PS: Thank you Ye Fan 12138 for rewarding 588 VIP points, thank you Unlucky Ouhuang for rewarding 100 VIP points, and thank you Flame Demon Hall for rewarding 100 VIP points

Even in the army, every unit has competition, and soldiers are also people, which does not want a strong combat power in their ranks.

However, no one at the scene responded to him.

The counselor couldn’t help but joke at this time: “Awakened students don’t worry, they won’t pull you to dissect like in the novel, now you are a cherished animal, and the ticket in the zoo can surpass the kind of panda, now looking at Ji Feng’s classmates, his eyes have become higher and he has rejected the flowers.” ”

Ji Feng suddenly turned red and touched the back of his head, and the classmates also laughed involuntarily, and the tension that permeated the air suddenly dissipated a lot.

Check in? Jiang Feng decisively dismissed the exposed identity, his own group was too weird, even if the conditions given by the officer in front of him were so rich.

Monster meat has to be said to be very tempting, but the group’s quests are more rewarded, and he really has little time to join the army.

If he were an ordinary awakened person, he would definitely be hugging the army’s thighs, but the system needs to constantly complete tasks to gain stronger strength, and fish and bear’s paw cannot be both.

As if the lieutenant had already guessed this result, he took out a stack of business cards from his pocket: “Dear students, if you or someone around you awakens and wants to join the army, you can call me at any time, and the treatment is favorable.” ”


A black line appeared on the foreheads of the classmates, which is definitely not a job posting?

However, it also makes everyone thoroughly aware of the state’s vigorous recruitment of awakened people, and perhaps this can also make some hidden natural awakeners want to JavaScript: SkipTo(624294,11,2,1); Move.

“If it’s okay, I’ll leave first.” The lieutenant handed the business card in his hand to the counselor.

“Then you go and get busy, I’ll send the business card.” The counselor was in a very good mood, and there was a peak in the class, which was enough for him, the counselor, to climb a few more steps.

In a few years, perhaps there will be more and more awakened people, but now the natural awakened people are like cherishing animals, and the results of growing up a few years earlier are different.

Ji Feng, who was full of spring breeze, sat back next to Jiang Feng, and looked to the side in the envious eyes of everyone: “Hehe, Shui Feng, how is the brother doing?” ”

“Handsome, cool.” Jiang Feng gave the highest evaluation.

“I think so too.” Ji Feng raised an eyebrow.

“Your dyeing shop is open.” Jiang Feng was speechless: “By the way, what is the level of your fire system ability?” Can you burn a car? ”

Ji Feng looked embarrassed: “Brother, I have already consumed all the energy in my body just now, you think that I can be every second when I just awaken.” ”

Well, Jiang Feng realized how simple his space moved, just like picking it up for nothing.

While chatting, a row of girls behind them, regardless of the counselor who was handing out business cards, directly squeezed their small heads to Ji Feng’s side and chattered.

Jiang Feng, who was squeezed away, moved a chair to the left very tacitly, hey, I just saw a licking dog in the morning, and now there are several at once, I’m afraid it’s the last nothing.


A clicking sound sounded from outside the window.

At first, everyone in the class thought that it was construction or something, but it became more and more dense, and everyone heard the abnormality, this is a gunshot?


The glass on the window facing the outside was hummed by the shock wave, and the teaching building shook slightly.

Boom! The classroom door was kicked open, and a soldier with a submachine gun in his hand shouted anxiously: “Quick! Get out of here! A wormhole appeared in the square! Fast! ”

The counselor also reacted instantly, he felt his scalp numb, and his face changed drastically, he hurriedly beckoned: “Everyone line up and evacuate!” Follow the soldiers, Ji Feng, you take the lead and follow, everyone don’t mess! ”

For a while, the panicked crowd quieted down a little, although Ji Feng was only a newly awakened ability, but that amount was enough to restore a little order to everyone, but what calmed them down more was that the soldier pulled the safety bolt of the gun.

The crisp sound of metal clashing did calm many people, and this soldier was also helpless, there was a natural awakener who had joined the army, and if they were not well protected, they would be unlucky.

Everyone came out one by one, and outside the corridor, many soldiers were already beckoning and leading everyone to trot towards the stairs, and the muzzles of the guns were aimed at everyone.

The lieutenant who had just left stood at the entrance of the stairs with a grim face and watched the retreating crowd, at this time, if he was not strong, once a trampling occurred, then there would definitely be more people killed than monsters by then.

Outside the square, the gunfire became denser, even mixed with the cracking of glass shattered.

There are at least more than a thousand students in a teaching building, and it is impossible to leave at once, but as a senior teaching building, it happened to be on the second floor, and Jiang Feng rushed out as soon as possible.

Jiang Feng also saw for the first time that there was a space-rotating wormhole in the square a hundred meters away in the distance, several monster corpses fell to the ground, red blood flowed all over the place, and even there were several large pits on the ground on the side of the road, and the scorched ground could vaguely see the stump of several soldiers in military uniforms.

Near the teaching building, dozens of soldiers hid in various bunkers, pulled the trigger and aimed at the monster that had just jumped out.

Bullet casings flew wildly from the chamber, flying warheads hit the walls everywhere, and the soldiers’ bloodshot eyes were wet with sweat, but they would not even blink at this time.


Another monster drilled out, the skin of the monster shaped like a rhinoceros was bright red, and the tip of the nose was splashed.

The bullet hit the opponent’s skin and sent countless sparks, not even a single damage was done.

“Let’s go! Take them away! The lieutenant who came down together hurriedly pulled out the pistol in his hand and pulled the trigger on the pupil of the monster’s eye, but the opponent’s fist-sized red eyes pulled down a translucent film and directly blocked all bullets.

Jiang Feng also saw all this in his eyes, and the first direct attack on the monster made him extremely shocked, and this light weapon did not harm it at all.

This is the monster, the monster that shocks the army!

As if a gun had angered the monster, the seven-meter-long body rushed towards it like a heavy tank, and the ground shook.

The huge body was very slow, but every step gave everyone a huge suppression.

Students suddenly collapsed in the face of this momentum, and they scrambled like headless flies to the sides, screams and gunshots echoing across the campus.

Even if the soldiers in front fired warning shots, the students were like the defeated soldiers of ancient times who faced the enemy without a fight.

“Draw it away! Don’t let him rush over!!! “The lieutenant took the lead and ran towards the square on the right, his open right hand swung suddenly, and a cloud of ice arrows hit the monster’s uneven legs directly…

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