He himself is a being with an extremely weak perception of human happiness.

Emiya once again looked directly into Kotomine Shiro's eyes.

"I will not refute your wish, because I don't know whether the world will become a better place without evil, and whether human beings will really become happy."

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if human beings eliminate evil and they are no longer human beings? If evil is eliminated and human beings die directly, what will you do? No one has ever achieved this. How can you be sure that human beings have eliminated evil? Will you be happy?"

If Kotomine Shiro eliminates evil, human beings become happy and everything becomes better in the end. If he fails, after the evil of human beings is eliminated, human beings will no longer be human beings.

Will Emiya Shirou regret that he didn't stop him?

Maybe salvation brings destruction, but there is nothing wrong with salvation itself.

Emiya Shirou would not think that there was anything wrong with Kotomine Shirou's wish. His starting point had always been justice. However, Emiya Shirou could not risk the future of all mankind because of his wish. Emiya Shirou could not do it.

What's more, as of now, Emiya Shirou does not think that humanity has reached a point where it needs to be saved.

"I don't think your wish can't come true, but I just can't risk the future of mankind on it!"

A sword made of chains immediately appeared in Emiya's hand.

"Then we are enemies now!"

Kotomine Shiro's voice began to sound a little sad.

His eyes also became full of brilliance.

As soon as the words fell.


With a roar, the whole room began to shake.


It was not just this room that was shaking, but the entire city of Myrenia.

"This is…"

Emiya Shirou's eyes narrowed slightly.

Kotomine Shiro spread his hands and said with a smile.

“That’s enough for the small talk.”

"It's time to begin."

"The real Holy Grail War."

Chapter 158 The Courtyard Suspended in the Air


After Kotomine Shiro finished speaking, his whole figure changed and disappeared into the room. A sound that seemed like something was breaking came from Emiya Shirou's ears.

A bone-deep cold climbed up Shirou Emiya's spine, and the cold sweat on his forehead reminded him crazily of what horrific things would happen next.


The trembling sound in the air resounded in Emiya's ears.

"[Haunted by Evil Ghosts][Ever-Changing]!!!"

At the last moment when Shirou Emiya shouted out his words, an extremely bright light surged from the window in front of Emiya in almost an instant, and the terrifying energy was like the sea, completely destroying Emiya's room. Devour.

Emiya could feel the extremely terrifying magic power contained in this beam of light.

The oppressive power contained in it far exceeded the Atalanta's Noble Phantasm that Emiya had faced before.

Under such a terrifying beam of light, there was no chance for Emiya to escape.

A shield appeared in front of Emiya Shirou the moment the beam was about to touch his body.

The terrifying torrent carried great impact and knocked Emiya to the ground.

All that could be heard was the sound of violent friction coming from behind Emiya.

The shield condensed in front of Emiya also melted at an extremely terrifying speed, and chain swords appeared one after another behind the shield, covering it at an extremely terrifying speed.

The massive consumption of magic power even caused Emiya's Shenzhou to burst into a dazzling blue halo.

This is a manifestation of not remembering the magic power loss at all and letting it leak out.

Emiya Shirou was currently using his magic power extremely wastefully.

But he obviously couldn't care less.

This beam has a power that far exceeds A-level, and has already reached the ex-level beyond the specifications.

Even those with the highest level of anti-magic power would be instantly burned to ashes under this terrifying magic beam.

Not to mention seconds, in less than a second, the shield composed of the ten [Evil Hauntings] in front of Emiya was reduced to only one layer. He could not withstand such an extremely powerful attack. beam.

Under this terrifying torrent, it seemed that all actions were in vain, and the terrifying light devoured Emiya Shirou without any mercy.

Emiya could only watch helplessly as the colorful light appeared in front of him.

A terrifying feeling of heat surrounded Shirou Emiya in an instant.


There was a sound like a power outage, and the terrifying light beam disappeared instantly, leaving only scorched marks on the ground, and Shirou Emiya, who was bathed in blood and whose armor was damaged.

Shirou Emiya once again projected [Haunted by Evil Spirits] and looked along the position where the beam was emitted.

It's not because the beam's attack has ended, or because its magic power supply is insufficient.


Emiya Shirou half-knelt on the ground in extreme exhaustion.

A huge aerial garden was suspended in the sky in the distance, bathed in the bright moonlight. The huge black shadow even made it difficult for Emiya to see the moon behind it.

Huge magic arrays suddenly unfolded on the sides of the aerial garden, turning into forts.

And on the side of the aerial courtyard, a golden light pillar turned into a torrent with overwhelming force and collided with the magic beam it shot in the air.

The terrifying airflow burst out from it, and all the trees around collapsed under the explosive gas generated by their collision.

The shocking aftermath even made Emiya feel his body suddenly sink.

This was just a confrontation between two beams of light thousands of meters away, but it already had such momentum.

Emiya felt a sweetness gushing out of his throat, and he forced himself to hold it back and stood up.

There was nothing left around him except the scorching land.

Tables, beds, rooms, corridors, castles, or the maids and butlers walking in the castle, everything turned into ashes in this beam of light and dissipated in the air.

Half of the entire castle of the Yugdomirenia clan was razed to the ground under such an attack.

And the remaining guards in the castle were almost all affected by this terrifying aftermath. The powerful impact shook them away, fell to the ground, and hit the wall on the side.

The entire Yugdomirenian clan fell into chaos, with countless injured people sitting on the ground, letting the blood flow out of their bodies, not caring about their lives at all.

Because of the withdrawal of Archer and Berserker of the Red Side, the inexplicable extra Servant of the Black Side, and a Master who seriously injured Archer, the Red Side did not choose to break into the Black Side directly from their own side without any cover-up.

Instead, they chose to hide it through magic, quietly approached, and launched a fatal attack.

Although the barrier directly covering Tulifas was large, it only had the function of monitoring and exploration. It was destroyed by Shiro Kotomine and Caster of the Red Side on the second night.

It destroyed the Black Side's all-round monitoring of its own territory.

And it launched an attack at the time when the Black Side had not repaired the large barrier.

Although Vlad III had long expected that the Red Side would choose to attack when the overall monitoring function of the Red Side failed, he was also fully prepared.

As early as outside the castle of the Yugdomirenia clan, Caster used a barrier to hide a group of puppets and androids, ready to surround them at any time.

They are not as powerful as the Heroic Spirits, but they also have their own value.

But Vlad III did not expect that the Red side actually had such a terrifying killing weapon.

With just one strike, the defensive barrier set by Caster outside the castle of the Yugdomirenia clan was broken.

The Red side did not intend to defeat the Black side's servants with such a strike, but disrupting the Black side's pace was enough!

"You stepped into my territory without permission, and even killed all my people like this!"

Shirou Emiya saw that under the moonlight, Vlad III covered his face and laughed involuntarily while sitting on his horse.

That smile was like a devil, dark and scary.

"My warriors, my brave men, the invaders have already stepped into our proud land. There is only one thing you need to do!!!"

Vlad raised his gun high and pointed at the floating garden in front of him with an extremely angry expression.

The puppets and androids hiding in the woods also appeared, holding their weapons, fearlessly looking at the sky garden that destroyed their positions with just one blow.

"Destroy all the invaders!!!"

As if to respond to Vlad III's attack.

The sky garden also sprinkled countless sharp teeth very quickly.

The moment those teeth fell to the ground, they immediately turned into skeleton soldiers like trees taking root and sprouting, holding bone swords, and crawled out of the ground with a "crackling" sound.

Chapter 159 The red-haired boy rescued on the battlefield (modified)

After the black side's position was destroyed, the entire area where the Yugdomrenia clan was located turned into a battlefield.

The Master cannot stay in the castle safely, and the Servants can only carry the Master to fight the Red Team on the battlefield.

Countless units summoned by the Sky Garden marched towards the castle of the Yogdomirenia clan at a very fast speed, and joined Vlad III and the Black Team's servants. The war was extremely intense.

But the Red Team did not intend to confront the Black Team head-on.

Along with the surging of the surrounding forest, countless bone-like soldiers appeared around the castle of the Yogdomirenia clan.

They have surrounded them all.

This is the unit summoned by the Sky Garden - the Dragon Tooth Soldiers.

It is a monster born with dragon teeth as the material.

It looks like a skull made of bones, and even the weapons in its hands are made of bones. It is a low-level monster that can be killed by ordinary magicians at will.

But the existence of this kind of monster has never relied on its own powerful quality, but the number that makes people despair.

Emiya struggled to resist the endless attacks of the Dragon Fang Soldiers. He was looking for something.

He looked extremely anxious, and his armor seemed to have been damaged for a long time.

In the distance, the fight between the Heroic Spirits continued, and the terrifying sound of breaking through the air came from afar.

The ground also shook continuously as if in fear.

In such a complicated battlefield, no servant cared about such a weak person.

Just like no one cared about the artificial people fighting bloody battles on the battlefield.

The black side doesn't care about their death, and the red side doesn't care about the enemy's dead troops.

But there is one person who cares about this very much.


The sharp bone sword pierced into Shirou Emiya's armor again, and blood gushed out from Shirou Emiya's back.

Even [Devil Haunting] couldn't remain intact under the endless continuous attack of the Dragon Fang Soldiers.

But even so, Emiya still gritted his teeth and kept looking for something on the battlefield.

It was a figure of a red-haired boy like a flame, dragging his tired and broken body, and feeling happy from the bottom of his heart because he found someone who was still alive.

He looked so happy that it seemed as if the person who was saved was not me, but himself.

A certain android fell in a pool of blood, staring at the red-haired boy who suddenly appeared with his eyes blank.

"It's great to find you."

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