"Another car crashed," Lin Feng said to himself.

Their building is not very good in feng shui, and often cars drive inexplicably and crash.

Even more bizarre, the driver couldn't open the door to escape from inside.

In their words, it was as if the car door had been welded.

After being rescued, some will roar in panic.

"This is not a car to go to kindergarten, let me out"

Lin Feng has lived here for many years, and this kind of thing happens almost once or twice a month.

It's been a long time coming. He vaguely guessed that there should be a welding ghost secretly doing it.


Lin Feng's current work is also very simple, relying on online codewords for a living.

Even if you look handsome, it's useless, after all, you can't eat by your face, and there is a sister at home to raise....

Although the school exempted all tuition and fees, there were still some living expenses that he had to afford.

It's a pity that others have little interest in the novels he wrote.

He just used his memory to roughly rewrite the God of War text he had read.

However, the writing is a little bad, often writing and forgetting the plot behind, so I have no choice but to eunuch...

A few days ago, I just wrote a book about the wife of the god of war carrying pigs to pay off debts.

Just at the beginning, he was directly warned seriously by the old editor Huataiwolf.

Say that writing such an article again insults the God of War and assigns him a title.

Only a loyal reader named Wolf Annihilation often interacts with him and gives him crazy brushes to generate electricity for love.

Over the years, relying on the power generation and the meager attendance award, he can barely get by.

However, the two have known each other for four years, and he has not seen a photo of this person, nor does he know what it looks like.

However, this person speaks boldly, and I think he is also a big man.

Lying in the bathtub

, Lin Feng looked at the operation interfaces that appeared out of thin air.

There are also various property panel introductions.

"System, what does that green experience bar mean?" asked Lin Feng as he pointed and asked.

"Host, this is to descend demons and remove demons to obtain experience points, after removing demons and demons, you can get corresponding experience rewards and hunting points, and have the opportunity to burst various items.

Elixirs, magic weapons, spiritual liquids... zhencao can all be

" "Wait, you said chastity can also burst? Isn't it a little disgusting? "

Lin Feng is a little dumb, this explosive thing is a little unorthodox."

"Slip of the tongue, it's real money! The previous host hung up a little suddenly, and I was using the previous language version," the system explains.

Doing their job is also risky, and there are not a few hosts who die.

Some people read a few invincible texts, and they thought that having a system is invincible, and there are not a few who have been cut by villains as vegetables.

"Uh, the last host hung suddenly? Can you tell me about it?

When Lin Feng heard this, he was first shocked in his heart, and quickly asked.

Lessons from the past, he still wants to learn more about.

"His story is old-fashioned, drugged by his fiancée and betrayed by his best brother. In a desperate situation, the system activation conditions are just met.

After activating the system, it is natural to defeat the two easily.

Originally, as long as he killed these two people, the future life would be smooth.

Unexpectedly, the Virgin suddenly got up and wanted to release these two people, and also to fulfill these two people generously.

Unexpectedly, the two took advantage of his unpreparedness and pierced him with a sword through his heart"

The system is also sighing, why is the Holy Mother up, I don't know if readers hate this the most.

This kind of death really does not blame others.

"So that's the case, it seems that I can't be involved by women in the future," Lin Feng said.

"Then don't you have to have a woman first?" A sentence popped up in the system.

Lin Feng looked at his left hand and fell silent.

After a long time.

"Then I'd better tell you about ability first, right?"

The system saw that Lin Feng was silent and seemed to accidentally poke the pain point of adults.

"Regarding the release skill Ghost Dao Art

, the higher the proficiency, the greater the power..." "After the host level is reached, you can also open the system store, and there are various items in the store.

But you all need the corresponding hunting points to obtain..." There

are only two channels to obtain hunting points: one is to kill monsters, and the other is to open the exchange of money in the later stage to exchange hunting value.

However, the exchange rate was somewhat amazing, not something he could imagine now.

Lin Feng listened to the introduction of the system and kept thinking.

The original body was born to be able to see ghosts and monsters with the naked eye, and he naturally saw many strange tragic scenes of big demons eating humans alive in his memory.

He had also seen the methods of the powerful against ghosts and evil spirits.

Those scenes are unforgettable!

"Dingding: Newbie Mission Released.

Hunt an ordinary ghost and reward a prize draw.

To help the host identify effectively.

During the novice period

, the auxiliary function is specially enabled, and all encounters with ghosts will automatically prompt the level and weakness. For Psychic Cultivators, they can actively check their level three times a day.

"It's really intimate" Lin Feng praised, as a newcomer, he really didn't know how to distinguish those ghost levels.

Only those mysterious organizations have special identification instruments.

Now the number of people awakened by supernatural abilities is gradually increasing.

There are often videos circulating.

A few days ago, the hottest video on the Internet was a man wearing a straw hat, whose whole body could stretch for tens of meters.

Challenge a variety of difficult body movements.

Unfortunately, the video was hastily removed after only an hour of its release.

Finally, there is an official claim that this is a promotional special effects video of a movie.

It's just that after seeing this kind of scene a lot.

Many people have already acquiesced to the existence of superpowers, and it doesn't matter whether the official admits it or not.

"Instantaneous Technique"

Lin Feng's heart moved, and he carefully looked at the casting technique.

Just put the special mark in the corresponding place.

You can perform this technique and perform space jumps at any time.

Move to the marked place.

It's just that now it's LV1, and the space movement distance is only 1,000 meters.

There are only five places that can be marked.

"Oni Dojutsu LV1"

can perform different spells just by chanting. Call for wind and rain, drive lightning and electricity, bind traps, etc.

Blurring Art LV1: Generates a skeleton mask, outsiders cannot detect the identity, and increases the full attribute bonus by 20%.

However, performing these techniques requires special spiritual support.

With Lin Feng's current body spiritual power reserves, he could only use it a few times, and his spiritual power would be exhausted.

If you want to increase the number of uses, you have to keep upgrading.

"Brother, are you taking a bath?" Just when Lin Feng was still soaking in the bathtub and thinking, Gu Qianshian's voice came from outside the door.

"Hmm," Lin Feng replied.

"Brother, my classmate mailed me some new herbs and two male eggs. Say that this thing works well when used together

" "Good" Lin Feng responded in the bathroom.

All kinds of strange things about this girl are taking them to his house and trying them for him.

Lin Feng was also thinking about how to tell the shallow about this.

The system and this kind of thing, he couldn't explain it to Gu shallowly.

But she still has to think about telling this girl, otherwise she will have to get herbs at home.

He slowly propped himself up on the wall of the bathtub and got up from the tub.

Leg strength is restored

The effect of that pill is indeed very good, but there is still a process of recovery.

He also has to apply it a little longer.


"Brother, what's wrong with your face??" Gu Qiansha saw Lin Feng who was blowing his hair.

That familiar face seems to look a lot better.

"What's wrong with my face?" Lin Feng looked in the mirror.

"Hey, it's so handsome!"

"Positive attribute improvement, appearance is also counted?" Lin Feng was also stunned

: "Host, of course, the appearance is positive, as a qualified traverser."

The system will give away this buff. Have you ever seen a crosser who is ugly? The system said.

"By the way, your length and size have also increased by 20%," the system threw out another sentence.

"What? I'm so long, you give me back. Do you want me to do it in one step? No space? Lin Feng was suddenly dumbfounded.

No wonder it sank a little.

However, you can't let the system change it back for him....

Just shallow and fine, he looked at Lin Feng and looked at him curiously.

But just take a courier effort, how can her brother seem to have changed as a person.

This face can be eaten. She licked her lips as she watched... It seems to be recalling something.


During the meal

, he told Lin Feng some interesting stories about what happened at school.

"Brother, you know what? I have a classmate who can make a fire in his hand," Asa suddenly whispered.

"At that time, in the classroom, many people saw a purple flame suddenly rise from his hand.

Do you say that he will be a supernatural awakener?"

"It should be," Lin Feng said vaguely.

"However, he didn't come to school the next day, and I heard that he was admitted to Didu University in advance, so I really envy it"

Speaking of Didu University, Gu Qiansha looked longing.

As a student, he was instilled by his teacher from a young age with the dream of imperial capital university.

"Brother, this grilled sausage is so delicious, you can taste it," he said and gave Lin Feng a shallow clip.

The relationship between non-brothers and sisters is always unpretentious


At the moment

, it is on the upper floor of a unit next to the Lin Feng community.

A bald man was sitting on the balcony on the top floor.

Looking downstairs is preparing to take a leap.

Downstairs stood full of people watching the lively melon-eating masses

, and there were voices of persuasion below.

"Brother upstairs, don't think about it, think about your beautiful

daughter-in-law" "My daughter-in-law ran away with someone

" "Think of your brother" The people below then persuaded

"It's with my brother" The man then cried.

"Think of your

child" "The child is theirs..." The bald head cried even worse.

"Bro, jump, it's not interesting. "The

people downstairs couldn't be persuaded..."

It's a human tragedy.

Just as he was about to jump down.

Suddenly, a chain wrapped around behind him and hooked him back.

"Wang Dali, Yang Shou eighty.

You shouldn't have died sooner, if you jump today.

In this life, I will only lie in bed until I die,"

suddenly a cold voice sounded in his ears.

Wang Dali looked around, but he didn't see anyone.

Only the sound of chains can be heard.

"Your eighteenth generation ancestor and I have grace, and I happened to save your life today. Since then, the kindness has been clear.

You still have great luck in the future, live well,"

the voice faded away.

Wang Dali was terrified in his heart, who is this?

It's just that now he no longer dares to seek death....

Since this man said that he still had great luck....

"Will my old king finally have a counterattack day"

(There are some anime elements in this book, mainly reflected in equipment skills.) )

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