First blood!

Jiang Feng didn’t have any expression on the surface, but he was very excited in his heart, this was the first time to kill a monster.

However, seeing the blood flowing out of the ground, as well as the stump of those soldiers, a spit rolled in his stomach, fortunately, the excitement finally overcame it, otherwise his image as a master at the moment would be destroyed in an instant.

And he didn’t dare to vomit, because the wormhole in the middle of the square had not disappeared, and if his vigilance disappeared, the monster that rushed out might swallow him in one bite.


When the monster on the ground was completely dead, the wormhole rotated more and more slowly and dissipated into the air at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This? Jiang Feng was shocked in his heart, could it be that this wormhole still had wisdom transferred?

Dingtone: Temporary quest to kill monster bosses coming out of wormholes is completed, mission rewards expand the number of group management to 2, hint: the maximum number of group management in the same world is 1.

“This is a temporary wormhole, only a few monsters can be spit out, and now the crisis is lifted.” The lieutenant’s voice reached Jiang Feng’s ears, and I don’t know when he was already standing beside him.

“And… Temporary one… Say…” Jiang Feng seemed to be holding back something when he spoke, a little intermittently.

The lieutenant’s resolute face showed a very old-fashioned smile, as if someone who had never smiled forced a smile, he already knew why the other party was like this, and it was already very good that a student who had never been to the battlefield could remain like this: “Do you think there are really only those five wormholes in the country?”

The temporary ones were not reported at all, otherwise the ordinary people would have collapsed long ago, but you don’t blame the state, sometimes human nature is more terrible than disaster, and now the country has withdrawn and shrunk the rural population little by little. ”

Jiang Feng nodded, just now he had seen the scene of the collapse of the students, the monster may kill hundreds of people to the sky, but once trampled on a large scale, the death toll may be more than several times.

In the distance, order was restored again.

The surviving soldiers looked sad at the broken limbs and arms on the ground, they were still living teammates ten minutes ago, but when they saw Jiang Feng, their eyes became reverent.

It was him, this man who saved their group.

The disappearance of the wormhole, the death of the monster, the students who had calmed down looked at Jiang Feng one by one, if the eyes could be pregnant, the girls would let someone understand what it was to rest until death.

That obviously a somewhat thin body burst out with such a powerful strength, as if it was a magnet attracting the attention of the female.

“This classmate is really handsome, which class is he in?”

“It’s our class, hmph, what do you want to do!”

“Oh, what’s your name?”

“You can’t just ask me and say, I’m not such a casual person, but what is his name…”


In college, the girls naturally understand what kind of man is worth relying on, and the golden turtle son-in-law who killed the monster in front of him in an instant is afraid that he will have no chance if he does not fish at this moment.

Ji Feng, who had just tried to pull Jiang Feng away, gave a thumbs up with both hands, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Outside the school, the whistling of police cars was getting closer and closer, and even a very orderly running overshadowed the noise of the students, and the army finally arrived.

Hearing this, the lieutenant’s face changed slightly: “By the way, what is your name classmate?” My name is Junyi. ”

“My name is Jiang Feng.” Jiang Feng didn’t understand why the other party’s face became a little anxious.

“The moon is falling and the sky is full of frost, Jiang Feng’s fishing fire is sleeping, good name.” Jun Yi nodded, and then his words changed to reveal his true intentions: “Are the classmates interested in joining our troops?” As long as you join our army, all monster meat is provided to you in unlimited priority, and you can receive a salary of 100,000 a month, and if you can meet any requirements, the army will also give you a wedding match. ”


Jiang Feng was shocked, the state still covers marriage?

Old group leader, I’m sorry, borrowed your daughter to use it, Jun Yi was slightly embarrassed in his heart.

Now the space mover is a fragrant bun, the opponent’s combat effectiveness shows his value, and with him, the casualty rate of ordinary soldiers is reduced by at least ninety percent!

If such a number one person stays by his side on the mission, which of ordinary soldiers and officers will not be happy.

They are soldiers, and sometimes they must block monsters with their bodies like the Great Wall, but they are also human beings, and they will also have family and friends, and they do not want to sacrifice in vain if they really do not die.

However, there are many armies in the army, there are many divisions in each army, and there are regiments under the divisions, and the competition in each regiment is so fierce, Junyi, as one of them, naturally hopes that the other party can join his regiment.

Jiang Feng shook his head: “Sorry, I want to stay with my parents for the time being.” ”

“This…” Jun Yi wanted to say more, but when he saw the firmness on the other party’s face, he swallowed back the prepared words.

In the field of vision, rows of soldiers rushed into the square with guns raised, and the officers wearing the rank of captain rushed straight over.

Hey, there was no chance, Jun Yi had to add: “It’s okay, if you think about it when you think about it, let me know, our group is a wedding match, the daughter of the old group leader, the thief water spirit.” ”

“…”Jiang Feng.

Is this captain a serious person? He had a big question mark in his mind.


Phew, walking out of the principal’s office, Jiang Feng, who was relieved, wiped the hot sweat on his head.

Just made it clear to several officers that he only wanted to stay with his parents for the time being, and the former forced him to stuff a few cards, and Jun Yi’s face on the side was already dark.

However, as a natural awakener, it is inevitable to register, and finally leave a space on your personal information before leaving.

“You kid can!” Ji Feng came out from around the corner and punched him in the shoulder.

“It just so happens.” Jiang Feng laughed, the other party had just pulled himself to run when the monster rushed over, and he could really see the truth at this critical moment.

“Hahaha, Shui Feng will cover me in the future, you don’t know, just now I went back to the classroom, the little lady skin was devoted to me, but in the end it was just your contact information, labor and management are so easy to buy.” Ji Feng pouted, very unhappy.

“Come on, you, the one who even rejects flowers, are still jealous.” Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone and prepared to call home to report safety.


It was not that he didn’t want to keep safe as soon as he came to class, but the officers said that there was only one case in the city, and other places were safe.

That’s why reporting safety has been put on until now.

When the phone screen lit up, Dididi’s missed calls and unread messages vibrated for a full minute before stopping.


500 unread messages!

More than a hundred missed calls!

“Brother Dei, that’s what you said is not so easy to buy?” Jiang Feng clenched his fists.

“Easy I refused.” Ji Feng’s voice was a little weak.

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