Two days later, Sang Huai found Li Xin.

"My lord, the maid you asked to check does have some problems.

Without waiting for Li Xin to speak, she continued: "The maid's name is Ruxiang, and it was only found out that she became the other party's personal maid a year before Zhao Qiu stepped down, and all her previous experiences were a mystery. "

Then have they been doing anything lately?" Sang

Huai shook his head.


Li Xinmo rubbed his chin and thought about how to make the old fox show his tail.

"There is!"

he called Sang Huai to his ear, "Let's do this, and then ...... like that

" After listening to his idea, Sang Huai hesitated: "My lord, is this really okay

?" "What's there? Isn't it just sacrificing me at most?"

Sang Huai was still not at ease, after all, Li Xin's plan was too risky.

"Then do you want to inform Your Majesty?" Li

Xin thought for a moment and shook his head.

"No, Your Majesty is pregnant now, let her raise the baby with peace of mind, as long as we bring enough manpower, it shouldn't be a big problem." "


That night, Shang Liyue, who had been busy all day, returned to the dormitory.

Unlike in the past, Li Xin was not in the room tonight.

She summoned the palace maid, "Where is Mrs. Li?" "

Back to Your Majesty, Lord Wang Fu and Escort Sang have gone out, and they haven't come back yet." "

Went out

?" "Where did you go?" Shang Liyue was curious and hurriedly asked.

The lord didn't say, and the slave didn't dare to ask. The palace maid lowered her head and replied.

"Got it, step down.

Shang Liyue thought that with Sang Huai following, nothing should happen in Shangwang City, so she changed her clothes and lay on the bed.

But the eyelids kept jumping.


On the other side, Li Xin and a group of guards have been shopping and eating on the street since the afternoon.

The leading guard glanced at the sky, leaned over and whispered, "My lord, if you don't go back, Your Majesty may be worried."

"Oh, boring people, don't you get bored in the palace every day? Li Xin picked up the wine bag and took a sip, and said angrily.

Seeing that the other party couldn't make sense, he closed his mouth in amusement, motioned to the other guards with his eyes, and observed the surrounding situation carefully.

It's just that the leading guard can't figure it out, usually it is the Sang guard who accompanies Wang Fu, why don't you see the other party's figure today?

But he didn't think much about it, now protecting Wang Fu's safety is the first priority.

After drinking wine all afternoon, Li Xin looked a little shaky.

He came downstairs to a restaurant and smelled the smell of food wafting from inside.

"The food in this restaurant is very much in line with my appetite, so go in and try it. With

that, Li Xin raised his feet to step inside.

At this point, the "unexpected" happens.

A man in a night suit came out of nowhere, holding a long sword and suddenly slashing at Li Xin.

With such a sudden attack, Rao is leading guard, who had always been vigilant, was stunned for a moment.

"There's an Assassin!" he

reacted, yelling.

But it's too late to stop it.

The moonlight hit the sword's body, reflecting an icy cold glow, which was less than half a meter away from Li Xin.

An imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of the latter's mouth, and then he leaned slightly and aimed his shoulder at the tip of the sword.

There was a "poof" sound, and blood splattered everywhere.

When the man in black saw that he didn't succeed in a single blow, he drew his sword and ran, so fast that these little Karami guards couldn't catch up at all.

", it hurts.

Li Xin watched him lose almost 800 health, gritted his teeth and almost shed tears.

"My lord, are you alright?" the leading guard hurriedly came over and asked.

"Do you think I'm okay?" "

Yes!" "Yes!"

In this way, the man in black ran in front, and Li Xin and several guards chased behind.

However, the leading guard felt a little strange, and the man in black seemed to be deliberately keeping a distance from them.

If they are slower, the men in black will be slower.

They hurried, and the other party hurried to speed up.

"My lord, I can't chase it anymore, I'm afraid there will be fraud ahead. The

lead guard realized this and hurriedly spoke up to suggest.

Li Xin: ???

why are you so smart

with your little head?" "If you dare to assassinate me, you have to cut him with a thousand knives!" Li Xin didn't listen, and his speed was a little faster.

Seeing this, the leading guard could only continue to chase.

After a while, the man in black in front of him suddenly exerted force under his feet, soared into the air in front of a mansion, and jumped directly over the wall and rushed in.

Li Xin arrived with the crowd and ordered the guards to kick the gate open.

The leading guard glanced at the plaque of this mansion, and the word "Zhao Mansion" was written impressively.

This, this is the old city lord of Cloud City, Zhao Qiu's home?

Immediately spoke out to stop it: "My lord, don't do it, this is the mansion of the old city lord Zhao!" "Don't

let your uncle, kick it away for Lao Tzu!"

When the leading guard heard this, he was holding back the fire in his heart, no matter how he looked at this prince, he was a straw bag.

But he didn't dare to resist, so he had to honestly kick the door open.

The sound alarmed Zhao Qiu and Ruxiang, and they hurriedly came out to check, and saw Li Xin bleeding from his shoulder at a glance.

"My lord, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Qiu frowned and stepped forward to inquire.

"What's the matter? Lao Tzu was attacked by someone on the street, and the assassin entered your yard!"

Zhao Qiu: What is it? Sneak attack

? Assassin

? My yard? Zhao Qiu's

face was full of question marks, "My lord, could you be mistaken, how could there be an assassin in the old family?"


also wanted to defend himself, but Li Xin scolded: "Fart, you want to say that I am blind?" I'm not the only one who sees it, I've seen it all!"

the former looked at the lead guard on the side.

The latter just nodded faintly, holding the long sword in his hand to protect Li Xin.

It's ......

Zhao Qiu didn't know how to answer, and Li Xin took the opportunity to add another fire.

"What, you mean I stabbed myself myself?"

Zhao Qiu immediately bent down, "My lord forgives me, I don't mean that."

Li Xin didn't give the other party the slightest face, and stretched out his hand to signal to a few guards Xiao Karami.

"Search for me, find the assassins. "

Yes!" the

little Karamis did not dare to slack off, and rushed into the house to search.

No matter how stupid Zhao Qiu was, he also understood that this was Li Xin's plan against himself.

Otherwise, a royal husband

was not in the palace in the middle of the night, and was assassinated on the street? Coincidentally, the assassin was still hiding in his mansion?

But he did not panic at all.

With the experience of Shang Han (the imperial uncle who died at the beginning) that was stupid, Zhao Qiu had already transferred some things that could not be seen by people.

Even if they turn it upside down, it will be difficult to find any evidence.

Looking at the other party's calm appearance, Li Xin sneered.


? What do you think I'm asking someone to search your ledger?

Not surprisingly, several guards didn't even find a single mouse in the mansion, let alone the man in black.

Listening to the report of the guards, Zhao Qiu saluted respectfully and said, "My lord, you see that there are indeed no assassins in this house, will it be ......"

He did not continue, preventing Li Xin from scolding him again.


Li Xin raised his eyebrows and pointed angrily at Ruxiang.

"I saw it, that assassin is a woman, you are very suspicious, come with us!" Zhao

Qiu was not yet excited, and the leading guards wondered first.


? The man in black just now was dressed in black, and the surroundings were so dark, how did this adult see the female assassin?

Zhao Qiu was not happy on the spot, and Rue Xiang was even more surprised.

What kind of brain circuit is this drunkard?

"My lord, could there be some misunderstanding here

?" "Yes, my lord, how could a slave and maid be unarmed, how could he stab you?"

The master and servant talked back and forth, and Rue Xiang was full of grievances.

Unexpectedly, Li Xin's attitude was very tough.

"Is it a misunderstanding, let's interrogate and take it away!"

he didn't believe it, today he didn't believe it, he couldn't take this old fox with a bitter meat plan out of nothing.

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