"What is your height and weight?"

"Hmm... I remember that my height is 183, my weight, I don't know very well, I don't care much about this..."

Li Mingxuan put the braised prawns in his hand in front of Shu Qingyan, took off the apron on his waist, four dishes and one soup, fragrant, now wait for Shu Qingyan to move the chopsticks first...

"I care, I need to know your weight, shoulder width, chest circumference and other basic information, you wait..."

Shu Qingyan walked into the room and walked out with a pink scale...

"Go up and weigh how much meat you have..."Li

Mingxuan took off his shoes and walked on the scale, 112 pounds!

Shu Qingyan's eyes widened in shock, good guy, I know that he is thin, I didn't expect him to be so thin, more than one meter tall, this weight is really a bit unrealistic, he is even lighter than himself, which makes Shu Qingyan, who has been losing weight, really have no face...

"You're too thin, eat more meat, you're still quite handsome, and it would be better if you could get fatter."

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, but I'm a little fatter than a few days ago..."

Li Mingxuan is a little embarrassed, because he has eaten meat dishes in the past few days, and he has three meals a day, so he is currently in the period of weight gain...

"Let's eat first, eat more meat, it's better to eat a fat man in one bite!"

"You first...

"There are quite a lot of rules, I'm not much older than you, I'm only twenty-two, brother..."

Shu Qingyan has felt many times that this man is too pedantic, chewing slowly when eating, waiting for the master to move the chopsticks first, wouldn't it be good to be normal, but he has that kind of scholarly temperament on his body...

"You are a few years older than me, and you are also an elder and master, I don't know how to be particularly meticulous about the rules, these are just ordinary rules, I must abide by them."

Looking at Li Mingxuan's serious appearance, Shu Qingyan just shrugged her shoulders and didn't discuss this issue again.

"What time do we leave tomorrow?"

"Eight o'clock, you can sleep a little longer, don't worry, you're just a tool man!"

Li Mingxuan nodded and stopped talking, who let himself take advantage of others' hands, tool people are tool people, how can there be tool people who are as comfortable as themselves?

The two didn't communicate much, each ate their own food, although they were at the same table, both of them were the kind of physique that didn't talk much, until two pairs of chopsticks caught the same prawn....

Both of them were stunned....

Shu Qingyan raised her head, the corners of her mouth were already full of oil stains, and she turned into a little flower cat, blinking her big eyes in confusion....

Li Mingxuan laughed awkwardly, he took the initiative to give up control of the prawns...

"You eat, I've eaten enough, to be honest, you kid should really be a chef, he has a future, and he can still eat in the back kitchen."

"It's better for you to eat, after all, you always eat snacks, and you always have to eat more vegetables to offset the harm of snacks."

So why do you write those post-it notes every day? Is it to show off your beautiful words or is there some other purpose?

Shu Qingyan suddenly remembered the few post-it notes in her room, she has now become a little collector, the pink, green, blue and yellow post-it notes are like rainbows, it is hard to be sure if this kid is deliberately so warm-hearted, and then has another picture....

"Didn't you say you couldn't cook, and then I'm afraid you won't use those kitchen utensils in the kitchen, if it's hot, it's not good if it's hurt, I'm just reminding you every day, because I'm all done with these things, and you don't have to go so much trouble to move pots and pans, the kitchen is full of sharp weapons, and my injuries are scratched by fish bones, and I'm not a pervert!"

Li Mingxuan picked up the fruit knife on the table and divided the prawns in two, sandwiched the meaty half to Shu Qingyan, and put the shrimp head in his mouth and smacked, which is fair, and he won't fight around....

Shu Qingyan: "(. ò ∀ ó。 \(◎o◎)/(//∇//) (눈_눈)\(〇_o)/ Is this bastard teasing me, hey! Crazy, right?

Shu Qingyan sent out all kinds of emojis in her heart, and her heart, which had been sealed for many years, suddenly accelerated its beating, who could withstand this sudden flirtation?

This guy is like a veteran, he is like this, and his face has not changed, but he is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, but now he is given by a yellow-haired child....

Li Mingxuan only felt strange, because this woman who didn't eat rice actually covered her face with a bowl at the moment and kept pulling rice...

My face is still so red....

"Why don't you eat vegetables?"

Li Mingxuan sandwiched a piece of beef and put it in the woman's bowl.

"I'm full, you eat slowly!"

Shu Qingyan threw away the dishes and chopsticks, took quick small steps, and kept muttering "Help!" Help me! Help me! "Rush into the room as fast as you can....

Li Mingxuan looked confused, what's the situation? What's wrong with this woman?

Forget it, whatever, it's a pity that so many dishes are wasted, let's eat!

Shu Qingyan in the room kept taking deep breaths until she calmed down after a minute, which may be the slowest time she

calmed down... What's going on? I haven't had that feeling for a long time, a table full of food, and a thrifty Li Mingxuan, this is like a feeling of home, and the man in front of him is so warm-hearted, he doesn't know anything when he looks like him, but the details are no worse than any man...

Thinking about it, I haven't had a throbbing in my heart for so many men who have pursued me before, but what kind of feeling was that just now?

Men are fierce beasts, but they are staunch celibates!


Brush the dishes, throw the garbage bag at the door into the trash can downstairs, take a shower, and when everything is done, follow the habit of memorizing English words for an hour...

After that, in the friend group of several people, he posted a "Sorry everyone, I may be late on Sunday (. ò ∀ ó。

"Brother Xuan, what's the matter, is Chen Hua embarrassed you?"

Wang Qiang immediately replied in seconds, he was very unhappy about today's review, he just wanted to take Brother Xuan out on Sunday to be happy, if this was the case, then he would not be very happy...

"No, no, it's just that I have a cold these days, it's quite serious, I want to rest more..."

"No, no, I'll just take a little more rest, it's okay squad leader, you play first, I'll definitely catch up with you after a while, maybe you will find me in unexpected places, hehe~"

Li Mingxuan smiled at his aunt while typing, his plan is clear, even if he can't get the ranking, it doesn't matter, after all, he can show his face on such a big stage, although he is afraid of society, but maybe he can make himself brilliant!

"Love doesn't go, who still begs you, what a troublemaker!"

An Shiya sent a contemptuous emoji, worthy of being a rude lady, maybe in her eyes, only Yang Wei would make her calm.

"Yes, but Xuanzi, this opportunity is rare, you must take advantage of it, I heard that there are a lot of beauties on the scene!"

An Zhenhao and Wang Qiang posted an obscene emoji, and as expected, they were bombarded by An Shiya.

"Sure enough, the men are all bed bugs!"

"Then your little Weiwei is too?"

"Except for Xiao Weiwei, men don't have a good thing, you two are not allowed to talk about Xiao Wei anymore!"

The group became lively, gossiping about all kinds of noisy fights, Wang Qiang and An Zhenhao's double-cheap combination, the two big men were crazy about An Shiya, and the squad leader was a peacemaker on the side.

Li Mingxuan didn't know what to post, so he could only watch these chats with a smile, which was a pleasant enjoyment....

Yang Wei is also in the group, but he has been silent, I guess he is working again now, hurry up and take the college entrance examination, so that he can go to the university to do what he wants to do quickly, and he doesn't have to listen to the old man's chatter...

Li Mingxuan just watched the chat content and fell asleep...


"Oops, my nose!"

The next morning, Li Mingxuan only felt that his nose was hit by something, and he was awakened instantly, it turned out to be a mobile phone, and he actually fell asleep like this with his mobile phone last night....

The mobile phone has long been out of power and turned off, only to find that there is so much information about Aite in the group...

But Li Mingxuan fell asleep and forgot to reply, so the last few people all gave him a try, except for Zhang Kexin, several others and even Yang Wei raised their middle fingers at Li Mingxuan in unison....

This bunch of guys, oops, haha...

Originally, he was supposed to get up at eight o'clock, but his biological clock didn't allow it, and laziness was a sin, so he still came to the kitchen and started making breakfast...

Today I am going to make preserved egg and lean pork porridge, plus the beef filling that I woke up last night, and I am going to make a few beef buns with noodles...

Noodles are a technical job, but also a physical work, when I used to be a chef in a hotel, noodles were not my strength, but today I have enough time, I can try to exercise...

Ten minutes later, Li Mingxuan was sweating profusely, and his face was finally reconciled, and the shouts of the buns sold downstairs came and went, Li Mingxuan was very proud, he did it himself, and he made it himself definitely better than the one he sold!

There are just six buns, one person, if she doesn't have enough to eat, then she will share another one with her...

Half an hour later....

The aroma of beef has overflowed the whole room, Li Mingxuan is very satisfied with his results, if it weren't for his desire to use knowledge to open up a new world in the future, maybe he would really choose to become a chef...

Li Mingxuan opened the curtains of the balcony, still habitually looking at the rising sun with hope, and picked up the shower to water the green plants on the balcony.

If you can live such a life when you are old, it is really pleasant, take a walk, carry a birdcage, yo-yo dog, my mother, even the gods shake their heads!


Li Mingxuan heard the sound of the door opening, and knew that the woman was up, so he didn't look back.

"Wash your face, brush your teeth, and get ready to eat my beef buns! Guaranteed to let you eat one and think two, eat two and think threeWell, you can also eat four, but the remaining two will be left to me, haha, because I won't be full. "

I only heard the familiar sound of "quack" footsteps....


A scream shocked Li Mingxuan's heart, and he quickly turned around and rushed into the kitchen...


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