisfied.

You have to know that they went through the whole process from the time when Shirou Emiya could only shoot 40,50m at first, to the time when he could shoot more than 100m but couldn't hit the target, to the time when he could accurately hit the target, and finally to the time when he could shoot his arrows through the target one by one.

Everyone present was deeply attracted by such a persistent figure. No matter where you go, never giving up such a noble quality is one of the most touching qualities.

After all, this is a quality that everyone wants to have in their hearts, but often can't do.

Astolfo also rushed to Shirou Emiya's side and supported him.

"I'm sorry--!"

Looking at the people circling in the corridor, Shirou Emiya knew that he might have caused trouble again, and apologized to the two servants around him.

"Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!"

And at this moment. Applause also came from the depths of the corridor, and Vlad III and Danik gradually emerged from the shadows.

Almost all the masters, servants, and androids came here. Danic and Vlad III could not just sit there and watch. Instead, they came here together and watched.

"You will definitely become a Heroic Spirit in the future, the Master of the Knight King!"

Vlad III gave Shirou Emiya a very high evaluation and praised people like Shirou Emiya from the bottom of his heart.

The Heroic Spirits present also nodded in affirmation. Such a person, such a quality, even in their own era, Shirou Emiya is an extremely dazzling existence.

"Thank you, Rider, Archer, and Archer's Master!"

Archer and Astolfo helped him into his room, and Fiore also pushed the wheelchair in.

Astolfo and Archer were just servants, and they did not have the ability to detect Shirou Emiya's physical condition.

"Just call me Fiore."

Fiore said, putting one hand on Shirou Emiya's wrist and began to check his physical condition.

Although she is not a doctor, the use of magic is very wide, at least this little thing can be done with magic.

"How is it?"

Astolfo asked, after all, Emiya was also the one who saved his life, and Shirou Emiya had been seriously injured before, so he was naturally very worried.

"You only opened 8 magic circuits?"

Fiore did not answer Astolfo's question, but asked Shirou Emiya directly.

Shirou Emiya nodded in great confusion. He had always opened one magic circuit, and then he learned the breathing method in Demon Slayer and automatically opened three magic circuits. Later, because of the opening of the stripes, he opened four magic circuits without knowing it.

However, Shirou Emiya did not know how many magic circuits he had in his body. He thought that the magic circuits of the magician were gradually opened according to the strength, so he did not pay too much attention.

"There is nothing wrong with Emiya's body, but I want to ask my uncle something."

Fiore's wheelchair moved automatically and left Shirou Emiya's bedroom.

She went to ask Danic if she could open the remaining magic circuits for Emiya. After all, after opening more magic circuits, Emiya can carry more magic power at one time, and the magic he uses should be more powerful.

But he is not a magician of the Yugdomirenia clan, so this matter still needs Danic to make a decision.

And Astolfo also felt relieved when he heard that Shirou Emiya was not seriously ill.

After seeing Emiya lying on the bed, Astolfo and Archer were also ready to leave.

Chapter 155 The Holy Grail War, the third night is coming!

"Archer, can you guide me later?"

Emiya wanted to enter that mysterious feeling again.

It took Shirou Emiya 4 hours to shoot accurately on the tree trunk, but Black Archer only needed one sentence to make Emiya's shooting penetrate the tree trunk directly.

The difference in efficiency can be said to be a world of difference. Emiya wants to become stronger, and he wants to become stronger urgently.

He doesn't want to be Saber's hind legs again. Saber must protect the object.

"It's my honor, the Knight King's Master!"

Without anyone noticing, Archer's eyes revealed a surge of excitement as a teacher.

He didn't expect that after becoming a servant, he could also teach disciples in the world, and it was such a talented disciple.

And Emiya just stayed in bed for a while, probably recovered, so he sat up again and walked towards the courtyard.

Night will come soon, and Emiya wants to race against time to improve his strength.

He also saw Siegfried standing in the courtyard, thinking about something, so he walked over.

After Siegfried's real name was exposed, his master did not restrict his actions too much, and allowed him to communicate with other servants.

After all, the red side has completely known his real name, and there is no point in him continuing to hide it. It can't be to prevent teammates from backstabbing.

So Siegfried can rarely move freely in the castle.

"Master of the Knight King, aren't you going to rest?"

Seeing the appearance of Shirou Emiya, Siegfried was also very surprised, even though Astolfo and Archer had just carried Emiya into the room.

"I have recovered, and the Holy Grail War is not over yet. I need to continue training myself."

Siegfried admired Emiya's spirit, without any persuasion, just nodded.

"Maybe I can let Black Saber guide me"

Emiya thought to himself, and suddenly rejected this decision immediately.

He suddenly remembered that he should have a quicker way than asking Siegfried to teach him.

Arthur couldn't project the sword in his hand, so he asked him to train him before, but the black Saber in front of him might be different, and he should be able to analyze and project it.

"Um, Saber, can you take out your sword for a moment?"

And Siegfried would certainly not refuse Emiya's request, not to mention that he would not refuse anyone's request.

"Projection begins, identify the concept of creation, imagine the basic framework, copy the composition material, imitate the production technology, empathize the growth experience, and reproduce the accumulated years——————————! Uh————!"

Emiya only felt an extremely severe pain coming from the depths of his brain, and the pain seemed to come from his soul.

The weapon projected in his hand also shattered the moment it appeared.

"Master of the Knight King!"

Siegfried looked at Shirou Emiya who was covering his head with his hands very nervously. He wanted to go forward to help, but he didn't know how to help, and his eyes were full of worry.

This pain came from a deeper place. It was impossible for him to face Esdeath in his prime with one arm and almost kill him at the cost of his life force.

Under normal circumstances, even if the markings were activated, he could not break through Esdeath's time and space freeze.

It was just raising the body temperature. How could he easily resist the cold that froze time and space like that?

Shirou Emiya used his own roots and the damage to his soul as the price to make the markings burst out with the power of the sun, which enabled him to move in the frozen time.

And the damage to the soul at the root was something that Avalon could not heal. To be precise, it was because Shirou Emiya was not the real master of Avalon, so he could not use it to heal his own injuries.

After Shirou Emiya rested on that island, the projection did not produce any additional pain.

Emiya thought that the hidden injury had recovered, but he never thought that such an injury had penetrated into its root.

So much so that when he projected a new weapon after analysis, he would feel extremely terrible pain that affected his judgment.

But it seems that it will not have any effect on the projection weapon that Emiya has already mastered.

"It's okay--!"

Emiya gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, and endured this pain from the soul--"All done!"

A trace of blood spurted out of Shirou Emiya's mouth, and a sword exactly the same as the one in Siegfried's hand also appeared in Shirou Emiya's hand.

"This is--the treasure!"

Siegfried could feel that the sword in Shirou Emiya's hand could release his own treasure. Although the power may have decreased a lot, it was enough to make Siegfried feel extremely shocked.

This is not something that a magician can do. The reason why magicians are called magicians is that what they can do can also be done by modern technology.

But projecting a treasure is something that a so-called magician can't do at all.

I'm afraid that compared to Shirou Emiya's magic costume, his magic is more shocking.

"Master of the Knight King, are you okay!"

Siegfried quickly helped up Shirou Emiya who was about to fall, his eyes full of worry.

To be able to project a treasure, it must have cost a lot.

"It's okay, just, my head hurts a little."

Emiya inserted the sword in his hand into the ground and stood up with great difficulty.

He thought that in addition to the severe pain, there would be more serious side effects, but he didn't expect that just by completely analyzing the treasure and projecting it, his body would be as hollowed out and extremely weak.

All the magic circuits were wailing to him.


Shirou Emiya let out a long breath and began to digest the skills contained in his hands. Only what belongs to him is the best.

Rather than using the skills with the projection weapon, Emiya hopes that he can master it and can also use it when the projection weapon is not used.

Because such projection weapons will inevitably hurt people.

Emiya doesn't want innocent people to be hurt by him. He hopes to use his reverse blade to knock down the enemy instead of killing him.

After thanking Siegfried, Emiya went to find Archer and started training.

Night fell quietly.

In the town opposite to the Black side, a courtyard floated up from the ground. The huge island even blocked the moonlight, making it dark underneath.

Countless creatures with skeletons like dragon teeth appeared from the ground and headed towards the castle of the Yugdomirenia clan.

"Are you ready?"

The priest asked Achilles and Karna who were standing at the edge of the courtyard.

"I will definitely ask the Black side for revenge for my elder sister!!!!"

Achilles' eyes showed a blazing flame, and unparalleled green magic burst out from his body. The whole person turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the courtyard.

The third night of the Holy Grail War begins!!! ! ! ! !

Chapter 156 Kotomine Shiro


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