"It's a few more high-grade pills, it's not interesting,"

Lin Feng said to himself casually as he picked up a few dropped pills.

Looking at the prompts of the system again, Geng Ghost hunted 160 animals.

The weapon in his hand transformed into a monarch's scythe, and occasionally the long knife was enough.

I also want to change my look and play.

"There are more and more cameras, it seems that many people are still paying attention to me..."

Lin Feng said to himself.

Just now, the system gave him a brief explanation, and he also had a preparation in his heart.

But I didn't care too much, and now my strength is steadily improving.

He is not as afraid as before, not to mention that he still has a lot of means.

It really annoyed him, so he killed him.

What about the monks, what about the high-level superpowers.

He insisted that people do not offend me, and I do not offend.

If Nan Mo can't tolerate him, he will just stay in a country with many ghosts.

After his strength is improved one step further, he plans to enter the Corpse Soul Realm to kill the void and upgrade.

Anyway, as long as the true identity is not exposed, those people will not be able to find trouble with the shallow and Ye family.

He also has nothing to worry about.

A red ghoul suddenly sprang out of a building.

Lin Feng directly grasped the chain of the handle and threw the scythe forward.

When you get close to the ghoul, pull it backhanded, and the blade will directly cut off the ghoul's head.

Turn into a little firefly and disappear into the void.


Lin Feng saw an emerald green fruit appear where the ghoul disappeared.


" "Ox and cow fruit, can be transformed into a righteous minotaur, master the power of reckless ox", "

Isn't it good for you to burst a wooden dun fruit for me..." Lin Feng sighed helplessly.

The price of this garbage cattle fruit is only 5,000 in the mall

He had no use for it, so he threw it into the storage ring as a collectible.

He went to the mansion again, and there was still nothing worth chopping.


National Security Division Foursome

"Ghost killers can also explode things?" What the hell is going on here?? The

foursome froze as they watched the latest video coming back.

This is completely beyond their imagination and completely cannot be explained by what is known.

"Killing ghosts can become stronger, and there is a probability of getting things after killing.

So much of his stuff is clear," said the man with blue glasses.

Although he was also shocked, he quickly calmed down.

They had always suspected that Lin Feng had obtained some special secret realm treasures alone, so they could constantly update their equipment.

"Interesting, really interesting..... There must be something special in him..." These

amazing news were quickly sorted out and sent to the Imperial Capital Data Research Center.

The next day,

after discussing a series of major events at home and abroad, someone finally submitted Lin Feng's latest information.

These seven are all well-informed people, after seeing Lin Feng killing ghosts.

You can also pick up elixirs, and after an emerald green fruit.

Also full of shock....

This completely subverts common sense....

"In the past, when we got something, we searched for it in secret places. Only he can directly obtain it from ghosts

" "Could it be that he is related to these secret realms?" Chen Ping said slowly.

"This person has too many secrets, and he must control it," Bai Qi said.

"I think it's better to win over the main thing first, otherwise once you provoke this person, I am afraid that it will cause serious consequences," Chen Ping discouraged.

He was a little cautious about this, and always felt that black flash was not simple.

"Wooing? Yanyang was tempted several times, and this person was dripping without leakage. He doesn't seem to have deep feelings for Nan Mo," Jia Xu said coldly.

"Can't wait, if he keeps killing ghosts and keeps getting stronger, once he reaches the strength of SS.

At that time, it will be even more difficult to control him! Zhou Tong also spoke.



Everyone is expressing their opinions, and Lin Feng's identity is too special.

Maybe he can also unlock the secret of Reiki revival?

The meeting went on for a long time.

In the end, no firm plan was produced.

After all, if you want to control Lin Feng, someone must be able to keep up with his space-time technique.

It is also necessary to prevent the serious consequences of provoking him.

After all, they don't know what kind of person they are under the mask.


Half a month later

, "Brother Flash, I'm coming to see you again"

Yanyang sat on a high platform, watching Lin Feng kill ghosts.

In response to her, a scythe slashed at her face.

"Bang" hit the pink shield of the hot sun.

The shield created a crack.

"Brother Justice, don't be so ruthless, people came to talk to you specifically," Yan Yang said with a smile.

However, a dagger had been taken out of his chest to guard against it.

The last time they separated, Lin Feng's blow could not break the shield.

I didn't expect it to become so strong now!

No wonder the top brass has always wanted to send someone to woo him.

"What is there to talk about, I'm only interested in catching ghosts. As long as you don't interfere with me, I haven't thought of being an enemy of the country,"

Lin Feng said calmly.

To tell the truth, he is not a psychopath.

Although his feelings for Nan Mo are not very deep, there is no deep hatred.

After all, Uncle Ye's family and Asa are still Nan Mo people.

As long as he is allowed to upgrade calmly, sooner or later he will also leave this place.

According to the traditional routine, here is just a novice upgrade point.

There will definitely be a wider map waiting for you in the future.

"Brother Justice, don't you have any relatives here? We can give you the welfare benefits of the general,"

"No," Lin Feng said coldly.

"Brother, we are sincere..." Yan Yang was not finished speaking.

Lin Feng's scythe slashed again, under the godless sword technique.

The more the woman talked, the more annoying he listened.


" and "Gong"

Yanyang turned into six pink tentacles behind him, carefully parrying and coping.

The forest wind is fast, and there are more marks around it.

After flashing a few times.

Six pink tentacles were cut off by him one by one, exuding bursts of enchantment.

Lin Feng took a deep breath.

Yan Yang's eyes flashed with a fine light.

If it is absorbed, it will lose consciousness next.

"Justice, as long as you want, it's my first time,"

Yan Yang said seductively, unfastening his corset by the way.

Reveal the perfect murder weapon, wanting to attract Lin Feng.

The value of this person is too great, and Jia Xu's explanation is to do whatever it takes.

Even if it's a body!

Although she didn't know what the figure looked like under the mask, she would never dare not listen to Jia Xu's orders.

Lin Feng took another deep breath of pink breath.

It seems to be a little intoxicated.

Yang Yan stepped forward step by step, ready to gently stroke and uncover Lin Feng's mask.

Such a close distance.

The scythe in Lin Feng's hand began to change and turned into a long blade again.


Yanyang's left arm was directly cut off.

"Get dressed, I'm not interested in your body.

Go back and tell the people behind you, don't try to probe my secrets...

Only cut off one of your arms this time, and next time you may not be so lucky,"

Lin Feng said coldly.

With or without a girl, Yanyang is just a high-level infantry soldier in her eyes.

There was no threat at all, but he was now more and more disgusted with the people behind her.

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